Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 311 Another Night

Tianshui City slowly recovered from the disaster, many buildings destroyed in the battle recovered, the number of people on the streets also slowly increased, and people gradually returned to their lives.

Hongfentang, this word is the most talked about among the monks in Shuicheng today. Everyone has given their most exquisite praise to this force, and Hongfentang has actually become the head of Tianshui City.

Because Qiu Yuhan of Hongfentang made a major decision and decided to recruit those who were ready to go, but not everyone wanted it, and the standard of choice was not divided by cultivation.

At this time, Qiu Yuhan gave full play to her means as a manager. First of all, she divided the people who wanted to join the Pink Hall and carried out a word and deeds offensive. She will once again deify Ye 23, who already had a high status in their minds, which gave these people a spiritual totem, and then made full use of the last shooting. The resources sold, coupled with those sent by the monks of Tianshui City, are also fatal to people.

Under the effect of this two-pronged approach, a group of madmen soon stood out, and these people became the first to accept the fans.

Driven by this group of people, a new group of people are emerging, and the power of Hongfentang to cultivate itself has finally entered a virtuous circle. At this moment, Hongfentang has been divided into nine 16 doors, each with a hall owner, two deputy masters plus a guardian, each with a door owner, plus a deputy doorkeeper, and It is important to say that there are still ten elders in the Pink Hall at this moment. These ten people are all highly cultivated Lone Rangers. Due to their own reasons and some other special publicity, they have also become the most terrible force in the Pink Hall, of course in cultivation.

Three months, only three months, the prestige of the Pink Hall has been at its best, and it also has some fame on the mainland of the universe. After the establishment, Qiu Yuhan began to let this huge organization into a better model. The Pink Hall is not closely engaged in buying and selling news. First of all, it is located in Wanyao Gorge. Next to the valley, and the nearest city, the idea of fighting the Canyon is naturally not a problem.

With this vault, all the indicators of the pink hall have grown into a red line. It can be said that today's pink hall has really become a force. Although it has not been fully formed, there are still many internal problems, such as problems between personnel, but these are no longer the focus. No one can deny it. The hall will really rise.

Ye 23 has been in a state of recuperation for these three months. In fact, his injury has healed a long time, but he is unwilling to go out. During this period, Tian Yu also came back once. After seeing his appearance, he almost cried and said that he would invite her master over, which moved him greatly. In his good words Then Tian Yu gave up the idea.

However, now he has to go out. For the past three months, Qiu Yuhan has come every night, standing outside the courtyard door and quietly looking here.

Until last night, Qiu Yuhan's heavy sigh hit his heart.

He knew that he had to come out. If he still stayed here, I'm afraid he would never see Qiu Yuhan again.

These days, he is very clear about the changes in the pink hall. That's the excitement of the servant and bodyguard. How can he escape his ears? Hearing this, his heart becomes more and more uneasy.

Why did Qiu Yuhan come here and why he is in charge of the red pink hall for himself? He now knows best, but if he does nothing and let the other party leave now, his heart will be uneasy all his life.

He wanted to go out and told her that he wanted her to stay. As for the final result, he could not control it, but he must do so.

The golden sun falls, the moon rises, the breeze is gentle, and the night is seductive.

A figure stepped on the moon and stood quietly at the familiar courtyard door, staring at the candlelight window, and her eyes were obsessed.

This person is naturally Qiu Yuhan. She has never walked in since she walked out of the house last time. But these days, no matter how busy, tired and busy she is, she will come here to have a look.

Three days ago, she absolutely left, but every time she stood here, her heart softened and told herself to do it again, but today, she has made up her mind to leave here.

It's better to leave quietly than to maintain her current situation. Qiu Yuhan's eyes suddenly became a little confused. She raised her head and looked at the starry sky. At this moment, she actually lost herself.

She was confused and completely confused. At this moment, she really didn't know where her way was.

Although she has decided to leave here, where is she going? Where can she go?

For a long time, she slowly withdrew her eyes, and the breeze blew her long hair on her shoulder and lifted her skirt.

She took out a letter from her arms and put it at the door. Finally, she looked at the bright candle and muttered, "I'm leaving!" She turned around and took a few steps forward, turned around, came back, and picked up the letter on the ground.

Her eyes were full of struggle. For a long time, she sighed and took the letter back into her arms.

Another breeze blew, but this time, not only the air, but also Ye 23 was blown away.

At the moment she jumped out of Ye's house, Qiu Yuhan's heart inexplicably surged with a burst of loss, as if he had lost her most precious thing here.

In the night sky, stars flashed, and several big stars flashed with dazzling light.

Qiu Yuhan stood in the void and glanced at Tianshui City, which was shrouded in night. At this moment, she thought of Tian Yu. Originally, she wanted to meet her before leaving, but in the end she gave up the idea.

She is different from Tian Yu. Her heart is always inferior. Although she has a face that is not inferior to the other party, her origin and her experience make her heart completely buried in inferiority.

She finally moved, and she chose to leave silently and quietly.

Tianshui City is already behind her, and she will no longer look back. Since she has chosen, she will no longer regret it.

But her figure suddenly stopped, her heartbeat began to accelerate, and her body was also trembling. There, under the starry sky, under the moonlight, the figure was so clear and touching.

The smile on his face and his white teeth are so clear. Ye 233, he came, and he actually came.

Ye 23 smiled: "What? Just leave like this? Don't even say hello?"

At this moment, Qiu Yuhan couldn't say anything, but looked at Ye 23 in a stunned.

Ye 23 touched his face and said with some joke, "What's the matter? Are there a few more flowers on my face today?

Qiu Yuhan smiled. Although tears flowed out when she laughed, she smiled sincerely.

Ye 23 also smiled, and both of them laughed under the starry sky.

Tianshui City, on this beautiful night, the two figures met here. No one knows what happened between them, but after this night, Qiu Yuhan returned to the red pink hall and became the eldest sister again. However, this time, there was no sadness on her face and no more in her eyes. Sadness, her eyes are bright, and her heart is beautiful.

Sanyuan Country, Ye Family.

At this moment, the two most important people of the Ye family are in the bamboo forest, facing the moonlight.

"Have you heard about Tianshui City?" The ancestor of the Ye family looked sideways at the divine sword and said faintly.

"What? And show me that you have such an excellent descendant!" The divine sword raised its eyebrows and responded.

"You know that's not what I mean!" A trace of solemnity flashed on the face of the ancestors of the Ye family.

The sword was silent for a long time before he said slowly, "Is it again?"