The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 69 Look at the article I stepped on alone

Meng Haizhou and others only said that Li Youran was taking the opportunity to make things difficult for you, and they made a lot of trouble one after another. But I don't know that what Li Youran said was the truth.

"Youran, you can't help but laugh." Kong Lingyang's face darkened and he was a little unhappy: "Mr. Jun, maybe, in other aspects, make achievements; but the way of poetry has never been famous, this is not a rabbit..."

Some people laugh secretly. Confucius's words are extremely obscure, but everyone can hear the ground. The so-called Jun Moxie can make some achievements. In other aspects, it's nothing more than the shameful things of the brothel, running dogs and fighting chickens, and bullying men and women. As for other places, what else can this boy make? Everyone has a boast in their hearts: the old man is the old man, and even the harm to others is so elegant.

"Confucius doesn't have to worry, hehe. If your student can't even argue with Jun Moxie, why do you need to compete with Mr. Youran? Meng Haizhou replied with a smile, which was a great good for Confucius's army.

Kong Lingyang is angry about it. If my painstaking disciple is not as good as that tanna, then I really want a rope and two sets. Just look for a short-term view. If he didn't say anything, he waved his hand, appointed a disciple to fight, and sat down sullenly.

"Shi Busheng Han Zhidong, ask the gentleman for advice.

A young man stood up with a smile, bowed deeply from a distance, and then raised his head. A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"Um, there is no need for well teaching. When I have time, I will teach you two tricks to spare your hands, so that you can cross the Lingwu Lake. The grand wind is magnificent. How can a mysterious mystery be demonstrated in public? Even if you don't mind. I still mind."

Jun Moxie's eyes naturally saw the disdain in his eyes. He smiled, squeezed his eyes, laughed, and directly put one on him. Shameless hat.

Xiaosheng has always been clean, but Xiaosheng never goes to places like Lingwu Lake. Han Zhidong's voice was a little cold. There was a burst of contempt in his heart: It was indeed a big scum. He asked him for teaching knowledge, but he actually went to the brothel with one sentence. Do you know that this is a place in public? What a disgrace!

"Have you never been to Lingwu Lake? So where are you going? Jun Moxie was disgusted. You haven't finished yet. You shook your legs and said leisurely, "Oh, by the way, it's my negligence. Seeing that Han Caizi's dress is very shabby, he must not be able to go to such a place. It seems that if there is a need, that is, holding a spear and planning in In the fighting room, it was majestic and majestic. It killed hundreds of millions of soldiers with one shot, and then had to take a deep breath

What is this? Han Zhidong's white and greedy handsome face suddenly turned red like chicken blood, and his neck was thick in an sudden...

Master Jun's words seem to be very elegant, and it is also very imposing. Among the people, many of them were stunned for a moment. After thinking about it carefully, they understood what it meant. They couldn't help laughing. This boy really knows, it's broken!

For a while, the hall was full of the kind of heart leaders belonging to men, and I could only feel the unspeakable obscene laughter...

Only Princess Lingmeng, Dugu Xiaoyi, Han Yanmeng and other famous talented girls stared at the surprised eyes one by one. They looked at this puzzledly, and then looked at that. They vaguely felt that this was not a good thing, but they really couldn't think of it. What kind of bad thing is it? Listening to Jun Moxie's words is a description of a majestic general, but why is it so strange?

Several old men winking at each other. Only a few of them really laughed without fear, patting the table and thighs, laughing so much that they couldn't see their eyes. Dugu slapped Tang Wanli on the shoulder, who was trembling with laughter, and laughed in a low voice, "Lao Tang. I suddenly remembered the time when we had just entered the army, on the eve of the fierce battle against Sirius Mountain; Mr. Jun was the captain. That night, Lao Tang, you were so majestic. We all saw that you secretly got up early tomorrow morning and went out to wash the inside, "

Tang Wanli suddenly blushed and jumped up with a thick neck. He no longer cared about how afraid he was about Dugu Zongheng. He fiercely opened his hand and crossed his thick neck and roared in a low voice: "You son of a bitch! Do you dare to go on?"

Dugu coughed repeatedly, but smiled and begged for mercy. Several old guys put their thumbs under Tang Wanli's nose one after another. So everyone heard it"

Mr. Tang blushed and stood up angrily and was about to leave, but he was held down by several old men and persuaded him with a smile.

Dugu Xiaoyi saw that the seven brothers were all tightly pouting and smiling. His black face was actually full of joy, and his shoulders trembled. With a tremor, it seemed to be really funny. I couldn't help asking, "What did he say?" Is it really so funny?"

Well, the seven brothers looked at each other in constergru. They were all stunned in embarrassment, and then shook their heads neatly together: "It's not funny. What's so funny? It's not funny at all!"

Dugu Xiaoyi snorted and turned his head angrily. Suddenly, he felt that these men, including his brothers and Jun Moxie, all looked so annoying! I'm so angry that I can't answer anything today!

I secretly recalled what Jun Moxie said, and firmly remembered it in my heart. I thought that if you don't say it, you will show off the fine concave.) Different body clams, the novel is easy to read and go out." When I go home and ask my mother, I don't believe it. I really don't know

Han Zhidong took a deep breath. I know that I am bickering with such a swan. He absolutely can't get the upper hand and said, "Your Majesty is indebted today. The young students who were ashamed to give this golden autumn talent banquet were able to follow the teacher and make up the number of taro. When I came, when I saw the golden chrysanthemum and osmanthus in the imperial garden, I occasionally got a couplet. Please teach me!"

After saying that, without waiting for Jun Moxie to accept it or not, he read it directly: "Royal garden, ** fragrance, orchid fragrance, osmanthus fragrance, flower fragrance, flower fragrance, sky fragrance, fragrance, thousands of miles of the first fragrance."

As soon as this couplet came out, everyone meditated.

This couplet seems simple, but it is not simple. In particular, the last sentence is also embedded with the word "Tianxiang", which metaphorically expresses the blessing to the Tianxiang Empire, but the horses are shot without trace, which can be said to be a master. For a moment, everyone was searching their intestines and trying to show their talents in front of others, so as to show their talents in front of your majesty.

As for Jun Moxie, everyone has no hope that such a profound and difficult couplet will make him right. Isn't it a joke? He won't be right in the next life!

"The gentleman's little student is sparse and shallow, and he can barely get such a shallow upper couplet. I don't know if he can still get into the eyes of the gentleman?" Han Zhidong smiled and looked at Jun Moxie humbly, with a sincere expression: "Please don't hesitate to teach me one or two!"

If he doesn't say this sentence, or even wait until Jun Moxie can't make a fool of himself and doesn't speak, everyone will inevitably look up at him while contempting Jun Moxie. I believe that the bosses will also leave a special impression on him because of this couplet. After all, it is also a very difficult couplet in the scene, which is also a good talent; but as soon as he said this sentence, it made everyone sigh in the hearts of the bosses.

So reasonable and unforgiving, the ambition of the rampant "talent" has long been subordinated. What's more, are you so proud of being a person who has been influenced by Wenxing Academy for many years to embarrass a dy in the poetry couplet?

This so-called talent is a lifelong achievement. It will never be high!

Even if there is a chance to climb up. But the bigwigs don't allow such a kind-hearted person to take the upper position! Who can guarantee that this guy will deal with himself after gaining power? So Han Zhidong didn't know at all. Because I said one more word, I completely announced the demise of my political future. At this moment, I am still complacent,

Jun Moxie frowned. If he improvised a poem, he could steal it, but there was no way to steal this kind of impromptu couplet. Why is Ya's first match compared with bullshit couplets? Can't it be better than anything else? It's really his grandma,

Mr. Kong Lingyang narrowed his eyes. Very proud: "If you can't make it right, you might as well say it clearly, hehe, for you. It's not a shame"

Everyone smiled softly. The old man was really unforgiving, and he carried out his usual habit of swearing without dirty words. It seemed that he was ready to scold again.

Jun Mo rushed up, suddenly crossed his heart and shouted, "What's so difficult about this? Isn't it just a piece of shit? Look at my brother coming up to you, stepping on the Wenxing Academy alone!"

There were a lot of boos. This guy really dared to speak. In those two ways, he dared to say such crazy words, and he was not afraid that the wind would flash his tongue.

It seems that this boy is going to be severely abused by Wenxing Academy today,

Only Li Youran and Mr. Jun Zhantian's eyes shrank, but Li Youran believed that he had this ability, and Li Youran also tried to do it in his heart, and always felt that it was not stable. Seeing Jun Mo Xie's wild words, this Xuan couldn't help thinking in his heart: Is he really better than


Mr. Jun is a little anxious. Didn't you agree to hide your clumsiness, this little bastard? Why is it sharp again now?

Kong Lingyang sneered and said, "Mr. Jun is really confident. Well, if the gentleman really comes out in a s of incense, my Wenxing Academy is willing to admit defeat. But if it doesn't come out, how about asking the prince to mediate to Master Tang and return my poor disciple to me?"

The disciple he said was naturally Zhao Chengsong, the "underpants washing talent" who was abused by Tang Yuan, but when Tang Yuan was expelled from the house, Zhao Caizi was afraid of leaving a scourge. He had already been beaten and killed with a stick. Where can he go? Even if he came back from the underworld, the bones smelled long ago at this moment. "No problem!" Jun Moxie raised his neck and took it big. If you can't get it right, I will return your disciple's bones to you and leave. You only want disciples, but you don't say whether you are alive or dead. We won't mind this,,

"But if I get this right. You should also give me one! If you can't be right, then you Wenxing Academy will have to say the word couplet in front of the young master and me from now on. How about it? Jun Moxie laughed strangely.