The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 21 "For this, I can only kill!"

Part 2 Chapter 21 "For this, I can only kill!"

Today's third update! This is the first update! Ask for a monthly ticket! I'm just a killer! When someone needs me to kill someone, I will do it!

Be a murderer's hand!

Jun was about to rush forward when he suddenly put a hand on his shoulder. The owner of the hand was Jun Moxie.

": Uncle, I'm really surprised; how can you, a battlefield and a master of battle, also do this kind of thing to play the piano against the cow? Xiao, Jun Moxie smiled slightly.

"Eh?" You don't mean to be a little puzzled. "Are you talking to them about the law? Is it useful? If they cared about the king's law, they wouldn't have killed people so openly. Didn't you hear them say that they are the king's law?! In their eyes, Wang Fa is just a dispensable tool. As for you talking to them about humanity, hehe, if they still have a little humanity, they won't do such a cruel thing as killing young children. Talk about human nature with an inhumane beast. Don't you think you're stupid?" Jun Moxie said flatly.

"Oh? So what do you think you should do? You have no intention to say it out.

"Wow, just like I do, it's straightforward, isn't it a good choice?!" The words were especially in his ear. Jun Moxie retreated strangely, and his eyes were still looking at you unintentionally. His face had not changed at all, and even his eyes were still as warm as water. His right hand went straight back, and he had to hummed. The big man who came was inserted into his throat by his five fingers. Jun Mo The throat bone is crushed!

This big man was inadvertently aroused by a sentence of "king's law" by you. He stepped up to teach this poor. Who knew that as soon as he approached, he was simply regarded as a demonstration by Jun Moxie

"For this kind of person. Either simply ignore them, or Jun Moxie pulled out his palm with a calm look and wiped the blood gracefully on the body of the big man, but still did not turn back. He gently piled it up, and the body of the big man fell to the ground with a plop; Jun Moxie said slowly: Either, get rid of the evil and kill them all. . "

The body of the big man who fell to the ground was stunned, but it was just opposite to the little girl's hateful eyes. Maybe he didn't expect that his death was this little girl. The reason for the killer.

. With a short money, it is the price of his life!

No, he is not worth that penny, because there are still many lives, which will be because of this penny


Although the girl didn't even think that her great hatred would be washed away, and she didn't know that she could inexplicably hire a world-class killer with a penny! But if she has knowledge under the spring, she will definitely smile at Jiuquan!

Tianli Zhaozhao, Tianyi Zhaozhao!

Because when he picked up the only wealth and all the wealth in her from Jun Moxie, the king of killer had made a decision in his heart: from now on, the evil king will die with the people behind Huanghuatang and Huanghuatang! Kill them all, and the chickens will not be left!

You didn't mean to watch Jun Mo Xie's death. He didn't change his face and couldn't help but be speechless: "Mo Xie, just leave after teaching. Is it necessary to kill him? Such a person should always be dealt with by the king's law, which is the right way!"

"Uncle, although you are upright and righteous, I have to say that you are really too pedantic!" The messy footsteps behind him sounded, and Jun Moxie didn't look back and said, "Try to reason with them?" Let's see if it can be sensitized? Even if you show your identity and instruct the government to punish them, what can you do? I can guarantee that they will be released when they turn around, and then today's scene will continue! Haha, it's really ridiculous!"

When the remaining big men at the door saw the tragic death of their companions, they roared one after another and rushed forward.

"Third uncle, in fact, we martial artists have one thing to remember clearly. Jun Mo Xieyun smiled faintly. After the change of appearance, his face was flat and waveless, but his eyes were as deep as water, sharp and faint. He didn't care about the big man rushing behind him: "Now it seems that since they can be Obviously, the law of the country of incense can no longer bind these people; hehe, when the law becomes the umbrella of evil, when the high position uses evil to achieve his own goals

When the wicked are arrogant but no one can punish them in a legitimate way, this is the time when people like us are bound to appear!"

"Remember that at this time, the justice in the hearts of our warriors cannot be limited by the law! It will turn into a sharp blade of killing, kill and stop killing, control violence with violence, and ruthlessly eliminate these scum in the world! It is to uphold justice. You don't have to worry about the reincarnation of nature and the principle of the legal system! Those are worse than bullshit now!"

"For this, I can only kill!" Jun Moxie smiled slightly, still facing you inadvertently, still with his back to the big man coming behind him, his clothes fluttering, and his expression was calm

suddenly turned around in an instant, rushed into the big men who rushed over like lightning, clicked a few times, and passed between them in an instant. Jun Moxie's long figure had stepped into the door of Huanghuatang without looking back. The action is calm and unrestrained, as if visiting friends.

Behind him, a big man held a single knife in his hand, but his throat had turned into a big blood hole. The position of the other man's chest and heart was obviously sunk. The third person was bleeding like a spring, and one person's neck was broken. The head of the soft tower hangs down. All killed!

Until Jun Moxie's figure disappears

"Dog page at the gate of Huanghuatang. The bodies of four people have only come to the next door one after another. They are the skills of ordinary people, and they only have two or three grades of mystery at most, but you have no intention to see clearly. Jun Moxie kills people, and everyone only uses one move! No! It should be said that there is only one action!

But it's just this action, but no one can avoid it, even unresponsive thoughts!

Defeated, there is no chance!

What a terrible mulberry trick!

If you can avoid it yourself? You didn't want to ask for a moment. If you are on full alert, it's not difficult to avoid it. But Mo Xie's life-threatening move is absolutely enough to kill the ordinary silver mystery in seconds under a fair battle. As for the higher-level master,

Third Master Jun suddenly woke up and realized that his nephew had broken in. Don't encounter any danger. Since this "Huanghuatang" dared to be so blatant, don't hide any masters in it; hurriedly followed Jun Moxie and rushed into the Huanghuatang and flew in. At a glance, I was shocked.

In this short time, from the beginning of entering the door of the Huanghua Hall, there were five or six corpses lying horizontally. Everyone's scars were the same: a palm of the throat, a broken throat bone!

Jun rushed in like a whirlwind, and finally saw Jun Moxie's figure, coming out of the room one by one, calm and fast, cruel and elegant! Inside, there were people who had just noticed an abnormal rush. Jun Moxie will not let go of men and women. There are enemies in front of him, but there is no living person behind him except for Jun's unintentional! One. Neither!

You have no doubt to worry about it. There may be strong forces behind Huanghuatang to support it, but this is always the organization's overseas agency, which is only responsible for the most peripheral buying and selling, and there are few masters at all. And Jun Moxie's action was extremely sharp and fierce. Several guards who came out basically fell down directly on the same time, while the other old ami and Hua Niang, although they did not know martial arts, Jun Moxie also walked out without mercy and still had no life.

You have no intention of following this master who has reached the realm of Tiantianxuan, but he has no chance to take action at all! Acting as a bodyguard, he is still a very incompetent bodyguard, plus the role of a follower and a spectator.

Jun Moxie's face was always calm, and his hand was like the wind. With a "stuck", there was another one. The guard hospital was smashed by him, and another foot flew up again. After changing an angle, in the middle of the shadow of the heavy knife, a guard hospital ** on the right side, the guard hospital hiss

The road forward, all the way to blood, all the way to the tower! Boom! Three figures broke through the inner courtyard door with a silver light and stood at the door. Who are you? How dare you come to your door to make trouble? Do you know where this is?! But he is a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Door-to-door trouble?! I didn't. I was just entrusted to kill someone! There will be trouble there!" Jun Moxie said with a smile. While talking, his feet were still not relaxed, and the remaining three people in front of him were twisted in three directions at the same time.

The road has come, and none of them have been let go; there are already forty or fifty underground corpses!

"What a big courage! Who are you entrusted by? The middle-aged people obviously changed a little fiercely: "Do you know where this is? Whose place is this?!"

Jun Moxie didn't bother to talk to him. He turned his head and said, "Uncle, I'm a little tired. These three people are handed over to you, so that you can move your muscles and bones, but you have to fight quickly. This is the capital, and there will be officers and soldiers coming soon."

"Sonts and soldiers?" Jun nodded with a sneer, and suddenly his body spread out, flying forward like a big bird, and the light blue light suddenly flashed; elegant and cruel!

"Ah! "Tian Xuanqiang" The three of them had no time to say the shock in their hearts and had been knocked out. The strong man of Tianxuan dealt with a few silver mysteries, which is simply to destroy the dead! It's done without any effort at all.

You didn't mean to kill indiscriminately, but now Jun Moxie has deliberately expanded the incident to an uncontrollable point, making it clear that he wants to kill it all. And time is tight, and you don't have to start sweeping first. Besides, the people here are not innocent, and the indiscriminate killing is also indiscriminate


Although Jun Moxie's behavior is still very dissatisfied in the mind of the third master of Jun.

While Jun was inadvertently sweeping around, Jun Moxie rushed into a room, searched for a while, and then "banged" a few times. Jun's killer threw two big boxes into the yard, picked up a knife and cut it open. Suddenly, the white silver, and the yellow clear gold was scattered one by one. The yard is full.

Jun was inadvertently surprised, but he saw that Jun Moxie had cut open several rooms in the corner with a knife and roared, "Come out, take the silver and go quickly!" After going out, go east!" Suddenly, dozens of boys and girls rushed out,

When he finally opened a sealed door, an unspeakable smell came to his nose. Seeing the scene inside, Jun suddenly felt that his original hesitation and the accusation of his nephew in his heart were simply condoning the crime and shielding the criminal!

There are big jars one by one. At the mouth of the big jar, there are actually yellow and thin heads, and "smashing" a jar. You can't help but crack! ( To be continued)