The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 65 Ghosts

The carriage has been completely destroyed. Naturally, it can't be said that it can't be said. Princess Lingmeng turned over and jumped on a horse led by the bodyguard and slowly returned, but her heart was extremely heavy. |/\/\|

Murong Qianjun hurriedly commanded the forbidden army to follow, and firmly protected Princess Lingmeng in the middle. When he was about to leave, he looked back and said to himself: Jun Moxie seems to be so seriously injured. I don't know if he will die? If it's dead, it's the best. When I saw him, I wanted to flatten him. The standard is a beating! That virtue actually wants to chase the dream princess. I really don't know how many pounds I have.

I snorted and rode on the horse. Looking at the beautiful posture of Princess Lingmeng in front of me, I couldn't help but be dizzy, fascinated, and my heart was infinitely crooked. For a moment, my soul flew out of the sky, and I completely forgot to send someone to report to the Jun family...

"I said old man, you followed me like a boot ghost for three days. Don't do it because I'm handsome. You always like me, don't you?" Jun Xie was held in the arms of the old man like a baby. The old man was like a dry chicken, and there was almost no meat all over his body. Jun Xie only felt indescribably uncomfortable all over his body, just like lying on a pebble. What's more, he knew that the old man would definitely not hurt himself, so he was polite

"Bah, do you think I'm willing to follow you, a prodigal son? You are running around every day, and I don't know what tricks have come out of. How about it? Have you been punished? If it hadn't been for your grandfather's spending a lot of money... Huh? How do you know I've been with you for three days?

The old man looked indignant and felt that the price was very low with this kangny. Just as he was about to complain, he suddenly found that something was wrong. This shock was the same. How does this useless little guy know that I have been with him for three days? Has Laozi's method of invisible tracking actually retreated to this extent? He was shocked and stopped immediately. I didn't even care about the disrespectful name of Jun Xie calling himself an old man!

"Idiot! Such a simple question is still asked. Of course, someone told me. Jun Xie's mind turned around and came out casually. Although the old man's tracking method was not as good as Jun Xie's eyes, he was first-class even in his previous life. With the original practice of Jun Moxie, he could not find it even if he practiced for another hundred and eighty years, let alone escape from this person's sight.

"You are an idiot! Of course, you idiot can't find me... Huh? Who told you that? But that man helped you get out of my sight!?" The old man suddenly felt so strange that he was tracked by others with his own tracking skills. Don't you know? And that man also has the ability to make the garbage boy like Jun Moxie escape from his own stalking, which is really terrible.

What kind of strength does this need?! If this man is the enemy...

"How do I know who that person is?" Jun Xie continues to fool. I haven't seen him before."

"Oh... Of course, such a great man, how can you see such a garbage? So, is it my idea to get rid of me? Can I give you an idea? The old man was preconceived and believed that the wanf could never find his ability to find himself. He naturally asked, but there was also a hope in case. After all, he was very confident in his tracking and anti-tracking technology. I was shocked: Is it the Supreme Shenxuan who stared at me? No, is it...

The more I thought about it, the more panicked.

In fact, this old man's means are really good, otherwise with the ability of a generation of killers, how can it take three days to deal with it!

"Of course, I said, old man, you are endless. Why do you always say these things? Where on earth are you going to get me? It's serious to send me home quickly." Jun Xie felt a little uncomfortable and scolded in his heart: Send me home quickly so that I can use the Hongjun Tower to heal my wounds. What should I do if I show anything else?

"Bullshit! Your boy is injured like this. If I don't do it for you, I will die before I get home. The old man was a little upset. With my kung fu, he was actually tracked down! What the fuck! If you go straight back to Jun's house, the old man in your family will not complain and be depressed!

If you don't clean up this boy, how can you go back at this humiliating moment?

With that, the two had come to a low private house. The old man bent down and hurriedly rushed in with Jun Xie in his arms, put him on the ground, and began to carefully examine the wound on his body. He checked it from top to bottom, and couldn't help but be surprised!

On Jun Xie's chest, a sword almost pierced his chest. In addition, there were two clear purple-black bruises. Obviously, two feet kicked on his chest at the same time. With the power of those silver killers, any of those two were enough to kill him. The boy was stabbed with a sword and kicked twice. I'm not dead, I can still talk! This is not really amazing. What's really outrageous is that he didn't even break a rib! The old man carefully penetrated his meridians with mysterious air and explored it. There was no damage to his internal organs, and the internal injuries were not good, so he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This sword is too coincidental, isn't it? It was stabbed in the crack! This kid's luck is too good!

"Kid, you didn't invite those killers, did you? How can I take care of you so much? Judging from your injury, I doubt that you must have colluded well. Do you want to play heroes to save beauty and win the favor of that beautiful girl?!" The old man squinted his beard and slanted his eyes, saying how obscene it is.

Almost suffocated by the old man's whim, Jun Xie couldn't laugh or cry: "Old man, you really dare to think about it. Almost, young master, I will die. Is there such a hero to save the beauty? ....... You're still stunned. Get my thighs done quickly. Don't you still bleed?" Jun Xie is a little speechless. The old man is so old. Why does he look so hopeless? He can't do anything? How did his grandfather invite such a person to follow him?

"Boh, bastard, do I need you to teach me how to do things?" The old man blew his beard and said, "You boy, you can't die!" It can't be disabled!" He patted him on the thigh like revenge and said, "It's okay."

Jun Xie's thigh had just been inserted with a sword. Although he did not hurt his bone, his muscles were inserted. It was a veritable knife and two holes. Now he has been slapped again. Suddenly, he was full of grief and pain in his heart. He gritted his teeth and took a few breaths. Sweat had oo Do you have a granddaughter?

The old man suddenly became alert and stared: "What do you want to do?" But I forgot why this boy asked himself to treat his thighs? You should know that the sword on the chest is much more important than the thigh!

If your old boy has a granddaughter, I will rape him first and then kill him! My heart hurts to death, you conscienceless old man! Jun Xie cursed in his heart. Didn't you see that I was seriously injured? Still slapped on my wound!

"Oh, I mean, this kind of work makes women more careful."

How can people not bow their heads under the eaves!

"That won't work!" The old man shook his head: "Your boy is a pervert. The whole Tianxiang City, I don't know that!"

Jun Xie was completely speechless. Who said that I was a pervert? The pervert was obviously Jun Mo Xie, not me...

When the old man dealt with the injuries on his body for Jun Xie, it was already late at night.

One of the two people is impatient and wants to use Hongjun Tower to heal his wounds and recover as soon as possible, but he has no chance, and he is bored and depressed; the other is thinking about who is the top master who can find out that I can track me more? These two heartless things didn't even think about reporting a letter to the family first.

And Murong Qianjun, who vowed to promise Lingmeng Gong to report to the Jun family, directly threw this "little thing" out of the sky...

And the last thing the two expected was that before the old man arrived, Princess Lingmeng had sent someone to send a letter to the Jun family, telling the news of Jun Moxie's disappearance (death)...

They didn't expect that because of this delay, the old man Jun Zhantian was so angry that he almost washed the capital!!

Just before night, when the killer suddenly attacked the Lingmeng Princess convoy, the courtyard of the Tang family was also a faction.