The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 34 Words are not speculative

"The wanderer has fallen into a world. Why do we have to know each other when we meet? Just drink and drink happily, which is the best thing for you and me. |/\/\| After drinking, they are divided into east and west, and they may not be worried about each other. The name is probably a mark. What's the luck of memory and what's the harm of loss? Jun Xie is still immersed in his slightly sad mood. Of course, he will not report Jun Xie's real name, but if he says the three words of Jun Mo Xie, God knows if this brother will run away in the heavy rain? After all, the name of Kyoto kanga is still very lethal.

"The duckweed in the world is nameless, don't ask in the game world! The wanderer has fallen into a person at the end of the world. Why do you have to know each other when you meet!" The middle-aged man read it once and couldn't help but be moved. Good sentence, really good sentence! I didn't expect that the little brother was so young, but he made a lot of words. He may not be able to be a learned man. It's rude. He looked at Jun Xie and smiled happily: "My little brother's words are reasonable. I'm secular. I'm willing to punish another cup!"

Jun Xie hurriedly stopped: "You have a left cup and a right cup, but I still don't have a cup. Isn't it just to find a reason to drink more of my bar?"

The man was stunned, laughed loudly, drank it all, wiped his mouth and said, "Although this wine is nameless, it is also a good wine. It is strong and spicy. This is the wine that men drink! Not bad, not bad. For this wine, even if you find a name, you have to drink more.

"This wine? Is it also a good wine?" Jun Xie sneered, "I said brother, I'm afraid you haven't drunk any good wine? Wine like this is just occasionally encountered, and there is no other wine choice. I just drink a little. If this wine is a good wine, isn't there too much good wine in the world?

The man's eyes lit up and said, "Although Song Laosan's hotel is not big, this wine is very famous in the capital. Good drinkers are all entwined. If it hadn't rained today, it would have been full of friends here! Because of this, I can drink this wine today. It's your and my luck! You should know that Song Laosan only sells 20 jars of wine every day, ten jars in the afternoon market and ten jars in the evening market. He really refuses to sell one more jar! If the little brother's words are heard by Song Laosan, I'm afraid he won't give up with you.

"Hahaha... You're a good person. You can make me laugh when I'm so depressed!" Jun Xie didn't want to laugh, but at this moment he felt a little uncontrollable: "It's so funny. Such light wine is also limited? I'm afraid the worst wine I've ever drunk before is a hundred times better than this wine!"

This is not bragging, because the wine is only less than 20 degrees of liquor at best, and the quality of the wine is slightly turbid. It is indeed a bad wine for the king who is used to drinking the wine of the world. Even for any modern person, he may not drink it. After all, the wine looks a little cloudy, and

The middle-aged man's face is a little difficult to look: "Little brother, I think you are also an elegant scholar. How can you talk nonsense? You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense! It should be noted that even if it is the wine of the inner palace, Ben... I have also drunk it. Compared with this wine, it is just a little more luxurious, but a little less spicy and aftertacting! It is even more difficult to arouse the blood of men's hearts. In my opinion, this wine is already a very rare wine in the world! The little brother said that the worst wine he had ever drunk before was also a hundred times better than this wine, which was too hurtful!"

"Hehe, oh? Don't you believe it?" Jun Xie looked at him with slanted eyes: "It's okay if you don't believe it. I don't have to make you believe it, hahaha... But, drink! Drink! Hahaha, man, do you know what drinking is? Do you know what can be considered a drink? Hahaha..."

The middle-aged man frowned and was silent, and he already regretted that he should not have come over. This boy is too evil. Other people are kind to make friends, but they don't appreciate it at all! And he is so rude. Even if he has some talent, he is just a crazy life of talent and pride, and it is difficult to become a big weapon!

Jun Xie snorted and said in a low voice, "The real drinking is the mood! Or the artistic conception! It doesn't mean that pouring wine into the stomach is even if it is a drink, it can only be said that it is a bad grain for brewing wine! Wine, wine, wine, wine, I can't imagine that in the world, not only is there no good wine, and no one understands wine; let alone no one can drink, let alone tasting and appreciation! In ancient times, sages were lonely, but only the drinker kept his name. Unfortunately, the world is vast, and there is no drinker! For this great sadness, it's a big white thing!"

Jun Xie, who drank a glass of wine, stood up and looked up to the sky and smiled: "In a million miles, there is a vast sea of people; there is no one to drink with me, let alone a wine pulp that makes me happy! This world is really sad! Hahaha, a thousand cups of wine are less than a bosom friend, and there is more than half a sentence if you don't talk about speculation! The wine is not good, and people are more boring. If you drink like this, there is a little meaning there! Let's go."

Such junk wine is actually sold in limited quantities, saying that there are still people who oppose it... Damn it! Jun Xie was indignant and suddenly had a feeling of playing the piano to the cow. I feel that the world is simply composed of a group of local buns...

How can such a person deserve to drink with my evil king?!

With a "pop", an ingot of silver fell on the table. Jun Xie went out with a proud laugh, bumped into the vast rain and fog, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

No matter how good the middle-aged man's self-restraint is, he is also a little angry with him. This man is so arrogant at a young age! Anyway, I am a person with great identity. My favorite wine and my favorite wine are actually worse than garbage in his mouth!? Doesn't that mean that you are really...

However, there is some envy in my heart that Junxie's happy and free, unrestrained, arrogant and almost evil personality! When can I indulge in life like this! This Kyoto is like a big cage...

"Although it is a little arrogant, it is frank and does not lose the true temperament. In ancient times, the sages were lonely, but only the drinker left his name, which is a good sentence!" The middle-aged man silently thought that he raised his glass and drank it all at once; but he didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or something else. He only felt that the wine he couldn't drink enough in the past was really unbearable today.

"It is said that the ancients made seven steps into a poem, and I also said that I praised the ancients. However, when I see this gentleman, it is not too much to say that seven steps into a poem, especially the last two sentences, seriously!" He said softly: "... If you drink a bosom friend, you will have a few cups, and your words will not be more than a sentence! Not bad, this sour fruit is really a little real, "

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man was suddenly stunned and laughed dumb: "This guy actually dares to say that I'm not his confidant, and he doesn't talk to me, haha... He scolded me before leaving, but he still scolded me sourly... It's really sour! However, looking at the whole country of Tianxiang, there is really no one, including the royal brother, who dares to scold me face to face. This boy let me taste the fresh taste.

In Jun Xie's life, there have been all kinds of comments, such as murderers and blood demons, but only the word 'sour life' has never fallen on him. Naturally, Jun Xie himself would not have thought that a few incoherent poems that he touched the scene and felt, would be fixed as 'sour'! And it's a madman who turns around and curses people. If you know it, it will be ironic.

If the evil king wants to curse, he will definitely point to his nose. How can he turn the corner? It's not enough to scold in person...

The middle-aged man smiled for a while and suddenly felt different. When he turned around, he saw a thin and dry old man with a little yellow eyes and looked at the direction of Jun Xie's departure. He remained motionless, and his face was full of regret.