The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 54 A little trouble

But they have done their best! I'm afraid that I'll lose face after the move. Yingda Supreme asked himself that he had just fallen behind in the Xuanqi sound wave competition. If he can't fight back in the field he is best at, how can he have the face and tears?

And tears without sadness this time is to stand up for the apprentice, and it is even more taboo to break his own spirit, force himself to chase the eagle to fight for the air, and refuse to fall behind at all!

In this way, although Jun Moxie's yin and yang escape is magical and amazingly powerful, after all, his skills are still shallow, and he can't occupy the god of yin and yang escape. How can he compare with these two supreme-level bigwigs?

To be honest, with his age and cultivation, being able to keep up with these two people is already super shocking news that can shock the world!

The two figures, one after the other, are like floating light and shadows, and like meteors outside the sky, passing by in an instant. When they saw the house crossing the house and encountering the power of the building, they had to escape from the Tianxiang City in a trance and disappeared in the vast expanse.

The large city with a population of one million covers an area, but not only the two people flew out of the city from the center of the city, but they only took a few breaths! At such a high speed, Jun Moxie estimated that even the Yang fighter in the previous life may not be able to catch up

Seeing that the two people in front of him have disappeared in the range of his own sight, the king is a little depressed. It seems that this is the first time since Laozi II has lost people. If you look at it again, you can't help laughing bitterly.

It's really predestined, paralyzed! I just got out of here this afternoon. I'm in big trouble today, and now I've been led back here in the middle of the night!

Is the feng shui particularly good here?

Jun Moxie looked around and confirmed his inference.

This place is alone in the wild, surrounded by no people, and dense forests. It is really an excellent place to kill people and steal goods!

Standing on the treetops, the night wind is blowing. Master Jun only feels that his mind is clear and comfortable. For a moment, his pride suddenly rises, and he can't help roaring: Wearing the forest, crossing the sea, talking about the snow, oh, the original ton of flies, the anger rushes to the bene

But this loud song was still not sung after all. Because at this moment, two strong momentum suddenly broke out in the dense forest, and the tsunami generally flooded the whole dense forest together!

I thought that the two old things had gone far away, and it turned out that they began to fight not far away from each other. It seems that this world is not only satisfied with myself, but also satisfied with others. It's really a good place!

Seeing countless big trees tilting in the opposite direction, the trunks are clicking, and they will break almost at any time! Master Jun, who was ready to take a break and sing a few times, almost shook it down and cursed secretly: These two old things are really not interesting at all. I don't know if fighting also needs art?!

Then he dived in silently. After all, it is rare to have the opportunity to watch the battle between the supremes!

In the middle of the dense forest, the eagle fighting in the air and tears are ten feet apart, standing opposite each other! The ground between the two was abnormally flat. The big tree that originally grew here, under the bombardment of the two people's air machine, had already silently turned into powder and disappeared between heaven and earth!

The current court is more flat than the basketball court in the previous life!

Such a good skill, why don't these two old guys repair the road! You should also go to remote mountainous areas to repair roads! This *** is much smoother than the excavator roller, and it is much more convenient. With your hands behind your back and staring at an infinite pretentious posture, the road will be flat. It's too wasteful not to use such a speed...

The invisible and intangible aura between the two spread out in waves. With the passage of time, the long hair that had been hanging flat behind the head gradually became messy and began to lean back slightly, with the wind. The tears on the opposite side were not sad, but they were still motionless, and even the hem of the clothes was not raised at all.

The strength of the two people's cultivation is strong and weak, and the judgment is made!

"Eagle, you have made great progress over the years!" Tears snorted coldly: "But although I'm not as fast as you, you are far behind in terms of Xuangong! In front of me, you'd better be honest!"

"Is it? Not necessarily!" The eagle suddenly rose up in the air. This leap was like a high-pressure spring that was suppressed to the extreme, which suddenly rebounded, and the whole body stabbed straight into the sky in the shape of a javelin!

In terms of momentum, the competition of Eagle Supreme has reached a disadvantage. If it continues so reluctantly, I'm afraid it will completely fall into the aura of tears. At that time, it will be really weak! So the eagle made a prompt decision and immediately flew up to the sky! Break through the cryless air machine blockade and talk about something else!

The eagle fights in the eight supremes to accompany the last seat, and its own mysterious cultivation is indeed the end of the eight people. This is well known, and it is not surprising. If he is blindly entangled in competing with other supremes, then he does not deserve the name of the supreme!

The ruler is short and the inch is long, and the strongest means of Eagle Supreme has never been mysterious!

The height of this leap obviously broke through the original height level of the eagle fighting, which was more than 20 feet straight, and the whole person has become an extremely vague small black spot in the night sky!

The ghost-like light flashed in the eyes without sadness, and the sound did not dare to neglect. He used his toes as the axis, and suddenly he was short. The whole person rotated rapidly like a top. In an instant, a small tornado mass had appeared on the ground, rolling a strange gas that was almost black and shiny, and rolled up all the surrounding trees and even the grass soil. The range was getting larger and larger, and the power of the tornado was getting stronger and stronger!

There was a sharp roar in the air, which pierced people's eardrums and long, falling as fast as lightning. The sound explosion in the air is that the speed of the eagle fighting itself has reached a limit, and the body and clothes rub against the air with the strong sound of breaking the air!

The eagle's right hand is in front of the claws, the left hand is behind, in front of the shoulder, a long black hair, perpendicular to the ground to the sky, but the man is falling"

The whole group of eagle fighting in the air is like a shocking arrow shot in the battle of gods and demons in the sky! Howling to tears without sadness!

"Well done!" With a cry of tears, the tornado on the ground suddenly rose to the ground, facing the black fitness shadow in the air. There was a sudden contact between the two, and suddenly there was a burst of "bobo." With the sound, the two shocking forces disappeared in an instant, and the eagle fighting air also stood in front of tears without sadness again. His claws were transformed, as if they were ever-changing.

Tears hum without sadness, dark palms, and no timidity. The two four hands fought hundreds of times in an hour. Suddenly, tears flew backwards without sadness, and the male body of the eagle also staggered back.

As soon as the flight retreated, the space in the middle was suddenly separated by dozens of feet!

At the moment when the two of them retreated, the place where the two forces came into contact in the middle suddenly made a loud "bang" and produced a strong explosion! As the aftermath, even the big tree that Jun Moxie was hidden twenty feet away was broken in an instant!

What an amazing aftermath of the explosion!

The king killer is admiring the peak battle representing the two of the eight strongest masters, and comparing the world's top martial arts with the original moves in his heart. Such a strong man's fight, even if it is on the sidelines, it will definitely benefit a lot.

Unexpectedly, I just figured out a trick on my side, but the big tree I hid was suddenly broken, and it was still broken into dozens of pieces! Jun Moxie was directly thrown out by the hidden tree trunk. He fell to the ground firmly and made two rolls. It was so sudden that I didn't have time to transfer!

Although he was still invisibility, he didn't feel good. He fell seven times and eight episodes, and his eyes were full of stars. He seemed to be the first one. He was so embarrassed. Because he was too surprised, he finally couldn't help humming and said in a very low voice.

The volume of this muffled humming is indeed extremely low, but for the two supremes, it is no less than the early Thunderbolt. There is someone peeping next to them, and the two of them are unconscious?!

The two people over there couldn't help shouting at the same time: "Who?! Get out of here?"

Jun Da Gaoren did not dare to show his head at this moment, shrank his neck, and directly used Mu Dun. I quickly moved to another big tree, and my mind flashed: the two supreme martial arts competition, so far, it has been roughly divided by 0

Although this competition is only just the beginning, it can be seen by peeping at the leopard; Eagle Fighting is not a tearless opponent for the time being! After a long time, I'm afraid I'm going to suffer!

It's like two rich people fighting for wealth. One is only one billion, while the other has 1.5 billion. As far as the world is concerned, the wealth of the two is enough for them to squander their love as much as they want. But the two fight each other, and in the end, the one with 1.5 billion wins. After all, his background is better.

But Eagle Fight Kong is his own now! Do you want to watch him make a fool of yourself? In this case. I'll make a little disturbance for them. When Jun Moxie thought of this, he suddenly had a plan; he let out a slight cold hum again, and his voice was full of disdain, and then transferred again!

The two figures have fallen like a meteor rushing to the moon, where he just made a sound, no different!

But yin and yang escape is really wonderful. Under the eyes of the two supremes, it can still be easily hidden!

The two supremes searched carefully, so that they didn't get anything and couldn't help but look at each other. Both of them were shocked. They could sneak so close to each other under their own eyes. This person's Xuangong was never below the two of them, and maybe even! Who is this person? What's the purpose?

The cold hum just now was obviously a little disdainful and looked down on himself! Who is so arrogant?

Eagle Fighting suddenly woke up and scolded, "Tears are not sad. You are too shameless. You actually asked for a helper! I despise you! As for your virtue, it's embarrassing to claim to be the eight supreme people!"

"Fuck your mother's shit!" Tears without sadness and anger: "What help do I need to deal with you like this? What a joke! Is it your helper? Eagle fights in the air, don't shout to catch thieves in this thieves. Just call out. I'll teach you one against two!"

Both of them said so, but they were already wary in their hearts. Although the strength of the two is different, the difference is quite limited. Once the other party has a helper with good strength, he can turn the results at any time, and he can't help but raise the mind of quick battle at the same time.