The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 214 Four Seasons Kill Sword!

Another six people came out with swords and joined the battle. They happened to pass by the previous group by mistake. Everyone's goal was very clear. It was when the people who took their successors out the last sword and retreated. At this time, their attack took the opportunity to take the opportunity to create chaos for the enemy. The group that retreated quickly returned to the crowd, and then began to breathe a little short. It was not until a few breaths that their bodies sweated faintly...

How dare you take it lightly when dealing with such a master as Mei Xueyan? Although it is always just a fight, it is also under great pressure! It's not easy at all, because... even if it's a fight, as long as a little fault is revealed, Mei Xueyan can also chase her soul in an instant!

At this time, in the field, Mei Xueyan's magical swordsmanship has obviously come to an end. Because the new six people have read her swordsmanship once, although they have not fully understood it, they also know more or less, so it is not very difficult to deal with it. But at this moment, Mei Xueyan's sword changed again!

The change is more abrupt, becoming thin and long, like spring rain, continuous, from the sky to the earth, a hazy; the six people who fought with her seemed to feel the warm spring in the rain of spring, and seemed to feel that their hair was also wet...

In the face of such a sudden strange swordsmanship, the six masters have a feeling of being caught off guard in an instant, but they all have more than a hundred years of combat experience. Although they are shocked but not confused, they can always hold their feet. Even after a panic, with rich experience or savage unreasonable moves, he slowly pulled back the disadvantage. But Mei Xueyan's sword rule has changed!

Suddenly, it was like a summer storm suddenly falling from the sky. The big raindrops were mixed with the power between heaven and earth, roaring down. At the same time, the six people felt that their position was a vast ocean! There are still dense rain lines like hemp poles in the sky connecting the fall of the sky...

The six people were embarrassed. They brushed a few swords. In an instant, three people had hung up the lottery. One of them even drooped down his shoulders, but was pierced by Mei Xueyan's sword! If the other five people hadn't been rescued in time, I'm afraid they would have died under Mei Xueyan's sword...

"In the next group!" Zi Jinghong's face is already gloomy and scary. From the beginning to now, Mei Xueyan has changed five or six sets of magical swordsmanship... Where did she learn this strange thing? I have never heard that the mysterious beasts of the Heavenly Punishment Forest pay so much attention to weapons... Over the past ten thousand years, it seems that there has been only a set of powerful Heavenly Punishment Swords... What's going on? That's weird! There is another group of people, and the people who change this time will be much more miserable...

As soon as the fresh blood of the two holy places came up, they felt that they had mastered the sword path of Honorable Mei. Even if they still can't crack it, self-insurance is not a problem, but God does not follow people's wishes, and Mei Xueyan's swordsmanship has changed again!

This time, it has become like autumn rain, desolate and bleak, endless vicissitudes of life, and like boundless falling trees, and the autumn wind is sad all over the sky! In an instant, there is a vastness between heaven and earth! The eyes are full of desolation!

The six people who just went up were full of confidence, but once they took the answer, they found that it was not what they expected at all. The pepper was very different!

The master's move is a little bit of difference, the fallacy is a thousand miles, the slight difference is the difference between life and death, not to mention the accident at this moment, how can they please it? The six people only feel that there is full of sad wind and cold rain between heaven and earth, but the murder is everywhere. In just a moment, ! Such wonderful sword moves are not only uns seen, but even unheard of.

If it's just a magic sword, it's better to deal with it. After all, with the rich experience of the supreme strong man himself, coupled with the toughness of his own body, even if the ordinary Tianxuan mysterious man doesn't move to let him cut, he may not be able to cut it... But at present, the person who uses the This is a headache. Not only is Xuangong far above our own people, but the sword used is also a magic weapon. Isn't that even better!

Although the strength above the supreme is awesome, it is no different from tofu in the face of the Mei Venerable who holds the sword.

Not to mention Rusi's magic weapon, even if it is just an ordinary sword, it is no way to resist the ground with only the body! Coupled with such a strange swordsmanship, it is even more painful and difficult to deal with!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zi Jinghong shouted, "One more group!" Xiao Weicheng roared, and he led his men first to jump on it! At this moment, it has become a situation for twelve people to fight against Mei Xueyan, so that they have gradually stabilized their positions and will not lose in an instant! However, with the increase of the number of people, the scope of the war park is naturally expanding more and more. Zi Jinghong, who is watching the battle, feels more and more uneasy. One r, eleven

In the face of the joint attack of a total of twelve top masters in the world, the pressure suddenly became heavy, and the burden was more than doubled. Mei Xueyan sneered and had no fear at all. A burst of swordsmanship like autumn rain sprinkled all over the ground. Xiao Weicheng roared like thunder, and the battle did not retreat The sharp sword spirit sneered through two small holes in his body. Although the meat was not deep, the blood also sneered out. Xiao Weicheng, the throne of the three pearls of the Supreme Golden City, among the two masters of this place, Xiao Weicheng, whose strength can at least rank in the top three, was injured under one face! Moreover, it is still in the case of the twelve people on our side working together to deal with the other party's umbrella man! Such a record is really shocking! How shocking it is!

However, Xiao Weicheng's injury also has a corresponding price; in this round of collision, he resisted more than half of Mei Xueyan's attack with one person's strength. The pressure on others was greatly reduced, and he got rid of the huge crisis of move suppression in an instant, and the encirclement was reduced by a step!

Mei Xueyan's face was calm, without sadness or joy. Suddenly, she flew up and stepped on the tip of the sword of the supreme master. The supreme master's sword was stepped on. He was about to take the opportunity to hurt the enemy, but he was shocked to feel that the huge power from the sword was like lightning, and its power was even more Passing through the body of the sword, through the arm, stabbing the eight meridians, straight to the heart!

"Wow!" He only felt that his heart was like being hit hard by a sledgehammer, and his face was as white as paper in an instant. He staggered back and retreated. He had spit out a mouthful of blood and stopped on the ground, and lost all his combat strength!

Zi Jinghong grabbed the injured master's body and quickly retreated. When he looked at the scene again, the situation changed dramatically. Mei Xueyan stepped on the sword to defeat the enemy and rose up. The long sword was stern and horizontal. Suddenly, today's atmosphere seemed to have changed from the late autumn of the sword just now to a bleak winter! The chieftain's autumn wind is still bleak for a moment, but this moment has become winter cold!

The cold wind rises, the snowflakes are fluttering, the long sword is like snow, like frost, fluttering and falling, the pieces are flying, and the cold wind is like a ghost crying and howling! It turned out to be the sword road changing again...

Xiao Weicheng roared annoy, and his white bun had spread out at this moment, and his body was splashed with blood. His attack was the most fierce, but he was also the one who suffered the most... The wonderful swordsmanship used by Mei Xueyan came from Jun Moxie.

In the past few days, Jun Moxie has taught her a set of swordsmanship that he learned in his previous life; a set of swordsmanship, fierce killing, changing everything, is even more all-encompassing, and it is extremely complicated! Even if it was Wu Jun in his previous life, it took him three months to learn this set of magical swordsmanship by chance!

Unexpectedly, Mei Xueyan was so talented that it took less than ten days to memorize this whole set of swordsmanship! This made Jun Mo Wu open his mouth wide and almost dislocated! Shit, this girl has a much higher IQ than that of my previous life...

This set of swordsmanship implies the process of four-handed evolution. It integrates the endless biochemical evolution of spring, summer, autumn and winter, such as spring wind and rain, summer hot, autumn wind, winter snow and ice, etc., and it is also collectively called the "Four Seasons Kill Sword"!

It is said to be a set of swordsmanship, but in fact, the biological changes of each season include several sets of changes... Even if Mei Xueyan is talented, the practice time is still short, and naturally he has never been really proficient. At this moment, he sees that Zi Jinghong actually adopts such a method. Anyway, he has to wait for Jun Mo These people practice their hands! I didn't expect the effect to be surprisingly good!

So Mei Xueyan simply practiced one set in order. In this battle, Mei Xueyan found that the power of this set of magical and complicated swordsmanship was so horrible! Previously, although Mei Xueyan was also expected to be extraordinary, she absolutely did not expect that this set of swordsmanship was fierce and strange, which was so amazing!

This set of four-season killing swords is naturally not as good as the heavenly punishment sword in terms of lethality alone, but in terms of the dexterity, delicacy, density and own artistic conception of the sword moves, it is far from comparable to the heavenly punishment sword!

In particular, it stimulates the sword with a variety of different mentality. Every time you try it, you can have different feelings! Mei Xueyan suddenly found that when she used this set of swordsmanship against the enemy, with the evolution of the sword spirit, there was a faint magic effect of improving the mood! This unexpected harvest made her heart overjoyed!

For a period of time, with the help of Jun Moxie's elixir, her skills have advanced rapidly, and the speed of practice is far from what it used to be. However, Mei Xueyan, a martial arts master, is pleased with the rapid progress of her strength. At the same time, she is secretly worried that if she blindly pursues the

You should know that the corresponding Xuangong entry requires a considerable state of mind to complement each other. If only the power progresses and the state of mind cannot be improved, then, it is like holding an explosive bucket. At an urgent breakthrough moment, it will be invaded by the heart demon at any time! This is the important point of mood cultivation! Now I accidentally got this set of magical swordsmanship, but it just makes up for the lack of mind!

Although Jun Moxie also learned this set of swordsmanship in his previous life, he is the king of a generation of killers. He has always pursued speed, accuracy and ruthlessness. Naturally, he rarely uses this extremely complicated swordsmanship, but he has no chance to respond to the enemy with this set of swordsmanship... So at Like Mei Xue smoke feels deeper one one one one one one one

At this moment, Mei Xueyan feels more and more comfortable. The pressure around her is as heavy as the mountains. In her opinion, it is the driving force to guide her to break through. She is even like Zi Jinghong, longing for such a wheel battle to last longer, so that she can have more insights... F