The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 34 Nine-turn Daughter's Heart

Erhehe, it's predestined to meet thousands of miles away. Miss Dugu, we are really predestined to meet again. Jun Moxie smiled and said casually. The tone was as if we had met at the door of the Qianjin Hall.

But Master Jun himself never thought of it. Although this sentence is not much different from the original sentence, it is undoubtedly several complicated meanings in Dugu Xiaoyi's ears.

Is it predestined? He said he was predestined to meet me! Well, even if it's really predestined! What's the use of meeting each other every day? Aren't the two families still against it?

Dugu Xiaoyi's great joy when he heard Jun Moxie's voice turned into a faint resentment in an instant: just like today, if it weren't for Xiao Baibai. Can't I see you again? Don't you meet each other without chance?!

Dugu Xiaoyi is not an old monster for two generations. He is really only 16 years old. In the same year as the former Mo Xie, she is just a young and simple girl.

At her age, and in the background of the current era, she can't really understand the subtle things such as love, but in the past, she often heard that Jun Mo's evil wand is unbearable, evil, and extremely disgusted in her heart, and then she has to be punished when she encounters it, that's all.

But since I met Jun Moxie outside the door of Qianjintang, I felt this. Although the dandy is slippery, he is very organized and measured, and he seems to have changed from Jun Moxie he saw before.

That encounter couldn't help but arouse Dugu Xiaoyi's curiosity; and Jun Moxie pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger to play with a few dy children, which made Dugu Xiaoyi feel very happy. Later, when he met Jun Mo Xie again in the magic spectrum and saw another face of Jun Mo Xie's rogue face, he unconsciously became disgusted again, but later he knew that he had misunderstood him again!

One." The word " again" suddenly made Dugu Buyi's mentality very delicate: I have misunderstood him for many years, and I have been bullying him for so many years. He has never defended himself, and he will follow me to bully me every time. If he is really low-level, it makes sense, but he is obviously very smart; I didn't expect to misunderstand him again now,

Thinking of this, Dugu Xiaoyi's heart is even more complicated. Although the former Jun Mo Xie cheated the meteorite iron from his own hands, he was very unextricate, but on his mind, maybe it was because the meteorite iron was too important that he cheated him from his own hands, or his resourcefulness was his true face? Why is this person's face so difficult to recognize? Why do you deliberately hide yourself?

These are naturally summarized by Xiaoyi afterwards. Speaking of the little girl who was cheated at that time, she had always been arrogant, but she was bullied by a person who had been bullied by herself many times before. The reason was that she was blinded and was eaten by him as a pig. It is inevitable that I will feel particularly uncomfortable; again, I have misunderstood him for so many years and bullied him so many times, but he doesn't seem to care at all." Thinking about it, I suddenly felt something was wrong in my heart, and I cried when I got home.

. While crying, I recalled the experience over the years. Looking back on the situation of the Jun family for so many years, I feel that it is not easy for Jun Moxie over the years, and there is a little pain in my heart.

As for telling her father that she was bullied by Jun Moxie, it was nothing more than a little girl who was wronged and acted coquettishly.

When he came out, he got the unknown news of Jun Moxie's life and death. Suddenly, he misunderstood him as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer for so many years, and he had time to say sorry to him to compensate him in the future. Did he die like that? Thinking of this, Dugu Xiaoyi increasingly blamed himself. Once the child had something on his mind, he didn't know how to hide it and naturally couldn't eat. After thinking about this problem for many days, I slowly raised Jun Moxie's position in his heart to a quite high level

For this matter, Dugu Xiaoyi once inquired about the Jun family from his grandfather. After learning about the situation of the Jun family, Dugu Xiaoyi naturally found a reason for Jun Moxie's s swindler in his heart: It turned out that the Jun family is so dangerous now. It turned out that he did not hesitate to defile himself For him, he is about the same age as me, but he has endured so much." No wonder I saw him several times, and the contrast is so big; such a responsible man who is willing to sacrifice for the family,

Then he learned that Jun Moxie was actually injured in order to save the princess (the little girl directly reported the news to the princess, which was understood in her heart as "to save the princess bravely), which led to such a chivalrous heart of life and death!

So Jun Moxie changed his body. In Dugu Xiaoyi's heart, he went from the best slodish to a responsible young man, a cool young man. Such a change can be said to be turned upside down, the sea


The girl's mind, to see who has a good impression, naturally think about what the person has done to the noble, great and chivalrous aspect, so. When Dugu Xiaoyi was worried about Jun Moxie, Xiaoxiao had already retort for Jun Moxie in his heart,

Later, I suddenly heard Jun Moxie's voice in Shengbaotang. The joy from the bottom of my heart can no longer be described as words, as if the lost treasure was suddenly lost and recovered. Then his pet Xiao Baibai was even happier with Jun Moxie's closeness to the little girl. You know, the little thing was not only What does it mean that no one can look at the bad guy other than himself?

Until this time, Dugu Xiaoyi still didn't know how he felt about the bad guy, but then his father and brother went to Jun Moxie's trouble for himself. After understanding the cause and effect, Dugu Xiaoyi really asked himself in his heart for the first time: Do I really like that? Are you a bad guy? Do I really like him? Is that how it feels to see the last person?

This feeling is really... It's wonderful

So in the past few days, although I was annoyed that my family and the best sisters rushed to interfere in their own affairs. But it is undeniable that there is also a strong panic in my heart, as well as a faint anxieties, and a little shame. Although we don't meet each other, later, when I think of Jun Moxie, I think that I'm afraid I'm in love with him. When I think about it like this, my heart will jump, and my >

The girl's feelings are elusive, like a poem like a dream, and full of endless fantasy, lonely and small... Shanran walks out of the height. Even if she is the proud daughter of heaven, it is not too much. But such subtle hair is no different from an ordinary farmer's daughter.

It can be said that this inexplicable relationship is really forced out under multi-faceted high pressure and intervention;

If Princess Lingmeng didn't guess randomly before,

If the old and young people of the Dugu family do not go to Jun's house to make trouble and gradually dilute this matter,

So. At most, Jun Moxie is a very good playmate in Dugu Xiaoyi's heart. He is a very interesting and reliable person. That's all! I believe that in the end, this very interesting playmate is bound to become a passer-by or a memory in life as he grows older!

But with such a lot of harmony, it suddenly made Dugu Xiaoyi grasp this matter more and more. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Jun Mo's evil was extremely rare. Instead, he fell into it as a cocoon,

At this moment, as soon as he heard Jun Moxie's voice, Dugu Xiaoyi suddenly jumped up in his heart, as if he had done something to someone he didn't see. When he saw Jun Moxie appear in front of him, Dugu Xiaoyi didn't know what he was thinking. His face burned, and the first thought suddenly rose. Unexpectedly, he turned around and fled. Is it really fate for me and him?! Oh, I'm so ashamed!! Dugu Xiaoyi suddenly covered his hot and hot face.

"The thief of the Jun family is really a good way, which opened Ye's eyes. For Miss Dugu, you really have everything you can do. Ye Gu looked at him coldly. Although I don't know what means Jun Moxie used to make Dugu Xiaoyi's iron-winged leopard cub so close to him, it is undeniable that this is definitely a big killer to deal with Dugu Xiaoyi, even if it is a must-kill skill!

Dugu Xiaoyi's love for Xiaobai can be said to be obvious to all; and now Xiao Baibai is so close to Jun Moxie, there is no doubt that Dugu Xiaoyi is under the great threat of Jun Moxie at any time. This is really too dangerous!

In addition to his own master, the high-level mysterious beast will never easily have any good impression on outsiders. Although Ye Guhan does not understand the mystery and feels strange, he has long been preconceived that Jun Moxie must have used some shady means to this mysterious beast cub. Otherwise, how would it be like this?

If the high-level mysterious beast is so close to human beings or such an unbearable nant, then I'm afraid the mysterious beast is not so rare?

"What? Good means? What a good means!" Jun Moxie is a little depressed. Who did I provoke? As for the hostility of you as soon as you see me? The conscience of heaven and earth, I didn't do anything at all. Obviously, the little beast drilled into my arms as soon as I saw me. Although I was romantic, handsome and outstanding, these are all facts, but I don't like such a small thing!

I am the victim of being worthy of the name, really pitiful, and the child's old man, okay?

"You are a thief; why don't you return the mysterious beast cubs to Miss Dugu?" Ye Guhan is quite grateful in his heart. Fortunately, he escorted Dugu Xiaoyi. Otherwise, if he didn't have his own escort, Dugu Xiao and Yi will not escape the trap of Jun Moxie tonight. In case something ulterior happened between the two of them, it would be really a big deal. No, absolutely stop this thief's conspiracy!

"I said, that lonely cold night, you are too broad-minded, aren't you? Just protect your princess. Why do you interfere in other people's affairs? Who do you think you are? Why do you get involved in the matter between me and the little girl!" Jun Moxie was supposed to return the little Xuan beast, but Ye Guhan's words made him feel that he was suddenly tired of crooked.

The following words are free:

(En. Say a few words here. Regarding the problem of Dugu Xiaoyi in this chapter, I didn't intend to explain it. But recently, many people in the book review area have raised this question: Why can Dugu Xiaoyi like Jun Moxie? Why? This question has been asked since before it was put on the shelves. Moreover, many brothers are really puzzled, more or less abrupt, and there are also some people, hehe, or adding fuel to the flames. Slowly, this problem has a tendency to develop into a sharp weapon to fight the evil king. Well, it seems that I can't do it even if I don't talk too much. Then let's talk about it once, so there is this chapter "Nine Turns to Daughter's Heart". Brothers and sisters, don't blame. Now that it's a start. Let's talk about another question. Many people say that this book is the same as the previous one, so I'm puzzled.

Which plot of

is completely similar to the previous book? If the similar background world is the same, then. As far as our ancient history of China is concerned, it has been repeated for 5,000 years! We are looking at the story, the plot, not the background. This problem will not be explained in the future. Friends who really like this book won't care about this; and friends who don't like this book will explain it the same way.

All the way up to now. I stand side by side with my brothers to create the glory of the evil king. Everyone knows my style of doing things, the book review section, and I go there every day. Moreover, for some valuable comments, I will reply to my mother. When I see the familiar four, I will feel very kind and welcome them.

Here, I would like to thank my friends for this opinion. Any book review. It must be a storytelling; it is also this part of the friends that helped me improve the evil king step by step, so thank you again.

But some people. Looking at this book, and reading it along, I read it with great interest while reading it. I can even pick out the typos in the book, which is so shrugged. But he shouted repeatedly, "I really can't stand it. Whoever sees it is stupid!" Every time I see such an attack, I always laugh to death. Really, you make me so happy. It turns out that people can be so stupid!

There are also some aimless attacks, and they even start to attack without reading this book. I can only thank you again. Because you once again provided me with a narcissistic opportunity: the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. So, I'm arrogant, thank you, for providing my spiritual satisfaction and sense of achievement. And these can't be enjoyed in the first place.