The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 19 Opportunity?

And all of the above are just inexplicable news, a sensation caused by the emergence of the world.

That inexplicable news...,......,

It turned out that a few days ago, there was a riot in Tianxiang City, and the Beicheng Gang was destroyed by a mysterious organization overnight. The Tang family of the Tianxiang family launched a large-scale arrest through the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and the reason why the Tang family was so noble and self-destructed was that they really lost something extremely important!

A Xuandan of the ninth-order peak mysterious beast!

This unconcided news, from gossip to widespread, and then quickly spread, like wings, like a hurricane, spread throughout the whole continent in a very short time.

"This is an opportunity! Let's take back the opportunity of Xuandan!"

Taishifu, in front of Li Shang's hospital bed, Li Youran covered the light blue veil and said firmly.

"Oh? In the former, we spent a lot of time, and we are still mantis catching cicadas. After the yellow finch, we finally got nothing. How can we see that it is an opportunity now? Li Shang's face has been much better. Although he is still very weak, he is no longer as precarious as he declared to the outside world, and he can even have a normal conversation. At this moment, he had a clear look in his eyes. He looked at his grandson, but wanted his son to say it.

Since the failure to restore Dantian that day, although his life has been saved after many healings, his physical condition is getting worse and worse. Li Shang, the master, is quite frustrated. He knows his physical condition, lest he will not support him for long, so during this period of time, he has been trying his best to cultivate his favorite. The eldest grandson, Li Youran. No matter what problem you encounter, you should first ask Li Youran's opinion, and then point out the shortcomings.

Li Youran did not disappoint him. During this period, there has been a lot of progress in both the heart and the city government. He has a keen understanding of some things, and even Master Li sighs a little. This is also a coldness of Li Shang's feelings for himself, and he is a little comforting. After all, there is finally a successor!

"The current situation is obvious. The former is the Xuandan of the Tang family. In this world, I believe that only three groups of people know it. Of course, Lord Tang will not be so stupid to leak it out by himself, and suddenly cause trouble to his family; we can't leak it out; Xuandan is too important. If one more person knows it, it is one more person to compete. What we fought was to take Xuandan before others knew it! Since it was not leaked by both of us, the only person who could reveal this secret was the person who got the Xuandan on that day.

"That is to say, as long as we find this person, we can get back the complete Xuandan!"

"On that day, he was a yellow finch, and we made a wedding dress for him, so that the man got Xuandan and took advantage of the sky. The man should have disappeared. It was not unexpected that there was no movement for such a long time. Only in this way could be reasonable. But now this wind suddenly released, exposing the existence of the treasure of the nine-level Xuandan: it was puzzling. By means of leaving no trace at all that day, he made such an unwise move today, which must have his intention!"

"And his intention, grandson was stupid, and only judged a few items. One of them was that although he got the Xuandan, he didn't know how to use it. He didn't even understand the real effect of this Xuandan, and it was useless! Therefore, he needs to attract the strong to come and inquire about the role of Xuandan in troubled waters. This is one of the methods that has played a role. You should know the method of absorbing the ninth-order Xuandan. Tang Wanli has studied it for decades and inquired for decades, and so far he has not fully figured it out, especially the information that can be Even if we hadn't been instructed by my master, I'm afraid we would never have known.

"Speak up." Li Shang showed admiration.

"Secondly, this person should probably be a person in the city of Tianxiang City; moreover, he must be a first-class master at a considerable level; and it is even likely to be a top master who has been cultivated to a bottleneck of Xuanqi; otherwise, he will never release the news now and bind himself. After all, he will wait patiently Wouldn't it be better after you go? So I judge that this person is at a delicate level that is about to break through.!"

, not bad! Is there a third one?" The appreciation in Li Shang's eyes is even stronger.

"Third?" This person must be sure to get what he needs after seeing it. If so, this person must have an extremely powerful intelligence network in his hand! From this point, it can be concluded that more than 80% of the certainty is that this person is a figure of several rich families in the capital! Moreover, he is qualified to use the strength of the whole family for it: that's why he is so bold and confident!" Li Youran's voice was a little cautious.

, well, the analysis is very good. In this way, the target can be narrowed to a small range, which is basically within sight. Li Shang clapped his hands and was very gratified. Who are you suspecting now?

"Our Li family is excluded first, and then the Tang family can also be excluded; the rest, the Jun family, the Murong family, the Dugu family, the Meng family, the Song family, these five major families are all possible!"

Li Youran bowed his finger fiercely: "However, as far as the Jun family is concerned, although it is our old enemy, Geng Zhi, he will not do such a thing. Although Jun has no intention is disabled and his heart is not abandoned, in the final analysis, he is still disabled and inconvenient to move. As for Jun Moxie's young Qualified to transfer family power. Therefore, the suspicion of the Jun family is the smallest at present, but it cannot be completely ruled out. Everything is possible!"

"The possibility of the Dugu family is not very high; although they are powerful, they have the ability to do the previous one, the yellow finch! But fundamentally speaking, the Dugu family really lacks the minimum ambition: otherwise, with the strength of the Dugu family, it will have been replaced by the Jun family. The reason why Your Majesty can tolerate the size of the Dugu family is that the Dugu family is a warrior, but it is not as handsome as the Jun family! The Dugu family can rush into battle, but if you want to command the overall situation like Jun Wuhui, Jun Wu Meng, Jun Intentional and Jun Zhantian, you can defeat thousands of miles in the middle army, but there is absolutely no talent in the Dugu family!"

, in other words, if the Dugu family can really appear such a character, I'm afraid it will be suppressed by your majesty in the first time! After all, unlike the Jun family, the Dugu family is reliable to save your life with your majesty. But if the Jun family has made such a great contribution, the descendants are too excellent, won't they end up with this? How can the Dugu family be an exception??

"So although the Dugu family has many descendants, it is not as cohesive as the Jun family. Although the Jun family seems to be defeated, the confidants left by the four ever-winning marshals are enough to shake the whole kingdom!"

"So although the suspicion of the Dugu family is slightly heavier than that of the Jun family, it is also on the edge. To put it seriously, I really don't see that the Dugu family has the trick that can become a yellow finch;"

"Meng family, first, they are our allies; second, the Meng family does not have any particularly outstanding figures, so the opportunity is not big, and it can be ranked third for the time being: "

"In the family, the Song family has always been the most low-key, but the dog that can bite people never barks, so this time the suspicion is really not small, second only to the Murong family. The Murong family has always been profound, ambitious and scheming; and they do not pay attention to other families because they are relatives of the emperor. Therefore, in this incident, we must pay special attention to the Murong family!" Li Youran analyzed carefully. This passage was particularly slow, and it was obvious that he was thinking nervously.

"Um, that's good." Li Shang nodded: "However, in addition to these families, there are several directions that you haven't mentioned."

"Please ask your grandfather for advice." Li Youran said.

"There is also the largest family in this city that you don't seem to think about it at all?! Royal Family! The royal family is really the most powerful family! Although your majesty is still hidden, if it is not protected by a few top strong people, I'm afraid your majesty has been assassinated countless times! You should pay special attention to this point; there are also the top three big gangs in Tianxiang City, which also have considerable strength and need to be included in the eye.

"In addition, the possibility of another mysterious master's potential for Tianxiang City cannot be completely ruled out. There are also those well-known killer groups, who have also been active in Tianxiang City during this period. These are all possible goals. Li Shang coughed a few times, reluctantly raised his body, and stared his eyes. "This Xuandan incident is bound to cause an unprecedented storm! Youran, you must be cautious! In addition, with our current strength, there are also shortcomings. If you can come in person, you will be more confident in this matter; if he can't come... Then you should also ask your brothers to come as soon as possible! Otherwise, I advise you to withdraw from this competition!"

"It may be a disaster!" Li Shangwei sighed and lay back.

"Yes, I have sent out the thousand warbler in the early morning. I believe that the master has received it now." Li Youran nodded heavily.

"Um, how is your progress in Xuanqi at the moment?" Li Shang closed his eyes slightly.

"It has reached the peak of gold products." Li Youran's voice was a little guilty: "It's just that the realm is still a little unstable. Once it is stabilized, it can hit Yuxuan. It's just that this matter is..."

Li Shang raised his hand and stopped his words: "Don't say that this is an unintentional move, even if you know the consequences, I will gladly help you attack; after all, you are the greatest hope of our Li family in the future. You don't have to worry too much about this matter.

Li Youran sighed.

The previous time, Li Shang was healed by the undersea jade coral. Due to the inexplicable explosion, Li Shang was seriously injured, but although Li Youran's face was blown up several times,... The little white face was completely destroyed. However, Li Youran got a lot of benefits in this matter.

The aura in the jade coral needs to be stimulated by Li Youran before Li Shang can be further absorbed. At the time of the explosion, due to the sudden interruption, a considerable part of the aura is unfortunately stranded in Li Youran's meridians, which is also a blessing in disguise. During this period, Li Youran did not go out because of the injury on his face. Under the painstaking cultivation, with the help of that force, he actually rose from the first level of gold to the peak of gold! Just one step away, it is the jade mystery. In terms of Li Youran's age, this speed of entry, even if it is not unprecedented, is enough to be proud of the contemporary!