The evil king of the alien world

Brother doesn't talk

shouted in the air: "Big brother, just kill all such people and then find those crossbows. It must be among the belongings of these people. Can't you still fly to the sky?"

A figure flew out with blue light, and the blue light of the long sword in his hand almost flashed far away. As soon as he appeared, it caused a scream! Breaking through the crowd, he cut out a bloody road of death, and rolled to the center!

Zhang Cunxiao shouted, "Everyone gathered in a circle and worked together to form an iron barrel to kill the enemy together." All the warriors responded and quickly moved to the middle, shouting for a moment. Although he still can't resist the three Tianxuan masters, he has gradually been able to stabilize his position.

On a towering tree, there was no one; but there was a faint sigh.

It was Master Jun who was hiding in that tree.

Looking at the fight below, Master Jun kept shaking his head. He was really speechless about these three goods killed out of thin air! Robbery is so unprofessional. I really don't know how the Supreme came out of tears!

With Jun Moxie's eyes, it can naturally be seen at a glance that these three people are the only three disciples who have no tears!

acquaintance. It's so familiar!

These three people are really more than enough to fail! Typical waste.

Robbery, you can come out quietly and hit the stuffy stick directly, and you have to say a sentence before you take action,

This made Jun Moxie speechless.

Pretend to be a fart!

You can't rob yourself, even the perfect plan made by the young master has been disturbed! How much more does it cost! Fortunately, Tears Jianhong did not say, "I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to live from now on, you can stay and buy money" and so on. Otherwise, you can fall down the tree stimulated by the king killer.

Jun Moxie came here with his guard one day in advance, digging traps, and being busy with lurking. In the end, Jun Moxie directly lost a pill to hide his own breath, and arranged more than 200 people in the woods not far from here. Naturally, they were all in the underground caves dug in advance. Hidden.. Just wait for this group of people and horses to enter the encirclement, and then pack up their things and run away immediately.

Unexpectedly, before these people entered the encirclement, they were stopped and killed by the three stunned youths!

This *** really makes me speechless!

Jun Moxie quickly spread the news that he asked the people on his side not to move. Let's take a look at the follow-up results first. Look at the situation in front of him. Although the strength of these three guys is strong, it will never be easy to get in the way. Let them bite the dog before making plans.

Thinking about this, the tearful sword in the field suddenly roared, and a neat sound of neat footsteps sounded. A large group of masked people in black rushed over from the mountain and joined the war circle in an instant. In an instant, the stalemate between the two sides was immediately broken.

Zhang Cunxiao, the leader of the Shenfeng Guard, was slapped in front of his chest, and he turned over with blood in his mouth. He shouted, and with a backhand, a flag rocket in his hand rushed to the sky with a sharp roar. It burst, and the night sky suddenly showed the shape of a pair of blood-red sword

"It seems that the blood sword gate, which is invisible in the dark, is about to take action. Let's see which of these two waves of people is strong and who is weak. Anyway, I'm sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and the scum is profitable.

. Jun Moxie squatted on the branches on a horseback and crotch. As the branches rise and fall in the wind, the rhythm is extremely strong. If he shows up, he may make people think that he is doing something unseriorable secret with this tree,,

Young Master Jun held his chin and waited quietly with great interest. It's really lively. Let's collide fiercely with the disciples of the Blood Sword Sect and the disciples without Tears, as well as Li Youran's secret masters. It's better to lose both sides! Well, it's best to lose both sides, but although I thought about it, I didn't expect it.

Well, at present, my brother only watches, and my brother doesn't say anything.

Unfortunately, the follow-up results of the matter are completely beyond everyone's expectations. The signal of the Blood Sword Gate has been sent out for a while. Not to mention the master of the Blood Sword Gate to support, there is not even a ghost!

The empty mountains are silent, and only here is the sound of shouting to kill. Reflected by the remaining firelight, Zhao Wuji's face was pale and desperate.

"I really thought there was a helper behind me. It turned out to be an empty city plan!" Tears Jianhong sneered and said sarcastically, "Is this empty city plan fun? Use such a shady trick to show off in front of me. You don't play with the enemy, but play with yourself at all. If you are really impatient to live, make it clear that I will definitely fulfill you!"

Zhao Wuji rolled with a lazy donkey and dodged the cut knife awkwardly. With a crying voice in his voice, he shouted, "Commander Zhang, Commander Zhang, where is this" our reinforcements? Didn't you say that the reinforcements have been following us? "How", how, how, "

He originally wanted to ask "why nothing happened", but as soon as he said this, the opponent in front of him stabbed him three times. He was eager to dodge and interrupted his words three times in a row, which sounded like stammering.

"How do I know? Do you think I'm not in a hurry?" Zhang Cunxiao scolded angrily: "Take care of your own life first!"

At present, the elite warriors of the Li family have achieved an overwhelming advantage under the leadership of three Tianxuan masters. Under the pressure of step, Zhao Wuji's people and horses have been gradually compressed into a very small circle. Zhao Wuji barely formed a defense line with more than a hundred people who survived by chance, surrounded them into a circle, desperately resisting the enemy's stormy attack. Outside the circle, there was no more alive!

Meng Xiaosong, Zhao Wuji and Zhang Cunxiao are all in the core of the circle, and their faces are miserable

At this time, it has been almost a long time since the signal was sent, but the reinforcements from the Blood Sword Hall are still traceless.

Meng Xiaosong finally couldn't help cursing, and there was a little crying in his voice: "What's going on? How could someone attack the imperial bodyguard so blatantly in the boundary of the capital? I said that this adult has old and young. Follow you out this time, but it's not easy. "You should think about it quickly. Capital, you are a local snake. You should pay attention to it

Meng Xiaosong's Xuangong is very high, and he has reached the middle of Dixuan. Among the people in Zhao Wuji's industry, he is the strongest master. However, he has been well-fed for many years, which has long lost the iron-blooded killing spirit of striving to win in those years, and cherishes his own life That's good, but you have to have a life! The situation is so urgent at this moment. I have been complaining and regretting for a long time.

How good it is for me to drink tea, fight birds, walk dogs and bully the common people and occupy a big girl at home? I have to be confused by lard to earn 50,000 taels of silver. This is good. I haven't got the money yet, and I'm going to fold it here first.

Zhang Cunxiao couldn't help but get angry: "Are you shouting chicken feathers? Originally, the military heart was chaotic, and you were still shouting, messing up my military heart. Scatter my fighting spirit! Shut up! If you shout again, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

Meng Xiaosong couldn't help but be furious when he heard the words. He protected himself with a knife and shouted angrily, "What's the reason! You are the imperial bodyguards, and the emperor is close to you. You are also the people of the government. We are just a group of ants and grass people. We follow your group of officials out to deliver the goods. At this moment, we are about to die. How can you even put on airs with me and don't even talk?

After saying that, without waiting for Zhang Cunxiao to answer, he suddenly shouted in his voice: "Help, help me." He was profound. In this war situation, he was only under the three masters of Tianxuan such as Tears Sword Hong. Again, since the end of the battle, he has been shrinking at the end, and his body has not hurt When the real sound shook the four fields, it spread far away.

Jun Moxie on the branch almost fell down: Boss, no matter what, you are a master of Dixuan. Although you can't rank today, you are also a high-level figure with a lot of face in your area! As for being so greedy and afraid of death?

The black-faced tearful Jianhong couldn't help staggering, and then laughed and shouted ferociously, "Scream, scream, scream louder! Even if you break your throat, it's useless. No one will come to save you!"

Jun Moxie asked the sky speechlessly, trembling violently all over; there was a strong impulse to faint: God, let me die! How can I hear such a classic saying in this world at this time!

Meng Xiaosong's call for help is probably just greedy for life and fear of death, but the sentence of Tears Jianhong is a real famous sentence!

In a trance, Jun Moxie seemed to see a big man with a ferocious and obscene face, laughing proudly at a weak little girl in a secluded alley: scream, even if you break your throat,,

In the trance scene, although it was a little bloody, it was just like that. It can't be compared with what was staged in front of you. What a man said to another man in front of him!

Jun Moxie swallowed a mouthful of saliva in his throat. I can't do it. I'm going to vomit. It's too disgusting.

The situation at the scene is still in full swing.

The Zhao family horse brought by Zhao Wuji is basically dead. In terms of Meng Xiaosong, the members of the Jiangnan Trade Union are almost all splashed with blood and corpses. I have to admit that the 200 Shenfeng Guard sent by the second prince is the highest quality, and more than 150 people who have survived now are gods. Members of the Wind Guard.

In fact, it is the one of the Shenfeng Guard. In terms of human strength, it is not very high. It may be slightly inferior to the Zhao family and the Jiangnan trade union, but they are better than the long-standing battle array and have rich combat experience. Even if the wind falls, they can still stabilize their positions, especially good at encirclement and fighting, and the teamwork force is very strong, so the two armies fight However, it shows a strong advantage.

As for the Zhao family and Jiangnan Trade Union, although many people are indeed stronger than the people of the kamikafth Guard, they are all used to being alone and rarely cooperate with others. Therefore, once they encounter such a large-scale melee, they only know how to tear them up on their own. Therefore, the first to die are these "masters" who have strong strength but lack the spirit of cooperation!

The three people of Tears Jianhong are divided into three, and the game is obviously a little impatient. After all, this place is too close to the capital, in case of leakage. The consequences can be big or small.

(Well, I'm ashamed that I was disqualified from accompanying the bed. Whoo-hoo

The thing is like this. I took a nap the day before yesterday, and then stayed up all night. I didn't sleep yesterday. After the outbreak, I went to the hospital; then I was very sleepy, and I fell asleep unconsciously,

In the middle of the night, my brother wanted to go to the toilet and kept calling me. I didn't wake up. He couldn't move himself. When he finally couldn't stand it, he was covered.

This morning, I was scolded by the nurse and doctor who checked the bed. My brother pointed at me sadly and angrily and said, "Get out of here"

My compensation is not, but it doesn't help. "So I was gloriously laid off"

Alas, as a punishment, I will pay for it. Hired a special nurse"

cover your face and run into tears) (to be continued)