The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 32 The Collapse of Shenxuan!

There is a saying that the person who said it was unintentional. The listener was interested, so I arranged someone to investigate my father's old subordinates. Where exactly are you and how is your life? After a month and a half of investigation, all the results told me one thing: these people, together with their parents and children, mysteriously disappeared at a certain time ""

Then I went to check the headless cases in various regions during that period. This chapter is collected and published by the four friends of the obstructive muscle mouth

It was found that during that period of time, there were countless tragedies of killing and destroying corpses, and all of these tragedies eventually became headless public cases without clues! All corpses are the same, and it has long been difficult to see who they are. The only thing that can be sure is that those corpses are either old people or adults. Only if there is no child, there is no child's body...,,

Jun Moxie's voice became sad, indignant and vicious:, so since then, I have been doubting who are the children who were mutilated by Huanghuatang? If those children are really the orphans of those veterans, it means that these children are just a reckless disaster caused by our royal family. Then, the behind-the-scenes messenger of Huanghuatang must have a great grudge against my royal family, but who is this behind-the-scenes messenger?!,,

Jun Moxie met Xiao Buyu's resentful eyes. His eyes also became resentful and fierce. He took a step forward with Xiao Buyu's eyes and asked deeply:, Second Master Xiao, I heard that you are the wisest e-sage of the Xiao family. Can you tell me! The behind-the-scenes messenger of Huanghuatang, "Who is it?"

Who is so conscienceless?

Who has such a big hatred for our Jun family? How can you be so mad at innocent people?!,,

Master Xiao, tell me who the hell is that man?"

Every time Mo Xie asks, he will take a step forward! Every step forward, the murderous spirit on the body becomes more and more intense! His eyes were like a knife, forcing Xiao Buyu.

Under the pressure of Master Jun, Xiao Buyu's eyes finally turned away, and he no longer dared to look at the young master, and moved forward step by step with Jun Moxie. He unconsciously stepped back step by step. The always calm eyes also seemed a little confused. The powerful man was a little at a loss in the face of Jun Moxie's questioning!

Jun Moxie's extremely heavy footsteps sounded into his ears, approaching step by step, like a nine-day drought thunder, knocking on Xiao Buyu's heart one after another.

How do I know who it is? Are you saying some inexplicable strange things?" Xiao Buyu seemed to ask angrily, but his voice was trembling. The voice of a mysterious strong man would tremble. As long as he had a little insight, he would find something strange in it.

Originally, I was just doubting, but after the removal of Huanghuatang at that time, Xiao Han came to Tianxiang City soon after a while and took the initiative to go to Jun's house to find my third uncle's trouble. "Why did he come so fast? Why did he come so coincidentally? Master Xiao said, "Can you answer me? If you are wise, won't you think of anything? Jun Moxie looked at him fiercely. Read the release of four friends again, obstructive muscle concaveness

Are you doubting me? How could I do such a thing! What evidence do you have!" Xiao Buyu shouted loudly.

I doubt you. The clouds and rain of the Wind and Snow Silver City are also famous figures. I won't do such a thing anyway! There are so many tragedies, so many headless public cases, and one or two all-wireless cables are barely reasonable, but there are so many cases without any clues. This is very interesting. What kind of forces are needed to suppress these many cases? Evidence? You asked me for evidence? Since people with intentions have the intention to do so, how can they leave evidence?

Jun Moxie smiled strangely: But I have another point of doubt. Why do you ask me? Are you doubting me? Instead of asking me, are you doubting our Xiao family? Or ask me, are you doubting Xiao Han?,? Huh? Wise Master Xiao Buyu, I remember this sentence just now. I'm obviously talking about Xiao Han, but why do you want to get involved with yourself? Isn't this a crooked fight?!

Xiao Buyu staggered back again, sweating profusely and roared loudly:,, a group of nonsense! You don't have any evidence at all! What's the intention of framing a good man and framing my Xiao family?,,

Second master, you are wrong again! I just said that it was just Xiao Han, but you said that I framed your Xiao family? What does this mean? Can Xiao Han actually represent the whole Xiao family? Jun Mo pushed hard, took advantage of the victory to chase, and the sharp light in his eyes became more and more serious.

Up to now, Jun Moxie's methods have worked step by step.

Xiao Buyu's mind is confused!

Never again the previous mentality of fighting with the enemy!

First, the war, and then with the help of the eagle's empty hand. He hurt him in one fell swoop; then abused Xiao Han, so as to open a gap in Xiao Buyu's heart, and then said the miserable Huanghuatang, completely smashed Xiao Buyu's mental defense!

Jun Moxie, you spit blood on people!

, I'm Xiao's family, do you have any evidence? No if your tongue is as fierce as a knife, it will be difficult for you to put this crime on my Xiao family in Yincheng!" The sweat on Xiao Buyu's face swied down, the muscles on his face were twisted and changed, and his makeup was crazy.

Creedential? I have said it more than once. No, not at all! I just doubt it, but. It's enough to suspect that it's here now!"

Jun Moxie's eyes are as cold as a knife: Xiao Buyu, do you think there is any bullshit evidence that needs to be done so far? In the whole world, who else can make the eldest prince willingly give up the courtyard without revealing any wind? Which force can suppress so many headless public cases?! And which force still has a great grudge against my family!"

In the last sentence, Jun Moxie lowered his voice and could only be heard by a few people not far away. Jun's unintentional face twisted strangely, and his twisted face was so ferocious and horrible!

Although these are only Jun Moxie's speculations, Jun Moxie also admits that those are just speculations. But this speculation is very reasonable. All the inferences and speculations point in one direction!

You didn't mean to burst into tears in the tiger's eyes. In this kiln, he just wanted to put his wings and fly back to the capital. Place those poor children well, "

Do you know? Not long ago, Wa accepted a person's commission, and I also took her money and vowed to completely exterminate Huanghuatang!" The helpless girl's face seemed to appear in front of Jun Moxie's eyes, as well as her brother's small body, which is still in his arms, half a copper coin "

That's your own reward. "If you get paid, you have to do it to the end!

Jun Moxie's voice was violent:,, Xiao Buyu, you can rest assured. I will never kill any of the Xiao family because I will waste your Xiao's family one by one, cut off the tongue, ears and nose, knock off the mouth and teeth, break the tendons and hamstrings, cut off the roots, and finally s Put you all into the jar and raise them. Let you live until the end of your life. Let everyone in the world have a look. This is the end of the despicable! This is what happens to dehumanize people! Are you satisfied with my arrangement?

You, how dare you!" Xiao Buyu stepped back two more steps. His eyes were scattered and helpless, and he roared again:,, how dare you!" But it ushered in everyone's contempt, and then I found my voice. It's so powerless! There is no deterrent effect at all!

This strong man of the four grades of Shenxuan, the strongest man closest to the supreme level, was finally completely defeated by Jun Moxie! Little by little, it's under the cocoon. Although he was not involved in the affairs of Huanghuatang, this does not mean that his conscience did not feel guilty after all! Because Xiao Han is his chopping son

And these tragedies, if Yan refused to support Xiao Han's cold-blooded revenge, all this would not have happened!

Everyone has his dark side in his heart. No matter how deep he hides and how perfectly he hides, as long as these dark sides are lifted out and made public, no matter how despicable he is, cultivated and how hypocritical he is, it is unbearable!

Xiao Buyu completely collapsed!

From spirit to body, there is no resistance at all

The three-nine elders and others have different faces, some are ashamed, some are resentful, and the eyes of the seven swords of the silver city, who have been seriously injured, from unbelievable to extreme contempt. I never dreamed that the Xiao family really did such a dehuman and crazy thing!

Han Yanmeng also woke up from a coma at the right time and unexpectedly heard this shocking news. He couldn't help trembling and looking at the eyes of the Xiao family. It is also full of disgust and hatred.

Any Lu with a little conscience will not be indifferent after hearing about such a tragic thing!

From Jun Moxie's step-by-step questioning, and then from Xiao Buyu's reaction, if everyone can't see any clue, they can really die "

Xiao Buyu, let me ask you, how did your Xiao family sneak into the millions of troops in those years? You must know, tell me! When everyone was thinking about it and Xiao Buyu was a little distracted, Jun Moxie suddenly roared like a spring thunder.

Who the hell is the traitor?!"

Another loud shout, this roar has concentrated all the spiritual strength of Jun Moxie at present! All the pure spiritual power that can be mobilized! The loud voice is even more like the roar of a Buddha's lion! It shook so much that the torch around it also beat neatly a few times. Everyone feels shocked in their hearts! With this weak cultivation, I suddenly felt that my mind was blurred, and the past came one after another

Xiao Buyu, who was the first to hit it, was shocked all over. There was confusion in his eyes, and he suddenly felt that it was like a supreme god standing in front of him who dominated everything, shouting like a spring thunder at himself with infinite majesty. In his heart, there was a feeling that was absolutely irresistible.

[Ti: Dear book friend, the current chapter has reached the last page of this book]