yi shi tian xie

Chapter 180 The Lamb Delivered to the Door

At noon the next day, a guest came, a mysterious guest that Tianling did not know.

This guest's name is Venus. He is a male elf. From the moment Tianling saw him, he naturally found a trace of dangerous breath from him, which should be said to be a hostile breath. Obviously, this breath is not how powerful he can kill how many people he can kill, but wisdom.

This Venus is now sitting in the conference room. Tianling is facing him face. He is smiling, and Tianling is also smiling.

"Presumably, Mr. Tianxie is the famous Elf Continent. When I see him today, it's really extraordinary." From the moment Tianling appeared, Venus looked at Tianling for a while and did not break the situation until nearly three minutes later.

The corners of Tianling's mouth moved, "Haha~! Mr. Venus laughed, huh, please sit down~!"

Venus sat down elegantly, and Tianling continued to say, "Come and taste my Biluochun. This thing was brought by the caravan from the human continent. This kind of tea tastes strong. Although it is very bitter and astringent, after getting used to it, you can't live without it."

Tianling immediately handed Venus a cup of tea in person. In the conference room, Tianling put a lot of utensils here. Even at ordinary times, he doesn't like other elves to serve him, and often does it alone.

Venus quickly got up and took over the tea in Tianling's hand. "Mr. Xie, I have only heard this kind of tea, but I have never drunk it. After all, I have never been to such a faraway place on the human continent."

"Haha! Try it first, and you will like it." When Tianling spoke, he first took a sip of the tea in his cup.

As for Venus, he put the cup on the coffee table next to him. There seemed to be something to talk to Tianling. Tianling glanced at him, "Mr. Venus must have something to say~! Otherwise, you won't come all the way to my Xia Yancheng.

Venus smiled bitterly, then took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to Tianling, "Sir, this is my owner's envelope. Please have a look."

Tianling took it directly, glanced at it, then received it in his arms and gently put down the cup, "Okay~! It seems that it is safer for me to hand over the letter to the elder. Here I think it is better to talk about the purpose of this time with Mr. Venus.

Venus suddenly smiled and said, "Sir really likes to laugh. My arrival is not for any purpose, but to make you a friend."

"Hey~!" Tianling smiled and did not interrupt his words. After all, sometimes he still needs to give enough aspects, and sometimes he can't be too much.

"We all understand people. Ming people don't do secret things. It takes some sincerity to make friends." Tianling gently turned his eyes to Venus.

Venus was not in a hurry. He gently clicked a little in the tea, and then drew a graphic on the coffee table. Tianling gently turned his eyes and smiled.

"The Tabush tribe, the three prince-level tribes of the Elf Alliance, even need to ask our small forces for help in this small matter?" Tianling smiled.

Venus sighed and said, "Sir, there's nothing we can do about it. Although the Tabush people are one of the largest forces in the elf continent, they are thousands of miles away from Finlay City now. If we rush to send troops, I don't know which year and month to arrive. I'm afraid it will be..."

Yes, Venus is the messenger of the three royal-level tribes, and this time he came to ask Tianling for help.

"So you think of us and want to use us to break through Finlay City to rescue your young master?" Tianling sighed, "Alas~! The dark elves are more than 100,000 troops~! If our army can fight, it's barely 40,000 people. You're not asking me to save your young master, but let us die. It seems that you'd better invite another master~!"

If Venus doesn't suffer~! The three prince-level tribes, the Tabush people have been brilliant for so many years, but a waste appeared in this generation. Today's family owner is still a little good, but she gave birth to an idiot daughter. She knew how to spend all day long, and even got tired of playing in her family's territory, and came to the north. Finally Since he arrived in Finlay City, and at this time, the dark elves came out of the mountain, a series of wars broke out, and finally the young master of the Tabush tribe was also trapped in the city.

It is said that three months ago, the tribal chief who colluded with the dark elves to defect to the dark elves was the subordinate tribe of the Tabush tribe. He wanted to use the Tabus clan to break the city and get the young master out of the city safely, but the ridiculous move failed.

"Sir, I know you have this ability. You see, two months of achievements have turned the former desolate Xia Yancheng into heaven. With this feat, how many are there in the whole elf continent?" Venus is still so relaxed. Since he came to Tianling to help save their young master, it makes sense. After all, there are still some cities not far from Finlay City.

"Oh? Is that right? But I'm not so confident. Even if I use my 40,000 troops to unite with the garrison in Finlay City, it may not be the opponent of the dark elves. After all, the fighting quality of the dark elves is much better than our army. Tianling spread out his hands and said, "What's more, even if there is a war, I need food and grass, money and equipment. Where can I find these things? Generally speaking, the army is a small matter, and money is a big thing.

"Hey~!" Venus smiled. Why didn't he understand what Tianling meant? Two months ago, this was still someone else's territory, but this human used a small means but reversed the situation without even any casualties. In his eyes, would he pay attention to the amount of the army?

"Okay~! I, the Tabush people, don't have much else, but there is a lot of money, food and equipment. As long as you save the young master safely, as for the remuneration, you can quote a price at will. Venus spread out his hands and didn't seem to care about Tianling Lion's opening his mouth.

Tianling pinched his chin. He really needed to prepare well. After a while, he slowly said, "Okay~! Everyone works for the alliance. We don't call it a deal, just a mutual aid. What do you think, sir?

"Haha~! Mr. Tianxie is right." Venus laughed and said, "And I, the Tabush people, are willing to fund Xia Yancheng."

"Ye." Tianling nodded and stood up. "Don't look at the current scenery of Xia Yancheng, but only I know many of the drawbacks. If there is a war, the money in the warehouse will be wiped out immediately. Therefore, the war is together, and we can't afford to consume it. After all, we have to eat in the war. If you want to die, the dead elves need to comfort their families. All this requires money.

Venus just nodded with a smile. Although Xia Yancheng is now a seaport city with more than 200,000 troops, it is not even an ant in the eyes of the Tabush people.

At this point, Tianling turned his eyes to Venus, "So we need to supplement a lot of supplements, and we are now the weak side, and it must be us who will suffer losses in the fight."

"Let's make an offer~! I think the Tabush people can agree to your request. After all, nothing is as good as our young master. Venus still said that he was just a messenger, and he didn't care about anything else.

"Ha ha, I talk too much." Tianling smiled and said, "Now I don't have much grain and fodder in Xiayan City. Moreover, it has only been two months since the construction here, and it is not yet the harvest season, so food is on the one hand. Well, I calculated that this war has been at least a month or more than half a year. After all, the dark elves have besieged Fenlai City for so long, which shows that they It must be a protracted war."

"Sir's right, the dark elves do deal with Finlay City in this way. After all, Finlay City is close to one of the largest cities in the north, and a protracted war is deserved."

"Well, let's calculate it according to half a year's grain and fodder~!" Tianling picked up a pen and calculated it carefully, "Our army will definitely enter the battlefield immediately this time. In half a year, it will be more or less. According to the calculation of the consumption of 240,000 troops, a total of 58,000 tons of food, that is to say, each elf consumes less than a catty a day. Food."