The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 86 Horrible Instinct!

With the mysterious gap between Jun Mo Xie and Guan Qinghan, the rest of Guan Qinghan's body may not cause harm even if he is hit by Jun Mo Xie, and the throat is the most important and most vulnerable place of the human body, while the elbow is the strongest place of the human body. With the strongest, it defeats the weakest enemy, and Kill with one blow!

That's a decisive blow enough to reverse the game!

That's why you didn't mean to be so shocked!

Is Mo Xie really so smart?! Or maybe it's a coincidence? Jun inadvertently doubted in his heart and watched the battle again, but although the next move after move was Jun Mo Xie being beaten, it fell into Jun's inadvertent eyes. Every move of Jun Mo Xie only needed to use force, and every time he would kill her before Guan Qinghan defeated Jun Mo Xie! Even... more than once in one move!

You have no intention to be silent! Observe carefully--

In this move, Jun Moxie dodged just right. There is an obvious protrusion in the middle finger of the raised fist. If it is hit in a straight line, it is the back of Guan Qinghan's head! Here is another most vulnerable link in the human body! If the slightly protruding middle finger knuckle hits the back of the head jade pillow point...

This move, Jun Moxie's knee position and movements are different, and it is sharp. If you don't retreat and advance, it is... the fatal part of the lower yin! ......


The temple!

tail vertebrae!

Eyes, throat, behind the ears...

Guan Qinghan was so happy that he was full of energy. Jun Moxie hid so hard that he cried bitterly. Jun didn't mean to watch it with horror... He was sweating profusely!

This big sweat is to control the cold current. After every few moves, you have no intention to be afraid of it again. With his eyesight, it will take a moment to judge the danger faced by Guan Qinghan. At this time, a few more moves have passed! Guan Qinghan himself has been facing the call of death countless times, but he still doesn't know it at all!

And Jun Moxie's intention to make an instinctive reaction and fatal killing moves has also been understood by the third master of the king!

It's terrible. Even with the realm and super strength of the third master, he can hardly hold on!

It's horrible! There is a way for the authorities to be confused and the bystanders are clear. The bystanders here are not only Qingming, but also scared to death!

He didn't even dare to interrupt this subtle death game! I'm afraid that my words will disturb Jun Moxie. Then, if one can't stop, Guan Qinghan will die in an instant! Jun Moxie's action is sharp and straightforward. Even if you don't mean that your legs are intact, you have no time to stop it!

Finally, Jun Moxie was knocked to the ground ten times. Guan Qinghan consciously completed the task satisfactorily and didn't say a word. Xiang Jun had no intention to sue. He picked up two pots of wine and won without looking back. From beginning to end, he was not happy or angry, and his face was as cold as before. Such a violent action did not sweat. It seemed to beat Jun Moxie painfully. For Guan Qinghan, it was simply easy for Guan Qinghan. After all, it was the high-level mysterious person who treated the low-level mediocre hand, so it was reasonable

You watched Guan Qinghan leave inadvertently, and his heart was shocked! According to his calculation, in the fight just now, if it was really a life-and-death fight, Guan Qinghan had died at least 47 times! And every time Jun Moxie can finally retreat completely!

What a terrible data this is! You should know that Jun Moxie now shows only four-grade Xuanqi, and Guan Qinghan is already a nine-grade Xuanqi, and he is about to break through the young generation of masters who will enter the realm of silver Xuanqi!

Will the legend that the low-level mysterious can't defeat the high-level mysterious will be broken by his nephew?!

No, this is a fact now!

And the most terrible thing is that Jun Moxie's actions are obviously subconscious instinctive reactions! But every time he was about to take action, he forcibly took it back! What does this mean? What does this mean!

You have no intention of sweating coldly all over!

This shows that Jun Moxie is already familiar with killing people, and when he makes these actions, he is completely unconscious!

You don't even have to think about it. When you are attacked, you can naturally find out the enemy's weakness and give a fatal blow!

Killing people is already instinctive!

Only in this way can such a situation happen!

How many people do you have to kill to hone such an instinctive reaction???

Even with your unintentional determination, I almost dare not think about it anymore.

I'm used to the generals in the army, I'm used to fighting in the battlefield, and I'm more used to bloody killing. I've experienced countless cold-blooded killer assassinations, and I've personally cultivated many killers. I've fought more than a hundred times in my life. He has never seen such a terrible person!


If you don't do it, you can kill people as soon as you move! Killing has completely melted into the instinct and has become the first reaction of nerve reflex!

And this terrible, cruel and demonic monster is actually his nephew!

The nephew who was regarded as a waste by the whole emperor!

Jun Moxie!

Jun groaned inadvertently and covered his eyes: What did I see? I must be dreaming! If it's a nightmare, let me wake up quickly!

Nightmare?! If Mo Xie could have such a strong strength, how could it be a nightmare! Or a beautiful dream is not known!

At this moment, Jun inadvertently suddenly remembered what Jun Moxie said when he begged Mr. Jun to take back his order: Grandpa, I won't fight! Really, I really don't know how to fight!

Can't the playboy in the capital fight?! At that time, when he heard this sentence, Mr. Jun's first reaction was to kick Jun Moxie's buttocks fiercely, and then blew his beard and pointed to the door and shouted: Get out!

At that time, Jun, who also heard this sentence, almost laughed out loud; for a long time, he couldn't help laughing when he thought of this sentence: it was so funny.

If you can't fight, of course, it can be understood as not being able to fight, and it can't be understood as...

And now he has completely and truly understood the true meaning of this sentence: Jun Moxie, he really can't fight - he can only kill people!

This pure killing technique has melted into his blood, into his soul, into every bone and every inch of muscle and every nerve in his whole body!

If the battlefield soldiers have such skills, even in the millions of troops, as long as he is still strong, he will not fall! And his enemies will turn the mountains into corpses!

If the killer in the killer organization has such skills, it is bound to be unfavorable! Create a killer myth on the Xuanxuan continent!

No matter who has such skills, he can become a usurper of death!

At such a state, killing is already a habit, an instinct, or a peak art, or even a supreme achievement! It's like a master craftsman who has made great achievements in painting. With a stroke, it is the work of green mountains and green water! It's like a music master who sounds into the essence, and it's like a fairy sound in the sky and the world!

That's the peak of killing that all warriors and killers dream of, but no one has ever been able to reach! But, Jun Moxie, how can his nephew do it?? How can it be Jun Moxie?!

You inadvertently added a big question in your heart. Where did he learn it? How did he practice it? Most importantly, what did he practice with?!

Jun inadvertently felt that he could not see through his nephew more and more. Although he still only showed four grades of Xuanqi cultivation at present, from his performance just now, Jun did not feel that he needed to look up!