The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 238 Who is the king?! The first battle! Four updates!!

Jun Moxie has the pride of Jun Moxie, which comes from the long-term undefeated pride of the evil king!

And Chu Weeping Soul has been the first killer for decades, but it also has its inviolable majesty!

The two of them have been tit-for-tat from the same time since they met, that is, to give each other

This feeling of a thorn in the back! It's as if your status is seriously threatened!

There is a long-lost blood flowing in Jun Moxie's body! His eyes are getting brighter and brighter, the murderous atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, the bloodthirsty spirit emanating from his bones, and the resurgent killing in his soul is like crazy!

Although I'm a fight, I'm here at this time, but I represent Yan Huang! I have 1.37 billion brothers and sisters behind me! I can't lose!

It won't be defeated!

"Do you dare to fight?" Chu Weihun suddenly looked straight over and said gloomily, "Look at you and me, who is the king of killer!" The supreme killer's body suddenly burst out with a shocking fighting spirit!

At this moment, the outbreak is no longer murderous!

It's the will to fight!

War! For the sake of glory!

"It's not because you want to fight, but I want to fight with you!" Jun Moxie's back stood up. "The whole person is like a bow pulled into a full moon and suddenly returned to a straight state. His eyes emitted a dazzling light, with strong self-confidence, and he overwhelmed the past: "And the reason why I want to fight is beyond the importance of the whole world!!"

"Hahaha... have fun! In my life, in terms of strength alone, although there are not many people who beat me, it is not uncommon, but the people who beat me in terms of murderous intent and murder are really unprecedented!"

Chu Weihun smiled happily and said, "You are the first one! Even if you die later, I believe it will be comforting!"

"It's a pity that the losing party in this war will definitely not be me! I fight fairly with people in this world; you are also the first! I believe it's the only one!" Jun Moxie said gloomily, "This battle is for the reason in my heart! For the glory in my heart! I make an exception and give you a fair chance to fight with me!"

Give me a chance to fight fairly?

Chu Weihun just wanted to laugh, but he found that he couldn't laugh at all; because he suddenly found that the other party was not joking! Even from this sentence, Chu Weeping Soul felt the heartfelt pressure!

Am I the only one in a fair fight with others?

What does this say?

Who on earth would say such a thing? Is there anyone who has never had a head-on battle in his life?

Killer! Only the top ultimate killer will have such an understanding!

Only by walking in the shadows, once you aim at the opportunity, you will give the target a fatal level of top killer!

Therefore, it is only when two top killer kings gather together to meet each other; it is the last time for two people to use conspiracy and sneak attack tricks!

Because of this battle, it has nothing to do with life or death, just fight for the great glory!!

At this moment, Jun Moxie is telling the truth. He will never fight a positive and fair duel with others! The endless means allow him to challenge and win, and the so-called fair duel; in Jun Moxie's view, it is simply a stupid way to fight!

Fight, it is a life-and-death battle! The survival of the fittest, the survival of the winner, where does the fairness come from? No matter what means you use, as long as you kill the other party, you will be the Ying family! Only the one who survives is qualified to say the word fairness!

But today, in the face of Chu's crying soul, in the word used in this upcoming battle, Jun Moxie made an exception to say the word fair!

A dignified battle!

In the name of the descendants of Yan and Huang, as the descendant of the dragon!

Fairly pick the crown of the king of my industry!

"Come with me! Since we want to fight fairly, it is natural to find a suitable place!" Jun Moxie's figure floated up, rose up in the wind and snow all over the sky, confused and ethereal lightning flying! A white dress, separated from the snow all over the sky, fleeting!

Chu's crying soul laughed, with a look of appreciation in his eyes, and then turned into a cold and fierce sword spirit. His body was flat, looming, disappeared with a squeak, and followed Jun Moxie.

"Xue Yan, isn't there something wrong with Mo Xie?" Dongfang Wenxin fell on Mei Xueyan's back, frowned, and his face was full of deep thought: "Why did Mo Xie seem to have changed a person as soon as he saw this killer supreme? Just now... I can hardly believe that it is my son. He is one by one, eleven"

"Mother, Mo Xie is not hame on everything, but he is very obsessed with the word "killer". I don't know why." Mei Xueyan was worried and a little absent-minded.

"Then there will be a lot of danger in their battle. Let's go and have a look." Dongfang Wenxin urged, and his eyes were full of anxiety. The reputation of the killer supreme can match the reputation of the whole family of the Oriental family with the power of one person. Isn't it idle?

Well, I will naturally take my mother to rush to Mo Xieqiong, but at this stop, I believe that Mo Xie is absolutely unwilling

I can feel that I want anyone to help. Mei Xueyan gently reminded Dongfang Wenxin.

"I can also feel his urgency for this war; it seems that this is one of his great dreams, and this dream has lasted for a long time." Dongfang Wenxin frowned tightly, sighed deeply, and said sadly, "What kind of change can make Mo Xie, the young master of the family, look like this in front of him?" Xueyan... My son is very sad... I'm very sad!"

"Don't worry, Mo Wu is absolutely sure!" Mei Xueyan sighed gently, but saw her delicate body rise up. Although there was a big living person behind her, she was still as light as willow catkins, drifting away like a wind. After her task, a gentle whirlwind rolled up faintly, smoothing all the traces on the ground, and there was no trace that anyone had ever passed by.

Even, until Mei Xueyan completely disappeared in the wind and snow with the figure of Dongfang Wenxin on her back, the small whirlwind behind her did not stop. Although the wind was subtle, the rotation never stopped, and finally suddenly exploded in mid-air, ending the murderous spirit and fighting spirit of the two killer kings left in the air. It's all swept away...

Jun Moxie should run first, and his figure is looming. Between a flash of virtues, it is dozens of feet away, running like meteor lightning; but his figure is like walking leisurely, flowing clouds and flowing, unrestrained and elegant; his toes seem to be completely unfalling, and only when passing through a small grass or a branch, Then he flew out again, elegant and fast, and haunted.

Chu Juhun followed him closely. Except for being pulled away seven feet at the beginning, although he never caught up, Jun Mo Wu also failed to make this distance again!

Chu Juhun's light skill body method is really similar to Jun Mobang's yin and yang escape method. In the high-speed movement of the body method, it is also looming, fleeting, then appearing, then disappearing, following the blurred figure in front of it,

Although Chu Wanghun has never been able to close the distance between him and Jun Mo Wu, the fighting spirit in his eyes is getting hotter and hotter!

At this moment, the two killer kings are engaged in the outpost battle of the king's hegemony, the battle of body and speed!

Only when the body is fast and strange can it be killed with an unexpected blow!

Only when the speed is extremely fast can you kill the target before the enemy reacts, and then raise a thousand


Chu Juhun is now following Jun Mo Xie, and it only has to understand why he was blamed for a moment, and it is useless for him to justify it! The light skills of the two are so similar that even at this moment, even he feels that if the person in front of him does not take the blame for him, it is really unreasonable!

It's so similar!

Jun Moxie's body, mysterious and haunted, often appears suddenly in a direction that others have never thought of; the body law of the Western Chu Wang soul is strange, boundless and strange; it is looming, and the shadow is heavy, so that people can never figure out which one is his real body!

The only difference is that Jun Moxie's body method has a faint smell and a faint sense of dignity; this is a phenomenon that should never exist in the killer's light power body method, but the king's big killer's light power has this taste. In contrast, the body method of Chu Wang's soul is the light power body method that is most It's gloomy like a ghost shuttling back and forth between day and night!

But the two people's body skills have one thing in common: that is, whether it is in the fly, the moment of getting up, or the moment of landing, the posture is by no means the same. Every time, they adjust their skills to the best angle of action!

You can draw your sword in the most convenient way anytime and anywhere, palms, kicks, and even every part of your body can send out multiple waves of deadly attacks in an instant!

Although the two of them ran all the way at full speed, they also paid attention to each other's movements at the same time. From the beginning to the present, both of them have a kind of admiration for each other!

It's like being at the peak. When I was proud and complacent, I suddenly found that at the opposite peak, there was another person who was also complacent. At the same time, I couldn't help but have a comforting mentality like 'I'm not lonely' in my heart.

This is a very strange psychology.

Speaking, whether it is Jun Mo Xie or Chu Wanghun, the two people's kung fu skills are not the best in the world, and even compared with the real strong people, it is not only a difference; but the two people's vigilance and grasp of proportion, as well as the choice of action angle, the superb vigilance ; They have really reached the peak of impeccable!

At this moment, both of them coincidentally raised an idea in their hearts. If you want to win beautiful, lose, you also have to lose convincingly! And the fifth update, everyone, wait... H