The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 74 The Force of Blood!

But the problem is that the two families are always in-laws, and the feelings of the sister-in-law Guan Qinghan must be considered. The overall situation of the alliance between the two must also be considered. This is not something that can be exchanged for the life of Qingyue.

Everything is about the overall situation! Guan Qinghan, who was beside him, couldn't help but be overjoyed. If this matter could be ended like this, it would be the best ending. After thinking about it several times before, the old man and the third uncle, as long as he personally went to plead guilty and pleaded for his brother, he finally had room for tact. The real embar , vowing to kill you, Mo Xie, is really a heartfelt word, I thought it was difficult to solve! I didn't expect that Jun Xiaosan would be so generous today. It's really a thousand joy to be willing to solve this matter like this. The little brother-in-law, who usually feels in the eye-law, also likes it! Thank you very much. Guan Dongliu is also infinitely grateful and sincere. As the head of the family, how can he not understand that this is the best time to eliminate the anger of the king's family! Then he turned around and shouted angrily, "You two little beasts, full of bastards, why don't you get back to the guest room and think about it behind closed doors? Wait for me to go back and take off your skin!"

You didn't mean to open your eyes and didn't say anything. The two brothers of the housekeeper drooped their heads and had to go out. Jun Moxie clearly saw a trace of smile on Guan Qingbo's face...

Guan Qinghan hesitated for a moment. He still called two servants and ordered the kitchen to cook another table of food and send it to them. No matter what he had just done wrong, he was his own brother.

"Brother Guan!" Jun didn't mean to look up a little, and the cold light came straight in his eyes. Looking at him with the cultivation of Guan Dongliu, he actually felt faintly painful: "The matter of the younger generation, let's take it as a farce; but here I want to say that if something similar happens again, don't blame me for not having no intention Don't be sentimental!"

"Mr. Third Brother, please rest assured. If there is still a chance to lose such a ship, then you don't need to talk. I will cut off my head and send it here!"

Guan Dongliu's expression is solemn. Today's matter is really a big favor of the Jun family. At the same time, it also humiliated him. It should be known that now the housekeeper can also be regarded as a famous family in the east. It is really a great scandal for the second son to do such an unwise act because of a brothel woman.

"It's so good. I can trust Brother Guan, and I believe that Brother Guan is also worthy of my trust." Jun inadvertently smiled, his slender fingers gently stroked the blanket on his leg, and slowly said, "The previous misunderstanding is over, but about the matter of Qinghan, I hope Brother Guan can be honest and tell me the real reason for this withdrawal!"

Guan Dongliu was stunned and wanted to speak, but he was inadvertently interrupted by you.

Jun shook his head slightly inadvertently and said calmly, "You and I both know that when the two families got married, it was still a good marriage that both families were satisfied with. However, after Moyou's accidental death, the Jun family took the initiative to terminate the marriage contract for the sake of Qing Han's happiness, just for Qing Han's original persistence and to soothe Qing Han's pain, our Jun family agreed to let Qing Han enter the door. However, this matter is always an expedient measure, and withdrawal is a matter of time. Every one of our two families is greedy, just waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for a cold match to appear!"

"But Brother Guan, it seems unusual for you to come this time." Jun inadvertently squeezed his lips, and a line of stiffness appeared on his face: "What's going on? If Brother Guan still recognizes my Jun family, please make it clear; if Brother Guan doesn't want to say it, it doesn't matter. The separation document is in my hand, and it can be delivered to you now! From then on, the two families broke off their kindness and never came back and forth!"

You don't mean to say this, and you are undoubtedly decisive! Guan Dongliu looked at you in a daze. For a long time, he sighed depressingly. His straight waist seemed to suddenly collapse and said in a low voice, "Jun Sandi, this matter... After all... You still don't know. Otherwise, it will only involve the Jun family in vain. In a word, I'm not an ungrateful person. You should be clear about this.

"I don't mean to be a person who is afraid of things." Jun didn't mean to look pale. "Is there anyone in this world who dares to get married? B Is the daughter of the wedding housekeeper and the daughter-in-law of the Jun family submissive? 1 "This is all the trouble caused by this girl himself." Guan Dongliu sighed and looked at Guan Qinghan, helpless.

"Ah? Dad, how could I mess with it myself? Guan Qinghan blushed and gave his father a white look: How do you speak? Did anyone say that about his daughter? This clearly means that I recruit bees to attract butterflies! Humph! The two brothers don't grow up, and even their father's words are so out of tune! Qinghan, do you still remember that half a year ago, on the anniversary of Moyou's death, you went to Moyou's tomb to mourn? Guan Dongliu sighed deeply: "Have you ever met a young man in green there?"

"It turned out to be him?" Guan Qinghan suddenly remembered that there was a young man in green who pestered him and went back and forth with him, but he never pretended to be speechless, and then disappeared. I still remember that the teenager once said before leaving: I don't care who you are, and I don't care what your identity is, but you are bound to become my daughter. People! Haha... This man is really a scoundrel!"

"That person may be a scoundrel, but this extremely scoundrel's surname is Li." Guan Dongliu smiled bitterly: "He is the only son of the supreme Li Juetian, Li Tengyun! He is also the only young master of Tiannan Blood Soul Villa!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it was like throwing a bomb. In an instant, the hall fell into extreme silence again, and the needle was audible for a moment! Juetian Supreme Li Juetian is recognized as the second master in the world, only under the Supreme Cloud of the Eagle. Even, many people think that if it hadn't been for the coincidence of a nine-level mysterious beast partner, in terms of their own strength alone, it may not be above the fierce sky! After clarifying Qinghan's identity, Li Tengyun immediately sent someone to the housekeeper to inform him. And said, if it is not allowed, the housekeeper's family will be destroyed at the same time!" Guan Dong's words were full of bleakness. Humiliation and powerlessness.

The blood soul of Tiannan is light, and the wind and snow in the north cast silver city! These are the two mysterious forces that are all famous in the world. Wind and Snow Silver City, Blood Soul J, Zhuang! This style of behavior is also the means of Li Juetian and Blood Soul J+ Zhuang! If you don't ask the reason, you can achieve it directly by force! Guan Qinghan's face suddenly turned pale! White and terrible! That rogue teenager turned out to be Li Tengyun! The only young master of the Blood Soul Villa! He may be nothing, but behind him is Li Juetian, the whole Blood Soul Villa! That's the existence that the housekeeper's family and even the whole Tianxiang Empire can't afford to provoke.

Is it possible to "Haha, how old is Li Juetian this year? If so, it should be more than 100 years old, right? How can you get a son in his twenties with such a strong function? Jun Mo Wu's face was full of slap in his face: "So, didn't he have such a son at least when he was in his eighties? It's really an old clam. I admire it! I have decided that Li Juetian will be my idol in the future! Haha..."

It turned out to be in front of the cow's nose, and the ice waiter Mo Xie has not been crossed...

"Mo Xie, do you feel so ridiculous about this?" You didn't mean to frown, and you were a little disappointed. Such a major event related to the life and death of the two families, Jun Moxie actually got up? It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous; it's ridiculous that Li Juetian is not cultivating, but the most ridiculous thing is still you!" Jun Moxie turned his head, looked at Guan Dongliu, and sneered: "The Blood Soul Villa came to propose marriage. The housekeeper can't afford to provoke the Blood Soul Villa, can he? So you don't care about your daughter's name and sell your daughter as a commodity? Or exchange it?"

"Isn't it cost-effective to exchange the innocence of a woman and the happiness of her life in exchange for the survival and future of thousands of people in the whole family?" Jun Mo Wu laughed sarcastically.

"I don't want to do this! Qinghan is my own daughter, and I only have one daughter in my life! I'm also reluctant to part with it." Guan Dongliu looked at Jun Moxie angrily: "However, there are still more than a thousand people in the housekeeper! Did you sacrifice everything just because of this? Just to keep my daughter safe for a while, will you pay all the housekeepers in? You don't know the horror of the Blood Soul Villa at all!"

"You send her there for humiliation. Can you survive with peace of mind after that!? Can you reproduce with such shame? Are you also glad that you betrayed Guan Qinghan and hugged the thick thigh of the Blood Soul Villa?

Jun Moxie finally couldn't help breaking out. He only felt that this matter was extremely ridiculous: "Have you ever thought about why Qinghan sacrificed for your housekeeper? What right do you have to exchange her life for your peace? How can you still feel noble and great when selling women for glory like this? I really don't know if there is a word shame in your hearts!"

"People say that it has been difficult and the only death since ancient times, so I say that if you die, you will die, and if you die, you will die; what's the big deal? But if you survive the shame, don't you feel blocked? Can the children and grandchildren in the future really be prosperous and have peace of mind?

Jun Moxie spat out a mouthful: "What kind of incense has been passed down from generation to generation? To put it bluntly, it's just a group of shameless men and women venting their desires at ease! ** After that, it was just a coincidence that the living body was made in the pleasant jet! You are happy, you are high and tidal, and you are irresponsible? What kind of dog P theory is this!"

"Mo Xie!" You inadvertently shouted softly: "Don't be presumptuous!" Although I'm drinking, the appreciation in your eyes is not hidden at all! Although the nephew's words in the second half are really out of tune! But this iron-blooded style is the most appreciated by you! What is a man? This is it! It doesn't matter if you are shameless when you are despicable, but when you encounter a problem of principle, a man would rather bend than bend! Men's glory and survival must not be sustained by betrayed women! This is the principle. For this principle, you can't get a 10% discount! I'd rather die than regret! Man, be like this!