Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 97 Conversation

A pair of eyes like two bottomless wellheads stared at Ye Fan. For a moment, he smiled and said, "Oh, since the little brother insists on doing so, I won't force myself to stay. Come on, get ready to start!"

I can't see that this high-ranking man has such good self-restraint. Ye 23 praised in his heart. Even ordinary people will be angry if they are rejected in front of so many people. However, when Ye Fan's performance made him make a family show, he looked unreasonable.

Three soldiers in bronze armor came up and said in unison, "Yes!"

"Go ahead, don't make people wait!" A gentle smile hung on Ruyu's face. Although he spoke to his three subordinates, his bright eyes were always on Ye Fan.

The three walked away and came to the three corners of the ring. Everyone held a wooden wooden card with colorful light in their hands with a complicated rune, and a force fluctuated constantly fluctuated with the change of the rune.

Isn't it? Ye 23 suddenly thought of a possibility that this stone platform was the transmission array!

With the appearance of three wooden cards, the originally dilapidated stone platform suddenly emitted strange colors, and thousands of different colors circulated, making the stone platform look very mysterious.

The three soldiers raised the wooden card together and said in unison, "Open!"

This world was suddenly filled with three lights of red, white and blue, and the wooden cards in the hands of the three soldiers became crystal clear, and a white light scattered out, which was the wooden monument directly on the ring.

The three-color light is emitted by the wooden tablet. The three rays slowly merge together and keep moving, like a person painting with a pen.

The more inventing Ye 23's heart becomes, the place where the three beams move will leave a light spot. There seems to be an inexplicable connection between the light spots, attracting and repelling each other.

In just a moment, a huge array of light spots appeared above the void, and then three beams directly gathered in it, and with a "bang", the large array was directly materialized.

A perfect transmission array is presented in front of Ye 23.

The light in Ye 23's eyes shook, and his heart admired the people who made this magical array, and the materials were so ordinary. If it was changed to divine materials, the effect could not be directly described in words.

In fact, this is completely the performance of his layman. The most important thing in the magic array is the runes above. The runes on this magic array are close to perfection. Even with divine materials, the effect will not change much.

The biggest difference between an alchemist and a rune master is in supplies. No matter how good an alchemist is, he is a cost if he does not have good herbs as raw materials. A skillful woman's difficulty in cooking without rice is his best portrayal, and the rune master is different. Their ability will turn decay into magic. They know they can't do what they can't do. That's the characteristic of their lineage.

However, the number of runes is rarer and more precious than alchemists, and the number of successful runes is as rare as dragon scales and phoenix feathers.

Rune masters can't practice, that is to say, their own system is similar to that of ordinary people, and most of them are not as good as ordinary people, but they have their own ways to protect themselves.

That's the spell, array. The most mysterious thing in heaven and earth is the rune. In the eyes of practitioners, they compete with scholars who have no power to bind chickens, but in fact, they are the strongest in the world.

Legend has it that there was once a person who had the cultivation of a sparrow to become Dongfangye. He was as arrogant as his name, extremely arrogant, and extremely cruel and despised by others, but his cultivation was too high to cure him at all. At this time, an old man came to him and said that he would make a bet with him if he could live from his own formation. Come out, then the world's number one name will belong to him from now on.

At that time, the old man was a rune master, and he was so famous. From his mouth, Dongfangye naturally believed it. In addition, the name of the first son of heaven was a great ** for him, so he agreed.

The old man drew a small array in front of him tremblingly, which took no more than an hour. When he finished painting, Dongfang Ye was unhappy and said that he looked down on himself.

The old man shook his head with a smile. Dongfangye put down a sentence that he could not break the battle within an hour and conceded defeat. If he wanted to kill it, it was up to him. With self-confidence and invincible heart, he walked into this small array.

In an hour, Dongfangye came out.

But he stood there stunned for a long time and said, "I lost!" If you leave a mouthful of blood, you will leave. Since then, there has been no such person as Dongfang Ye in the world.

Many people speculate that Dongfangye is not dead, but just trapped in vowing that he can't be born for life.

Whether Dongfangye died in the end or not, the name Rune Master has been linked to terror since then. Ask the world who can kill the god finch, which is the symbol of immortality, the endorsement of God, which is synonymous with invincibility, but after this battle, the rune master has completely become famous all over the world.

However, the conditions for practicing runes are so harsh that this most famous profession is declining day by day. In this world, they can no longer find their sect.

Some people say that they have disappeared into the long river of history, some people say that they live in seclusion in Dachuan and study the way of heaven, and some people say...

The magic array in the sky is shining, reversed thousands of times, slowly falling from the void, shrinking, and finally becoming a small magic array, falling in the middle of the stone platform.

The mysterious light shines everywhere, and there is a faint sound in the middle of the magic array, like an ancient ghost floating.

Ye Fan didn't say a word, but suddenly took a step and came to the magic array, and the white light surrounded him.

"Wait!" Ye 23 can't wait any longer at this moment. He jumped to stand on the stage.

Ye Fan was stunned, and his eyes were a little incredible.

"Ye Fan, how have you been recently!" Ye 23 shouted.

A smile suddenly appeared on Ye Fan's cold face. Although it didn't look harmonious, it was a sincere smile.

Ye 23 opened his arms and waited for a hug, but Ye Fan didn't say anything. He pulled him over, hugged his shoulder and laughed loudly.

Another person on the stage was mixed with a trace of unclear emotions under his peaceful smile, like happiness and enlightenment.

For a long time, under Ye Fan's resistance, Ye 23 reluctantly let go, and the two looked at each other.

Ye Fan said, "Have you been there for so long?"

"This will not be clear for a while. Simply put, I went to a college!" Twenty-three.

"College? Which one? Tonghai?" Ye Fan frowned.

"Oh, I can't see that you still have this hand. It's not bad, but it's Tonghai!" Ye 23 directly regarded Ye Fan as a fortune tellor, and it was that kind of trouble.

"I'm in Luyuan!" Ye Fandao.

"Damn, really, why don't you come to the sea? If you come, I won't be so bored!" Ye 23 was a little disappointed, but he was still very happy for Ye Fan to enter Luyuan University.

"Hungy haven't you seen Jun Ruxue? She is also in the sea!" Ye Fan suddenly smiled and smiled mysteriously.

"She..." The beautiful scenery suddenly appeared in front of Ye 23's eyes, and some inexplicable emotions were flowing in his heart. The beautiful fairy-like woman helped herself again and again. Whether there was anything mixed in it? His mind suddenly became confused. For so long, the only person he thought of was Linger, but There seems to be a little shadow of others at this moment.

"Why isn't she here?" Ye Fan was suspicious.

"Nothing, she's here!" Ye 23 came back from the messy thoughts and said quickly.

"Bear by the way, since you are a student of Tonghai College, why don't you watch this exchange meeting between the two colleges in the college!" Ye Fan's voice changed and he was a little puzzled.

Exchange Conference? I don't know what kind of exchange meeting!" Ye 23 was also very confused and thought hard, but there was no memory of the exchange meeting between the two colleges.

"No? Don't joke. Generally speaking, the exchange meeting has a month. This time should be the end and the most wonderful moment. You actually said no, aren't you..." Ye Fan's suspicious eyes directly on Ye 23's face.

"What, you suspect that I lied to you. It's really yours. Look, look, am I lying to you?" Ye 23 is a little angry. Anyway, he is also a moral model. How can he be suspected?