The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 19 Picture Poor Dagger See

Stretching out, Jun Xie stood up and smiled frivolously: "Do you still have any money? If there is none, I will go back to bed! It's really disappointing to win so many taels of silver after gambling for a while! Miss Dugu, don't you think so?!" Jun Xie knows that he has broken the other party's game until now! And now, it should be the time for the other party to see the poor dagger!

"You can't go!" Li Zhen and others were really anxious. At this moment, including Meng Haizhou, everyone's mind is full of paste. They don't know why they and others actually lost, and they are still confused!

Every gambler of himself and others is higher than that of Jun Moxie, and now the four people have joined hands and still lost all! Moreover, Jun Moxie had already drunk psychedelic drugs before, and the dice was also tampered by himself and others, and Meng Haizhou's body was specially sprinkled with a kind of spice, which can stimulate the heads of those who have taken psychedelic drugs to become particularly chaotic, so that he was unconsciously at his mercy!

But even so, the four of them still lost their trousers. What's the explanation for this?

Is Jun Moxie so lucky!? However, each number of points is only a little larger than that of himself and others, and there is no such coincidence. If he pays a thousand, how can he pay a thousand? A person who drinks hallucinogens and gambles can make a lot of money. That's really a ghost!

The good plan made in advance has been smooth from Tangyuan to the dice. How can I know that Jun Moxie, the righteous master, who is looking forward to the stars and the moon, has been waiting for it, to come over, but all the plans will be stillborn before they can be implemented in the future - all six of them have lost to their bare

However, once they thought of the consequences of not completing the task, several people shivered and couldn't help showing fear in their eyes.

Li Youran's gentle face is even more terrible than the devil's grueling smile in the hearts of these people! Yes, even when Li Youran gave the order to kill and exterminate the clan, the expression on his face was gentle, kind and gentle!

That's the existence of a devil more than the devil!

"I still want to bet with you! I still have a bet!" Meng Haizhou cracked, untied the jade hanging on his waist and threw it on the table!

"Haha, do you really think I'm a rag collector?" Jun Xie smiled disdainfully: "Are you going to bet with me if you take some junk? Then I might as well go home and have a big sleep!" Shake your head, turn around and leave!

"Slow down!" Meng Haizhou shouted and looked at Li Zhen and others with his eyes: "Take out everything you can!"

Li Zhen and others also knew that if they went back like this, I'm afraid the end would be very miserable. They took out all the valuable things on their bodies, such as gems, pearls and jade ornaments.

"This is Mr. Tang Yuan's sword and jade pendant, and I also pressed it! It was originally 1.5 million taels, but now I only press one million taels!" Meng Haizhou stared at Jun Xie: "Jun Mo Xie, you must be very eager to win him back, right?"

Dugu Xiaoyi was a little stunned. She also knew the origin of Tang Pangzi's sword and jade pendant. In an instant, she understood that the gambling situation here was not simple, but she was not afraid and had no intention of being out of the matter. Such a good play is very interesting!

"He is him, and I am me! What does his stuff have to do with the gambling between us? Jun Xie looked at him like a fool: "If I win, it will be my booty, something that belongs to me. I like to soak in the gutter, just soak in the gutter! I can give it to whoever I like! What does it have to do with Tang Yuan? Help him win back? You are so thoughtful! Tang Yuan used this to deposit money from you. That's his business. It has nothing to do with me. When Tang Yuan takes the money and goes to you to redeem it, it's also a matter between you. What does it have to do with me!"

With that, Jun Xie couldn't help looking at those jade pendants and swords, but in his heart, he said: It's not ordinary.

Jun Xie showed an evil smile at the corners of his mouth: "Master Meng, do you think that's the truth?"

Hearing what Jun Xie said, everyone present was dumbfounded. Including Tang Yuan and Dugu Xiaoyi, it was also unexpected! Tang Yuan just showed an overjoyed expression, and immediately cried again.

Meng Haizhou's face suddenly turned pale. He understood Jun Xie's meaning very clearly. It was because he understood that he had some reasons to advance and retreat! If this sword and jade pendant lose to Jun Xie today, but Tang Yuan will redeem it with another silver tomorrow, what should I do?

Although Jun Moxie's words seem to be quite unrighteous, in terms of reason, the game has the rules of the game. The collateral can only be sold except when it is due. If it is sold now, it really doesn't make sense!

Tang Yuan inexplicably suffered such a big loss today. How can he give up? With his personality that he must repay, if he can't take it out when he comes to redeem, it must be another big disaster! At that time, it will take the opportunity to make trouble, but it will be a loss for yourself and others.

But then there was a cross in my heart: the current level is still sad, what else do you care about in the future? What's more, I'm not necessarily going to lose!

"For Mr. Tang, we naturally have another way to explain it! I won't have to worry about this! What's more, Jun San Shao may not have the ability to win the past!" Meng Haizhou pushed all the jade pearl swords forward on the table, gritted his teeth, and said directly straight to the point, "Jun San Shao, this is the jade Ruyi given by my emperor and his old man. This is my uncle's most precious sword. This is the night pearl given by Li Taishi to Li Feng... These are all valuable things! I believe that if it is valued, it will be at least more than 10 million taels! With the current silver number of San Shao, it seems that it still can't be reached; if San Shao is willing to gamble, it is not very convenient on hand. I can make the decision and allow San Shao to use other bets!"

"So what are you going to make me bet on? I don't want to pay off the debt! Do you still have a sister in your family who can't get married and want to recruit me to be your brother-in-law? But why didn't I hear that you have a sister? Jun Xie tilted his eyes and pulled out his ears.

Dugu Xiaoyi couldn't help laughing, but then stiffened his face and kicked him hard from under the table. Jun Xie suddenly grinned his teeth.

Meng Haizhou's face suddenly jumped, and he was a little angry. He almost vomited blood with anger, but he forcibly suppressed: "San Shao's joke, the bet is very simple. If I lose, everything here naturally belongs to San Shao. On the contrary, I narrowly won, but San Shao had to promise me a request. How about doing something for me?"

"Just kidding, how can that work!" Jun Xiexin is coming. It must have been very hard for them to hold it until now. I couldn't help laughing, but shook my head and refused: "If you let me commit suicide, will I go too? If you want me to give you all the property of my family, will I give it to you? Your condition is really ttt. Do you really think I'm stupid?

"I can guarantee that what San Shao considers will definitely not happen; this matter will not only ask Jun San less a penny, but also won't do any harm to San Shao! And San Shao, it can definitely be done! If the third young master feels that he can't do it, it doesn't matter!" Meng Haizhou almost couldn't help beating the hateful guy in front of him and stepping on him again.

"So cheap?! What's the matter with the bet!" Jun Xie agreed, "What's the way to gamble?"

"I'll bet on the dice!" Meng Haizhou's face showed a desperate look, which was quite the color of a classic gambler, and his face was a little ferocious: "You and I are the only two people to bet! Compared with the size, there is no village! Whoever has a big score wins! Jun Moxie, do you dare to?

"Haha, am I still afraid of you as a loser? Bet on the dice! Do you think you can beat me?! Joke!" Jun Xie looked like he was about to go to the sky without a brain. Look at that, if it hadn't been for ** and something to fall, I'm afraid it would have soared lightly.