The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 92 I'll kill you!

Tang Yuan gloated and shook his big head: "That's right, I really despise it. In fact, I brought money. I really brought money. If I didn't bring money, I wouldn't dare to rush to shout the price. This is Sheng Baotang. I can't tell such a simple truth from the truth, and I still have In this way, the adults of his family were relieved that he would come out and casually gave him such a large amount of money, so the whole family had to despise him.

After this farce, Meng Haizhou finally bought the jade coral he aspired to win at an absolutely high price of more than ten times. However, no matter which outsider sees this scene, it will be very despised.

Spending five million taels of silver and buying a jade coral that is only worth 500,000 taels of silver at most can no longer be regarded as a loser. This state has risen to the point of doing evil at all!

And it can't attract any sympathy from others; this matter falls in the eyes of ordinary "clear-eyed people". This jade coral is clearly what Tang Yuanzhi must get. After all, Tang Pangzi paid the price first, and "one million taels" has greatly exceeded the value of the jade coral itself, while the Li family and the Meng family It is obvious that the two young masters are going up the price.

I just didn't expect that after a coaxing, although the price was raised, the other party knew the opportunity to stop and didn't want it. Instead, it hit it in his own hand, which was equivalent to lifting a stone and hitting his own foot.

Evil is rewarded with evil!

Everyone looked at Tang Yuan one after another: Boy, it's too tender. If you are not in such a hurry and slowly shouting for the price, you will buy it after a while.

And the look at Meng Haizhou and Li Zhen's eyes are actually the same as that at Tang Yuan's eyes, the same gloating: small sample, let a bastard like you do bad again! Did you hit your own hand? It should!

Tang Yuan made an unusually cooperative expression of the victim, with a bitter face, but he was happy in his heart. Looking at the way Li Zhen and Meng Haizhou lost their souls, they only felt extremely relieved. This time, they avenged everything, and even avenged them with profits! Comfortable, pleasant, and refreshing!

At this time, the waiter of Shengbaotang had sent the jade coral covered with red cloth and silk. Li Zhen and Meng Haizhou gritted their teeth, and their hearts were bleeding, but they had to force their smiling faces.

If they have been crying all the time, it will be fine; but the feeling of a sigh of relief, which is obviously painful, has attracted Jun Moxie's attention. He didn't know anything about the jade coral. After he asked Tang Yuan and didn't answer, he became even more confused.

This thing must be of great use to them! Well, if it is useful to the enemy, it is definitely unfavorable to you! No, it must be destroyed! No matter what use they are, Jun Moxie will be relieved if they become useless.

"Wow! This is the jade coral worth five million taels of silver! Sure enough, it's a fairy farting. It's extraordinary. Jun Mo looked at Li Zhen carefully to take over the jade coral with a smile, picked up his lips and whistled loudly, and gently touched Tang Yuan with his toes.

Tang Yuan Yiyi and immediately made a straight expression. Looking at the jade coral, he sighed and said sadly, "Three young master, what can I do? The old man gave a death order to take this thing home before I came, but now... Look, brother, I'm really going to die."

The voice of this sentence was not small. Of course, Li Zhen and others heard it, and their depression suddenly decreased a lot. It turned out that this was also what Mr. Tang was bound to get. No wonder the fat man worked so hard. Thinking about it, I became a little complacent.

I didn't expect our brother to inadvertently defeat Mr. Tang? It's!

Jun Moxie curled the corners of his mouth, his face changed, and he said disdainfully, "Isn't it just a coral? Look at the red and thick necks between the two of you! There are several goods in my family, and I don't care about it.

"What?" Li Zhen's face turned red in an a moment: "Jun Moxie, don't brag! Your family is so poor. Can you have such good things? How many more? You are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue!"

Jun Moxie suddenly jumped up with a spring under his feet, blushed and said thickly, "Li Zhen, what do you mean? Just like this coral, your majesty once gave my grandfather several, and any one of them is much bigger than yours! Humph, it's really rare and strange!"

Li Zhen laughed and said, "It's really ridiculous, Jun Moxie, what do you know about this bun? This is a jade coral! Do you understand Jade Coral? I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

"The one in my house is also a jade coral, so... so big!" Jun Moxie gestured with his hand, "Fat Tang has seen it. I can still lie to you." After a gesture, he seemed to feel a little unimageable. He simply took a step forward and stroked over the jade coral held by Li Zhen.

It doesn't matter to draw. It's more than twice as big as the jade coral held by Li Zhen. Finally, he sneered in his nostrils and said disdainfully, "The one in my house is red, much better than yours!" But his heart moved. When he was making a comparison, Jun Moxie secretly moved the work of Kaitian, and suddenly felt a trace of fine airflow rolling from the jade coral, and when his original Xuanqi line felt the airflow, he was obviously active!

It turns out that this jade coral is actually useful for Xuanqi! Jun Moxie snorted in his heart. However, this breath is somewhat similar to the aura in his Hongjun Tower. Thinking of this, Jun Moxie consciously guided the airflow into his meridians and was ready to draw a salary from the bottom of a kettle, but he suddenly felt uncomfortable. The Hongjun Tower in the sea of consciousness rotated for a while, and the aura gushed out like a tide, and actually drove out the foreign airflow in an instant!

Are you repulsive?! Jun Mo's eyes turned around.

At this time, Li Zhen had been so angry that he was so angry that he opened the red cloth with an angry brush and roared, "You see clearly! This is a jade coral! Jade coral! Your family is an ordinary red coral! Grass! You know nothing!"

Jun Moxie laughed: "No matter what the coral is, the texture is the same! Li Zhen, you are such a fool! Five million taels to buy a piece of garbage!"

With that, he casually stretched out his hand and pinched the jade coral twice, frowned and said, "It seems to be a little different." While talking, Kaitian's creation work worked with all its strength, and a wisp of fine but pure airflow suddenly attacked like a bamboo, occupying a position in it!

The two opposite air currents collided and actually drove the original airflow inside to one side. However, with the end of Jun Moxie, the original airflow immediately devoured and quickly surged back, enclosing the airflow of Kaitian Zohuagong layer by layer.

Jun Moxie quietly tested with divine consciousness. Under the stimulation of two air currents, there is already a violent atmosphere in the jade coral at this moment! I couldn't help laughing in my stomach. It seems that... I can't use it.

"How about it? It's different from your garbage red coral, right? Hahaha..." Li Zhen rarely had the upper hand. Seeing Jun Mo's depressed appearance, he was infinitely refreshed.

"It's really different." Jun Moxie's face was a little pale. He withdrew his hand, touched his nose, and asked, "How can the same coral be different?"

Tang Yuan was surprised and also stepped forward to touch it. He was surprised. The vanity of Meng and Li suddenly swelled, and they had a great sense of face and laughed endlessly. After a long time, with a proud expression, he looked at Jun Moxie and Tang Yuan fiercely and said, "That's enough! You don't have it, do you?! Are you greedy?!! Ah, fat man, quack..." He wrapped it up slowly and looked at Tang Yuan with slanted eyes while wrapping. He was quite lucky to be happy.

Humph, you didn't take a picture of the jade coral. Go back and see how your old man cleans up your stuff! However, the old man of the Tang family, well, this reason is used to offset those silver, and there may be hope of reimbursement...

Jun Moxie looked embarrassed, but said fiercely in his heart, "It's strange that I'm not dead!"