Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 288 Restaurant

The morning sun looked so gentle and evenly fell on Ye 233, making his face particularly touching heartstrings.

With a long breath, Ye 23 looked back at the sleeping Tian Yu. He gently walked out. At the moment he left the door, his right foot suddenly stopped in the air, full of shock.

A picture flashed in front of his eyes, a ** picture. Who is that person?

It seems that there is no one else but Tian Yu who has been staying in this room! Ye 23 shivered all over, and the thoughts in his heart suddenly confused his heart.

Suddenly, he rushed out, jumped up the wall, climbed over (the wall), ran far away, and then stopped.

Until this moment, his heart had not calmed down. He was a little flustered. He looked up and saw a restaurant not far away and walked over.

The three golden words of "the post building" are particularly dazzling under the morning light.

This is a three-story building. The simple architectural style is still very suitable for Ye 233, but at this moment, he did not pay attention to these at all. Under the warm greeting of a shopkeeper, he came to a table against the window on the second floor.

I casually ordered a few dishes and asked for two pots of wine. The second child of the store went down. Before leaving, he took another look at Ye 23 and secretly said in his heart: It seems that this man's alcohol addiction is really not small, but the shop's second child is more admiring his boss. You know, in Tianshui In the city, only their family is open 24 hours a day.

In a while, the wine and dishes came up. At this moment, there is only one guest in the huge restaurant, which is also leisurely

Ye 23 drank a few sips of wine and didn't feel anything. After taking a breath, he closed his eyes and meditated.

Unconsciously, the sun had hung above people's heads, and the number of people in this restaurant gradually increased. Before long, it was full of guests and the noise sounded.

Most of the people who come here are monks, and the discussion is naturally the most eye-catching topic at the moment.

"Have you heard about it? The Bogu clan is coming!"

"What's going on? Is the Bogu clan a force?

"Fuckly, don't be involved in us if you want to die!"

Yes! Yes! I really didn't hear the name. I was curious for a moment before I asked!" The speaker suddenly lowered his voice.

"The Bogu clan is an ancient force, but it has always been very low-key. In terms of power, it will definitely rank in the universe!"

"If this is the case, then the news is really amazing. I don't know what happened to Tianshui City!"

"Why else? It's not that I fell in love with this place. Think about it, it's so close to the Wanyao Canyon. If the Bogu clan can own this place, it will be a huge way to make money!"

"Hey! These people can't stop us little people at all, but the sky in Tianshui City is going to change color! I don't know how we will live in the future!" Five or six people on the table suddenly showed some worries on their faces. They said nothing more, but just bowed their heads and drank.

Ye 23 opened his eyes, glanced at these people, and muttered, "Bogu Fengyun finally can't help it. I hope he can remember the warning!"

At this time, five or six more people came up, and far away, they could hear these people cursing.

"Damn it, why don't you find a good seat for me quickly? I'm tired of tearing down your place!"

"That's right, do you know who the old men are? Hurry up!"

With a "bang", a burst of laughter sounded. Ye 23 frowned and looked over. A shopkeeper fell to the ground, his forehead touched the foot of the table, and blood flowed.

This is a middle-aged man in a satin robe and came up and said with a smile, "Six guest officials, what's going on? If the shop doesn't take good care of it, please forgive me!" As he spoke, he kept bending over.

A fierce-faced young man stared fiercely and said, "The old man is hungry and wants to find a seat. This little thing says there is no place. Do you think it's a beg?"

The shopkeeper still had a professional smile: "Six guests are embarrassed, but the shop is full. Do you think it's a different place!" He took out a few gold coins from his arms and handed them over: "This little money is given by a small shop!"

When the young man saw the glittering gold coins, his eyes were a little more greedy. He just wanted to take it, but he was pushed away by the people beside him: "Do you think we are going to eat free food?"

The shopkeeper arched his hand and took out a few gold coins from his arms: "If you don't have much money, just give me face!"

The man opened his hand and "dang" a few times, and the gold coins fell to the ground, rolling everywhere, and one of them came to the feet of Ye 23.

This man glanced at the people in the room and finally fell on Ye 233, pointing to Ye 23: "He still said there is no seat, isn't it?"

The shopkeeper answered "yes" and came forward. Before he could speak, Ye 23 said, "These days, I can't eat well. It's really annoying to meet a few bugs!"

The shopkeeper's face changed, and the hall suddenly calmed down, and everyone's eyes were on Ye 23.

The fierce-looking young man quickly came to Ye 233, raised his hand and slapped him: "Damn it, I don't think you want to live!"

Ye 23 picked up the glass and drank it. He ignored the person in front of him at all. When he saw that the young man's palm was about to fall on his head, his face suddenly became "plop" and knelt on the ground with a blush, but a vicious light came out of his eyes.

Ye Twenty-three eyes did not squint and said slowly, "Good wine! Good wine! Huh, what are you doing? Kneel down and beg for mercy? Asking for mercy is not for me. The shopkeeper is over there!"

The shopkeeper's face changed, and he even waved his hand, and even his voice trembled a little: "This... young hero...please...please show mercy!"

Ye 23 smiled faintly and nodded, "That's right! After all, this is a business. Go away!"

Suddenly, a figure soared into the air and flew out through the window next to Ye 23. For a moment, there was a sound of a heavy object landing.

The eyes of the people in the hall were a little more shocked, less watching the bustle, and the more timid ones were ready to run away. In the corner, a fat Taoist priest shook his head and muttered something.

Several people who came with this young man turned their eyes to the first person who made a sound just now, and Ye 23 glanced at it.

The man is also burly, but his face is a little white, and his eyes are also extremely strange. His left eye is big, his right eye is small, and there are no eyebrows on his right eye.

This man had previously prevented the people behind him from moving forward. At this moment, he took a few steps forward and said gloomyly, "This friend is walking on that road, crossing the bridge, and worshipping the Buddha?"

Ye 23 smiled again, but didn't expect to hear such a thing here - the so-called underworld incision, did not say anything at the moment, but shook his head and filled the empty wine glass.

The man narrowed his right eye, shot a fierce light, and said fiercely, "In Qiao Si, the eldest brother is a sick scholar!" Feeling the awe in everyone's eyes, the man raised his head.

Ye 23 muttered, "Sick scholar? I haven't heard of it!"

This man originally thought that once his "big brother" name was revealed, no matter how hard the person in front of him was, he would have to escape, but he waited for such a sentence, which made him not reflect for a moment and was there.

The shopkeeper said to Ye 23 in a low-hearted way, "This young man should go quickly!"

Ye 23 smiled and nodded to him and said, "Shopkeeper, your wine is good. Three more pots!"

The big and small-eyed people finally reflected, and the fierce light flashed in their eyes and shouted, "Brothers! Go! Kill this eye-opening thing!" Before he finished speaking, he pulled out a long sword and stabbed Ye 23's chest.

Ye 23 still didn't move. He put the wine glass in his mouth and sniffed: "What a good wine!"

"Plop" a few times, and the group of people, together with the sword, fell to the ground and their faces turned red as if they were drunk.

At this point, everyone here saw that this young man was a hard stubble, and many people began to get up and leave secretly.

As soon as his big and small eyes and mouth moved, he had to say a few tough words, as if he felt that his body was light, he floated up and floated out of the window directly. When he came out of the window, the mysterious force on his body disappeared, and he fell down heavily.

Although it was not too high, but only on the second floor, it still made his eyes a little dark, but before he woke up, a huge pain came, which made him faint directly.