yi shi tian xie

Chapter 209 A General

He is a garrison general in the northeast city of Fenlai City. She is also the oldest of the eight garrison generals in Finlay City. Originally, according to her qualifications, she had finished this year at most. I will be sent to work part-time for some easier jobs. For example, documents in a certain city or some small officials in the central government.

After all, she has been in the position of garrison general for almost 20 or 30 years.

But God is destined to continue to stay in this position. Because of a catastrophe in the elf continent. As the top city in the elf continent, it is surrounded by more than 500,000 dark elves, even unconsciously. There are no precautions in the city.

Originally, according to the geographical scope and area of Fenlai City, as long as there is enough preparation in advance, not to mention the 500,000 dark elves in front of us, even if there is an army of millions of dark elves, I believe that they can keep it.

But they came too timely, even at night.

It can be said that the night the dark elves attacked became a night of slaughter. A whole million troops in Finlay City lost more than 300,000 people in that war. As for the dark elves, there are less than 30,000 casualties. The gap is so big that it is said that the lord of the city fainted directly after hearing the news.

300,000? You should know that the total amount of Xiayan City is less than 300,000.

But in the end, he still reacted quickly and pressed back the dark elves with quantity.

It can be said that this battle is the most embarrassing in the history of the elf continent. And in the end, what's even more funny is that since the 500,000 dark elves outside were directly outside the city, they were only besieged. I want to directly trap the army in Finlay City.

But the dark elves really underestimated Finlay City. As one of the largest cities in the league, will they care about that little food?

So it has been consumed all the time, and it has been done from time to time. Unexpectedly, such a situation has been more than a year.

Both armies can say that they have worn out all their will, as for death and injury? Both sides are getting fewer and fewer.

A year later, the 500,000 army of the dark elves left less than 200,000, and a million troops in the city, a year later, less than 400,000. And the rest are soldiers. Even today's situation is just looking at it, and no one can touch anyone.

However, what is even more surprising is that hundreds of thousands of troops died in this year, and they did not die in battle. Some felt tired and exhausted in the army, while others were trampled to death during the war. Even more disappointing is that some people still fought to death in the army, that is, that kind of earthquake camp. After a war, most of them were tired, and with a little friction, the army was in chaos, and their own people killed their own people.

Overall, there have been no less than a hundred wars in a year, but less than half of them have died under the enemy.

I can't help it. The time of comfort in the elf continent is too long. I remember that the last war was still a pirate. As for the army of such a big city, there is no opportunity to participate.

So over the years, the army has been abandoned. There is no battle at all.

Although she is a guard of the northeast city, her strength is not high, but completely relying on her own tribe. It can be said that they often hide in the most hidden during the war. After the war, they are the most majestic.

And over the year, the war has gradually decreased, and the sergeants on both sides have become more and more tired. However, generals like her are becoming more and more energetic.

Why? Because they all know that the war is coming to an end, and it is said that the dark elves have fought with the three prince tribes and have encountered a lot of trouble.

As long as the dark elves here retreat, it means that at the end of the war, their eight garrison generals will rise directly. Maybe you can get a senior officer in the center.

And today, as usual, they patrol their own walls. Of course, the reason why she did this~! She is not a soldier who cares about her, but pretends to be handsome once a day. Measure the power of her general, and there may be more elves knowing her after becoming a senior official in the future.

"Good general~!"

He just put his hands behind him and walked on the wall, while a team of patrolmen came over. The captain immediately said hello to the captain.

"Hmm~! Hugh Ni~! Well done, keep working hard. The future is unlimited. She slapped the female captain on the shoulder with satisfaction.

"General Xie." After the female captain finished speaking, she immediately took the patrolman away.

But she continued to move forward in a cool manner, and even the armor on her body was not the armor of the army, but the gorgeous aristocratic armor. The kind that specializes in attending dances.

And she came to the wall wearing such armor.

"Alas! Dark elves~! Dark elves, what do you need? How nice it was to be quiet? But you are going to come to war, and I, the garrison general, was about to come to an end, but when you come like this, my road to officialdom still seems to be endless~!" He deliberately pretended to be at a loss.

The peach blossom eyes stared at the dark elf's barracks below.

"Alas! Life is short and lonely as snow. It's a pity for a talented general like me to be guarded in such a small city. Another elf began to stand on the wall and roar.

And no matter how bad she sang, her subordinates finally covered their ears, and the dark elf below was different. They cursed and shot directly with arrows.


Sure enough, three sharp arrows shot up from 300 away from the city. But it was a choking, but it didn't fall down.

"Damn, you damn dark elves want to kill this general, don't you? Come on, elf~! Shoot me, too." He straightened his helmet and cursed at the bottom.

As soon as the elf behind him heard it, he immediately took out his bow and arrow and shot down, but the dark elf below was not vegetarian. After reacting here, the three dark elves have walked away.

As for the arrows shot from the city, they fell to the ground quietly.

After all, the other party has already been out of range.

"These damn dark elves are fucking unruly. The general's good mood has been lost by them. The original glowing face is a little blue at this moment.

"The general is angry. The general's voice is a rare beautiful music in the world. The old man can be ten years younger. Women can find the feeling of first love when they hear it. Men will be moved to tears when they hear it. It can be said that there are no elves in the area recently, but the dark elves below do not know how to appreciate. It's just sweeping away the general's elegance. Not long after she fell, an adjutant next to her immediately talked behind her conscience.

"Ouch~!! Bidong. You are getting more and more likeable. Although you always like to tell the truth, General Ben likes it. The anger on Yan's face immediately disappeared, and there was a burst of laughter in a blink of an eye.

"Thank you for your praise." The female elf adjutant immediately clenched her fist.

"Ye�. Bidong~! I lack a battalion officer. You go to report tomorrow~!"

"General Xie." The adjutant's eyes are brighter.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

The vibration sound of the ground came to my face. It was as if the ground was about to collapse.

"Wh~! Do these dark elves want to fight again? He was immediately attracted by the vibration.

When she turned her head, she found something wrong, because it was on the horse's hoof.

"Is it the dark elves who came to support the troops?" He immediately lay on the wall and looked far away.

"General, not the dark elves, and the army of the alliance is our reinforcements." The female adjutant shouted. Suddenly, the patrolling elves also gathered around.

"What? Is it a reinforcement? How many people are there?" He is now very shocked. As long as the alliance comes to the army, it can almost end the war, and it will be time for him to be promoted.

"Wow~! General, look at their formation, there are at least more than 100,000, and they are all cavalry. General, we are saved.

"Haha~! The alliance has finally come, haha~! Hurry~! Hurry~! Welcome out of the city. Let's break the dark elves together. His face turned red in an instant, "All the soldiers of the eastern city obeyed the order to welcome the friendly army and kill all the dark elves."