The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 172 Recovery or Breakthrough

Let's say that Jun Mo's evil mind is slack, and he is immediately devoured by the fierce force. The mind was confused in an instant, and he was sucked into the Hongjun Tower with an instant. He felt the pain of being fried five hundred times in an oil pan and then pulled out ten thousand times.

At the moment of inhaling the Hongjun Tower, Jun Moxie completely lost all his consciousness!

In a coma, Jun Moxie's face, body, and seven orifices, slowly oozed a trace of blood. The black robe on his body was still covered his body, slowly and strangely bulged, and suddenly slammed. It's smashed!

Even the outermost wide robe is shattered by extreme expansion. How can other clothes be spared? So Jun Da Shao once again staged a restricted version of ** Naked,,

The intense white fog to the extreme spewed out of the fountains all over Jun Moxie's body with silky blood like substance. It took a long time. His bloody body is still twitching, twitching and twisting in pain, and it seems that the tendons of his whole body are also constantly moving."

The borrowing power this time is too big. It is far beyond the maximum load that Jun Moxie can bear! Naturally, the damage to the body is unprecedented and unparalleled. At the last moment, if it hadn't been for Hongjun Tower's sudden spontaneous absorption of him, I'm afraid that Jun Moxie has now exploded into a blood fog. After a while, the strong aura of the sky in Hongjun Tower swarmed to Jun Moxie's body lying on the ground, rushing in crazily, from every part In the middle, in every sweat pore of the body, there is an influx!

I don't know how many clips have passed,,

Jun Moxie finally twitched * and slowly opened his eyes with his fingers, looked around with difficulty, and finally muttered, "***. It turns out that I'm not dead. It's so colorful. It's really colorful


The young master also knows that he will definitely die this time,

It's too much to play this time"

When I came to my senses, I immediately felt a splitting headache, just like a naughty monkey. Jumping back and forth in his own brain, the blue veins on both sides of the temple are beating crazily, like skipping rope. As long as the joints are under the body, it seems that ten thousand steel needles are pricked. The most important thing is that. Even the little brother is joking around and twitching...

This phenomenon made Jun Moxie writhe his eyebrows and scold: "***, it's none of your business; this kind of battle doesn't need you. What do you coax and show off your solidity?"

After scolding on the Internet, he was quickly drowned out by the pain. Anyway, no one could hear it here, so Master Jun couldn't bear it at all. He cried and howled at his voice, as if ten thousand pigs were slaughtered at the same time. The momentum was earth-shaking!

"It's his mother. Why does it hurt so much? "Really his grandfather's challenge the young master, my limit" Jun Moxie's three-character scriptures have been added. From the previous life to this life, all the words that can be cursed have been reviewed once, and even more than once, Xiao Ke still feels painful. He simply scolded again in dialects.

From all walks of life to the immortals, to the hell of the underworld, from the Buddha to the land, all suffered, and then the people who scolded the three holy places began to scold from the previous generation, and then went back from generation to generation. Until the 72nd generation of ancestors, all the female immediate family members suffered, and none of them were spared,

Young Master Jun frowned and stared at the cold air and scolded with great pleasure, and his tongue became smoother and smoother. The more he scolded, the more handy he was, and his mouth splashed everywhere. If the current state could hold a scolding competition, Jun Mo Xie was nailed on the And winning by an overwhelming advantage will never have anyone's objection, let alone anyone's dissatisfaction." It's enough to make those who died scold the dead and dance disco in the coffin. Until I was exhausted again...

During the period when his mouth kept moving. The aura of Hongjun Tower did not stop repairing the girl because this guy's tongue was too poisonous. It is still due diligence,,

until suddenly

"What? Why doesn't it hurt?" Jun Moxie finally stopped scolding the street, because he found that he didn't know when his body didn't hurt. "Is scolding actually a wonderful way to heal wounds?

"Wow, hahaha, in ancient times, Yunchang played Go and did not change his face. Now there is a young man who scolded angrily to resist the torture on the 18th floor of hell! It seems that the young master should also become an immortal legend. Jun Moxie is a little complacent. It's just a pity. You can't say it." Otherwise, the folk customs of the world will definitely change as a result

If the words and sentences that have been synthesized for thousands of years of scolding, national scolding and world scolding are formed into specific words to be exiled out, this is also an earth-shaking reform of the human society in Xuanxuan Continent! At least it can reverse people's monotonous swearing concept, so as to form a diversified scolding system, and this generation of super masters is the only young master of Jun Mo Xiejun!

Although it really doesn't hurt, the fist body still has no strength at all, and it still lies on the ground like this, even the strength to sit up, and even the strength to move a little!

Jun Moxie was very scared for a moment. Now he naturally knows how uncertain he is this time!

I'm afraid of returning later, but if he is asked to choose again, he

Never regret it!

Even if the soul is really scattered, what if the body dies?!

Because the people here are their relatives and the people they care about the most in this life!

As long as I, Jun Moxie, still have a breath in the small, not to mention the three holy places, even the immortals in the sky. You can't hurt them!

At least, before crossing my body. Don't think about anyone!

Jun Moxie gritted his teeth and slowly ran the work of Kaitian Creation in his body. Only in this relief did he know. Dantian turned out to be empty, and there was not even a drop of breath on the ground, and the real people went empty. Strive to expand the inner vision, divine insight, the empty Dantian, like the land that is about to dry up and crack, thin and desolate.

"It's really awesome! Unexpectedly, I didn't leave it for me at all! It's killing me! Give me some more moisture!" Jun Moxie swallowed his saliva. Close your eyes and start to recover with all your strength. But he didn't know that if it hadn't been for his crazy alchemy practice some time ago, this time. He can't even borrow fusion at all.

Gradually, at an extremely slow speed. From the severely damaged meridians, a trace of energy was pulled out and slowly re-converged to the completely dry Dantian, and then Jun Moxie carefully controlled the hair-like spiritual power. Carefully running in the body for a week. After a week, the spirit turned out to be an inexplicable boost.

Then he began to run on the second Sunday. When he ran to the ninth week, he suddenly roared in the meridians of his body. In the muscles, muscles, bones, everywhere, the purest energy is scattered and added to the spiritual power. The airflow flowing in the meridians is also getting stronger and stronger. After each lap, it is much thicker than the previous one.

At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth outside the body also emits itself. The sound, the tide is usually injected crazily through his body, which quickly turns into energy, transforms into the meridians, and then returns to Dantian. After a week, it will turn into the purest spiritual power,

At this moment, Jun Moxie has entered the realm of detemption of forgetting things intentionally or unintentionally. He only knows that he is blindly crazy to run and ask for it crazily. "With the continuous growth of the airflow in his meridians, the speed of his body's absorption of the aura of Hongjun Tower is

The rich aura of heaven and earth is endlessly produced inside the Hongjun Tower, and then turns into milky white airflows at a speed visible to the naked eye, drilling through the pores of Jun Moxie's whole body. How much the Hongjun Tower exists, and how Jun Moxie can take it. It can always be supplied, and it seems to be very easy",

Jun Moxie escaped from death this time, and Dantian completely dried up, clean and empty. Unexpectedly, the evil king, who has always been bold, also has a kind of fear in his heart, so Jun Moxie is almost tirelessly running the work of Kaitian. Over and over again, round and round,,

He did not notice at all that the airflow in his meridians slowly turned into the third layer of silver thin line, and then the silver line continued to grow and grow with the operation of Xuangong. The current silver line has surpassed the state of Jun Moxie's previous heyday, and it is still growing. If you don't want to look inside. You will definitely find that your meridians have also begun to swell up by the silver thread,

At the same time, Jun Moxie's forehead slowly began to appear a virtual light and shadow, gradually becoming clearer and clearer. A colorful and exquisite tower object appeared in front of his forehead, like a small forehead hanging in the air,

The tower-shaped forehead decoration gradually became clear, slowly condensed into a physical object, dripping on Jun Moxie's forehead, each rotation. It unexpectedly emits thousands of glows, like a rainbow after the rain, all gathered here at this moment,,

Of course, Jun Moxie himself didn't know all this at all.

Now he is like a starving ghost who has been hungry for three hundred years, and suddenly sees a pile of bad hair. Crazy absorption of the aura of heaven and earth, endless absorption, never satisfied absorption, even if it is enough to death, it will be absorbed. I don't know how long, the small tower-shaped thing on the forehead slowly stopped rotating, still three minutes away from Jun Moxie's forehead!

Finally reached the limit!

Jun Moxie felt that the aura of heaven and earth he absorbed was getting slower and slower, and it seemed that it was no longer growing at all. At the same time, the body was swollen and painful, and it seemed that a large ball of cotton was suddenly stuffed into his mind. It seems that there will be one as soon as you press it,

At this moment, the Kaitian creation work in his meridians suddenly stopped running and was completely stationary. No matter how he urges the inner county, he can't let the airflow of Kaitian's creation work move even one by one,

What's going on? Jun Moxie frowned puzzledly. He was about to have an internal vision and check his current situation. Suddenly

without warning


All the airflow in Dantian in Junmo's meridians suddenly exploded and accumulated around, instantly breaking through the original limit of the meridians, the silver airflow. It turned into a tiny grain of silvery dust, and suddenly disappeared (to be continued) Yi Xunshu posted a fine concave and said that it was a different body clam B