The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 161 That Trace of Guilt

"You take care of your sister eating..." Eagle Bokong couldn't help smiling and felt this little in his heart

The girl is really tough and cute.

Dugu Xiaoyi was stunned. After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly asked, "Sister Guan, no

Yes, this... That... Did Xing take off his clothes when he ate this meal?

Everyone is a stunt. This little girl is so simple that she really has nothing to say.

"Big and small milk! How can you cook cooked rice without taking off your clothes? Dongfang asked the knife to kick his eyes and wanted to teach, let's have an enlightenment education. After all, the nephew didn't eat such a best. His uncle was a little anxious. He looked for it, and next time his nephew could eat it. :

But before he could say it, he was kicked out far by Dongfang Wenqing: "Get out of here! How can a big man say anything? Don't you know how to avoid it? No, teach bad children!"

But Dugu Xiaoyi had already stood stupidly in Yeli and was stunned. After a long time, suddenly two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks. He sat on the ground and cried loudly. He cried so much that he was extremely sad. 555... I'm not alive; I'm hungry 555. It turned out that I spent a long time, but let the two of them cook cooked rice...555..."

Everyone sweated together again...

The sun is slanting little by little, and no one comes out of the tent. There was still a faint sound coming out, and slowly the five people were anxious again. As for Dugu Xiaoyi, he had no strength to cry. Sitting there in a daze.

"No way?" Ying Bokong looked at Tai impatiently: "It's a good thing to have a noise, which proves that both of them are fine, but why is it so long? It's a little outrageous, isn't it?"

Dongfang Wenqing listed his mouth, a little embarrassed, didn't say nb;nb; Dongfang Wenjian, don't go over, there is no movement, just don't hear it. Dongfang asked the knife and smashed his mouth, and his face shrank a little. He muttered, "Even if you take medicine, you can't be so fierce?" I feel a little inferior... "

After a long time, the moon has risen to the middle of the sky

Finally, there was no movement in the tent. The five masters of clay carving and wood sculpture generally stood far away. No one was tired between their eyebrows.

It's been a little too long... This uncle, even if you take the medicine... It's really too persistent... But what should I do?

Jun's face was full of worry about this color and looked at the other side of the tent. I hope that the two people in the account can come out quickly. But I don't know how to deal with it. I'm even more afraid that if any of the two can't stand it... But what should I do??

After all, this matter is terrible. By mistake, I believe that no one has any preparation. Guan Qinghan is certainly an innocent victim, but isn't Jun Moxie himself another victim of a confused move? The most unexpected thing is that the perpetrator of this incident is actually caused by Dugu Xiaoyi...

That makes people even more speechless

With such a complicated involvement, you can't help but make your head three times bigger.

But... Who can I blame for this? Resentment of Dugu Xiaoyi?

Yes, as a starter, she is certainly the undisputed culprit, but her starting point is just to get the man she loves, and more because of the unintentional fault of understanding everything. At this moment, the little girl also knew that she had caused a big disaster, and the tears in her eyes did not stop. I endured the new harshness there.

There is also the girl of Qinghan, who lost all her reason that day. She only knew to ask for it, but Qinghan was armed with martial arts and might not have the ability to resist, but she didn't even call for help. What does this mean? She must have noticed Mo Xie's strangeness, and even noticed the existence of **. Only by saving Mo Xie can she silently endure all this

If it weren't for Qinghan's sacrifice, I really don't know what will happen to Mo Xie, who is poisoned in his body. Now, it is equivalent to Guan Qinghan's sacrifice of his innocence. For the Jun family, it's all great kindness!!

So. Now her identity is so ambiguous. How to report the change of the Jun family? Or, how should it be treated?

This is another headache.

It seems that Guan Qinghan's identity must be raised to the world as soon as possible. It's urgent...

The third master's thoughts are confused and it's hard to determine, but the other people don't have so many ideas at all. Just like the three brothers of the Oriental family, they only care about whether Jun Moxie will be okay in the end. As long as the nephew is fine in the end, it's no problem. Well, isn't We have money and food in our family, can't we afford it? More than a thousand and eight hundred people can also afford it!!

The number of daughters-in-law means that there will be more in the next generation in the future. A few more are big beautiful things. The girl in the tent must be wanted, and the little girl outside dares to think and act. I want it too. We are Mo Xie's uncle. Isn't it possible to live at this point?

I don't know how long it took... Jun Moxie woke up leisurely and only felt very comfortable all over. The aftertaste of the fluttering feeling after the outbreak seemed to be still echoing in my mind, a little; I was stunned. This is the real sobriety

The young master shook his head, slowly recalled what had happened before, and couldn't help moaning. Just sit up and move your body. I immediately heard a delicate moan of extreme pain around me...

Jun Mo looked sideways when he heard the sound, and couldn't help but be shocked!

A cool and beautiful character with a beautiful face with deep pain. The breath was extremely weak beside him, and he saw that the flesh of his body was not there, on the snow-white skin. A piece of purple, probably caused by my previous ravages... At this point, you may not be more surprised, and even more because this woman is in charge of Qinghan!!!

In an all of annment, Jun Mo's frightened hair stood up!

What's going on?

I clearly remember that I drank the wine brought by the little doctor Dugu, and I also knew that the girl was in the wine**... Then he said that he would cook his raw rice, and then he would burn himself into a wolf. Then... Then I don't remember anything

This is incredible!

But when he saw the scars on Guan Qinghan's body, the eyebrows were extremely painful, and his nose was even weaker. Jun Moxie's only thought flew out of the sky in an eye.

The little girl made it ** is extremely domineering. I can't even resist my special physique. Therefore, he lost his mind. God knows how much pain Guan Qinghan has suffered. Look up at the sky. I can't help but be surprised again. It's already late at night!!!

I remember that when I drank that gourd wine, it was still in the morning. In this way, didn't I torture Guan Qinghan all day? How on earth did she survive with her delicate physique?

"I really deserve it!" Jun Moxie sighed for a long time, and his heart was in turmoil. If the star finds that it is Dugu Xiaoyi, Jun Moxie will not feel anything, because... That's the medicine she gave. He also said that he wanted to cook rice with raw rice. Everything is natural. It's logical. But now the object has been changed to Guan Qinghan. Jun Moxie's heart is very guilty...

Kill people, don't regret it. You won't regret it if you set it on fire!!

But this is the innocence of a good woman!!

Not to mention that Guan Qinghan is completely innocent...