The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 139 If I don't scold you to death, you will be pissed off!

In many cases, it is not a good thing to be noble in front of people, and it may even lead to the disaster of killing people because of the temporary scenery. Not to mention a hundred miles falling into the clouds, if his talent is not so high, how can he attract the jealousy and fear of the whole family, and even blinded for a long time, The great glory brought by it should also be removed quickly!

Mu Xiu is in the forest, and the wind will destroy it! You have no intention to know that your nephew is a talented teenager with far stronger qualifications than a hundred miles, and his future achievements will certainly be greater. But that's why I'm more worried. It is not impossible for someone to worry about the future development of Jun Moxie and want to eliminate this terrible threat in the bud.

Could the previous riot be... for this?

On the hillside.

, in this battle, God will win!" As a notary, the thunderstorm simply and vividly announced the results of the battle. And this ending is also a fact that everyone has seen with their own eyes.

"Slow down!" A voice said fiercely with anger, "We obviously still have combat power, and our people are not dead. How can we declare the victory of heaven's punishment? You don't mean to be a coward. You obviously still have combat power. You're not dead yet. Why don't you attack?

As soon as this idiotic sentence was opened, everyone present immediately despised it to the extreme. People who can say such a sentence, saying that idiots are too conservative, is obviously the ultimate combination of mental retardation and brain disability.

Because the previous human allied forces were scattered and fought separately, except for a few Shenxuan and Tianxuan strong men who caused some casualties to the mysterious beast, there was not much loss at all, and the combat power was enough to cope with such a war, and there was more than enough to deal with such a war, while the total number of injuries and disabilities in the With less than 300 people, there is still a face to say that there is no defeat in such a war situation? Don't give up? It's a little thick-skinned.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that a man's face was full of blood, with a wolf-like gloomy light in his eyes, looking at the king in the field inadvertently. That man is Xiao Han! His meaning is more obvious, that is, if you don't mean to wait for him to die, he won't be defeated! You have no intention not to die, he is unwilling!

Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone.

It is obvious that you have no intention of begging.

Everyone knew about the public case in those years, and his heart suddenly became clear. The boy was so jealous that he was lying with his eyes open. It's purely unreasonable!

"The first to escape back seems to be some guys with their tails like dogs?! Since you are clinging to fight to the death, you can return to the battlefield again, showing your iron-blooded pride. How can a deserter say that he is not defeated? A lazy voice sneered coldly.

But the young master Jun Mo Xiejun stood far away from Mr. Mei with a gray face and opened his mouth to refute. He had a lingering fear in the face of the unfounded ** of Master Mei before. He didn't want to come out, but when he heard Xiao Han's extremely shameless words, he couldn't help it. In addition, he also clearly realized that although Master Mei abused himself, he obviously did not want to kill himself.

Since there is no fear of life! In addition, he has other more important purposes, so even if it is an adventure, he has to come out!

Master Mei looked at Jun Moxie's sudden appearance again, and his eyes lit up slightly. The boy was really mysterious. He disappeared inexplicably just now, and now he is extremely strange, and completely out of the scope of his divine consciousness. It's really not simple.

"Son of a bastard, what are you ignorant boy talking about?" Xiao Han was furious.

"What did I say? Am I not clear enough? When your Wind and Snow Silver City is not defeated on our side, first get out of the battle, escape from the battle, and kill the crime!,,

Jun Moxie said, "Didn't you just say that the war is not over yet. Since it's not over yet, why are you all running back? Fortunately, you still have the face to say that you are not defeated. I really don't understand. How did Fengxue Silver City educate you so well? He was greedy and afraid of death, and fled from the battle. He even said that the hero who had been fighting to the end was a coward. "Wow, it's really funny. I don't want to laugh. If you insist on your statement, the beasts in the heavenly punishment are still there. As long as you are the first to go up, I promise that the fighting power of Tianxiang will immediately keep up, and no one is behind! Do you dare to?!"

Xiao Han suddenly stopped talking. Go up now? Isn't that pure death? Xuanshou has mercy on you, but he doesn't treat me like this...

Jun Moxie sneed twice, raised his neck and asked, "Fortunately, all the elders of Fengxue Silver City are here. Today, I want to ask all the strong gods and seniors. May I ask, is such a shameless tradition of Fengxue Silver City? Is this person the rising star of the Xiao family in Wind and Snow Silver City? In particular, the ten Shenxuan who escaped from the battle, as a member of the coalition army, can only save the two Tianxuan belonging to Yincheng with your strength? When you abandoned your comrades-in-arms and turned around and fled for your own safety, did your face ever turn red?

Although Jun Moxie's words are extremely mean, what he said is the truth. There is nothing to refute at all. As for talking about the Wind and Snow Silver City, it is understandable: you did not escape alone, but a collective betrayal and escape. With their escape as the starting point, the whole war situation completely collapsed. After all, their strength is the strongest strength in the whole coalition, and their bad behavior is still a collection. The bad behavior of the body, even if it is not a tradition, is still a tradition. Who can refute it?

Although this is only the unilateral tradition of the Xiao family in Fengxue Silver City, not the whole Fengxue Silver City. But they are standing here today, representing the Wind and Snow Silver City. To be rude, even if they fart, it can be said that it was released by Fengxue Silver City!

Three or six or nine elders and the top ten masters of Yincheng Seven Swords faced the questioning of a teenager. They didn't say a word, and their movements were even more neat. At the same time, they lowered their heads hotly. Even if they were angry, they couldn't get angry, and they didn't dare to say it. In the eyes of the public, they chose "strategic transfer".

But when the coach was still fighting, he lost his shadow. This is clear that he is about to escape from the battle. What else can he say without any room for defense?

To put it unspeakable, if such behavior is placed on the real battlefield and escape from the battlefield, it will be a death penalty! That's to beheaded. If you don't copy the family and destroy the clan, you will be treated lightly. "

What's more, the two supreme strongmen of the thunderstorm and the cloth wind are watching, and these two people themselves represent the Dunshi Fairy Palace! There is even an obvious posture of the boat to help Jun Moxie,

At this time, several elders, even Xiao Buyu, who is the most short-protective, are a little annoyed. They feel that Xiao Han, a different son, is really humiliating today. If he can save his life, he should laugh secretly and come out


If it weren't to protect your boy, the top ten masters in Silver City, and he was the first to escape from the battle? Now it's better to be scolded by the other party and have no temper. Even the whole Fengxue Silver City has lost a big face in front of the heroes of the world. Not to mention that it has been stinking for ten thousand years.

, speaking of shamelessness, today the Jun family is going to have a theory with you!" Jun Moxie faced the crowd impassionedly, and his eyes glanced at Li Juetian secretly, and began his real purpose.

"Today, the predecessors of the three holy places are here, witnessing the war with wisdom. There are also countless heroes in the world who have gathered here because of the change of the mysterious beast. Everyone is watching, and even the Lord Mei, the Lord of Heavenly Punishment, is also here. The two sides gathered together. There are a few words that I would like to ask the fierce and the Supreme.

The thunderstorm and the wind show a look of appreciation in their eyes. This young man surnamed Xuangong has reached the peak of Yuxuan. Even he did not have this cultivation in those years. It can really be said that he is a genius among geniuses. The most rare thing is to face himself and others who used to only be the legendary Fufeng masters, but It is neither humble nor arrogant, and the expression is free, but this is a matter of cultivation of mentality.

In time, this son will become magnificent! In less than 30 years, there must be another supreme strongman in the world!

At the same time, Jun Mo's faint flattery also made these two former supreme feel comfortable.

"On that day, we were free in Tianxiang, more than 10,000 miles away from here! Normally, even if Tiannan City is really dead, even if the people of the Blood Soul Villa have all become fucking fierce ghosts, does it have something to do with us? However, after Li Juetian Supreme issued the supreme summoning order, we took the initiative to ask for help regardless of the past, leading the army, thousands of mountains and rivers, and rushing to help at night. What is the reason? In order to assist the Blood Soul Villa, do your best to be a part of human beings! In order to have its own vastness in the world, the world will always be righteous!"

Jun Moxie said loudly, as if he was doing the most powerful lawsuit, and his face was full of justice:,, but after we came here full of enthusiasm, not only did we not get the kind greeting we should have, but also suffered ruthless suppression and exclusion one after another. In the end, these high-level gods Your lords, for their own selfishness or a little old grievances in the past, considering that this battle is related to the safety of mankind in the whole continent, they have set up the most despicable conspiracy to frame us to death!

"Today's platoon is full of tricks and ugliness. I believe that no matter whether it is the discerning person, the two predecessors are supreme, or the people who do not know the inside story, everyone can clearly see it clearly. Isn't it embarrassing to treat allies who come from afar and help with sincerity, or even be a benefactor who sends help in the snow? Today, there is a master of the Hidden Fairy Palace here. I am not afraid of the revenge of the second supreme and the third supreme. I risked my life to ask: Where is your conscience? Where is the justice? Where is morality? Can you ignore the justices of the world and the hearts of the people in vain if you really have a big fist?

"If you make such a decision just for personal resentment, then I have to ask one more question. I believe everyone knows clearly that after this battle, if the heavenly punishment wins, what kind of havoc will it cause to the ordinary people if he really enters the inland! But such a key war has become a place full of plots and tricks! And the one who was framed is actually the commander of this battle! So, what are the people in the world in your eyes? You are all supreme and mysterious, but do you still have humanity? Is there any humanity? Is there nothing in your mind but your own interests?

The more Jun Moxie said, the more excited he became. Originally, he pretended to take a breath to take a breath, but now, he said that he was really angry: "The Supreme is also here. I dare to ask you, since you don't care, since you want to plot and frame the people who help you, you issue the supreme summoning What? You are so gutsy, isn't it enough for the Blood Soul Villa to resist the mysterious beast alone? Why the fuck did you make a shrinking turtle in the end?

"Why don't you fight? Go and kill. It's so clean. The whole world can also praise your honor! Say that you are a great hero!

But you didn't do that. You are afraid of death. Please help! Supreme Summoning Order? An order recognized by the mainland that no one can violate? Oh, my ow! That's asking for help, understand? Because you issued the supreme summoning order for yourself! Be greedy for life and afraid of death, that's why! In the ten thousand years of Xuanxuan Continent, there have been countless supreme strong people, but Li Juetian, the second supreme today, who is so greedy and afraid of death, can be called the first person in the world from ancient times to the present! Even if it is not necessarily the future, it is absolutely unprecedented! The first timid supreme!"

"In this war, our strength can be regarded as the weakest of all human coalitions, but we have never retreated. Isn't it us who persisted to the end? The fighters of the major families did not withdraw! They all threw blood on this land, but those who finally escaped early were the people who started the war, the people of the Blood Soul Villa who issued the supreme summoning order, and the people of Fengxue Silver City! Moreover, he is still the most powerful person! What kind of face do you have to stand between this world again? Don't you feel ashamed!?

Jun Moxie sneered: "That's it. After seeing that my third uncle, who you are trying to frame, is not dead, you actually have to say that it's not a loser! Li Juetian, Xiao Han, since today, I believe you can be called the two supremes in the universe! Because if it is shameless alone, no one can compare with you two. Shameless supreme, well-deserved! I believe that no one will not accept it!,,

Jun Moxie scolded happily, and everyone who scolded turned pale! There are not many people in the field who are clean at all. They all participate in the previous shameless behind-the-scenes transactions, at least they belong to the type of people who drift with the tide

Previously, Li Juetian was slapped in the hand by Master Mei in full view of the public. There was no room for resistance and struggle. His face had long been clean. After being taught by Master Mei to scrape him, he was seriously injured, but he no longer had the face to stand up and simply lay on the ground and pretended to be If it were usual, I'm afraid that if I had left long ago, I would have saved such unprovoked humiliation, and I would not feel ashamed here.

It's not that I don't want revenge, but my skills are not as good as others. How to retaliate?

He was lying there, and the people of the Blood Soul Villa were taking care of him, and at this moment, he heard Jun Moxie's long questioning. Every word was righteous, and every word stood firmly from the perspective of justice.

The most powerful thing is that Jun Moxie didn't mention this war at all. Why did Tianxuan and Dixuan die, and Shenxuan also died a lot? Why did some Yuxuan, which Jun unintentionally lead, did not suffer from defeat and damage, but directly as the victim, starting from human justice and justice, scolding a righteous, loud I was embarrassed and scolded. Everyone present was ashamed of me, ashamed of my shame, and I didn't dare to refute. I didn't dare to refute. I didn't mean to sympathize with the king on the scene.

Among them, there are two old supremes, Thunderstorm and Bu Feng!

When Jun Moxie said yesterday, Li Juetian, Xiao Han, you can be called the two supremes in the universe! If it is shameless, no one can compare with you two. Shameless supreme, well-deserved! I believe that no one will not accept it! At the time of this sentence, Li Juetian could no longer pretend. There was a strange sound between his chest and abdomen. Suddenly, he sat up with a red face and straightened up. He pointed to Jun Moxie, his fingers trembled, and scolded angrily: "Ignorant junior, you "You

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood! Scarlet!

The supreme second seat was actually scolded by Jun Mo Xie, an ant-like figure in his eyes!

Li Juetian was seriously injured, especially the internal injury. The fists and feet under the previous burst of anger of Master Mei were not mixed at all, and even the fist was not heavy, and the fist was to the flesh.

Li Juetian relies on his exquisite Xuangong to protect his internal organs and not be killed on the spot. It is already very proud! After all, he is the first king of heavenly punishment, the peak figure in Yunai! Let the other party hit like a sandbag, and if you are imprisoned, you can't fight back. The bones have already broken in double digits, and the internal organs are also seriously injured!

Of course, even if he is so seriously injured, if he fights hard, killing Jun Moxie is just a blink of an eye. But he couldn't, let alone dare, because there was also an eagle beside Jun Moxie. Naturally, he is not afraid, and he is even sure to clean up the eagle fighting together, but now he is worried that the eagle fighting will take this opportunity to clean himself up!

What's more, there are also people in the fairy palace who are also here. The right and wrong are all obvious. How can they not intervene? Even if none of this exists, there is still the first mysterious beast king here!

Obviously, he can easily kill the other party, but he doesn't dare to take action, and he has to endure being scolded by the other party. The blood is probably suffocated!

And the reason why Li Juetian can't take action and spit blood is also the reason why Jun Moxie dared to scold in front of his second supreme!

As for the future, "I'm afraid Li Juetian has no future! Because Jun Moxie's murderous intention has moved. Compared with Fengxue Silver City, Li Juetian is more dangerous; because Fengxue Silver City still has constraints, he dares not do it brazenly, but Li Juetian is not. This old guy is an old madman who is willing to do everything for his son!

Act without scruples, and it is very despicable and shameless! Such an after-smulation, Jun Moxie will not be allowed to continue to exist!

To be fair, with Jun Moxie's current cultivation, even if Li Juetian's bones are broken, Jun Moxie may not be able to kill him. So, how to kill him?

On this point, Jun Moxie actually had a plan for a long time. Since entering the second floor of Hongjun Tower, Jun Moxie also has the biggest card, which has never appeared in front of others!

That's: Chaos Flame!

The dark flame is the fire of the origin of heaven and earth, with the terrible ability to burn everything! Not to mention that Li Juetian is just a mortal, even if it is Daluo Jinxian, under the burning of the chaotic fire, there is only the end of the soul!

But now Jun Moxie's skills still can't fully control the chaotic fire. That's why he doesn't dare to use it, otherwise he can't want to destroy anyone long ago? In fact, it is more than enough to let the chaotic fire control the alchemy under the alchemy furnace with the ability of Jun Moxie, but if you want to remove the Hongjun Tower and hurt people from your body, it will consume your body very much. If you are not careful, you will burn yourself into a ball of ashes...

Even if it causes the aura in the body to phate, it is almost a serious injury! Moreover, the mind is damaged! What Jun Moxie doesn't know is that the mind here is the so-called yuan god! If the yuan god is damaged, it is not a long-term recuperation that cannot be recovered, and the consequences are extremely serious. It is a last resort and must not be used.

But Jun Moxie has no choice. Now is the critical moment as a last resort.

And the time is now. At this moment, Li Juetian's whole body bones have long been broken by Mei Zun Zunhui, and the internal injury is also quite serious. It is the most weakest and easy to be killed in this second supreme life. If he relieves this breath, I'm afraid it will be Jun Moxie's turn and Jun's family to have bad luck!

Even if Jun Moxie doesn't risk his life to scold Li Juetian today, Li Juetian will never let you and Jun's family go. Nearly one-third of the power of the Blood Soul Villa, so stealing chickens can't eclipse all the rice, including the three strong gods... All of this is undoubtedly because you don't mean it!

And Li Juetian was beaten by Master Mei, but it was because of Jun Moxie! Although you can't blame Jun Moxie for what you said at that time, it was indeed because of him! Especially for the second time, Jun Moxie is an excellent object of anger.

With the character of being extremely fierce, how can we let go of these two uncles and nephews? If you can't beat Master Mei, can't you beat your uncle and nephew? As for the cause of this matter, people like Li Juetian will not consider it at all!

So Jun Moxie had no choice but to take a risk!

Must kill the sky! It's amazing!

Li Juetian was almost forced to a dead end by Master Mei, and at the same time, Jun Moxie was also forced to a dead end!

If Li Juetian does not die, then the king's family will be destroyed!

Except for killing Li Juetian, there is no second better solution!

So Jun Moxie scolded so loudly. In the eyes of others, it was Jun Mo Xie who was bold. He actually kept cursing with the name of the second supreme. He really didn't know whether to live or die, but what Jun Moxie thought was:

Li Juetian has just suffered the most serious injury in his life, and has just suffered a serious humiliation that the supreme strong man has never suffered since there was the supreme in the world. At this time, his mood must be surging and difficult to support himself: in addition, his heart is extreme and vicious, more It's hard to control his mind! At this moment, it is natural to scold him as hard as possible. Let Li Juetian listen to this and stimulate him more, that is... be angry with him again!

If you can directly make this old bastard angry, it will naturally be the best, and it will be the most ideal ending. Even if he is not angry, his internal injury will be aggravated by one point, so as to win more favorable conditions for his future action!