The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 105 Oriental Asking

"When I saw you boy during the day, I still thought you were a character. At a glance, did you blame you by saying that you were a playful boy? It's really not promising! I was drowsy just now. When it comes to this, you wake up faster than anything else!"

Dongfang Wenqing snorted, and then brushed his beard. He said thoughtfully: It's nerve-wracking, if it's a pity, but if it's this boy, it's difficult, it's difficult, but it's not"

Dongfang asked for the knife. Dongfang asked for the sword and rolled his eyes at the same time. It seems that the boss actually has the same idea in his heart, but he is still pretending to be tall in front of the two of them. It's really fake Taoism and sultry. He talks about others, and he doesn't talk about himself. What the hell!

"This matter is long-term. Let's discuss it. Dongfang Wenqing gave a conclusion, but he sighed and said leisurelyly, "Uncle Mo Xie just scolded you for your own good. Uncle misled the rumors and thought you were quite unbearable. When I finally saw you today, I saw you so heroic and young and I don't know how happy it would be if your grandma saw it; how happy it would be if your mother could open her eyes to see it"

When he said this, the three brothers bowed their heads at the same time. Thinking of his sister who had been in a coma for ten years, he was sad?

"Tell the story of his mother. Jun Moxie was a little sad. When he said the word mother, he unexpectedly found that his heart was trembling sourly. Moreover, when he said the word mother, there was no reluctance at all. It seemed to be taken for granted. In the blood, in the soul, it seemed to have Just like grandpa and third uncle,

Dongfang Wenqing sighed for a long time. At the end of the sigh, he was already faintly trembling, and the black beard under his jaw trembled slightly, which could be seen the grief in his heart. The three brothers looked at each other and saw that what Momei said in each other's eyes was extremely gloomy.

"Your mother, whose boudoir name is Dongfang Wenxin, is our favorite little sister, gentle, beautiful and cute." The voice of the East's interrogation trembled, extremely low, and looked at the beating candlelight with confused eyes. The voice was like a dream. It seemed that with the story, the whole mind also fell into the cloud-like past"

The little sister of those years, the cute little sister, the little sister who makes people love from the bottom of their hearts,


I still remember that in those years, the whole family opposed the little sister marrying you without regret, but the little sister was determined. No matter how she persuaded her, she did not look back. In desperation, I had to agree to the marriage of the two. At that time, my mother once said: Ask your heart, if it doesn't work, come back as soon as possible. Home is always home!

At that time, my sister smiled happily and said: If you are not happy, ask yourself. No regrets, no regrets, deep feelings.

Since then,

So far, I remember that happy smile, like a brilliant spring flower, will leave endless warmth in the clan!

But who can think that when you go home, it is described as withered and the heart is like dead ashes; once you sleep for ten years, you don't care about your heart!

I remember that when she was taken home that day, she was still awake, but she opened her eyes emptyly and did not speak. Three days later, her mother and herself were all by her side. Her little sister suddenly tried her last effort and muttered a few words:

"There is no regret in this life, no regret in this life; you have no regrets, and no concubine has no regrets; where is the question? No regrets after all! Heaven and earth have no regrets, no regrets for life and death!"

After saying that, two drops of hot tears slowly flowed out of the almost dry eyes, dripping on the pillow, slowly closing his eyes, and then falling asleep.

until the little sister was in a coma. It is still a feeling of no regret, not a bitter hatred!

Live, I follow him; die, I follow him! No regrets about life and death!

In the past ten years, her family has tried countless ways to maintain her last life, but no matter what, it can't make her open her eyes!

Her heart has no regrets! It has gone with it,

For this, my mother was furious and blashedly dispatched 196 local killers trained by the whole family for many years to kill the world and retaliate! The name of the assassin of the Oriental family has become famous again in the past few years. It is more important to take care of Fengxue Silver City. For a while, everyone in the whole continent is in danger and everyone is scared.

But the power of the Oriental family, after all, it is difficult to shake today.

In the end, it was blocked by the three supremes. The fierce sky, the cold wind and snow led the crowd to block the main force of the Oriental family in the Broken Dragon Valley; even the first supreme cloud, which had always seen the dragon at the beginning but not the end, appeared at that time.

Under mutual constraints, it is proposed to win or lose the first battle!

With the help of his mother alone, the Xiao family fought alone in the wind and snow silver city. At that time, it was decided that if the Xiao family was defeated, the two of them would not care about life and death, and this hatred would be written off; if the mother was defeated, the Oriental family would retire from the world from now on.

The shocking battle can be called earth-shaking!

After all, my mother was exhausted from fighting for a long time. She fought against the two gods, Xuan and the four-grade strong, and finally lost a move. Forced to make an oath: unless the sword front collapses the snowy mountain. The mysterious beast will be punished by heaven, otherwise, the Oriental family will never appear on the mainland! If you violate the oath, the eight supremes will be punished together!

At that time, the eight supremes in the world were not the eight people at present. At that time, the blue supreme dream Hongchen and the eagle supreme eagle were not among the supremes. It was only after the other two people disappeared inexplicably that these two people were on top of them.

However, although her mother lost the battle, she also left a backhand. Xiao Xingyun and Xiao Buyu will stop at the four grades of Shenxuan from then on, and there is no hope for the supreme realm for the rest of their lives!

After the first battle, the oriental family with infinite and brilliant results has always been greatly damaged,

Except for the appearance of Moyou and Mochou's death in the war, the Oriental family has never appeared on the mainland in the past ten years,

Dongfang Guang will ask for it! The story is that the spear theory is the two brothers of the East who used to be in the past. People praise the king Moxie for hearing the secret at first time. All the four people present felt that their hearts were still as if they were a huge mountain, and the heavy pressure was so heavy that people could not breathe. Jun Moxie looked at the candlelight beating in a bruise, and his face seemed to be expressionless, but there was a storm in his heart.

For a moment, the unswerving love of my father and mother flashed in my mind. And I feel soft in my heart;

For a moment, it was a soul tour in those years. It seemed that I saw the assassins of the Oriental family all over the mainland, splashing blood to kill their lives, and their hands were not empty; if they crossed the rivers and lakes, they dominated the world!

It is also like God's broken Dragon Valley; it seems that he witnessed the desperate battle of the Oriental family! In that battle, Mrs. Dongfang could not win. I can't help but be defeated, I have to lose! Even if you are fully sure of winning, you have to lose!

Defeat, there are many times, it is harder than winning!

There are three supremes, Yun Biechen, Li Juetian, and Cold Wind and Snow. This is the top three people in the world at that time! If the Oriental family wins this deep hatred of the sea of blood, how can there be a reason to cancel it?

A write-off? It's very nice to say; but I'm afraid that even the Oriental family wanted to write it off at that time. The Xiao family in Fengxue Silver City also refused! Both ancestors finally died in the war. Can they not take revenge!?

And how can the three supremes allow war to rise again? So the tragedy of the Oriental family is doomed when it is blocked! For the survival of the Oriental family, the old lady of the Oriental can't be defeated. She must admit defeat!

How tragic it is to win, but you have to lose!

Jun Moxie can imagine that everyone present at that time believed that he knew it well! In that battle, the old lady was absolutely not defeated; otherwise, how could she lose only one move just right? But it also made Xiao Xingyun and Xiao Buyu secretly suffer, stopping at the fourth grade of Shenxuan for the rest of his life?

This is basically the result formed under the high pressure of the three supremes! The Oriental family has to give in!

Suddenly, Jun Moxie raised a heartfelt antipathy to the three supremes from the bottom of his heart!

The sword front collapsed into the snowy mountain, and the mysterious beast was punished by heaven! What strict conditions are this?

is simply the most fucking condition!

***, why don't you directly say that the sky will collapse and the earth will be allowed to come out?

If one day I make a bet with them, I will definitely propose: the mouse is flying all over the sky, and the eagle is running around underwater! The fish are rushing in the field!


"In this matter, ten years ago, my mother had officially broken up with your family! Because of your grandfather's behavior, my mother, that is, your grandmother, was very dissatisfied, and even felt extremely disgusted!" Dongfang Wenqing sighed leisurely, and he couldn't say anything in his eyes.

Jun Moxie was silent, but it was inconvenient for him to talk about this matter. He has always known his grandfather's temper; he must have clashed for the Tianxiang royal family; maybe his grandmother wants to exterminate the Tianxiang royal family, but his grandfather insists on refusing.

It was because of this disagreement that caused a break between the two families!

With Grandpa's foolish and loyal personality, this kind of thing can be completely done. But now after so many things over the years, it may not be."

"The hero of the emperor's generation is upright and loyal; but his great advantage is also his Achilles' heel." Dongfang Wenqing sighed. He said, "Since ancient times, birds have run out, good bows have been hidden; cunning rabbits have died, and running dogs have cooked. The more loyal and righteous the general is, the more powerful he is, and the more prestigious he is, the more tragic he will end up. Either he dies on the battlefield, or he beheads his head and raids his family. If he is high, he will shock the Lord!"

Dongfang Wenqing looked at Jun Moxie with deep meaning and said in a deep voice, "How can a high-ranking official be generous?" The glory and wealth are all ethereal; how is it like traversing the world, happy kindness and hatred are free

"Hehe" this" you don't have to worry; do you look at me like a fool and loyal person? Jun Moxie smiled and deliberately eased the heavy atmosphere. Otherwise, it will go on like this. The four of them are going to be suppressed and can't breathe.

"You really don't look like you! It's like a small slippery head. No, it should be a big slippery head!" The three people in the East laughed at the same time.

"Since the Oriental family can't be born, how did you get out?" Jun Moxie asked curiously.

"Naturally, it is impossible for the Oriental Family to appear openly, but when we come out, as long as we don't act in the name of the Oriental Family and do our own things in secret, right? If everyone is really huddled in the mountains, won't they starve to death? Dongfang asked the knife to look at Jun Moxie and said "You are stupid" with his eyes

Jun Mo was stunned.

"Speaking about this time, the mysterious beast tide is really unprecedentedly powerful, and the coalition forces naturally need to gather all the strong forces that can be assembled. The reason why the three of us came at the same time this time was also unilaterally hired by the Blood Soul Villa." Dongfang Wenqing smiled, which can be regarded as a relief for Jun Moxie.

"Hre?. Jun Moxie's eyes widened.