Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 3 Variation

Seeing that the other party was not angry, Ye 23's heart was relieved. God knew whether this continent touched other people's hands and was about to marry them.

Tian Yu squeezed his lips and smiled, and his two small tiger teeth were exposed again. "Anyway, you helped me this time. Thank you. My name is Tian Yu!"

A white jade hand came in front of Ye 2323. He smiled innocently, stretched out his right hand, held it symbolically in that little hand, and said, "My name is Ye 23!"

Seeing Ye 23's shrank right hand, Tian Yu's faint eyebrows raised, and her eyes were a little surprised. You know, with her status and beautiful appearance, it's too late for others to flaunt. This is the first encounter.

His eyes stopped on Ye 233, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said, "What technique did you use just now? It looks quite interesting!"

"Point the acupuncture point!" Ye 23's eyes kept avoiding the other party's eyes and said in a low voice.

"Oh?" Tian Yu frowned and pondered for a moment, and a playful smile hung at the corners of his mouth.

"You should be careful in the future. It's not a big trouble to offend Rogge, but I'll help you!" With a giggle and a slightly playful voice, Tian Yu turned around and left.

Ye 23 didn't take this warning seriously. After all, in his imagination, the other party should not even have this amount of equipment.

Ye 233, who wandered around for three days, finally had a basic understanding of this college. What touched him the most was that this college was so big that he couldn't find the edge of the school in the past three days.

Of course, whether this college is so big or he has fainted, it remains to be investigated.

In the morning, when the first ray of sunshine began to shine on the earth, Ye 23 had already got up and walked out along the path alone.

In these three days, Ye 23 found a good place, a small forest. Maybe he was used to staying in the bamboo forest, and he always felt cordial when he saw a place with trees.

The mist in the forest has not completely dissipated, and the faint fog has also added some mystery to the forest.

This small forest is not big, and the trees are not vigorous. If you walk, you can pass through it in two quarters of an hour. There is a small water magazine in the middle of the forest. It is not large in scope and no source. It should be made of underground spring water. The water in the pool is green, and I don't know the depth. There is a gap on one side of the pool. The pool flows out of the gap and converges into one. A stream meered away.

Ye 23 came to the edge of the pool, found a big stone and sat on it.

Fresh air, quiet woods, and occasional bird calls, just like a paradise. This is why Ye 23 likes this place. It is quiet and no one comes.

In the distance, suddenly there were bursts of songs.

The song is gentle and low. Although it can't be seen, it carries a sense of sadness.

Ye 23 was shocked and listened carefully.

The sun is about to leave the horizon, and the sun shines through the trees, dispelling the mist.

Around, it seemed that there were only a few bird calls from the treetops.


A faint sigh floated from the front.

A ray of sunshine lit up the front, where the fog scattered everywhere. As the mist dispersed, a man in white looked at him faintly.

This man is a handsome mess. If it weren't for the obvious protrusion of his throat, Ye 23 almost thought he was a woman, a perfect woman.

He walked over slowly like that. The faint mist seemed to be attracted by something and enveloped him. Ye 23 did not move and still sat firmly on the big stone, looking directly at the teenager.

The teenager walked a few feet away from him, stopped, looked away from Ye 23 and looked at the pool next to him.

The green pool reflection of his figure is still so blurred.

The teenager's eyes became a little far-reaching, as if he wanted to see through the pool.

For a long time, Ye 23 did not move, and the teenager did not move, only the pool of water was still flowing.

"Do you also like the quiet here?" Ye 23 took the lead in breaking the silence and said with a slight smile.

The teenager glanced at him, and Ye 23 also looked into the teenager's eyes.

What kind of eyes are that? Ye 23's heart trembled, and the teenager's eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, and he could not see any fluctuations.

The teenager sighed and looked pale, as if there was indescribable loneliness.

At this moment, Ye 23 felt that he and himself seemed to be alone in the bamboo forest, didn't he sigh while looking at the bamboo leaves all over the sky?

At that time, I must have been full of loneliness.

He was crazy for a moment, and the sun shone on his face for many times.

When he woke up, the teenager had left.

The sun finally came out, and the last fog was dispersed by the sun, and Ye 23 was like a dream.

The life of the college made Ye 233 really fresh, but with the loss of time, he gradually began to get bored.

Every day, in addition to class, it is class, or practice. Everyone seems to be struggling and working hard, but he doesn't care.

In addition to class, Ye 23 likes to run to the library. What he went to see was not some skills, but some history of the continent.

I have to say that Tonghai College is indeed the top university on the mainland. It has almost all kinds of books. Compared with the books he borrowed from the Ye family, it is more than 100 times more detailed, and there are no restrictions on these ordinary books, which makes him happy.

Time flies. In three months, he dared not say that his knowledge was all-encompassing, but it was enough for future travel.

It's late at night, and the earth is silent.

Suddenly, in this silence, the earth under his feet trembled slightly, and the faint thunder woke up Ye 23.

The originally dark sky, shrouded in the black clouds over the college, suddenly emitted a silver light, falling from the sky like a sharp sword, piercing one after another of black clouds.

The rumble of thunder kept ringing in the sky, and the clouds began to surge wildly.

Ye 23 stood in the courtyard and looked at the change of the world and said in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Countless people came out of the room and looked at the sky with horror.

I don't know when a strong wind blew in the sky. The wind felt hot, and the clouds rolled in the sky and the silver light flashed.


The wind and clouds are more urgent, and the earth trembles more.

The rumble of thunder came from the depths of the sky, and the silver light seemed to inlai the black cloud with a silver edge.

At this time, Ye 23's heart was full of a feeling that had never been seen before, and suddenly surged from the depths of his heart.

In the depths of the darkness, there was a roar, and the sound suddenly woke up like a strange beast that had been sleeping for ten thousand years, and the sound shocked nine days.

The noise on the ground suddenly stopped, as if everything had frozen.

In the depths of the sky, there seems to be something, looking coldly at everything on the ground.

The huge head slowly stretched out, and a huge pressure dispersed.

On the huge head, two huge lights with green light flashed, but the lights emitted not light, but bursts of cold fierceness.