The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 108 The situation is grim

"What nonsense? Mo Xie is our nephew. Naturally, we don't allow him to have an accident! And you are also our brother, and nothing can happen!" Dongfang asked the sword and the tiger stared at him.

"I don't want to; but, on the way. I have received several military news reports; although the origin of the mysterious beast tide is still unknown, it is the first time in history that the scale is large and the potential harm is deep! It is said that the king of heavenly punishment has been furious, and half a month ago, he suddenly ordered: the mysterious beast above the fourth level, do all the heavenly punishment, participate in this battle!"

Jun smiled inadvertently, looked at the East and asked for love, and said, "One of the vows of your Oriental family has been inexplicably broken more than half of it."

"The mysterious beast has been punished by heaven, hasn't it been broken? Why is there still half?" Dongfang Wenqing was first happy, and then questioned again.

"Because it has been confirmed that this war. It was the third and fourth beast kings of the heavenly punishment forest took a deep breath and said, "This is the latest news; but I estimate that with the outbreak of the war, the strong in the mainland have arrived one after another, and the mysterious beasts in the forest of heavenly punishment will certainly not be able to support it. At that time, the boss of heavenly punishment will This point. I'm very sure! So the vow of the Oriental family. There is basically only one left. The sword peak collapsed and the snowy mountain, "

"So it is

Jun Moxie's heart moved: I don't know what the sword peak looks like? If you have leisure time, I will go and lift it for him,

"And with the increasing scope of the Xuanshou tide, the Shenci Empire and the Yutang Empire have also sent troops to help the battle, and there are many accompanying masters! Even on the side of the grassland royal court, 10,000 elite iron riders were sent! This is reliable news from the military department, which has also been confirmed; the three empires have always accumulated deep grievances, and the war is expected to pull each other back, which can be fantasticable. In addition, the people from Fengxue Silver City came this time. It was led by Xiao Buyu, one of the two elders of the Xiao family, all of whom were from the Xiao family. The hatred with my royal family is as deep as the sea, and Xiao Han in it is even more of the same hatred with me, so something is bound to happen.

"In addition, the Blood Soul Villa and my family also have grudges; I have to guard against it!" Jun inadvertently finished his breath and exhaled a long breath. He said tiredly, "The situation is so severe that I'm a little frustrated!"

"Among the eight supremes, except for the first supreme cloud, the third supreme cold wind and snow, the supreme Mo Wentian, and the blue supreme dream red dust; the other four have all arrived!" You don't mean that your voice is heavy, but your eyes are extremely hot.

Being able to appreciate the demeanor of these supreme strong people at close range is also a thing worth looking forward to.

"Or there is another person you don't know." Dongfang Wenqing said in a low voice, "The wind and sword god wind and clouds, who have been fighting with the eagle supreme eagle to seize the position of the eighth supreme, are already on the way, or at this moment."

Jun Moxie, who has been listening silently on the side of "wind and clouds", raised his eyebrows gently; this guy should not be the opponent of the eagle who has successfully made a breakthrough now, right?

"In addition to Snow Silver City and Blood Soul Villa. Other major Jianghu forces on the mainland have also sent people to come! Among them, the most famous are the Baili Family, the Duanmu Family, the Beigong Family, the Wenren Family, the Sikong Family, the Zuoqiu Family, the Fifth Family and the Ouyang Family. In addition, we in the East, it is the nine families that gather in Tiannan! Although the number of people in each family is not very large, they are all solid! Especially the Duanmu family, even the owner of the Duanmu fried rice is coming

"Duanmu fried rice?. Jun Moxie said, "This name is really memorable."

Dongfang Wenqing also smiled and explained, "The head of the Duanmu family, Duanmu is extraordinary; but this person has a little bite. When he reports his name, he often feels that he is very awesome and pulls the long cavity; but the longer the cavity, the more others sound like "fried rice." So at a gathering of the nine major families, they simply called him "Duanmu fried rice." Over time, the real name was almost forgotten

"Very good!" Jun Moxie said solemnly, "The handle of the pot is basically made of wood, with wood fried rice. Well, with wood fried rice, in fact, it has a lot of history!"

"Haha" Everyone laughed. Dongfang Wenting to continue to talk about it.

"In addition, there are also people coming to Jintang Fort, Qilong Mountain, Broken Soul Palace and Haotian City. In addition to these organized ones, there are countless senior mysterious people and hermit masters who are alone!" Dongfang asked with a bitter smile: "This is the secret news that Li Juetian revealed before I came here; as for how much new money has been made during this period, I don't know."

Listening to these prominent names, you inadvertently frown more and more tightly! The more reinforcements come, the more it shows the terrible extent of the mysterious beast tide!

"Five! There are so many." Jun Moxie couldn't help whistling. He said, "Since there is such a strong strength gathered here, why don't you just step on the flat sky and punish the forest? Let's catch a few mysterious beasts and go back to be pets. Is it worth fighting like this? These people are so full that they have nothing to do!"

?" The words were roared by four people in one voice. Eight neat and vicious eyes, staring at the rude boy at the same time.

"Mo Xie, you still have too little experience. You know the difficulties of this. On that day, the penalty forest stretches for tens of thousands of miles, covering almost one-third of the continent! How many mysterious beasts are there? At the very least, it will be more than tens of millions! This is just about those mysterious beasts with their own combat effectiveness above the fourth level! If it's true, it's all face to face. These individuals may not be enough to give them a seam! Let's tell the truth again. Even if a mysterious beast spits, it can drown these so-called masters

Dongfang Wenqing was very angry and learned about his nephew's ignorance.

"You know that if, even if you want to meet them all at once, you have to have such a big venue! Tens of millions of mysterious beasts can be squeezed to death even on the prairie, right? What's more, this is in the mountains,"

Jun Moxie shook his head with contempt: "It's not that there are many people over there, but it's stronger there. It's always necessary to fight a small battle. Multiple small-scale battles are connected together, which is called a battle. Many battles together constitute a so-called war. After a lot of wars, there is peace

Seeing the East's love, there is a tendency to be angry again. Jun didn't want to rush to make a round, frowned and said:

"It's because there are so many people that it's troublesome! If there are only the soldiers and horses of the three empires and the king of the grassland, and even the two major forces of Blood Soul Villa and Fengxue Silver City, it is not difficult to do. After all, these people know that the overall situation is important and can control the war. There must be room for mediation; but so many forces are gathered together, they are all long-standing and deep-rooted old brands, and it is difficult to say how many people are entangled with each other. Maybe any two casual quarrels can trigger a large-scale weapon without three friends and six friends? After all, the mysterious people in the world can't be compared with the disciplined army.

"This. The problem is really a headache. There are three people in the East.

"And so many people must have a unified commander-in-chief, at least one supreme commander-in-chief in the situation. Only in this way can they be completely combed up to fight. Otherwise, if you rush up at will, isn't it to send rations directly to the mysterious beast?" Jun Moxie added. The first half of the sentence won the unanimous approval of four elders, and the second half of the sentence, sending rations, successfully attracted eight white eyes.

"This is a very obvious cognition, but this commander is a chicken rib position that is worthy of the name, thankless and even causes many disputes! At least the three empires plus the grasslands. The generals are never allowed to bow themselves and bow to others. Because they represent their country here."

"This problem, relatively speaking, is relatively easy to solve. Soldiers take obeying orders as their duty. As long as the senior management can understand it in a unified way, everything will be solved. However, the most difficult to solve is those who are the reckless people in the world; these people are scattered and unrestrained. Not only is no one convinced of each other, but almost no such large-scale military command ability! In terms of the reputation of major forces, almost no one can accept the command of an ordinary general! This is the biggest problem of the coalition forces

Jun inadvertently frowned deeply: "But the battle of the mysterious beast tide is imminent; Alas," he sighed deeply and said indescribably powerless, "Our army has fought so many big battles for half a lifetime. In terms of the strength of the command rate, no one can be more luxurious than this lineup, and even all It may not be comparable; but there has never been that war that can make me see no hope of victory before the war begins! Only this time, even a glimmer of opportunity is owed!"

"However, this time the opponent is the mysterious beast; you should know that the level between the mysterious beasts is beyond anyone's imagination, especially the large-scale war caused by the king of the mysterious beast. It's forbidden, it's just like this! With a long roar, all the members can attack, the same long roar. You can retreat like a tide!"

"There are more bad things and less good luck." You didn't mean it. Dongfang Wenqing and others looked at each other and read these four words from the other party's eyes at the same time.

"I've come here, can I still retreat? Step by step, saving people is a good thing, but it doesn't make sense to put yourself in order to save people! If you ask me, it is enough for us to ensure the safety of our own personnel. As for the life or death of others, does it have anything to do with us? Jun Moxie smiled heartlessly.

It should be said that in this sudden and strange battle of Xuanxue tide, the most intelligent and most determined person in my heart is the young master. It can be said that if the soldiers are divided into three or multiple ways, Jun Moxie can almost ensure that his troops are unharmed, and then the other troops can be completely destroyed.


If it really doesn't work, let's go out and pretend to be over,

As for such sad faces now? ( To be continued) Read the latest Dong Jie, wash the book and post the fine concave day) Novel Qi Umbrella