The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 136 Stealing chickens does not eat rice

"My day. Brother, don't talk about what you said one by one. I regret that it's not bitter." Sikong hugged his head and moaned in the dark night. Countless Xuan beasts were not injured, but Duanmu Chaofan's words almost rushed him out of internal injury."

Although I don't know what's going on with this outrageous scene, you don't want to wait for someone else to understand a little: there must be a master helping him. But if you make a full set of plays, you can't sell the people who host this big play, can you?!

So more cooperation, Duanmu Chaofan danced with the silver light of the long sword, his body was light, and he played his martial arts to the fullest, and fought with the golden tiger in front of him: he wanted to catch the tiger's tail, but the golden tiger refused to let him catch it, so he fought with one person and one beast Don't stop.

Not far away, the performance of a hundred miles of falling clouds is even more colorful, and it is not worthy of the name of "genius". Unexpectedly, with the body of Yuxuan, "enemy" the nine-level mysterious beast! And there are attacks and defenses, and it doesn't fall behind at all. There is a fierce battle, the dust is flying, and there is even a faint momentum to gain the upper hand.

As for the two Uncle Tianxuan who fought together. Just a little unfortunate, it has been turned into a piece of meat by several eight-level mysterious beasts,,

This situation is really ironic! With the strength of these two people, they were fully sure that they could escape. As long as they confirmed that Baili Luoyun was dead, the two of them would turn around and leave, and Baili Luoyun would be so talented. Yu Xuan has to practice all the time. When it comes to dying first, it's not their turn to say anything. To put it bluntly, they were killed by two prisons.

But I didn't expect that the damn criminal was beheaded thousands of times by a steel knife and didn't die. The two of them were already stunned. The blink of an eye had been surrounded by many high-level mysterious beasts. Yuxuan's hundred miles of clouds were killed, but Tianxuan couldn't move an inch, and he was nibb

The two of them didn't understand what was going on until they died!

It can be said to be a veritable fool,,

There were screams everywhere on the battlefield. The Blood Soul Villa and Snow Silver City, who had originally decided to retreat quickly until the collapse of the Chinese army, and the people of the major families attached to the Blood Soul Villa. At this time, he was trapped in a frenzy of death. From time to time, blood splashed and sprayed, from time to time, broken limbs and arms were thrown into the air. At every moment, people died!

Xiong Kaishan's majestic vertical and downs. With the Tiger King and the Lion King, the three mysterious beasts, relying on the copper and iron bones, directly ignored any attack and rushed into the team of the Blood Soul Villa. They opened and closed the attack and rampaged all the way. He abruptly knocked out the alley from the beginning to the end of the formation of the Blood Soul Villa!

This time, the Blood Soul Villa immediately fell into the biggest chaos and was divided into two pieces; then there was another rush, and it became a situation where the four pieces fought separately. The mysterious beasts rushed up and surrounded, and the desperate screams shook the sky and the earth"

The original plan was that Zhongjun did not intend to die in this industry, but the casualties were not great, and the main character did not even have a single injured person...

On the top of the mountain, all the supreme two gods have almost stared out their eyes!

What's going on?

This is too ridiculous!

"So that's it! I finally understand." The eagle fought with a wisp of hair in shock.

"Do you understand?" Bu Kuangfeng nodded puzzledly, "What do you understand? Hurry up and explain it to me!"

"Big Bu, haven't you seen it yet?" The eagle proudly stretched out his hand and pointed: "It turned out that Juetian Supreme was going to clean his own Blood Soul Villa. After harming the wind and snow silver city again, Li Juetian's meaning is obviously: I'm not feeling well, don't think about it well, but I can take sadness as good, take ** as happiness, can you? Understand more about things"

The thunderstorm and the wind baw at the same time, and the fool could also see the shock at this time. How could it be to clean the Blood Soul Villa? Blood Soul Villa is Li Juetian's life's hard work, and his position in his heart is slightly worse than that of his only son Li Tengyun. Li Juetian is not a fool. How could he dig his own grave?

But if it weren't for this reason, what's going on with the scene in front of you?

Li Tengyun opened his mouth, his face was white, his lips were tremled, and his expression was dull. He suddenly regretted it sincerely and vaguely felt that his legs seemed to be half gone."

Li Juetian clenched his hands, and he was furious in his heart.

At this point, if he can't see that he has been tricked, then he will no longer live. It's just one thing he can't figure out: Who on earth can have such a thorough ability? How can you order the king of the mysterious beast to be punished by heaven? Make such a big farce!

"A scream in the field. A Shenxuan master of the Blood Soul Villa was hit by three palms under Xiong Kaishan's in a row. He sprayed blood and retreated. Xiong Kaishan smiled grimly and rushed forward quickly. He punched his fists a few times. Suddenly, he flew up and crossed his legs. The Shenxuan master was seriously injured, and his physical strength was Broken. Broken. And Xiong Kaishan's kick was endless and kicked him hard on the waist.

A broken leg flew into the sky with a shower of blood, and at the same time, the mysterious master's body was also kicked high into the sky alive. The blood in the seven orifices spewed out at the same time. Xiong Kaishan's huge body jumped up and caught up with his hanging body. His fists were fast and fast. He hit him with more than a dozen punches one after another. The sound of click fractures kept ringing, and the beans were as crisp as bursts.

With a loud roar, Xiong Kaishan had already held the man's two thighs with both hands. With a hiss, the muscles in his chest rose, shouted loudly, and his arms were one point. He tore the Shenxuan master in half in the air, and his internal organs flowed all over the ground,,

A horribly exclamation in the battlefield! Xiong Kaishan Ning laughed twice, fell to the ground, covered with blood, and started to kill, just like a tiger entering the sheep.

Li Juetian was shocked all over and couldn't help taking a step forward. He opened his mouth slightly and looked in pain. And the eyes of the Lord of Heaven's Punishment also glanced at him at the moment he moved. Obviously, if Li Juetian took action, he would take action immediately!

Seeing the flesh and blood flying in the field, listening to the screams, Li Juetian had several impulses to admit defeat. But he still tried his best to control it. He didn't make this decision, and even kept his face calm. It seems that the one who is bleeding and sacrificing below is not his own team!

At the beginning of the war, it has long been doomed to the end of the fiasco on the human side, because the total strength of each other is too different. For example, if the heavenly punishment forest is a well-prepared elite division, then the human coalition is a group of unprepared and inexperienced mob!

If this battle could have been in accordance with the unintentional strategy of the commander-in-chief of the army, if he wanted to win in terms of heavenly punishment, he would have to pay a huge price. After all, there are quite a few strong men in the coalition. Coupled with excellent strategic cooperation. It can definitely make up for the lack of combat power.

But when it came to the infighting of the coalition forces, they rushed out of the claws if they didn't obey the order..." Ten wait. The defeat of the allied forces is already a fore conclusion! If you don't have a state, you can be lucky. There is no turning point.

There is a trap, but without follow-up power, the mysterious beast can jump out after falling in, and it is even more fierce!

But if Li Juetian wants to save his strength and admit defeat at this time, he can't afford to lose. As the second supreme recognized by Xuanxuan Continent, he can't afford to lose this face! And. The Lord of Heaven's Punishment is not far away. Even if Li Juetian wants to admit defeat, he still needs to ask for their consent.

But looking at his performance, I want to ask for his permission. There is no doubt that it is a dream! Absolutely impossible.

So Li Juetian only prayed secretly in his heart. *** If he can't beat it, won't he run away? As long as you escape, can the Heavenly Punishment Forest still hunt down the ends of the earth? All they want is victory!

But I didn't run at the beginning, but now I wanted to run, but it was too late.

I just wanted to set up a situation to deal with you, but this is practical. Stealing chickens can't eat rice. And I almost lost the rice jar!

The three beast kings stared at the tiger, and nearly 3,700 fierce mysterious beasts were divided into several small legions to attack! There are more than 700 people in the Blood Soul Villa, and now there are less than 200 left! Although the people in Wind and Snow Silver City are strong. There has not been any damage yet, but it is already exhausted.

The three or six or nine elders and the seven swords of Yincheng are connected into a small encirclement. The three Shenxuan and the sword array of the seven swords of Yincheng are equivalent to ten Shenxuan strongmen. Protect Xiao Han and Mu Xuetong in it. In addition, Xiao and Mu are not mediocre, so in a short time, the mysterious beast can't attack at all.

But they can only protect themselves in the vast tide of mysterious beasts!

But Xiao Han's eyes are already red. The manic was about to explode, and he kept jumping and shouting, "Why? Why don't so many mysterious beasts attack you inadvertently? Why hasn't the disabled died yet? I want him to die! I want him to die! Why haven't you died when you have reached this point? You have no intention! Why aren't you dead? Ah, ah, ah, "

Such a tragic war scene, you have no intention of the strange phenomenon over there. In addition, Xiao Han's mood from gloating from gloating to being besieged now in astonishment, as if he is under the pressure of death. Xiao Han's psychology can no longer withstand such great joys and sorrows, ups and downs


If you have no intention of dying, no outsider can imagine how urgent Xiao Han will be!

You have no intention to kill Xiao Han with a sword, and you have been thinking about it for more than ten years!

And why doesn't Xiao Han want you to die unintentionally? He also thought about it for more than ten years! Even a few months earlier than you unintentionally,

Another regiment is a master sent by major families, except for the strongest ones. The first-level Shenxuan and the high-level Tianxuan are still struggling to support, and all the other people have already been destroyed!

If you follow your unintentional deployment, even if you fail in this battle, you will still die. However, the Shenxuan master who went to war could ensure that no one would die. Although he was defeated, he could return safely. Even more than half of Tianxuan's masters can survive.

Although you are defeated, your strength is not damaged. You have no intention to be confident that you can do it!

But these people were intimidated by the ** coercion of Li Juetian and chose to turn to the side of Li Juetian. When they followed the team of the Blood Soul Villa, they certainly gloated that they would not have thought that their actions were actually burying their last life!

The more despicable human nature is, the faster it will die in this cruel war!

This is not a warning!

This one-sided slaughter battle is finally coming to an end. I don't know when the screams have become sparse, and the roar is like a broken bellows. You have no intention. The energy of both sides is still undimined, going back and down. He played happily, but it became the most intense point in the whole game.

Young Master Jun finally appeared, slowly walked up the hillside, and walked towards the Eagle Fight. At this time. He has made all the arrangements, and everything has been successfully interpreted according to the script he designed.

More than half of the damn Mao Jing is dead. If it's not damned, I don't think any of them will die.

I once said that since you want to frame us, you should be prepared for your family's mourning! Jun Mo's clothes, which slowly walked up the mountain, fluttered, and his handsome face was indifferent and cruel!

In this battle, no one would have thought that it was this seemingly weak teenager. This half-big child, who seems to be at the level of Yuxuan, actually directed this grand tragic comedy.

turned the side that was originally a tragedy and the weak side into a side of comedy. The other party, who is full of confidence and enthusiasm to create a conspiracy trap and is ready to gloat, is a complete tragedy!

Jun Moxie, he seems to be a master of Hengfeng art that no one knows. He is invisible behind the scenes and plots against the overall situation. He not only calculates himself, but also calculates the enemy, in all aspects, without omissions!

Although he only got Yuxuan's cultivation, what was involved in his design were all Shenxuan's supreme, Tianxuan and Dixuan, but so what? This tragedy will never become a comedy!

Such an action can be called a real one: turn over the hand into the cloud, turn over the hand into the rain!

Everything is in the best!

Now is the time to check the fruit of victory, and it is also the turn of one's side to be happy.

How can Jun Moxie, the only big director who planned everything, not appear? How can I not enjoy it


When you are frustrated, you should laugh wildly, and the complacency should be stronger!

If you laugh, you have to be happy; if you are proud, you have to sing! The world is in a hurry, so why do you have too many scruples? Life is short, so you should have fun in time and take advantage of the drunken long song!

If you cry when you are frustrated, others will despise you, so laugh. No one watches it, and you have to laugh at yourself!

When you are proud, you are indifferent, and some people will also say that you have to show off and pretend! That's why I have to show off. I don't like to pretend. Because I want to be awesome! If you are proud, why do you pretend to be sad? I think it's too tiring! I'm just proud. I'm awesome! Who dares to laugh at me as a madman? Ask yourself first, do you have the achievements of this madman? If not, shut up! Get out of here. There is a hole in your ancestor's 18th generation of mother-in-law's stinky socks! I won't pee on you!

What's wrong with me? What does it have to do with me?

This is Jun Moxie's philosophy of life in this life!

If you get it, you will sing and rest. If you are sad, you will be long-lived. If you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and tomorrow you will be sad.


The edge is exposed, and the net is easy to fold?! Whoever wants to fold it will fold it! As long as I keep breaking, I will kill it! To walk around the world is to laugh at the wind and clouds; to do what I want to do what I want to do, that is to "go ***!