The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 78 Jade Spey Escaped

Xiao Fengwu is fully absorbing the pure energy of Wu Perry to repair his damaged body meridians.

He also understands that sending it once is purely to make his own bait. It's a lie to say that you are not afraid. Another kind of panic is that in case the mysterious man comes too early nb; nb; even if the self-respecting identity disdains to kill himself, as long as his injury has not fully recovered nb; nb; it will be tortured for several more days out of thin air

So he worked very hard to absorb the pure energy from the jade pendant wholeheartedly. He also clearly felt that his broken meridians were slowly wrapped in the pure energy transmitted by Wupei. It's like the whole person is soaked in the warm spring and only feels warm all over the body, and the damaged meridians are quickly recovering the wonderful comfort of sobbing at an extremely fast and amazing speed. He almost wanted to moan out and only felt that his soul was floating nb; nb; like climbing to heaven nb; nb; like a dream. Intoxicated

At the most comfortable time nb;nb;suddenly, the five pendants suddenly disappeared in the hand

Xiao Fengwu hurriedly opened his eyes in shock. But I saw the five pendant floating in the air on his chest and quickly went away after a little meal. What's more bizarre is that Xiao Fengwu did not find any person's shadow and breath, just like this jade pendant suddenly had long legs and had his own life and was running away.

How could such a thing happen? What's going on? At this time, there is no such thing as a high-level person to guide Wang Pei with a profound mysterious void bow. On the one hand, there is no need for this. On the other hand, there is no mysterious fluctuation at all. Xiao Fengwu will still distinguish what's going on in front of him.

Xiao Fengwu's mind was blurred nb; nb; almost suspected that he was dreaming nb; nb; he shook his head hard, and then he woke up a little to see that Chen Pei was about to float out of the house and think of the magical effect of Wu Pei. Da reluctantly finally summoned up the courage to rush up and shouted sadly in his mouth nb; nb; come on, nb; nb; Yupe escaped nb;"

The jade pendant escaped.

Jun Moxie, who is in the midst of nothingness, was almost teased by his words and laughed out his appearance *** This boy is really talented. Although Fang Wupei is indeed a wonderful treasure, in the final analysis, he is always a dead thing to describe the real nb; nb; speechless.

But Xiao Fengwu was in a hurry and could not clearly explain that the mysterious incident in front of him said that the Xiang people robbed and stole nb;nb; but obviously, he didn't see anyone do it, and he didn't even see a ghost. So Xiao Fengwu had to shout that Wu Pei ran away. But I didn't realize how ridiculous this sentence was, although it was about the current situation, it was actually a very suitable statement

Someone came to grab the Continuation Soul Five" At the moment when Jun Moxie grabbed Wu Pei and fell from Xiao Fengwu's hand, Xiao Buyu in another room with white eyebrows and stood up. His divine consciousness forbidden system fed this information to his mind at the first time. Almost at the same time, a small green feathered eagle falcon In Bu Yu's arms, lightning flew out of the direction of Xiao Fengwu's room.

To be honest, this result can be said to be both unexpected and unreasonable.

In terms of the strong strength of the mysterious man described by an elder, since he will take away the treasures of future generations regardless of his identity, he will not let go of the other half of the jade pendant.

But nb; nb; At present, this secret room has been shrouded in so many master gods. Even the first supreme cloud, it is difficult not to reveal its identity. I believe that as long as it is a normal person, there is no way not to touch the guard. Under the divine consciousness of the protector, the mysterious man actually sneaked into it so silently. Such a means can be said to be a rare extraordinary skill

The next moment, Xiao Buyu's thin body had already flown out lightly and quietly like a white cloud.

Fly to the secret room of Xiao Fengwu's injury

At the same time, a feminine but particularly sharp roar made a continuous sound from his mouth, which was not high but continuous. The whole Shengbaotang was instantly shocked by his long roar nb; nb; how fast the speed of the mysterious strong man was nb; almost in an instant, it was in accordance with the previous arrangement. Twelve peak masters have surrounded Xiao Fengwu's injured room. Everyone is absorbed in nb; nb; be on alert nb; nb; ready to take action at any time

A master who can sneak into the secret room and steal treasures under the cover of so many gods is by no means an easy person. This is the consensus of everyone

This man is a great enemy

Xiao Buyu's eyes were full of murder. He kept stopping and rushed into Xiao Fengwu's room for recuperation.

When he was about seven feet away from the door, the hard and thick red sandalwood door had already been invaded by his mysterious air nb; nb; silently turned into half a day of debris and disappeared in the air in an instant. Xiao Buyu flashed in like a wandering dragon. Its speed is really like lightning

This is exactly Xiao Buyu's calculation. As long as there is an abnormality here, everyone will go out together. But it is not necessary for everyone to break into the room. If the situation is chaotic, it will be more conducive to the enemy's escape.

As long as the most powerful person is single, and others form a huge encirclement around this area to closely monitor and block any escape route in the whole space. As long as the person gathers nb;nb; no matter which direction, it will usher in a head-on attack

Anyone on his side will burst out all his skills in the first time he sees that person is to be able to stop him a little bit nb; nb; even half of the time to stop him from blinking is enough for everyone to gather around and join hands

Xiao Buyu is confident that he is even the weakest among this person. Yunbiechen, who is the head of the Great Supreme, is coming. As long as he comes at the cost of his life, he can't even stop him for a while. nb;nb; let alone others

In such a short time, Xiao didn't believe that anyone else in this book could get out of sight. Falling, there are also five seven swords of the god Xuanyin City next to the line

Even if the mysterious man can raise in silently. But it's a joke to want to leave quietly with such a tight blockade

This plan is absolutely seamless nb;nb;no mistake, no accident

But nb;nb;in fact, it was greatly beyond Xiao Buyu's expectation that there was no accident

He flew into Xiao Fengwu's room and rushed all over his body. The whole person is like a violent tornado.

He had already learned from the rumors that the terrible strength of this mysterious figure was fearless but fearless, which was described by one or sixteen brothers. I'm afraid that if I'm negligent, I may be a little careless under this mysterious character.

As soon as he entered the room, Xuanqi protected his toes all over his feet and suddenly turned around. It was like a ballet actress doing super difficult movements nb;nb; but she found nothing.

Xiao Fengwu was the only one standing in the room.

Where are the people?" Xiao Benyu shouted in his heart, "Is it too late?" It's impossible. The abandoned eagle is also pointing in this direction. How can it be wrong?

What kind of person? Xiao Fengwu was confused and didn't know what his grandfather was asking. He replied confusedly.

The person who robbed the soul jade. You are stupid." Xiao Buyu was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Wu Pei was shot away in his hand. He actually asked himself who it was. Fortunately, Wan Xiao Buyu has cultivated his feet. Otherwise, he will really be so angry that he will go crazy.

No one, no one." Xiao Fengwu looked at his hands in a daze and looked at his grandfather in rage. He didn't know what had happened. His head was still confused. How could Wupei fly away by himself? It's really strange. Is it refined?

There is no one. No one, where is the soul jade in your hand? Do you want to tell me? It flew away with its own wings. Xiao Buyu was angry and scolded loudly.

Yes, yes, what happened just now was really strange. Although Wu Pei didn't have wings, he really flew away by himself." Xiao Fengwu's serious face.

Waste" Xiao Buyu cursed angrily. He snorted out and his whole face was black with anger. I've seen useless and stupid nb;nb; but I've never seen such a rubbish.

Such a waste is still his own grandson

But nb; nb; what I said is true nb; nb; Wu Pei really flew away by himself, but he didn't have wings and flew away at a very fast speed nb; nb; "Behind Xiao Buyu, Xiao Fengwu was infinitely wronged and only felt that he was wronged. Why doesn't anyone believe the truth these days? What I said is what I have seen and experienced with my own eyes

** Your grandma nb; nb; why don't you shut up, you bastard?" A violent scold came from the air, and then a palm brush that almost condensed into substance flew down and hit Xiao Fengwu's face. Xiao Fengwu was beaten. He fell to the ground and his face was suddenly swollen.

Cover his face, Xiao Fengwu is extremely sad, but he is thinking about your grass in his heart. My grandparents is exactly the right person to find *** If you don't have that, you don't even have my grandfather in these worlds

Xiao Buyu's body was like a meteor in the sky, soaring into the sky and ten feet above the Shengbaotang Pavilion. He hung in the air and quickly turned a circle of thunderous eyes and lightning, and swept in all directions in an flash. Within a radius of ten miles, it is all under the bright starlight. But I didn't find any trace of a sister who could do it

The man's walk was as silent as his coming.

The small fragrant eagle circled around him. Obviously, even this little thing has lost its own


How is this possible?

A few words. During this period, the update is really something to do at home. My brother was hospitalized by accident. I have to go to bed every night. My brother is the prototype of Fatty Tang in the book. He has an injury during this period and can't solve it by himself. My brother has an urgent problem. I need to take him up. Then untie the nb; nb; fade away and then lift the back box to nb; nb; you can imagine how miserable I am. More than 200 catties nb;nb; I'm on duty in the middle of the night

Many people in this group know nb; nb; I didn't want to say that I was afraid that everyone would worry about nb;nb;, but it's better to explain more and more opinions. Please understand.

In addition, the computer broke down a few days ago. There is only one clear understanding of the purpose of so many things. I remember that some time ago, I found a comment in the book review section of a book. I forgot which book it was. This comment is better than **. If there is a first time, there will be a second time. And life. There will always be all kinds of things that will be the reason for asking for leave. Therefore, once there is a first time to ask for leave, there will only be more and more reasons. It's getting smoother and smoother nb; and books or unfinished or eunuchs nb; nb; often start with this

This sentence makes a lot of sense. So no matter what the reason is, as long as my hands can still code words, as long as my head can still think. I just don't want to break the update. Because I don't want to have such a first time. Speaking of this, everyone will understand why I didn't give a reason in advance. Because I'm afraid that after saying it in advance, I will have a good reason to be lazy.

If it keeps changing, it symbolizes my persistence. Then I hope I can stick to it myself. Even if it is only to complete the guaranteed update every day. It's just that I'm a little tired.