The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 63 Extreme Pretendation

Song Shu is the most popular wine competition. In his life, he has competed with the wine country dozens of times. Song Laosan is confident that he has been tempered by a lot! Even if hundreds of people were present at the same time, when everyone was paying attention, Song Woe had always been at ease.

Because he has absolute confidence in himself! Your own wine is absolutely enough to be alone in the world! No one can defeat me!

But this time, Song Wound found himself nervous, which was a kind of intentional or unintentional tension, inexplicable tension, and he was very nervous. The young man in front of him, who is not amazing, can even be said to be a careless teenager, can give himself an invisible pressure! I looked at the two ordinary small wine jars next to me with slanted eyes. Can there really be any peerless wine there?

In other words, although this wine competition is the smallest in history, the specifications of this wine competition are unprecedented!

Although there are only two judges in total, these two people, one is the younger brother of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tianxiang Empire, who is truly under one person and above ten thousand people! And the other is one of only a few masters standing on the peak of the whole Xuanxuan Continent!

Even the only audience is a prince!

As for this bet, it is unprecedented. Song Wound, this time he not only gambled on his reputation, but also gambled on his freedom for the rest of his life!

"If I lose, I will be willing to worship him as my teacher!"

This sentence was testified by a prince and a strong man! If it's an ordinary person, who dares to let Song, the master of Tianxuan, worship an ordinary teenager as a teacher?

What a funny thing this is! It is also a big event that blasphemes the dignity of the strong man! I'm afraid it has been torn to pieces before I say it.

But in the face of these two, who dares to say no? Even if the emperors of the major empires on the mainland are here at this moment, they should give this face! The prince's face may not be given, but who dares not give the face of the prairie eagle fighting for the empty?

Even if Yun Biechen, the number one in the Supreme God, should also consider whether it is worth offending the eagle!

So this little gamble, for Song Shu, walked to the cliff intentionally or unintentionally!

In this battle, I am in favor of riding a tiger and fighting back! " Good wine!"

The prince gently picked up the wine glass, first took a sip of treasure, let the wine roll in his mouth, touched any part of the mouth that could absorb the feeling, and swallowed it until the mouth was full of fragrance.

Gently close your eyes and carefully recall the wonderful feeling brought by this best wine!

"It's really good! Not only is the wine more attractive, but also the leisurely taste of wine. I have also drunk a lot of wine, and no one can keep pace with this wine. It's really the best!" The eagle drank it all. There was a trace of surprise in the sharp eagle's eyes.

No wonder Song Wound has so much self-confidence and dares to gamble so much. This wine... is really good. The wine I have drunk before, whether it is the imperial wine in the palaces of various countries or the tribute wine in the sweat tent of the grassland, compared with this wine, it is all dark and difficult to compare!

Jun Moxie smiled and gently shook the glass. Under this shaking, the original clear wine reflected a piece of confusion, and a few bubbles slightly appeared on his face. Looking at it, the original clear and bright wine was clearly slightly cloudy.

"It's still not professional enough." Jun Moxie shook his head and sighed, "The impurities are endless. This is a taboo for brewing wine!"

Song hurt you went back with one breath, and your eyes were wide open.

The best work that I have exhausted my years of energy, effort and painstaking efforts, and I got a comment that was not professional enough!

Should I scold this boy for being too ignorant or too arrogant?!

Each person drank two glasses of wine, and the prince and the eagle's eyes aimed at the two jars of wine that had not been finished at the same time. In his eyes, it was all the meaning of the movement of the index finger. No one could see that after the end of the ten-room cloth wine, the two people were afraid that they would start to eat immediately.

"Brother, it's time for us to see your wine. Ha ha, we can drink it as soon as possible. It's really worth the trip to taste such a good wine today." The prince smiled gently. With just one word, he was obviously very optimistic about Song Laosan's wine, and even glanced at Song's two jars of wine from time to time in the corners of his eyes.

The prince's meaning is obvious. I'll say it directly to death first. It's good to beat Song Laosan's wine. If you fight for it, it will be a step later. The wine is always Song Laosan's, and it is not a gift for nothing. In the way of the eagle's shameless robbery of the wine, I don't have anything to drink. Song Laosan said that these are the last two jars of wine...

As for the victory or defeat between the two... The result is already obvious. Do you need to say more? The wine that Song Woe took out today is much better than the wine he has been selling before. It should be known that even the previous wine is already rare in the world, not to mention today's wine.

Ying Bokong always wants to maintain his status as an extraterrestrial master. He can't ignore his face like a prince, but although he didn't say anything, he looked at Jun Mobang's eyes and expressed the same meaning.

"It's too early to say this. There is no difference between victory and defeat. How can we see whose wine is better!" Jun Mo Wu didn't move. He leaned over and lifted his wine jar, and slapped him carelessly...

"Bun!" The three people's eyes beat together. Even Xiao Yang, who didn't know anything, widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and looked nervous, "Hmm?" Three people spoke at the same time.

The smell is still the same, and there is no attractive fragrance!

According to it, if you open the mud seal, it is the lid of the altar, and the smell of wine should gushe out!

But how come there is no fragrance at all? Is this boy really a silver-like wax gun head?!

The three of them fixed their eyes and couldn't help rushing up, but after seeing Jun Mo Wu's mud seal opened, there was actually a thin layer of oil paper underneath, tightly wrapping the mouth of the altar. It must be fragrant to see the hell!

Seeing Jun Mo Wu slowly uncovering the oil paper little by little, the three people looked red and hot. They couldn't wait to tear the boy off with one snapping and tear off the oil paper a few times to reveal the wine.

It's too appetizing!

The oil paper was finally removed, but it was still tasteless!

The eyes of the three people stared at the same time. "No way, there is a layer of mysterious beast skin under the oil paper? It means that it should be the fur of a six-level mysterious beast.

The black beast skin was naturally easier to handle. As soon as it moved on all sides, it was exposed, but the next thing made the three people have the impulse to scold at the same time: under the black beast skin, there was actually a thick white orange wood pressed on the lid of the altar!

White orange wood, without any taste, but can isolate any taste from leakage!

No wonder I can't smell the wine all the time.

But looking at the wine jar that is not big enough, it hasn't smelled the fragrance of the wine, and it has actually shrunk by half! This girl is too... too much, isn't it?

What's more... Jun Moxie actually stopped his hand at this critical moment, stood up, slowly walked out two steps, opened his arms to do two extreme chest expansion movements, took a deep breath, and then exhaled the breath heavily, put his hands on his hips, moved his waist a few times, twisted his buttocks, and then swung. Head, twist the neck.'s neck. Ten fingers crossed, and with a lot of effort, the three people, the prince, Song Wound and Ying Bokong, were stunned.

In an instant, all three people had the same impulse "Your neck, why don't you let me twist it! I'm sure I'll break it for you at once!

It's still Xiao Yang who is more childish. He really asked this brother if he was uncomfortable. After making a shape and making a few movements, Master Jun twisted his buttocks and took a cat step. Then he came over again, put his hand on the white orange wood, and took it down without any effort and threw it on the foot deer.

In the silence, the sound was extremely loud, which made the three people's eyebrows shrugged at the same time.

Jun Moxie's hand has been pressed on the lid of the altar. At this moment, a faint fragrance of wine has floated out, making the three of them feel itchy. "Open it quickly, open it quickly.

Under the expectation of the three people, Jun Mo Wu suddenly rose up and looked down at the wine jar with an affectionate sunlight. With an uphemented tone, with a moved and melancholy face, shook his head, and ariad in a voice similar to a male duck: "Ah! ~ Get drunk before drinking, and open the altar for ten miles of incense!"

"Five me!" At the same time, the three of them couldn't stand it and scolded angrily. Even the eagle fighting empty, which self-describes to be a master of the world, was no exception. No, or it should be said that this gentleman's reaction was the most fierce, and there was a tendency to kill the young master in a second. The degree of installation has reached its limit! Intolerable!

But then, the three of them stopped drinking and scolding at the same time, and their anger froze on the ship L in an instant!

Because of this moment... Jun Moxie used an incomparable and neat means to directly smash the whole altar cover.

An indescribable and indescribable wonderful taste, like an enlightenment, filled the hut in an instant, and like a king who dominates everything, with the momentum of reigning the world suddenly coming!

Or, it should be like the ubiquitous moonlight of that night. Inadvertently, he has sprinkled the soft barley on every corner of the earth!

This is a dreamlike transcendent taste!

As soon as this fragrance comes out, this is no longer the world, but a fairyland! No! Even in Wonderland, there is absolutely no such wonderful taste!

The three of them moaned comfortably at the same time, and suddenly had a sense of gossip, that is, they seemed to float in the fragrance of the dying wine, all the way up, up...

Is this still wine? Is there such a wine in the world that can bring people into fairyland by fragrance alone?!

Woo-hoo... I'm so moved...

When the three people came to their senses, Jun Mo Wu had poured the four glasses in front of him full of wine, and a little amber sake into the glass carved with white jade. Looking at this color alone, there was a magic that made people immersed in it!

"If you don't drink, get drunk first, open the altar ten miles of incense!" The prince stood up forgetfully, suddenly burst into tears, exhausted all his strength, and roared tremblingly, "It's more than ten miles"

Song Laosan held the wine glass with tears in his eyes. As if he had won the treasure, he was so careful. He opened his eyes and looked at it for a long time, but he was reluctant to drink it. Because he was really afraid, but he was by no means afraid of losing the competition, but afraid that the wine was just a taste, and after drinking it, he would not have this detached mood.

Just the fragrance of this wine is already a beautiful dream that makes people only want to get drunk and don't want to wake up.