The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 220 Sunrise in the East, only I am undefeated!

"It's really like... It's really like when Wenxin was young, it's really like..." Mrs. Dongfang's wrinkled hands trembled and stroked Jun Moxie's face, and her eyes slowly blurred. Two tears finally fell down. Unexpectedly, she could no longer see her grandson's face, but she still couldn't In his arms, his body trembled, and tears dripped into his grandson's collar. On his neck, he muttered, "My good grandson... I haven't seen my mother for many years... I've suffered from you, Eleventh"

Jun Moxie wanted to speak and comfort the old man in front of him, but somehow his throat was a little choked and he couldn't speak at all... This kind of strong family affection, the spring breeze and drizzle blew into Jun Moxie's heart, making him feel that he was not alone in this world... There are so many more People, care about themselves, love themselves, take care of themselves... Relatives! Bloodline affection!

The old lady's tearful eyes, Bai Xiaoran, this Tang'i, she is just an old man who has seen the return of her descendants who have been exiled, and she has no such spirit of wielding swords and slaughtering the world: "Good grandson... Other children at such an age, they are still growing up coquett My poor grandson lost his father at the age of seven, and his mother was far away at the age of eight. Although he was alive, it was like the death of both parents... Thinking about it, grandma's heart was like a knife cut. "Mother... Mo Xie is here now. It's a great thing. You are old and relaxed, and your body is the The East came forward to persuade him.

"Well, mind your own business! When my grandson comes, I naturally want to take a good look... Growing up with the old man of Jun Zhantian, he can't suffer without suffering. The old man is grumpy, and he has to beat or scold. He can teach my child well there... My child must have suffered a lot over the years. If it hadn't been for the blood of our The stubborn old man led him astray on November 1st

It can be seen that the old lady has a deep grudge against Mr. Jun. She opened her mouth and shut up the old things. Later, she finally said a little gratified. Fortunately, thanks to the blood of my Oriental family, otherwise the child would have fallen long ago... A few years ago, when she heard about Mo Xie's playful deeds, The war is settled...

In the old man's heart, the child is naturally good... Even if it becomes bad, it is that Jun Zhantian has not fulfilled his responsibility to teach... The old man is just a pimple, where he will teach the child to listen to the ironic...

After a long time, the old lady finally restrained her mood. She took the handkerchief from a lady behind her and wiped her eyes. Then she looked at Mei Xueyan, but she asked Jun Moxie. Her old face smiled and said, "Mo Xie, is this girl her granddaughter-in-law? So handsome, come on... girl, turn around and let grandma see...

Jun Moxie nodded hurriedly, like a chicken pecked rice: "Grandma's eye, this is the grandson's little daughter-in-law. Are you satisfied with it? If you are not satisfied, I will beat her up at night..." Jun Moxie's words provoked a big white eye. Mei Xueyan snorted in her heart: At present, it's in front of people. I'll save you face. Don't care about you, hit me? Just you? Who is going to beat you? I won't deal with you at night! Is my tofu so delicious?

"Ha ha, you boy, how can you say that your daughter-in-law wants to be spoiled, so you can open your mouth and say you want to fight... Besides, such a fairy-like person, you can do it?" The old lady smiled and looked at Mei Xueyan carefully. She nodded and narrowed her eyes. "Satisfiedly, "Mo Xie, you have a good vision. This girl is good-looking, and her buttocks are big. She is sure to have a son. You can't do it casually...

Mei Xueyan blushed in an flash and almost stamped her feet in embarrassment: I'm the first beast king of heavenly punishment. Even if you are the grandma of the thief, how can you... so... I...

Jun Moxie smiled and said, "My grandma is right. She will definitely have a son. I have confidence in this, and there is absolutely no problem..." At the same time, I was curious in my heart: Is the news of the Oriental family really so closed? You don't even know that Xueyan is Mei Zun?

"Uh-huh, if you have a child, you have to send it to me... Grandma will take good care of your education for you. Your grandfather is careless. How can he take care of the child? You don't have to teach the child... Just talk about you... If it weren't for your mother's bloodline, it's hard for you to say. If the old man blows the thorns, grandma will scold him..." Thinking of Jun Moxie's nant's reputation, the old lady is obviously more or less angry about the

What? Send it here? Not to mention Grandpa, even he can't get through this. Jun Moxie's face twitched and looked at the deep mountains and forests: Damn it, this place is more remote than the Heavenly Punishment Forest, the mountains are unknown, and the water is not beautiful...

"This is your aunt, this is your second aunt... This is your third aunt... Come on. Gifts..." The old lady smiled and took out a small box of white jade from her arms. It turned out to be a whole piece of warm jade. This small box alone is worth a lot. When she opened the small box, there was a small phoenix standing up inside. Phoenix's body is full of colorful colors, and its eye feathers are even more lifelike, as if it is alive and may spread its wings and fly at any time. This colorful phoenix shines in the world; it is a crystal heart of colored jade, which naturally forms a color, and it is seven kinds of solid colors, without any refutation. It took three years for Lu Qiao, a famous craftsman of that generation, to take it out completely, which is a rare treasure; once it appeared in that year, it caused My dream, it caused countless bloody disputes in those years... Later, it fell into my hands and I was reluctant to take it out. When I saw it today, it was just the right gift for my good granddaughter-in-law, huh

The old lady smiled and inserted this "colorful phoenixyao shi" into Mei Xueyan's cloud show with her own hands. She looked around and said with satisfaction, "That is, my granddaughter-in-law, who is like a fairy, can complement this 'colored phoenix shining world..."

Put on the plum snow smoke of the jade hairpin, in the dark clouds on the head, the colorful changes, reflecting the beautiful face of the country, and more beautiful...

Mei Xueyan blushed and thanked her. As soon as she saw this 'color shines in the world, she fell in love with it at a glance. Even if Mei Xueyan is the emperor of the heavenly punishment beast, she has always been a daughter. In the end, she can't avoid vulgarity one by one. Next, it was the turn of There were several boxes in the middle, a little shy and embarrassed, but there was a lot of joy...

"This... I should call it cousin, grandma?" A strange little Zhengtai of an elf came out. He was in his teens. He was dressed in pink and jade. He was very cute, and his eyes were dark and dripping.

"Little bad, go and meet your cousin." The old lady smiled kindly and twisted her tender little face. He said to Jun Moxie, "This is the youngest baby in your second uncle's family, the little bad one by one r one by one"

"Cousin!" Xiao Zheng stepped out and held his chest up: "My name is Dongfang Xiaohuai, not Dongfang Xiaoba. Well, in fact, I don't like the name Xiaohuai very much, but... On the day my mother gave birth to me, I heard that I dreamed of a small locust tree... Originally, Xiaohuai was no longer pleasant to Bad, not bad at all, really..." "Little bad in the East... Little bad cousin, you are charming." Jun Moxie touched his nose and looked at the little man and the little ghost. He didn't know what the boy was thinking. Sure enough, one by one, one by one

"Cousin... Look, you received so many gifts as soon as you came today... I'm younger than you... Do you also want to give me a gift when we meet for the first time?" Dongfang Xiaoxiao smiled badly and said, "I tilted my head to ask for a bribe.

"This is not easy; didn't you just say that you were not satisfied with the name? How about a nice name given by my cousin? It's absolutely majestic, which will shock people if they listen to it again in the future. I will never forget it. It's the kind with the dignity of a world-class master!" Jun Mo Wu's eyes turned. Huh? What's the name? I was about to change... But my parents won't let me. It would be best if my cousin could help me get a majestic one.

The little family suddenly forgot to ask for a gift and became excited.

"Well, the small locust in the east... It's really not big, and the locust is a ghost in the tree. Its meaning is a little unlucky = this way..." Jun Mo Wu laughed badly. Tao = "How to change your name to Invincible (\} Oriental Invincible! The Oriental family will never be defeated! How about it? Isn't it brave enough?"

"The East is invincible! Hello, concubine! That name is so awesome!" In an short time, Xiao Zhengtai's face was full of excitement. He turned over, turned over two somersaults, and announced loudly, "From now on, I will call the East Invincible!" Not bad! But you have to work hard and be worthy of the majestic name... Moreover, I also thought of a slogan for you..." Jun-Mo Wu said mysteriously. What slogan?" Dongfang Xiaohuai's eyes are full of enthusiasm.

"In the future, when you walk in the world, when others ask your name, you say this, "..." Jun Moxie straightened his chest, raised his head, in front of him, and behind his feet, put on the style of a peerless master in the world. With a calm, generous, heavy and dignified voice, he shouted leisurely and ; Only me... invincible~~~~~

"Sunsday in the East, only I am defeated!" Dongfang Xiaohuai... Well, Dongfang Invincible shouted "Wow" and looked at Jun Moyu with a look full of worship: "Sun rise in the East, I'm the only one undefeated! It's really grand and classy... Wow, hahaha... Wow! Cousin... You are so talented! I declare that from now on, you are my little oriental... No! You are my invincible idol in the East..."

Solving the problem of Dongfang Invincible, Jun Moxie smiled with a sense of achievement. Looking at the people around him, he also agreed. He was very satisfied with Jun Moxie's acquisition of the 'Oriental Invincible'. The name is the Oriental family one by one. It is necessary to have this kind of domineering!

Sunsday in the East, only I am defeated!

The grandson got this name, but it was an unexpected gift for the Oriental family!

"Very good!" Dongfang Wenqing's eyes lit up and praised, "It's really imposing, but Xiaohuai, a little devil, is not worthy of such a good name! The name can only belong to the whole oriental family! After a while, I will make people carve these eight words on a big stone and give them to me forever! H