The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 176 Love

The fourth update!!! The previous title should be 17 or 15, and it is written as a coward, depressing,

If he dies, even if I can become the first in the world, what can I do?

Even if the battle can be won, so what?

So many damn people in the world are alive, why can't he live?


Damn it, it's not dead, it shouldn't have disappeared,"

Living people, do you really deserve it?

Why do you ask Mei Xueyan to contribute to you? Fight for you? Then you are plotting about me behind my back? Hurt me again and again? There are no people I care about. Why do I still care about you?

Who cares about us?

The three holy places, you are so vicious and leave no room, I, Mei Xueyan, swear that it will be destroyed!

Even if all the mysterious beasts in the whole Heavenly Punishment Forest are clean, I must avenge this revenge!

Eternal and eternal, never to die!

Three days have passed, and Mei Xueyan has fallen into the most desperate situation!

In these three days of observation, it can be fully heard from the conversation of the people in the three holy places that they did not capture Jun Moxie at all, or even had no intention in this regard! Well, it's easy to explain. The one who exploded in the yard is Jun Moxie!

Such a strong momentum explosion, even Mei Xueyan herself in her heyday, there was no possibility of survival at all! If it were Jun Moxie's small body, "That's even more, you don't have to think about it!

When Mei Xueyan returned to Yaxiang Xiaozhu in the evening, her face was cold and murderous, and she was full of tyrannical emotions from the inside to the outside. From afar, she looked like an evil god coming over. The snake king Qianxun just stretched out his head and shrank back in fear.

Mei Xueyan has made a decision in her heart!

If there is still no news tonight, then I will turn back to the heavenly punishment forest with the snake king Qianxun tomorrow morning! Then strive to unify all the mysterious beasts of Xuanxuan Continent from Tiannan to Haibei in the shortest time, and then launch an all-round attack on the three holy places! An endless blow!

Although the three holy places are strong and profound, after all, the personnel base is not much; in total, thousands of people are against the sky! But there are more than hundreds of millions of mysterious beasts in the world? Even if Mei Xueyan does not use high-level mysterious beasts, but only uses low-level mysterious beasts to pile them up, the three holy places can be piled up!

For example, low-level or even gradeless swarms of bees, snakes, ants and wolves. This alone, each group has hundreds of millions of horrible people. There are such things everywhere in the world, and even local materials can be used, which is absolutely enough for the three holy places to drink a pot! Not to mention large animals such as monkeys, tigers, bears, apes and lions, not to mention air corps such as cranes, eagles and eagles?

Judging from the current situation, the strength of the single soldiers in the three holy places may be far higher than that of the heavenly punishment forest, but in terms of the comprehensive quantity and strength, it is not the same level!

Mei Xueyan is not sure to defeat the three holy places with her own strength, but she is fully sure to destroy the three holy places with her own power! That's the reason!

And this is also the most important reason why the three holy places must kill the heavenly punishment forest!

Slowly came to the door of Yaxiang's small building. Mei Xueyan gently stepped in, an extremely familiar place, an extremely familiar facility, and seemed to retain an extremely familiar good smell." Mei Xueyan stood in the yard stunned, only feeling that her mind was suddenly blank.

She is so afraid to return to this yard!

Because this yard has his breath, it makes her heartbroken and unbearable to look back,

But she is so eager to return to this yard,

It is also because this yard has its unique atmosphere. Let her sly go back and forth, nostalgia,

Stoping in a sway, the feeling of weakness that had not been seen in many years hit her again. Suddenly, there was a colic in my heart, and tears filled his eyes in an flash. He muttered, "After today, I'm leaving. I'm really going to leave. If I can't flatten the three holy places for you, I may never come back. You, don't be lonely; when I take revenge for you, I'll

"Mo Xie" called out this intimate nickname for the first time. Mei Xueyan's heart was inexplicably sour, and suddenly she burst into tears again. "Can't he hear it anymore?

This situation can be remembered, but it was lost at that time!

Why? Why do I have to wait until I lose it before I realize that I can't live without him in my heart?! If it is...

"Huh? Haha, this beautiful woman? Why do you call me the name of such an affectionate style? Brother, I'm very thin-skinned. If you scream like this, half of your body will be crisp. It's really the most difficult to accept the beauty's kindness. That's all. I'll force myself to marry you."

Suddenly, a voice came abruptly, with the usual oily tone, and the usual cynical cynicism, with a sense of evil in his tone. As soon as you hear it, you will know that this is the one who speaks. Unrequite, playful, playboy-type characters"

Mei Xueyan was shocked all over and suddenly felt a whirlwind. Her body shook unnaturally, as if she slowly turned around in disbelief. She was afraid that she would turn around quickly. This voice suddenly disappeared like a phantom"

Even if this is a dream, let the dream wake up as late as possible. "It's better not to wake up...

Wanmu is silently waiting for the rain!

Even if you turn around slowly, there will be an end. Mei Xueyan finally turned around and looked at him with tears in his eyes. A hateful smile swayed in front of his eyes and slowly became clear. Jun Moxie's handsome and evil face was looking at him with a strange expression,,

Mei Xueyan was stunned and completely stunned. I couldn't help wiping my tears with the back of my hand, and then rubbed my eyes again," a strong man like her. Unexpectedly, there is such a clumsy performance of extreme distrust in her eyes, which shows how great the impact of this matter is on her heart. "Hey" hey" Jun Moxie smiled brightly and stretched out his hand and shook in front of Mei Xueyan. Coconut stole, "Wow, who is this beautiful beauty like a crying kitten? Why don't I know? Ah! It turned out to be the heavenly punishment beast Emperor Mei in front of him. I'm not dreaming, am I? I didn't expect that Master Mei would have such a woman's side. If it's really a dream at this moment, wake up later. What a sad and beautiful dream!"

Mei Xueyan was stunned when she heard the words and looked at Master Jun in a daze. Finally, she couldn't stand the puffing smile. Her smile had just bloomed, and it immediately dispersed away, and the corners of her mouth flattened in an instant. "Wow" cried for half, tears flowed down, and suddenly leaned in. He rushed into Jun Moxie's arms desperately and hugged him tightly, as if to melt his body into his body. His body trembled for a while,

After a long time, she finally stood up from Jun Moxie's arms, looked at Jun Moxie's funny face seriously and carefully, and finally determined that she was a big living person in front of her. Suddenly, after a few days of accumulated emotions, her little fist suddenly broke out and beat him crazily in the chest, crying regardless of the image: Bastard, you bastard, you bastard, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, you're scared to death, woo

I beat him for a while, and then suddenly hugged him fiercely again, just like suddenly losing an extremely important treasure, and I can't bear to let go anymore."


Jun Moxie naturally didn't know that he had leaked the stuffing, and he was still very strange in his heart. Why is Mei Xueyan so excited today? Is it so emotionally abnormal? What's the matter? Have you made great progress in your skills, and even the left and quality have increased greatly, such as the beauty in her arms. Even counterattacking yourself, this is a little bit too much!

However, there is a beautiful woman who takes the initiative to embrace, but if she doesn't hug for nothing, she will hug for nothing; it's ready-made cheap to be delivered to your door. It's not too much to have ten or eight every day. Is there no reason to let it go?

But then Jun Moxie gave up this idea, because

Feeling that the beautiful woman's delicate body in her arms is still trembling for a while, which is obviously a unique manifestation of extreme fear. "What happened to the hell can make this first person of heavenly punishment so panic? Jun Moxie's brain quickly turned up"

No matter how you look at it, you shouldn't see yourself behave like this"

In the room, Guan Qinghan and the snake king Qianxun rushed out at the first time. In the past few days, the two women were also anxious enough, which may not be slightly worse than Mei Xueyan. Now when they suddenly saw Jun Moxie appear, both of them suddenly had an impulse from their hearts: they immediately rushed into his arms and hugged him tightly!

But as soon as the net came out, I saw that the two people in the courtyard hugged so tightly, a strange look flashed in the eyes of the two women and stood quietly in the distance. Looking at the two people in the hug, they all felt in their hearts, indescribable feelings, sadness, comfort, happiness, and loss,

Guan Qinghan sighed silently. The eyes drooped faintly and quietly stepped back two steps"

I don't know how long it took, Mei Xueyan finally calmed down. She recovered and knew that it was not appropriate. She quickly left Jun Moxie's arms and looked at her inexplicably. Only then did she return to the previous iceberg state like lightning, graceful and generous. The volume is magnificent, but the tear marks on the face and the crying red eyes look a little out of harmony.

Mei Xueyan made a dignified appearance, and her face was still red and white. She felt extremely embarrassed for her performance and reluctantly stiffened her face. He frowned and asked, "What have you done these days? Don't say hello, I don't know." Is everyone worried about you? How can you be so irresponsible? How can you completely ignore the overall situation? How can it be so selfish, how can it be so, huh?"

The last "um" tone was quite heavy and full of majesty.

Jun Mo's second monk can't touch his mind. Scratching his head, Nahan, with a face, reached out and touched Mei Xueyan's forehead and said doubtfully, "Mei, you" What, don't you have a fever?

Mei Xueyan immediately became angry, put him aside, and said harshly, "Say! Where have you been?"

Jun Moxie's face turned bitter. Gang Cai came from Mr. Jun and the third uncle. He had been interrogated so fiercely twice. He didn't expect to come here for the third time."

Is it the life of a prisoner today? "

It's really a bad year.

Jun Moxie had to bring out the reason he said twice again; but he didn't know that he already knew his details in front of him,,

Mei Xueyan didn't plan to do anything. Where did Jun Moxie go these days?

Do you still need to ask? It must be healing! The reason why Mei Xueyan asked this question was that she felt embarrassed to find a step down. As for Jun Moxie's answer, it doesn't matter to her at all! The important thing is that he is still alive!

That's enough!

If he is not here, he will let the world bury him!

He will exist now, so I will listen to him! Mei Xue's smoke eyes flowed, and he was suddenly satisfied"B