The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 126 The Most Affectionate Good Man

"The second update of the day! Let me tell you something in advance. Tomorrow is my aunt's 80s price. Claw discussed with several cousins to celebrate the old birthday star. Therefore, I won't work overtime today. I will cheer up and celebrate the old man's birthday tomorrow.

It is expected to come back in the evening, and the update may be a little late. Tell your brothers and sisters so that you don't have to wait for a long time.)

"Your snake king Qianxun is even more angry. This rambling has been talking upside down for a long time, or the eldest sister is not as good as the surname Feng! I just want to go forward and repair the bear king.

"Chunxun, stop, that Mr. Feng is indeed a senior, with great power, and his means of creation are really beyond my reach! Xiong Si, do you think He San has also successfully broken through? And the old troubles of the sixth and the seventh are all healed, and they have returned to their human form?

Mei Xueyan was greatly surprised. After all, the breakthrough always depends on its own opportunity. Xiong Si's ability to break through the bottleneck has made Mei Xueyan quite happy. Hearing that He San also broke through, and the Lion King and Monkey King, who have always been seriously injured, have also recovered from their injuries. This series of good news is Mei Damei was a little ecstatic.

"This is fake. In fact, Elder Feng is willing to help. It's not all for the face of my old bear. Elder Feng should also help us refine some good medicine, so I came with the tiger, otherwise who can bring so much fun here so far away!" Seeing the elder sister's approval, Ji Wang naturally praised himself greatly.

"So that's it. You are not to blame for this subject. Well done." Mei Xueyan smiled with relief, and the two beast kings wiped their sweat at the same time. Damn, this pass is finally over. "How did you meet Lao Zhi here?"

But Mei Xueyan immediately frowned again, with anger on her face, but at Jun Moxie: "Jun Moxie! It turns out that your master has known Xiong Si for a long time, and he already has a shallow friendship with my heavenly punishment beast king! I hate that you were so benevolent and righteous a few days ago, saying that it was how difficult you were to be your master, and how did you kneel for a few days and nights before your master agreed, "You even took this to tell me the conditions, you, you, you are not timid!"

Jun Moxie had been watching coldly and thinking secretly: Look at this situation, Mei Xueyan's status in the heavenly punishment forest is quite high. It may not be lower than that Mr. Mei. No wonder he can use the cage of heaven and earth. Such a super move can abuse the masters above the supreme level. During the smart test, he suddenly turned and came to himself. He couldn't help being shocked and stunned.

A few days ago, he used this reason to take advantage of Mei Xueyan a lot," he was suddenly mentioned in this question and couldn't help but be speech-free for a moment. Although Xiong Kaishan's words are a little exaggerated, I can't refute it. Is it true that I am the ruthless and the old senior Feng you need to look up to?"

Xiong Kaishan and Hu Riedi didn't know that the people in front of them were the "wind people" who had drunk with them before. They realized that they had another chance to perform at this time. They stood up at the same time, with a murderous face and said viciously, "You! You boy, you are not timid! Dare to play with our elder sister."

"Shut up, what's the matter with you two here? Stay and go!" Mei Xueyan drank angrily, and the two of them bowed their heads and drooped their heads in anguity. What's the matter? Why did this flattery hit the horse's leg again,

"ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho- I'm sincere to Miss Mei. Hey hey, this affection can only be expressed by heaven. God's Witness! Besides, I have been rude to Miss Mei several times. "Anyway, that's the case, everyone knows." Jun Moxie said as he secretly observed the facial expressions of Xiong Kaishan and Hu Rift.

The expressions on their faces were gradually getting wonderful. They slowly widened their eyes and bigger and bigger. They opened their mouths, and opened their mouths bigger and bigger. Their eyes were full of disbelief, and their faces were full of wonders. Their saliva fell out of the two wide open mouths one after another and fell to the ground. The voice Clear and audible.

Both of them moaned at the same time: "What? Oh, my God, is there something wrong with your ears? How did you hear such a shocking thing? The boss actually took the initiative to be rude, he? Oh, my God, let me die. It's crazy. It's so unreal! Am I in a nightmare? Is this dream too horrible? The boss is rude to a man?"

"What did you say? What did you just say?" Mei Xueyan was about to lose her temper. How could she stand being so unbearable in front of the three men?

"Isn't it? What I'm saying is the truth." Jun Moxie shouted unjustly: "You obviously didn't care whether I wanted to or not that day, and you forced me to kiss me! Then, I couldn't help kissing you," and touched me. I, "I also touched you," and finally gently stroked my buttocks for a long time, and I also touched yours,, buttocks, I, I, I, I, I'm pure, "the first heart

Bang Bang! With two loud noises, the two huge heads of Xiong Kaishan and Hu Lidi lost their pillars at the same time and generally hit the stone table in a free-fall posture, and then bounced a few times,

The snake king Qianxun stood aside and was stunned",

The thickness of this man's face, Mao Jing is the thicker from ancient times to the five states! I was there at that time. Obviously, you just fooled and said that others were rude to you? Obviously, I was spanking you hard that day, but it turned out to be a gentle touch

"Don't say any more!" Mei Xueyan blushed, and she didn't know whether she was angry or shy. She was a little crazy. I have always been plain, and my joy and anger are not obvious, but why can I be easily provoked by this boy every time?

And knowing that there is absolutely nothing good to say about the topic of arguing with him, stop it quickly. On the other side of the mind, I also feel strange. It's not this question that I asked for my sin just now. Why is the sentence entangled here? After a turn of my mind, I immediately understood it, damn it! Unexpectedly, the topic was changed by this boy again!

"Why don't you say it? Why can't you say it? Don't say no! I'll risk it today. Why do I have to swallow my anger when I'm rude to you? Do you want to leave after eating clean? That's absolutely impossible! You have to be responsible for me!" Jun Moxie turned out to be a righteous word with a very grievance.

"The cage of heaven and earth!"

Mei Xue's smoke was so full of smoke that she grabbed the young master who was fixed by her and lost his shadow."

Xiong Kaishan and Hu Lidi shook their heads as if they were drunk, and they were a little dizzy. The two looked at each other blankly and asked at the same time, "We were dreaming just now?"

Suddenly, when he saw Qianxun aside, the two kings asked at the same time, "Qianxun's sister, was it true just now?"

"Naturally it's true." The snake king nodded angrily, a little angry.

"So" what Jun Moxie said is also true? Did he really become our brother-in-law? Xiong Kaishan blinked his eyes, grinned, and looked at the snake king Qianxun expectantly.

Qianxun shook his head in a little upset and said impatiently, "How do I know! Why don't you ask your elder sister? Don't ask me again. I don't know anything!" Suddenly, he stood up and left.

The two kings looked at each other and suddenly said in unison, "It turns out that the boss's spring is here!" It's really worthy of being the apprentice of Elder Feng! Sure enough, he is a disciple of a high-level man. He is unfathomable, and I am not as good as my generation.

After a long time, Jun Moxie grinned back here again and appeared in front of the two kings. In the eyes of the two beast kings, he tried to squeeze out a smile and said, "Alas. You big sisters, that's all good, not to mention the figure, but the skin is a little too thin, the temper is a little too big, and it can't be said; well, "**, it's natural, it's normal, but "I have to change this temper!"

"Yes, yes! It's extreme, it's extreme!" Xiong Kaishan and Hu Rift's chicken nodded like rice, looked at the young man in front of him with a kind of worshipful look, and sighed in his heart: What a strong man! Even our boss has finished it?! It's really unfathomable. It's too domineering!

In an hour, the attitude of the two beast kings changed greatly, and they both felt a little humble. Yes, although the man in front of him was not very old, "this is the future son-in-law of the boss!"

"The most hateful thing is that your elder sister actually cares that you are a mysterious beast and refuses to be with me" openly, saying that she is afraid of being laughed at by someone, which is really incomprehensible to me! Alas, as long as the two of us really love each other, are we still afraid of those secular worlds? Especially in this world where fists are big and reasonable, I don't mind talking with fists. Why can't she think about it so much? Do you think so much? Jun Moxie uses tea as wine, which means to use wine to relieve his worries.

"It's said." Xiong Kaishan patted his thigh: "What's wrong with the mysterious beast? Mysterious beasts are much stronger than humans! Don't worry about a bird! Don't worry, even if you pursue happiness, we support you! If anyone dares to object, I, the old bear, will be the first to break his neck.

"You're right! Break his neck! sever him! If you can't keep twisting, I'll keep twisting!" He rubbed his hands and looked excited.

"Alas, it's not easy to talk about it." Jun Moxie said in surprise, "In fact, the most critical problem lies with your elder sister." It seems that I still need to work hard with perseverance, but I believe that the true feelings are the cause of gold and stone. I have the confidence to make your elder sister's life very happy with my most broad heart and the most sincere feelings! Even for the sake of your sister's happiness, I even decided that in the future, if we don't live in the secular world, we will live in the forest of heavenly punishment."

At this point, Master Jun held his head high and made a heroic posture of fighting bravely to overcome all difficulties and strive for victory. His expression on his face was sincere and sincere. Affectionate and persistent!

The two beast kings were immediately moved. For the sake of the eldest sister, this man could give up the glory and wealth of the world, ignore the world of flowers, and be willing to live in the forest of heavenly punishment. What a great sacrifice!

Jun Moxie!

It's really a true man and a good man! I didn't expect the two of us to witness such a great love! This love story will become a legend and will be passed down through the ages! It will definitely become a good story and be recorded in history books!

How can such a touching love make it abrupt in the middle? How can such a sincere love not be achieved vigorously? ( To be continued)

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