Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 139 Who are you?

The cold wind overflowed and snowflakes flew, completely integrating the three into this picture scroll of heaven and earth.

The ancestor of the Ye family looked gratefully at Jianyi, and then looked at Ye 23: "Ye 233, if you don't even have this self-confidence, then we have nothing to say, Shenjian Yi, let's go!"

As soon as the sword answered, the two strode away, crossed his figure and curled their heads and said, "Don't you have your own creed? Didn't you know you can't do it? What, I'm timid now!"

Ye 23 seemed to be stabbed fiercely by something in his heart. When he came to this world, he always walked peacefully, naturally and casually. Everything paid attention to the word fate, but at this time, when he was said this by a person he valued very much, his heart suddenly seized.

I don't know when a large piece of snowflakes still fell on him. From afar, it seemed that there was a white statue standing here, standing still in the cold wind.

As soon as the sword left with the ancestors of the Ye family, the ancestors of the Ye family stopped and looked in the direction of Ye 23 with some worried eyes.

"Don't look. If he really doesn't even have this resilience, coupled with his nature, he can't live in this world!" The tone of the sword was a little cold.

"Ye 23 is not an ordinary person. It's not that you haven't seen it. He is a genius that can't be seen in a hundred generations! ......." The ancestor of the Ye family retorted.

"Woranged?" As soon as the sword took over, he sneered at it: "I have seen many geniuses. Even at that time, there were many people who were more talented than me, but in the end it was me who survived, genius. This thing can be seen everywhere. If you don't have enough patience and perseverance, that's a ladder of others!"

"Yes, I admit that Ye 23 is beyond the so-called geniuses I have met, but you should also know clearly that his innocence will hurt him sooner or later!" The sword paused and then said, "And his almost rigid stubbornness!"

After saying that, the sword strode forward, and the figure disappeared into the vast white snow.

The ancestor of the Ye family sighed, looked back at the direction of Ye 23 and suddenly stamped his feet and was about to rush over. This was a sound in his ear, which made him suddenly petrified.

"If you want to hurt him, just go!"

The ancestor of the Ye family thought about this sentence carefully. For a moment, he was confused and wanted to go back, but in his heart, he felt that what the sword said was right. However, if Ye 23 really couldn't think of it, not only his wish, which had been waiting for a long time could not be fulfilled, but also the descendants he admired most. It will be lost.

It's better to live a plain life than to die. You can't watch him die. Thinking of this, the originally stagnant figure moved again, like a gray lightning, and rushed back.

When he left, after pushing the snow not far away, a figure flashed. It was the divine sword. He sighed deeply and said, "Maybe it's better to live like this!"

The cold wind wrapped in snowflakes and rushed behind him with this sentence, bringing it deeper and farther away, where there was silence.

Suddenly, the sword moved and shouted in a low voice, "Iron blood, come out!"

The wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger. There is almost no one in the place where the sword stands, and the wind and snow still bury his figure.

After a moment, the sword's eyebrows slowly frowned, his feet slowly opened, and his hands slowly stretched out from the cuffs, and a little white light surrounded his fingertips.

In the void, there were fluctuations, and a figure slowly stepped out of it and stood behind the magic sword, neither moving nor talking.

"Who the hell are you?" The sword did not look back, and said in a cold voice.

This question seems extremely ridiculous. He still called out his iron-blooded name for a long time, but now he asked who the other party was, which was a little weird, but this answer turned into an unexpected answer.

"What do you think?" The iron-blooded mouth cracked and laughed.

"I hope to hear a reasonable explanation, otherwise..." The white light between the ten fingers of the sword is more substantial, and there are several arcs swimming. Obviously, if he doesn't get a satisfactory answer, he will do it.

The iron-blooded was silent for a while before saying, "When did you notice it?"

"You don't have to know this, you just need to say who you are? And what's the purpose of coming here? The sound of the divine sword became more chilly than the ice and snow.

The iron-blooded fell silent again. After a long time, he smiled again and said, "Shen Jianyi, do you really think you can easily capture me?"

"I told you so much for the sake of Ye 23. Don't challenge my patience!" The sword suddenly turned around, and two divine lights jumped out of his eyes, and a black hair raised in the wind.

The iron blood hummed, followed by a sneer. A momentum that made the earth tremble took him as the center and pressed forward. In the distance between him and the divine sword, the wind and snow in the sky seemed to stop in an instant. Only the materialized spiritual pressure, the snow on the ground dissipated in the earth at this moment, revealing Out of the dark land.

Then, something more surprising happened. The exposed land followed the pressure and made deep cracks, as if it had been cut out by a huge machete.

However, this pressure stopped when it was almost in front of the sword, and then dissipated in the void, and the wind and snow fell all over the sky, quickly covering the black land.

The eyes in the eyes of the sword one turned into two thin silver rays. Looking at the iron blood that had been fighting together not far away, he slowly spit out two words: "Sparrow!"

Standing there with iron and blood, there was no expression on a giant, just quietly looking at the divine sword.

"Good! OK! OK!" As soon as the sword almost jumped out of his teeth, his hands suddenly grasped, and a bright light appeared in front of him, swallowing a frightening cold light.

"I really didn't expect that my sword would go away, and I walked so hard that I never realized that there was such a master around me!" Shen Jianyi said self-deprecatingly, "But this is also good. I haven't had a good fight with anyone for a long time. It's been a long time since I entered the finch, but I don't know if you have touched that barrier!"

As soon as the sword fell, the sword light more than a foot in front of him suddenly shrank and became the size of an embroidered needle, but the horrible energy contained in it made the iron and blood secretly frightened.

"Wait a minute, I admit that I'm not your opponent now, but it's absolutely impossible for you to capture me!" Iron-blooded waved his hand and said, "Most importantly, I didn't mean any harm!"

The sword's eyes stared at the iron and blood. I don't know how long it took, the silver light in front of him slowly faded and finally dissipated in the wind and snow.

He knew that the person standing opposite him was telling the truth. In terms of cultivation, he was still superior to him, but if he wanted to leave, he was also powerless. After all, it was still not difficult for him to tear the void when his cultivation reached their level. Once he crossed the void, he could not predict it at all. His trace, which is why it is generally difficult for people with divine sparrow cultivation to be killed.

Of course, most importantly, he believes that the person opposite him is telling the truth, at least this sentence is telling the truth, and he is not malicious.

"It seems that no matter how I ask, you won't tell me your identity!" The sword said slowly, "However, I don't want to see you again. Get out of here immediately!"

The iron blood shook its head, and the sword shook its originally loosened hands again in an instant. It said in a cold voice, "Why, do you really want me to do it! Although it may be difficult to kill you, I can do it to hurt you a little!"

Iron blood shook his head again and said in a very peaceful tone, "Shenjianyi, I think you misunderstood. I said I didn't mean anything. Even in dealing with Ye 233, we are still in the same position. Why are you aggressive!"

The sword thought about how credible his words were. A moment later, he sneered and said, "I hope what you said is true. Now disappear from my eyes!"

The iron-blooded did not reply, but the figure slowly twisted and finally integrated into the void.

As soon as the sword looked at the place where he disappeared, his face suddenly became much heavier. Just now, he wanted to attack him several times, but finally endured it.

Although it is difficult to kill him, there are still some ways for him who has lived for so long. Although that will pay a certain price, this is not the reason why he changed his mind.

What really made him change his mind was that he felt that there was an indescible breath nearby, and this breath made him feel a trace of danger in his heart. From this point of view, there was a figure with similar strength to iron and blood hidden nearby, even above him.

Although Ye 23 is said to be a wizard, no force should have dispatched two big men for him. What is their purpose?

However, it is certain that they don't want the life of Ye 23! If their purpose is really here, then it is impossible for Ye 23 to live until now! Even if they have their own protection, they still have many opportunities. With Ye 23's current power, they can't resist any of their moves at all!

So, part of what this iron-blooded said may be true! However, the sword is puzzled for their purpose, which is another reason why he left iron and blood. His heart can't be completely put down without find out what they are for.

Snowflakes flew and slowly fell on the sword, one piece, two pieces, slowly, another statue formed.

On the other side of the bamboo forest, when the ancestors of the Ye family rushed to the location of Ye 2323, the shadow of Ye 23 was still not seen.

Is he really...? The ancestor of the Ye family was in a panic. At this moment, he suddenly noticed two extremely powerful fluctuations. At present, he carefully explored and found that these two fluctuations actually came from the area where he had just came over.

One of them must be the sword one, which is beyond doubt, but who is the other one? How can such a master come?

For a while, the heart of the ancestors of the Ye family was even more confused. On the one hand, they were worried about Ye 23, and on the other hand, they were also concerned about the fluctuation.