yi shi tian xie

Chapter 126 Treatment

Since the short old man brought back a mysterious and cold old man, Tianling's life has been difficult. Originally, the bones of his whole body were broken and it was difficult to move. Tianling could only lie ** every day, but after the old man arrived, not to mention too much, Tianling had to insert at least hundreds of needles on his body every day, such as It's okay if it's once, but it's only once an hour.

What's more painful is that since this needle is three centimeters long?

In the first few days, the old man was still very light. After all, Tianling was seriously injured. If he was thick, it would be easy to die of pain, but after three or four days, he would not be so gentle. He picked up the needle like a transplant. The old man explained it this way. If his muscles are not active, it will be easy to be stiffened. At that time, it will be repaired. It's very difficult to refine.

Okay~! This bitter Tianling ate it hard. After all, he couldn't move at this time, but Fortunately, his body has not hurt these days, and he has recovered a little.

But the treatment of the old man behind stunned Tianling.

Since that bastard hung Tianling upside down, if he tied his feet, Tianling also admitted it. After all, he can't move now and doesn't know that his hands and feet are numb at all, but that guy can really do it. He really hangs upside down, but he has to bury Tianling's head in the water?

At this time, Tianling got a reason why he almost wanted to jump off a building. The old man said, 'Well, I think your skeleton Qijia is a good material. At most three years or five years, you must be a hero. However, you have been seriously hit hard before. The energy you couldn't use, but you are hard. The scalp has been used, so there is a reverse phagy in your body, and it is likely to reverse devour all your previous practices in the future, so in order to save you, you can only pour out those counterphagy effects. Here, I have an excellent recipe to help you.'

At that time, Tianling was grateful for tears when he heard these words~! However, when he heard the old man's back words, Tianling burst into tears.

The old man said, 'Since it is called anti-eating, it will naturally attack you in turn, so~! We will reverse the attacks back. Ha ha, it will only work for you for a while. This course of treatment will take about half a month, and it won't take long.'

Then, before Tianling could react, his body was hung upside down, and then there was a large water tank below. Unfortunately, his head just fell into the water tank.

The old man even vowed, ' Stay in the water for half an hour every time~! As for your performance later.'

After listening to this sentence, Tianling directly greeted the old man's 18 generations of ancestors, what and what~! It's just revenge.

But for the first time, Tianling was very lucky because he was unconscious after drinking too much water in the water tank.

But what a man the old man was, and Tianling woke up in a coma in less than a minute.

But when Tianling woke up, the old man smiled kindly, which was like a three-year-old Lori laughing, but in Tianling's eyes, a word appeared in his mind, a dangerous omen.

Sure enough, the old man spoke again, 'That's what he said, boy~! Well, that's great~! It's so talented. There are only two choices for others to soak in water for half an hour. The first is to be finished and the second is to become an idiot, but you are good. Since you wake up after holding on for half an hour, and your eyes seem to be very tough, okay~! In order to save time for your treatment, I have to make another plan.

As soon as he finished saying this, Tianling was happy for a moment, but as soon as his smile appeared, he immediately became deadlocked and changed to a bitter face. 'I see that you have no problem with it for half an hour. Why don't you do this? In order to save time, you stick to it for an hour each time~! Well, since you didn't answer, you agreed. As the saying goes, challenge the limit~! Ha ha.'

Okay~! Failed and completely failed. Tianling was already very shameless, but today he found out that he had just entered the pot? And the other party can really be called the old fried dough sticks in shamelessness.

There's nothing I can do. Now I can't lift my strength. If I want to kill the other party, I can't move. Tianling can only swallow it with bitter water.

However, Tianling still has happy times these days, that is, every day at night. He soaked in hot water all night, and even the water will not be cold all night. It is indescribably comfortable to lie in it. Even at night, Tianling has an illusion about his old man and feels how old man is. Cute, but it's a demon during the day.

This treatment was more painful than death, but Tianling received it for three months. Originally, the old man told Tianling that it would only take half a month, but later another reason made Tianling speechless, "Kid, you are really good~! My treatment method can kill ordinary people in three days, but since you have persisted for half a month, haha, there is a future, a future~! In this case, I can only work hard for the old man. Let's do this~! Will you try again for the second half month?

(Tianling burst into tears, I want to go home, I quit, I want to be disabled, I want a wife.)

Just three months later, the old man finally went on strike and released Tianling out of the water tank. However, in the middle of the night, he took Tianling to a valley. The valley was beautiful, surrounded by flowers and trees. During the day, you can see butterflies dancing and birds singing, and even a fairyland on earth. There is also a large green water lake.

And what's more rare is that since the old man didn't know what method to use, when Tianling came out the next day, Tianling found that he could move, and since the injury was really all healed, and I don't know how much the energy in his body had increased. Well, it was at least at nine levels, which made Tianling very happy.

Since he showed a bad smile at the old man, he even wiped his fists in his hand to teach the old man a good lesson. After all, the old man has bullied himself for a long time, and now he has to return it back well.

But the old man's action stunned Tianling. He just slapped him casually, as if to slap him in the face, and since Tianling's body flew up, threw it into the clouds, and then fell into the lake.

But fortunately, Tianling fell asleep again. When he woke up, the pain in his whole body had disappeared, but he was no longer on the shore, but in the previous lake, and what was worse was that people were floating in the lake. Since he could not move, it was like a board suspended on the water. General.

The old man was not angry with Tianling's previous performance, but said with a kind smile, 'Kid, your strength has indeed improved a lot in the days when you were treated by me. Since you didn't become meat mud under my palm, in order to help you become stronger, you have to work hard. Old man, let's do this~! There is a kind of snake in this water called water carp snake. Although it can't kill those ordinary people immediately, it can't kill those ordinary people for at least three days and nights. This ordinary person lives among demons repeatedly. Then his whole body swells and directly expands his body more than three times, and then slowly disperses the venom. I see your body So strong, it should be... Well, 100 snakes, oh, no, 300 snakes should be bitten, right~!'

After listening to the old man's words, Tianling tilted his head directly. Unfortunately, he did not fall into a coma, and then only felt that the finger-sized snake slowly swam through the pool and then gently floated on Tianling's body.

These snakes seemed to be spiritual and floated on Tianling's body. Since they didn't bite him, they just stretched out their black tongue and gently added a color to Tianling's neck. This surprised Tianling and thought, did the snake become a vegetarian?

But before Tianling was happy for a minute, the cold teeth were like the old man's acupuncture when he was treating Tianling. The head was pricked down and lifted again, and then pricked down again.

When the snakes stopped biting Tianling, it was already dark. Probably those snakes also knew to go home~!

And the poor Tianling was caught on the shore.

The old man then made a few strokes on Tianling's body, and Tianling found that he could move, but after those snakes bit tens of thousands of mouths, he had already been paralyzed. Only then did Tianling find that he had one or two small black holes in every place, dense, at least, he was not in the mood to count. He was tired. It's not that people are tired, but that their hearts are tired. If I had known this, I would rather be a waste than this old bastard to help him treat me.