yi shi tian xie

Chapter 65 Explanation

The survivor frowned and looked at Tianling in surprise. In this dark place, of course, people's breathing is extremely cold, and it is difficult for zombies to find their whereabouts, but the problem is that no one can deny whether there are zombies here or not. After all, zombies are also cold.

"Zombies are also cold and hope to be cold. Don't you worry that this place is a zombie residence?" Looking at the surrounding scene, the survivor shivered abruptly.

"Don't worry! There will be no zombies here. Tianling said confidently, "This is a dark place. There has been a master here for a long time. Those zombies absolutely dare not come here."

"Oh?" The surviving man said in surprise, "Are there places where zombies dare not go?"

"Of course~!" Tianling explained, "There are many strange things in this world, such as ordinary questions. Do you know that after a person's death, his consciousness died or where did he go?"

The survivor did not answer, but frowned. There are no ghosts in the world. Of course, they don't know these.

But Tianling is different. After all, he has seen many ghost films. Originally, he didn't believe that there were ghosts in the world, but the world is different, because he had been ghosts before.

"Then I tell you, in fact, people do not disappear after death, but continue to live in this world, but human eyes can't see it, and this explanation is called the soul, and if you want to see this soul that has died once, you can only see it by chance. Therefore, the death of a man is not a real death, but a dead body, and his consciousness still lives in the world. Tianling smiled and said, "Do you understand?"

The survivor just shakes his head.

"Forget it, I knew you didn't understand. Why don't you watch a good show tonight!" Tianling shook his head with a wry smile. According to the Maoshan Taoist priest on the earth, demons and monsters often like to live in extremely gloomy places, and in the third and a half night, some ghosts who died unjustly will come out in the middle of the night to cry to the Lord of Hell to redress their grievances.

After listening to Tianling's words, the undead people are bold. I really don't know where this guy heard this story, but it is precisely this that aroused the interest of the survivor.

Although a cold mountain is in front of him, Tianling carried the undead all the way and walked for more than half an hour. The flowers and trees around him gradually became sparse. When he approached the mountain, he found that this place could not be called a mountain at all. It should be called an earth castle, and there were no trees and flowers around it. Grass, if you want to be angry, it is a black bat in mid-air. On the edge of the earth castle piled up by soil, it is surrounded by small earth castles. Judging from the style, it is very similar to the so-called tomb on the earth.

"Cemetery?" The survivor shouted in surprise.

Tianling smiled helplessly and said, "I can't help it~! I'm afraid only this place is the safest. Didn't you say that the colder the place, the easier it is to find zombies? So I have no choice but to find it here.

Tianling did not stop immediately, but took a step forward and walked towards the huge soil bag. Before that, he observed that there was a mud cave like a cave beside the earth castle. Judging from the things inside, there must have been people living here before, and there were even some cooking utensils in it.

After walking into the simple cave kiln, the dead also observed carefully. The surrounding walls were very simple, and some places began to fall off. The ground was covered with dust and dead leaves. A simple and petite table was also covered with dust, and several wooden beds The shop is also dusty. Judging from the style, it seems that no one has lived there for a long time.

It seems very deserted because no one patronizes here. Coupled with the surrounding environment, it seems to be like a lamb living in the land of demons.

After tidying up the bed, Tianling put the survivor down at ease.

"What do you think of here?" Tianling looked at the survivor and smiled.

The survivor smiled bitterly, "Very good~!" The survivor didn't know what to say, so he had no choice but to answer this. I have to say that Tianling is bold enough to live in a cemetery for one night.

Since someone has lived here, there must be no danger to life, otherwise this small cave will not appear at all.

After getting everything around, Tianling invited Huhu to go out together. There were cooking utensils here. For example, it was dark today, and everyone was hungry. Tianling also began his dinner time.

After finishing dinner, Tianling fed the survivor and slowly ate something by himself. After everyone finished eating, the sky was completely dark, and he could faintly see the black bats floating in the cemetery, which was extremely horrible with the surrounding atmosphere.

Seeing the scene outside, Tianling just smiled and then closed the door directly. In such an extremely gloomy place, he did not worry about zombies coming at night. After all, such a place should have been occupied by ghosts, unless those zombies killed all the ghosts.

After the door was closed, Tianling also found a chair to sit down, and the tiger had climbed on the quilt of the survivors. After all, the yin here was extremely heavy, and even standing here felt very cold, as if icebergs were beside him.

"Don't you feel cold?" The survivor lay flat on **, turned his head and looked doubtfully at Tianling sitting next to him.

At this time, Tianling did not ignite the flames. After all, the flames are likely to shock the ghosts around them.

"Don't worry! It's okay." Tianling turned his head and smiled, "You go to sleep first!" I'll ask you to watch a good play in the middle of the night.

"Watch the play?" The survivor also smiled, "Do you mean ghosts?"

Tianling nodded and turned around, "After the third update, that is, when the yin qi is the heaviest, those ghosts will come out and do something they want to do. Until the fifth update, the yin qi will slowly disperse. After losing the heavy yin qi, the ghosts will return to their residence, so the ghosts can really There are only two events in a day.

"Where did you learn these? It's the first time I've heard you say that there are ghosts in the world since I was a child. The survivor smiled bitterly.

Tianling said, "You should still remember Mr. Gu He!"

"Oh?" The undead man said, "Mr. Gu He was previously hit by the wizard's witchcraft. How can he be connected with the ghost?"

"Why not! Think about it, Mr. Gu He himself said that he had been dead for nearly ten years, but the wizard imprisoned his soul and transplanted it into another body, so that it was easier to be controlled by him. The ghost is the same as the soul, but the method of placing it after death is different. The soul is stored and not affected. Any damage to the outside world can be complete, and ghosts are different. They don't have the help of any utensils and can only rely on themselves, so they can only use the heaviest time of the day to come out to move.

"Oh~!" The survivor nodded. Before, the ancient crane was just a soul, but he could appear in front of him at any time, not like the ghost in Tianling's mouth at all.

"Wo~!" As soon as the words fell, the ancient crane that had not appeared for many days suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Old Crane Elder!" The survivor and Tianling shouted at the same time.

"Haha~! Little girl, how have you been lately? The ancient crane floated to the side of the dead and took a closer look.

"The Elder Crane! I haven't seen you for so many days. Where have you been? Tianling stood up and walked to the ancient crane.

"Oh~! That's what you said~! In fact, it's nothing. I think the little girl has been poisoned, and my soul doesn't want to be idle, so I've been studying how to relieve this voodoo recently. The ancient crane touched the long beard awkwardly.

"Thank you for your heart." The surviving man looked at the ancient crane gratefully.

"Is that senior..." Tianling looked at the ancient crane in surprise.

The ancient crane shook his head with a bitter sigh, "Alas~! In those years, I was also poisoned by this kind of voodoo. When I was awake, I also did a lot of research, but I still couldn't find the answer. These days, although I have been thinking about researching every day, I still haven't made any progress, but I have found a trace of eyebrows.

"Oh~?" Tianling said in surprise, "Have you found a way to relieve this toxin?"

Gu He shook his head with a bitter smile, "I'm really ashamed~! I didn't find it, but I thought of a person who might be able to get rid of this voodoo.

"Who?" Tianling's heart trembled.

The undead also looked at the ancient crane in surprise.

"The ancient immortals who shocked the world with their medical skills 20 years ago." The ancient crane frowned.

"Ghosts and Immortals?" The survivor looked at Tianling.

"Senior, are you talking about the ghost immortal who has a strange temper, has a strange method of treating patients, and has set all kinds of strange methods?" The surviving man looked a little unhappy. She had also thought of this person before, but this person disappeared from the human continent ten years ago.

"It's him." The old crane nodded and said, "I'm just sorry! I don't know where he is now."

The survivor nodded, "Anyway, thank you for your concern."

"Oh! Senior! Let me ask you something." Tianling immediately changed the topic.

"Hmm~!" The ancient crane turned his head and nodded.

"Senior~! Can you still attack each other like ordinary people if you lose your physical soul? Tianling is also uncertain. After all, what he saw in his last life may not be the same as now.

"The soul?" Gu He smiled and said, "Do you mean to be like me?"

"Yes~!" Tianling nodded.

"I can't~!" Gu He smiled and said, "After losing the body, in fact, the soul is just a period of consciousness. The reason why you can see me is because of the energy in the energy crystal ball."

Tianling said in surprise, "So you mean I can't see you without energy?"

"Hmm~! That's it." Gu He touched his beard and said, "Why are you asking this?"

Tianling pointed outside and said, "Senior! Look."

"Cemetery?" The ancient crane looked at Tianling in surprise.

"Senior~! As far as I know, the soul can appear in front of people without any energy in the middle of the night, but at that time, it was the heaviest in the day. I don't know if the predecessors have heard of it? Tianling opened the wooden door and looked at the black and foggy cemetery at the same time as the ancient crane.

"Ky~! Where did you hear that? Guhe frowned and said, "Nothing can move without the support of energy in this world."

"Senior! That's your mistake. I can't tell you clearly now. I'll know when I see you. While talking, Tianling closed the door again.

In fact, Tianling is still worried about whether the ghosts in these cemeteries can attack people.

After all, when they come here, those zombie legions will definitely find that if the ghosts outside can't resist, then they and the survivors will be miserable, and as for their own safety, it is easy. As long as the tiger, the sacrificial tiger, is there, they will not worry about ghosts approaching.

Ghosts like cold and dark places, but tigers and tigers are the opposite of them. They are light and hot, that is, those ghosts can feel the existence of what they fear in the cave without approaching this side.

After chatting with Gu He about the soul, Tianling also gained a lot, and the survivor next to him was confused. After all, she had never heard of these things. Hearing Tianling talk about the soul, the survivor remembered his previous views. He always thought that there was no soul at all at this time. The ancient crane is just a mark left by a wizard.

However, in general, what Tianling heard from the mouth of the ancient crane is almost the same as he guessed. People do stay in the world after death, but without the help of energy, it is difficult to see in people's eyes, and those who can see are the dark mages among the magicians and ghosts from the north. Blood witch~! Not every bloody wizard is as genius as Gillip.

After chatting late at night, a light voice interrupted the conversation between Tianling and Gu He, and the survivor was still asleep at this time. However, after hearing the sound, Tianling knew that it was watching the play, and immediately woke the survivor and helped her up.

Because at this time, both zombies and ghosts have begun to move.

"Okay~! Let's watch a good show! I suspect that the sound just now was made by the zombies chasing us. Tianling carried the survivor to a chair and slowly moved it to the crack of the door so that she could see everything outside.

The survivor looked at Tianling in surprise and followed the direction he said.

As soon as he turned his head, a surprised side appeared in front of him.