Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 195 The Secret of the Ancestor of the Ye Family 2

The voice of the ancestors of the Ye family kept ringing among several big trees, and the originally ringing leaves also calmed down at this moment, as if they were sad about what he told.

The ancestor of the Ye family seemed to return to that time, and his body kept trembling: "When I saw the skeleton-like person, I didn't have any fear at that time. Instead, I felt a familiar kindness from him. At that time, I slowly walked over. At this time, I heard a sentence, which was more than letting me die. If it makes me uncomfortable, the man with white bones exposed said: Here you are!"

"At that time, I completely collapsed. He was very familiar with this sound. Isn't it the ancestor? Looking at the ancestor in front of me and thinking of the words of the head of the family, how can I not understand what happened? I suddenly felt the world spinning and fainting to the ground!"

The ancestors of the Ye family's eyes were full of regret, and his hands and bones were ringing. After a long time, he continued to say, "When I woke up, the ancestor didn't say anything. He just told me where the thing was, and then asked me to leave and never come back! How could I listen at that time? I just kept trying to save my ancestors, but what can I do with my little cultivation!"

"After a long time, Lao Zu suddenly opened his mouth and spit out the thing. It turned out that the thing had been in Lao Zu's body. He gave it to me and said that he was just lying to those who eavesdropped and asked me to take this thing and leave quickly. I couldn't leave late!"

"The ancestor still misses me at this time!" The ancestor of the Ye family smiled contentedly: "But how could I leave in such a situation? Later, the ancestor said that when I had enough cultivation to come back to save him, as long as he didn't hand over that thing, they would not kill him!"

Tears flowed in the eyes of the ancestors of the Ye family: "I believe it again. I believe it. I left. I left with that thing. I'm looking forward to the day I come back!"

The sword sighed secretly: As soon as you leave, he will naturally not be alive.

"I found that place and forgot to eat and sleep. I don't know how long it took. Finally, my cultivation broke through. I became a sparrow. I cheered and rejoiced. I felt that I could finally go back and save my ancestors!"

Although the ancestor of the Ye family did not say anything about the way to find it, as soon as the sword guessed from his sad tone, it must be an unrecall memory!

"However, when I come back, all I see is a skeleton, a real skeleton. I am very sad, and there is only one word in my heart - kill!"

"I killed, killed the family that gave birth to me, and killed many people. I think my cultivation is already difficult to find an enemy in the world, but later I found out how wrong I was!"

How far away it is among all sentient beings, but the sword that has been at this state for a long time understands that such cultivation is nothing for such a force as the Ye family.

"As a result, I was captured, but they didn't kill me, so that it was naturally that thing, but they knew that I wouldn't say it, so they wanted to seal me, and then used special means to know from my mouth that they miscalculated this step, although they sealed my soul Part of it led to a great decline in my cultivation, but I escaped! Escape to this small three-yuan country and establish a Ye family until now!"

The words of the ancestors of the Ye family were finally finished. What he said was very simple, but the sword deeply felt that a teenager who gave his heart to the family was persecuted to this extent by the loyal family. It must be miserable, but he still had one in his heart. The question is, but I don't know whether to say it or not.

The ancestor of the Ye family stood up and looked into the distance through the layers of leaves. Suddenly, he withdrew his eyes and looked at the divine sword and said, "Are you strange? Why didn't I go back to that place!"

The sword nodded, which was also a question in his heart. That place could undoubtedly take his cultivation to a higher level, but why did he give up this place that could make him turn over and come to such a small unknown country as Sanyuan.

The ancestor of the Ye family said with a wry smile, "At the beginning, I could escape. On the one hand, they miscalculated, and on the other hand, they did it on purpose!"

"Intentionally!" The sword shrank in its pupils and vaguely knew something.

"At that time, I escaped from the Ye family. Naturally, the first reflection was to return to that place, but I could no longer enter that place. At that time, I was shocked and didn't know, so, but before I thought too much, the Ye family arrived. If it hadn't been for the three sets of jade slips in my hand, I'm afraid I would have died there!"

"For a period of time after escaping, I also tried to go to that place, but it had been controlled by the Ye family. I couldn't get close to it at all. Instead, I used the last jade slip on my body, and this jade slip sent me here, Sanyuan Kingdom!"

After listening to the sword, he thought for a moment and asked, "Then did you think about why you couldn't get in later?"

"It's the soul. One part of my soul is sealed, so that my soul power can no longer open that place!" The ancestor of the Ye family said the reason.

"Then you take it out now, you want to give it to Ye 23!" As soon as the sword guessed the mind of the ancestors of the Ye family, he did not agree with it. Although this thing is a treasure, the danger is also obvious. Among other things, the person stationed by the Ye family is a very sad hurdle.

"I know what you're worried about, but that place is right for him!" An imperceptible thought flashed in the eyes of the ancestors of the Ye family.

The sword's heart moved and blurted out, "Do you want to use this thing to get him out of here!"

The ancestor of the Ye family nodded and looked firm: "Yes, although today's Ye family looks prosperous on the surface, in fact, you won't know what it is. This is also the best way!"

The divine sword was silent for a while and shook his head: "He won't leave! You know him better than me!"

There was a sense of satisfaction in the eyes of the ancestors of the Ye family: "Yes! Under normal circumstances, he will not leave and will never leave, but if you tell him that there is a way to resolve the current crisis of the Ye family!"

The pupil of the sword suddenly shrank, and two silver rays shot out. He looked at the ancestor of the Ye family: "You want him to be the second you!"

The ancestor of the Ye family's expression remained unchanged, as if he had known that he would react like this. He looked at him quietly and said, "He won't, you know!"

The sword's expression changed at a glance. For a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "You told me that it was nothing more than letting me take him away. If I told him, he would naturally be more convinced, but have you ever thought about what he would become if you did this to him! Yes, naturally he won't become you, but he will become a demon, a terrible demon!"

His voice is very loud and very high, and even his ears are buzzing. He has lived for so long and naturally looks at people very accurately. If such a thing happens, he will either become guilty all his life or become a terrible devil!

The face of the ancestor of the Ye family finally changed. He is very clear about Ye 23's temperament, but since he came out of isolation and came back for a period of time, it has changed a lot. Although this change is not superficial, he can see it.

Ye 23 did not care about the family, which is his biggest card and the source of his confidence. Although he may have some feelings for the family now, it is definitely not his own. At that time, as long as he sends out a few people who are very close to him, there will be no big The problem.

But with this reminder of the divine sword, he knew how ridiculous his mistake was. Of course, he lost his original calmness and muttered, "What should I do? Will he die with him?"

The divine sword flowed in a glance and said slowly, "That's not necessarily true!"

The ancestors of the Ye family were shocked and quickly asked, "Do you have a way?"