The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 29 Sound East and West

"The third update of the outbreak is delivered!"

The girl in white smiled. He said, "I can basically conclude that Jun Moxie is simply implying Xiao Buyu that I will accompany you for a long time! The more he is like this, the more serious Xiao Buyu will be, the more steadily he will fight. He will never dare to risk a counterattack, and will only continue to consume Jun Moxie's basic strategy. However, according to the current view, Jun Moxie seems to have no possibility of being consumed, but he gave Xiao Buyu hope not to let him take a desperate blow! So the war will definitely be stalemate for a long time.

"But sister, didn't you just say that Jun Moxie was going to aw Xiao Buyu's anger? "..." Qianxun, the king of snakes, was even more puzzled. Isn't it contradictory for my sister to say so? With such hints and explicit reminders to Xiao Buyu, Xiao Buyu was even more aware of it. How could he be angry? If the mind is stable, how can it show its fbreak?

"When Xiao Buyu completely calms down and even has full confidence, it is the time for Jun Moxie to really act! Only at that moment can Xiao Buyu furious in one fell swoop and create real variables!"

The girl in white smiled and said, "I miss you or didn't notice? In the battle, Jun Moxie secretly looked at the other side of the battle between the Seven Swords of Silver City and the Eagle at least three times?

"Is he going to sneak up on the seven swords? Did it cause Xiao Buyu's anger? The snake king's eyes lit up and said, "If that's the case. It's really a trick! If Jun Moxie can successfully abolish any of the seven swords, Xiao Buyu will definitely not be able to calm down!"

"The only thing I can't figure out is that although Jun Moxie's movements are secretive, what kind of person is Xiao Buyu? Anyway, he is also a famous master of a generation, the peak of the four grades of Shenxuan. In the battle, he must be watching and listening in all directions. Even if Jun Moxie's movements are hidden, how can he hide it from him? How can he be deceived by you? If you win for Jun Moxie, the momentum of the seven swords will collapse immediately. The eagle fighting in the air is bound to slaughter the seven swords in a very short time, and there is no room for the collapse of the Silver City! Therefore, Xiao Buyu must have a guard, but from here, Jun Moxie's abacus seems to be wrong..." It seems that the girl in white who understands the overall situation showed some doubts for the first time.

After saying this, the Snake King also became puzzled.

At this moment, the situation in the field changes again!

Jun Moxie once again used a move that had been used twice before. The move was still wonderful and superb, and his body was also accelerated sharply. In an instant, he had formed a circle of more than a dozen remnants of Jun Moxie in front of Xiao Buyu! It seems that more than a dozen Jun Moxie attacked with a sword at the same time! The cold light of the long sword is almost connected.

Xiao Buyu sneered, junior! Have you finally been exhausted?!! With the same move, you actually used it more than three times! How dare you use the same move over and over again in front of a four-grade god mysterious strongman! Although it is faster and more proficient this time, it can't change the fact that the move has been repeated three times!

At this moment, your retribution has arrived! I want you to know the end of the challenge beyond my ability!

Xiao Buyu laughed, and his palms suddenly slanted out. In an instant, the palm shadow surged up like a mountain, and he quickly attacked Jun Moxie's shadow sword light on the left side of his body! This is the place where Jun Moxie fell, the starting point of the sword!

Never be wrong!

Indeed, there is no mistake in Xiao Buyu's judgment at all. If Jun Moxie really uses this move, he must have settled here and made a sword here! At that time, it was Jun Moxie's complete tragedy!

Unfortunately, Jun Moxie didn't use this trick!

Those who count people, people always calculate it!

When Xiao Buyu suddenly took the lead, Jun Moxie's sword moves were only half used, which was in line with the essence of martial arts of "Crossing the river and hitting the stream"!

Originally, in this case, basically no one can change the original momentum of the sword move, even the master of Shenxuan, or even the supreme strong man, but Jun Moxie's Kaitian creation skill can make the impossible possible!

The sword style is on the way. Seeing that he was about to make solid contact with Xiao Buyu's offensive... At this time, an extremely abrupt change had taken place. Jun Moxie's swordsmanship directly turned into a shocking rainbow without a pause!

Only a few centimeters away, he passed by Xiao Buyu's side by wrongly. The tip of the sword made a whine, and suddenly converged into a brilliant ball of light, which splashed. Then it degenated into a long silver dragon during the flight, like a roller-like sword practice light across the space distance of 15 feet,

One body and sword!

Jun Moxie actually used this most powerful move at the most unlikely moment!

This sword is really beyond everyone's expectations!

And this moment happened to be the time when the seven swords of the Silver City were in the most tight. With the strength of the seven of them alone, in the face of the eight supremes of the eagle fighting, they were just in danger and reluctantly supported. Jun Moxie's sudden sword came to make him suffer from the enemy, and the situation was It can't be a bad situation!

The camel's back, which can be crushed by only one straw, is suddenly going to be hit by hundreds or thousands of pounds. Can it be better?

Xiao Buyu, who knew the trick, shouted coldly, and he still had to think about how the thief of the Jun family changed the sword style halfway to this strange thing that violated the principle of martial arts. At present, it was the top priority to try his best to save the seven swords. He couldn't help roaring to the sky, followed at full Above! Just like a rocket shooting furiously, he came with all his strength almost at a speed that exceeded his usual several times!

At this moment, Xiao Buyu was really annoyed. Under such circumstances, he was actually fooled by this boy! So this blow. He has done his best and made a blow to his whole body!

Even if Jun Moxie's move really succeeds and makes the seven swords of Silver City be damaged, Jun Moxie will definitely die under his subsequent move! Xiao Buyu is very sure of this. So although he was angry, he was not in a hurry.

Because the seven swords of the silver city, in the silver city, is always only the person who belongs to the side of the city owner, but the person surnamed Han. Although he belongs to Fengxue Silver City, his surname is not Xiao!

So even if Jun Moxie really attacked them successfully, or even killed one or two, Xiao Buyu may not be so sad and lost. He just needs to kill this ignorant boy!

So although Xiao Buyu was angry, he was not furious.

The roller-like sword light did not stop at all, and the lightning had already come behind the seven swords of the silver city! Behind it was Xiao Buyu's rapidly flying body, which was only five feet away from Jun Moxie's back! For the master of Shenxuan, this is simply a distance within reach!

Even, Xiao Buyu's clothes roared sharply in the rapid rush, and the whole person turned into a vague gray shadow. Obviously, the speed has risen to the extreme!

The situation created by spending a lot of money in my heart, but now it doesn't seem to be much more beneficial!

The eagle frowned. I am very dissatisfied with Jun Mo's evil sword, and I have the absolute advantage. Is it your sudden attack like this to support me or to add chaos?

As long as you entangle Xiao Buyu for a while, I can win the seven swords, and if you suddenly attack, even if you can speed up the winning time of my seat, you will fall into a death crisis. Is it really not worth the loss?

As for the seven swords of Yincheng, which have a lower level of cultivation, on the one hand, it has to withstand the strong pressure from the eagle fighting in the air. Now it has to bear the sudden fierce attack from Jun Moxie, and the abdomen and back are under the enemy. Instantly embarrassed, I only felt that there was a thorn in the back, and there was even a feeling that the skin had been cut!

Xiao Buyu's face showed a gruly smile! The long-boded palms burst out! --

However, the audience is full of exclamations!

Because Jun Moxie's figure suddenly disappeared!

Unusually abruptly disappeared!

Flying away is missing!

It seemed that he had never appeared, and the roller-like sword light disappeared in an instant, and disappeared quietly without any sign. The previous vigorous sword light is like a dream...

Xiao Buyu's speed has reached his own extreme speed. He is not Jun Mo Xie, and he has no time to change his moves again. His palms are vastly carrying the overwhelming strength, and the target suddenly disappears. He is equivalent to attacking the seven swords of the Silver City! In an extreme hurry, he only had time to raise the angle, penetrated through the sky of the seven swords of Silver City, and hit the eagle fiercely!

The pressure behind the seven swords of Silver City suddenly disappeared. Seeing that Xiao Buyu became a strong support, they were all overjoyed and tried their best to fight back against the eagle!

And the eagle fight suddenly met a strong enemy under the hasty change, and the pressure from the enemy almost doubled in an instant, and his nose couldn't help but be crooked!

It turns out that this boy is not here to help the war, but a disaster! Is it too easy for me to play seven alone? But it can't be done. The eight enemies in front of them attack with all their strength at the same time. Even if they are as strong as eagles, they can only fight desperately!

I only heard the prairie eagle god shouting "ghost eagle!" Attacking with all his strength, suddenly from the sky to the earth was full of sharp claws, just like thousands of fierce ghosts gushing out of the ghost gate at the same time, and countless illusory ghost claws fought back against the eight people in the wind and snow silver city!

In mid-air, the sword breath of the seven swords of Yincheng roared, and the palm wind of Xiao Buyu roared; the sharp force emitted by the eagle's fighting ghost eagle's claws tore the air of the night sky, and nine people collided together like Mars hitting the earth!

At the moment when the nine people bumped into each other, a burst of arrogant laughter suddenly sounded. It was the voice of the young master Mo Xie! Somehow, he had just disappeared from here, and then appeared in front of Xiao Han, who was on the ground!

Such an amazing speed is simply unpredictable, or it should be said that two Jun Moxies appeared at the same time in two completely different places at the same time. This is more true! But these two Jun Moxie are still the same person, but this fact has become something that people can't figure out!

Xiao Buyu, who was about to face the fire, suddenly heard the arrogant smile of the young master. He couldn't help but be shocked. He reluctantly looked back in his busy schedule and saw that Jun Moxie's face was full of evil and cruel, and the shining sword quickly fell on Xiao Han, who was completely unable to move!