Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 81 Disaster

"Where is he at the moment?" After a long time, the tower-like giant seemed to have stabilized a lot, and Ye 23 asked.

"I don't know exactly where!" The tower-like giant stopped for a moment, looked at Ye 233, who was a little angry, smiled and said, "However, he should be in Sanyuan at this moment!"

When the giant man talked about the Sanyuan Kingdom, his eyes flashed. Obviously, he thought of something again, but he didn't say it.

"Three yuan country!" Ye 23 muttered.

Sanyuan Kingdom, this place should be said to be the most familiar place on the Qiankun mainland. This place gives him joy and pain. He has also hoped and longed for it. At this moment, when he heard this name, an inexplicable emotion rose in his heart.

Ye 23 slowly turned his head and looked at the east. In an blink of an air, he seemed to return to the quiet bamboo forest. The bamboo house, the small bed he had slept for a long time, and even the grass and trees were particularly fresh.

"Have you been there?" The big man looked at him and flashed a trace of doubt. The teenager's expression just now should have known that place very well.

Ye 23 smiled and did not answer. He stepped down the stairs and said at the corner, "Thank you!"

Leaving this library, Ye 23 was relieved. Although he had not found a ghost doctor, he finally found hope.

"Ghost Doctor!" Ye 23 read in a low voice, looked back at the library, and suddenly found that there was a spear on the roof of the building, but it was very strange that it was a broken spear.

At this moment.

The dormitory area where Ye 23 is located.

At this moment, the gate is full of people. They are all men. Everyone's eyes shine strangely, and many of them have some water stains on the corners of their mouths.

There are two figures standing where their eyes gather.

A white clothes Shengxue, black hair floating, eyes seem to have a trace of light fog, swan-like neck, jade-like skin, exquisite facial features, stunning appearance, perfect figure, which is the first beautiful and wisdom of Tonghai College.

Another long light green skirt, neat short hair, blowing and broken skin, a glance and smile are full of beauty, plus the two small tiger teeth occasionally exposed, who Tian Yu is!

At this moment, the two did not look at each other, as if they did not exist at all, but their eyes were consistent, looking at the small dormitory not far away.

The two beautiful women came to the gate of the boys' dormitory at the same time, which was a sensational thing for the college, and their purpose of coming was the same. They both came to find Ye 23.

The depression in the hearts of the male compatriots of Tonghai College can be imagined, and they have rejected the hero of Tonghai College.

Getting the favor of such a beautiful woman seems to be a provocation to the whole world. For a while, many people's eyes were a little angry.

Many people began to stare at the innermost dormitory. At this moment, there is still a person knocking on the door of this dormitory.

The teenager, knocking and shivering, the eyes that wanted to eat him in all directions made his spine cold. It was very exciting to be gently shouted by such two beautiful women to get rid of it, but at this moment, he was a little desperate.

knocked several times, and there was no sound in it.

"I hope he is not there!" This is the teenager's greatest wish at this moment, otherwise I'm afraid he will become a sinner in the future.

"Is the senior there?" After shouting again, the teenager gently pushed the door. The door was not locked and opened as soon as he pushed it. It was empty and there was no figure inside.

Taking a breath, he walked out of the dormitory, closed the door, and shouted in the direction of the two beautiful women, "He is not there!"

At this moment, it seems that walking to talk to them will also become a crime for him becoming a public enemy.

The mist in Jun Ruxue's beautiful eyes seemed to be stronger. The melted cheeks were covered with a layer of frost. She turned around gently and was about to leave.

Tian Yu next to him waved his pink fist, and the two little tiger teeth collided before turning around and about to leave.

But the moment they turned around, they found that they were surrounded by people at this moment, which could be said to be all the boys in Tonghai College. This situation was really scary.

Unexpectedly, when everyone onlooked was about to leave, a burst of disappointment and coincidentally thought that this Ye 23 was too arrogant, too arrogant, too inhuman, simply worse than a beast.

The two beautiful women frowned, and the crowd behind naturally separated a path.

But the two beautiful women stepped forward almost at the same time and wanted to leave as soon as possible, but this path was not enough for them to pass at the same time.

"Dodge!" The cold voice, like her cold face at this moment, makes people intuitively encounter an iceberg.

With a "bang", the crowd retreated like a tide, revealing a large open space in an instant. However, in order to flash enough space, the crowd was crowded, and there was no gap at all. Many people were squeezed and deformed, but no one left.

There is a trace of disgust in Jun Ruxue and Tian Yu's eyes. I believe that anyone will not be calm when they encounter such a situation.

The two walked forward at the same time. At the place where they fell, there seemed to be a little starlight, which was emitted by their ankles in contact with the sun.

Yuzu may be the best explanation.

The crowd next to them suddenly made a strange sound, and many people's eyes became much demented, as if they were nerds.

"Why are there so many people!" Ye 23 found the uneasier here from afar. He didn't know that at this moment, his identity had changed, and some heroes had become public enemies.

Waiting a few steps, I looked up and saw that the two figures coming towards me were all acquaintances, and I didn't think about it.

"Why did you come here?" Ye 23 quickly said hello.

With a "bang", a sound of turning back, which was neat, more exemplary than the parade he had seen before, subconsciously shrank his body. What's wrong?

It was hot, and the eyes that wanted to roast him and evaporate looked at him in all directions without dead corners, which also contained two surprising eyes.

Tian Yu picked up the corners of his mouth, revealing the iconic two small tiger teeth. He took a few times and came to Ye 23's side. He stretched out his arm and made a move that broke the hearts of all men.

I saw her arm pass through Ye 23's arm and tied together.


This is the voice of heartbreak, and many male compatriots cried in their hearts: My goddess!

At the moment when Jun Ruxue saw Ye 233, the mist in her beautiful eyes suddenly dispersed, and a layer of ice on her cheeks was completely melted, and a touch of bright red quietly floated up. At this moment, I don't know how many people's hearts were broken.

Ye 231 was a little confused, but when he first met her, he didn't care, so he just said in a low voice, "You won't let me be a shield again, but this time, the scene seems to be too much!"

The corners of Tian Yu's mouth raised a little high, smiled, blinked his eyes, and moved his little mouth in the direction of Jun Ruxue.

Ye 23 knew that she was referring to Jun Ruxue. Thinking of that time, she also held a red line for herself and knew that she had misunderstood. She shook her head, took a step and took a breath and said, "Are you here too?"

Anyway, the other side is also his creditor. He thinks that he hasn't paid it off yet. Now his heart is beating a little hard. I don't know if he is afraid of * or something else.

Jun Ruxue's previously lost blush flew to her cheeks again, and she didn't seem to know where to put her hands. Finally, she gently grabbed the corners of her clothes, and then gently "um" sounded. Her eyes flowed in her eyes and suddenly seemed to think of something. Her face changed, her figure flashed, and several ups and downs disappeared from everyone's sight. Among them.

"Your love, you ate the wrong food and chased it quickly!" Tian Yu lay in his ear and exhaled gently.

With her intimate action, Ye 23's back was cold, and her eyes were colder than ice. Suddenly, she shivered.

He decided to leave temporarily, but where to go? That's okay. I'm stared at by such a large group of people with such eyes. If I don't leave, I'm afraid...