yi shi tian xie

Chapter 105 Those Ancient Secrets

"The race that could compete with the earthlys at that time was not the other race, but us." The little earthworm sighed and said slowly.

"You...you? Those big earthworms outside? Tianling took a cold breath.

The little earthworm shook his head subconsciously, "Of course, it is not enough to rely on this force. What if there are thousands? For example, what about the army of ants and scorpions you met, as well as the army of earthworms you saw in the outside world, and the cannibal army flying in the sky? Although we are not that big, the quantity is endless.

"Wait~! Stop it." Tianling made a pause gesture again, "What the hell are you talking about? What ant army and scorpion army, this is not playing interstellar, and it is endless, and you still reproduce infinitely? Tianling directly glanced at the little earthworm. After listening to its words, Tianling remembered a game called StarCraft.

The little earthworm suddenly showed an earthworm-like smile, as if he had found a bosom friend, and giggled, "How do you know that I can reproduce infinitely? Do you know the secret of our Zerg?"

Tianling looked at the little earthworm with contempt and said strangely, "Shouldn't you say that you are the controller of the Zerg? As long as you have energy, you can reproduce infinitely, and your subordinates can be completely controlled by your host, right?

The little earthworm's head was slightly touched, and Tianling almost fell when he saw this action.

What and what? How is it connected with StarCraft?

"Sir, you are really good. Since you know all the secrets of my Zerg, I'll tell you~! At that time, we Zerg relied on an infinite number to fight with the Gobiums. Although they are very powerful, the number is very limited, while our Zerg are endless. Often we reproduce faster than the speed of death in war, and some other races dare not offend us at all. Only this gobman clan will worry us, otherwise the world will already be the world of my Zerg.

Tianling swallowed a mouthful and became more and more cautious about the little earthworm. "Are you really the controller of the Zerg? You... shouldn't you be in the game? Oh! No, aren't you in the universe? Why did you come here?"

The little earthworm felt very strange and was very puzzled by Tianling's words, "What are you talking about? We Zerg live in this world and have never been to the place you mentioned.

Tianling sighed and remembered that there were all the strange things in this magical world, especially recently, and even more funny, it happened to him, "Okay~! I believe that you are a Zerg and even a controller, but please go on~! I'm looking forward to the following stories. I think these statements are pirated outside.

The little earthworm shook his head and agreed. After a long time, he breathed a sigh and said, "At that time, there were four major forces in the world. The first position was occupied by the goblin, and the second position was our Zerg. As the controller of the Zerg, I was the emperor of the Zerg, and the third largest force was the elves. They are all handsome, good at archery and magic, and can soar in the sky. It can be said that the elves are relatively perfect, but they are too pedantic. They only know how to defend their homes but do not know how to attack other forces, so the third position is not too much for them. As for the fourth position, it is the orcs. The orcs are tall, powerful, and fertile, but their minds are not open to wasteland, so they are only a group of fierce men. Standing in the fourth position depends entirely on their luck. After all, the dwarves, giants, and other ethnic forces in those years were not weak.

Tianling just nodded.

The little earthworm continued: "Because of the division of these four forces, it naturally shows that our four families have the largest territory. As for those small ethnic groups, they can only fight against each other to choose those poor land, and we all chose the most fertile land. At that time, there were also you human beings in the world, but God You human beings are so unfair. You have neither a forced body nor super wisdom, nor the ability to understand the elements of heaven and earth. Among all ethnic groups, you are the most useless. No matter where you go, you are bullied, but the elves did not do this to you. You human beings are like elves. It looks similar. At that time, the elves often helped you and even divided a piece of land for your life. At that time, your ancestors naturally cried gratefully. After you had the territory of life, you human beings began to develop and respected the elves as gods, but at this time, the best of you human beings also appeared. On the other side, you human beings are very united and unite to make us sigh that we are inferior to each other. Although I was the emperor of the Zerg at that time, some other controllers who are weaker than me often like to take advantage of my time. I hope that I will die earlier, and other races are the same, including the most perfect biological goblins, while you humans No."

The little earthworm sighed, "After having your own land, what do you guess the first thing you human leaders do?"

Tianling shook his head and said nothing. Although today's human beings are more evolved and much stronger than ancient humans, the will to survive has to be admirable.

"The first thing for them is not to continue to expand their power or build war fortresses and store food like other races, but to have good relations with the surrounding races and send food. If the other party doesn't need food, they will send people to help them work. Of course, there was no intermarriage at that time, and other races also Women who will not like you human beings think that you human beings are the meanest and will not like your human women. After getting the benefits of you human beings, other races naturally maintain peace with you human beings, thinking that you human beings are only the weakest and the weakest, and there is no threat to them, and so Life without war has made you human beings spend 300 years.

"When it comes to this, there are some vicissitudes in the little earthworm's words, 300 years? How horrible it is to let a nation that knows how to tolerate and unite to support heaven for 300 years. Naturally, many things have happened in these 300 years. Many races have disappeared in it, small forces have been destroyed, large forces have gradually weakened, the number has accumulated decreased, and the energy in the world has gradually decreased. Many races are poor. Although we Zerg don't need any food, we will also die if we don't have energy. At this time, only you human beings can live freely.

The little earthworm smiled bitterly, "I remember one of my men told me that he said: The biggest enemy of our Zerg is not the gobtoe, but the weak nation in the east, human beings~! Haha~! It's ridiculous. Since I killed my men, how can the most in-skilled race in the world be my Zerg opponent?

Tianling touched his nose and laughed loudly, "Your race is like this. You are proud and complacent. You think that I am the only one in the world, and no one is afraid."

The little earthworm did not refute Tianling's words and continued: "In those years, we really didn't pay attention to you human beings. Even when we were sleepless in the last 300 years of war, we did not attack you humans, because in these 300 years, you human beings have funded our Zerg, no~! I'm wrong. You human beings have funded all races, which is the most powerful move of you human beings. When the resources of other races are poor, you humans will exchange your food and resources for the results of years of research of other races, combat experience, and what magic, fighting spirit, summons, and even Witchcraft is obtained by other races.

Tianling did not expect that in his knowledge, he only knew that the magic of the elves was very powerful, but he did not expect that these professions were from other races. When he looked at the little earthworm again, the little earthworm continued to speak.

"At that time, the elves were good at magic, which was questionable. You should also know. As for fighting spirit, you should also know that this is the specialty of the dwarves and giants, but it's a pity that you humans didn't learn half of the whole family. As for the summoning consciousness, there is no doubt that it is the orcs, which is the same for you. It's just half a bucket of water. Except for some talented people who have learned all the summons of the orcs, other people are not that I look down on them, and you can't even wipe them off, and you should know which race they come from, right?

"Witchcraft?" Tianling frowned, fixed his eyes at the little earthworm and said, "You mean spiritual attack? Is it the squire?"