The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 144 The Four Supreme Battle Penalties

The war is coming

Eagle Bokong snorted, took the lead in coming out of the crowd, and hugged the boxing: "Mr. Mei, I, Ying Bokong, came to ask for advice!"

The sound is like gold and stone, and it is sonorous. Although the ranking of the eagle fighting is only the end of the supreme, it is the most aggressive in life, and even more

He has experienced a more horrible and amazing momentum in a mysterious master before, and the strength of Mr. Mei is certainly

It's also amazing. In addition to eagle fighting for surprise, it doesn't have much fear. In terms of mood alone, it is

It should be above the rest of the people.

Shi Chang, the supreme of life and death, came out with a smile, and smiled gently: "Mr. Mei, in the lower Shichang


The tears that had just retreated stood for a moment with a sad face, and finally walked up slowly. He said with a cold face:

"Ms. Mei, I don't need to introduce you, do you?"

"Very good, is it only the three of you?" Master Mei snorted and couldn't help but be a little disappointed. These three people's couplet

At most, the hand is equivalent to the humanoid combination of the Crane King, the Bear King and the Snake King, and even one and a half of them are weak.

At most, your own enemies are qualified to work hard.

"There is also an old man who participates in the war slowly" a cry of grief and indignation sang out, and the supreme of the sky trembled

stood up. Although Li Juetian was seriously injured before, he was always one of the eight supremes. Hold on and be ashamed,

I held on to the pain and didn't leave, just for this moment

To find face in Venerable Mei, Li Juetian only has this chance, and maybe it is the last time to save his voice

The opportunity of reputation can only completely wash ourselves with the help of the other three supreme powers and defeat Mei Zun in one fell swoop.

The shame on the body, and even, can go further

Missing today, if you want to fight alone to find the field, Li Juetian asked himself that he had no hope for the rest of his life

So although he was seriously injured, many bones were fractured, and the internal injury was quite light, he had already been in the Snake King and

In the battle without sadness, take the broken bones back to the original position, and then become more powerful to start the self-damaged secret method "reverse the sky**", prefer

The loss of real life, and also improve your state to the best state that can be restored now, and use yourself

's superb Xuangong firmly controls the broken bones

This battle, for Li Juetian, is already the last battle to break the boat. In any case, it must be here

In the first battle, play the most brilliant results and the most powerful!

"Munior Mei, the so-called feng shui takes turns. Your generous gift a few days ago, let me engrave it and return it on the spot"

Li Juetian gasped and looked at Master Mei fiercely, as if he were looking at the biggest


In fact, the hatred between the two people is so great that there is no room for resolution

The degree is not this far for Master Mei, because he is the winner, but for Li Juetian,

But it is already a great shame that can never be relieved in this life, unless he can really defeat Master Mei once

"Li Juetian, are you going to fight with me?" Master Mei's cultivation, naturally you can see it at a glance

Come on, how did Li Juetian stand up from a state of serious injury? She couldn't help but feel a little sad. She herself

I also know that Li Juetian is completely innocent, but when he is the most grumpy, Li Juetian is just

Coincidentally, I caught up with the standard pond fish.

And two distant periods of time are the most depressed, painful, sad and indignant subtle moments in my life. Urgent

You need to find someone to vent. Li Juetian, the second supreme, came up with benevolence.

Whether it is identity or Xuangong, Li Juetian was the most suitable candidate at that time

So it's a tragedy.

And this tragedy was completely inadvertently caused by himself.

Because, soldiers can be killed but not humiliated

Master Mei naturally understands this truth, but it is under the attention of the public that he is pinching his neck and

is a slap in the face, completely destroying all the previous reputation of Li Juetian's supreme second seat!

He doesn't work hard for himself, that's the biggest strange thing, and in terms of his strength, he was originally hopeless in this life,

However, there is such a great opportunity for the supreme to join hands. How could he miss this last opportunity!

"Is it worth it?" Master Mei's eyes were a little sorry, reminding him: "Use it once,

You should be very clear about what kind of price you need to pay. Make such a big sacrifice in one breath

The cost, do you really stop thinking about it? If you regret it at this time, you just need to dissipate your skills and cultivate for three or five months

Recover, there's still time!"

"No! It's too late. It's too late a long time!" Li Juetian's eyes are burning like flames, sad

said, "Mr. Mei, will you also be afraid? You should know that when your slap falls on someone's face

At that moment, it was too late for me to swallow the sky, which is also a person with a face. There is only one way to be such a shame


method can be washed, and there is no second way!"

"Oh? Afraid? Am I afraid of you? You want to wash away the shame. Are you going to kill me? Mei

The venerable smiled lightly, and the black robe shook gently like waves.

"That's right" Li Juetian's heavy road: In order to exorcise someone's life, please

Munior Mei... Don't hesitate to "

"Don't hesitate here? Ha ha... Li Juetian, you advise me not to be stingy even with my head, and you,

but stingy in your area

What I advised you just now is really my pity and charity to a weak person. It is rare for me to be in a bad mood

Turn around and be kind-hearted, but you actually understand it as 'fear'! I shouldn't say that you are a well frog peeping or


Master Mei couldn't help laughing sarcastically and shook his head. The Taoist worker said, "Li Juetian, if you really have this ability

... So what if I give you my head? I'm afraid it's you who lost your head.

"Who is the one who lost his head? It seems too early for Mei Zun to come to a conclusion now." The sky is extremely heavy

He snorted again: "Mr. Mei is right. Li's fame may be worthless in the eyes of His Holiness, but in

In someone's own eyes, it is much more important than his head!"

"After today's war, I'm afraid that the ranking of the eight supremes will change again..." Master Mei is covered with

In the black robe, the faint road seems to have a kind of melancholy meaning: "For many years, it is precisely because of scruples

The name of the wind supreme cloth: the name of the wind; although the cultivation of the wind sword god wind and clouds has long been enough, it has been delayed

Become the supreme... hehe... After today, the eight supremes are available again. Presumably this time

No matter how much you want to retreat, you can't retreat.

The wind smiled from afar and said, "The supreme number of the wind no longer belongs to me, what Master Mei said,

You can make someone look small.

Master Mei hummed and said, "But this cold-blooded supreme, after the war, he still has the courage to surround

Attacking me, it must be a scapegoat, right? I really don't know from what position it took! Be the real me

Can't you kill people?"

The two offensive words of Mei Zunzhe can be said to be quite powerful. After losing the fierce sky, they hit the nail on the head again

Point out the real reason why the wind and sword god can't be promoted to the supreme, and the sun is to fight and be as famous as it

The eagle's fighting spirit!

People are willing to be as famous as you, and even willing to give in one more step. It's not as good as you at all. They can do it for a long time

became the supreme, but because of the supreme predecessors, you picked up the advantage. I have to say, Eagle Fight

After listening to this sentence, there was a shock in my heart.

Then Master Mei aimed the target again, pointing out that he was traumatized. Even if he came up, it was just

is a meridic cushion, which may be sacrificed by other supreme shields at some point


For others, the effect may not be so obvious, but for the suspicion that has always been very serious, almost all the world is the enemy's tears, but it is a sentence that comes to the heart, which really points to the heart.

The reason why he hesitated before was this.

The competition between the supremes is also quite fierce. If it is in a time of crisis, the sacrifice of tears will be saved without sadness

Self, on the one hand, eliminate the competitors, and on the other hand, you can pick up a cheap opportunity to create a hand, in one fell swoop


What a wonderful thing this is?

But it is really impossible for him to get the aura of mainland heroes, even if he knows that there is a risk

also want to come out!

But as soon as the words of Master Mei came out, after the eagle fought in the air, the tears suddenly changed color without sadness, and the light of the mainland heroes

The ring is elegant, but for a dead person, it is just the most inconspicuous decoration.

"Mr. Mei's offensive plan is really sharp. Shi admires it, but Mr. Mei is afraid that he only uses aluminum


Shi Chang smiled and said, "All four of us have experienced hundreds of battles, and any one of them can say

The originator of the offensive heart war, Master Mei used this in front of us. Is it too much to underestimate us? What's more, I

The four of us go out of the moon together. If we retreat, we will retreat together. The four of us are of one mind, and we shoulder the heavy trust of hundreds of millions of people in the mainland. How can we win

The provocation of the venerable Mei? Excuse me, if Master Mei really has so much confidence in himself, he will be so arrogant

Does it take a lot of time?!

When he said this, the other two suddenly woke up.

Li Juetian shouted fiercely and said, "It's useless to say more. Let's see the real chapter in your hand!" Let me be four today

Tiang the so-called Lord of Heaven's Punishment, the amazing means of all beasts!" Haha, Changfu, regardless of serious injury,

rushed out first.

Five people fight, there must be someone to fight first! And those who take action first often suffer losses. It should be head-on

A blow is waiting for him; but it can create opportunities for others.

Although Shi Changxiao dispelled the offensive words from Mei's supreme with words, but from the heart, the four supremes have

That powerful method that is not afraid of Mei Supreme is just at the end of the matter and has to fight.

Ten thousand steps back, even if this battle really fails, the three supremes other than Li Juetian may not be very difficult

Sus, but Li Juetian can't do it.

In the previous battle between humans and beasts, the strength of his Blood Soul Villa has been half destroyed, and he was even more like this before

Humiliation, coupled with his reckless consideration for the safety of the mainland people, plotting and plotting against the king, it is really discredited, and the people betray their relatives

Li, if you can't defeat Mei Zhizun in the end, everything will be disillusioned!

So others have a choice, but Li Jueyao has no choice! I can only gamble!