The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 261 I have no regrets about the defeat of the king!

Dongfang Wenxin laughed happily, hugged Guan Qinghan in his arms, and said with a smile, "It's all, it's all! Ha ha ha, now I'm just waiting to have a grandson. Haha, one by one r one

In the yard of Jun's Jun Moxie, Ye Guhan sat alone on the stone bench and hummed an unknown sad song in his mouth. His expression on his face was deep and lonely, but his eyes were hot looking at the stone table in front of him. There is handwriting on it.

When thousands of families were reunited, Ye Guhan sat here alone, with a knife in his left hand, engraved a name on the stone table in front of him: Xiuxiu, Xiuxiu, Xiuxiu...

The smell of wine came from all directions in the sky. Ye Guhan smiled sadly, threw away the knife, grabbed the wine jar at his feet, and raised it to his mouth. The Adam's apple was swallowed in the continuous ups and downs, but his eyes still looked at the name on the stone table persistently. Finally, I ran out of wine and got drunk.

Ye Guhan gently put his cheek on the stone table, pasted it on the cold handwriting, and roared silently: Xiuxiu...

A line of tears flowed silently, dripping silently on the stone table, in the place where the name of 'Xiuxiu' was engraved, slowly condensed into an ice flower...

Comparatively speaking, although the Jun family is the one who issued the statement, it is also the one who completely disturbs the world. It can be said that it is the originator. Jun Moxie made a statement that the world is instantly chaotic and makes the world more chaotic! But the Jun family, the originator may be the most relaxed family at this moment! At least, all the other families are in uneasy.

In the palace, in the face of a table of extremely luxurious wine and dishes, His Majesty frowned, "I'm not willing to eat, and I don't even have the interest of barely lifting chopsticks. The rise of the Jun family has no room for any hindrance, just like a thousand miles a day!

In those years, in Tianxiang City, it was just an ordinary family. Even if there was a reputation of "one family of four military gods, three generations and six marshals", it was still a minister. It was just a false reputation, but now, I dare to say in the face of today's words: Those who obey me will prosper and those This is undoubtedly the most **naked provocation to the royal family!

If you don't have full fame, how dare you face such an unscrupulous threat today?

Although he is unwilling to admit it, the emperor of Tianxiang has to admit that the current royal family is no longer constrained by the imperial power! Even now, the imperial power still has to look up to the breath of the king's family!

The last time, the second prince was incontinent before and after being scared at the gate of Tianxiang. Jun Mo Wu did not do any cover-up at all. He directly led the two perpetrators back to Jun's house. After that, there was not even an explanation, as if this had never happened!

His Royal Highness was injured in the hands of the guests of the Jun family, but the Jun family did not have any explanation! It seems that such a thing has never happened, which is against the way of kings and ministers! But the royal family is just so let it go, and it's just like this! In fact, even if the royal family doesn't want to do it, what can you do if you want to pursue it? Even if you reluctantly retreat, the result will only be more unbearable!

Now, in the whole world, who doesn't know that Jun Mo Wu, the third young master of the Jun family, is not a reasonable person at all? Dare to kill people in broad daylight! Who doesn't know that the strength of the Jun family is so strong that it is unimaginable? Even the supreme strong, the supreme strong, must have a life, no life!

Today's Jun family is the leading super family in the world! Even in the face of the strong strength of the three holy places, it can make the other party return, let go of others! What can the imperial power do? In the eyes of ordinary people, the supreme imperial power is no longer in the eyes of the Jun family!

At the thought of this, the emperor closed his eyes sadly, raised his neck, washed down a glass of wine, and coughed. This originally sweet and best wine, if you drink it in your mouth at this moment, it is so bitter that it is difficult to follow

Originally, I believe that in any country, if there is a super family like the Jun family, it is a happy and fortunate thing. Because such a huge thing can deter all directions in at least a few hundred years! Although such a family will certainly not directly participate in the invasion, it will never allow the enemy to invade their own country! Such a family is a powerful amulet for a country! But now, for His Majesty the current Emperor Tianxiang, this amulet has become the most deadly life-threatening toxin! You have no regrets... It's all for you!

A face appeared in front of His Majesty's eyes, with wisdom in his majesty and calm and fierce eyes. There is generosity and kindness in the decision to kill; there is indifference and unrestrainedness when the soul is horizontal!

A generation of military gods, you have no regrets!

The military commander in white!

Do you regret it? Do you regret it? If I hadn't decided so at the beginning, wouldn't the current Jun family be my greatest help?

His Majesty shook his head bitterly. No regrets, yes; I don't regret it! If things happen again, I will still choose to do so. Because I am the emperor! I will never allow that Yang to happen! "

You have no regrets, and I have no regrets!

It's just a man-made man!

It's just like this!

His Majesty swallowed that sip of wine with difficulty, as if he had drunk all the flavors of life.

I don't regret it! No regrets: 8!

Jun Moxie, I will see how long you can endure it!

Thinking of Jun Moxie, His Majesty remembered the last effort he made last time. On that day, after you had no intention of taking care of the banquet of Qinghan as a righteous daughter, His Majesty the Emperor once talked with Mr. Zhantian once. Thinking of that long talk, the emperor smiled bitterly at the corners of his mouth.

"Brother Jun; you and I haven't drunk like this for years; now it seems that your drinking volume has not decreased at all, even much better than in the past." His Majesty still uses the name of the two when they fought together, but it seems that this name has not been used for a long time.

"Your Majesty has passed the award; the old man is old and old, and he is no longer the same, haha." When Jun Zhantian spoke, the emperor obviously heard that Jun Zhantian claimed to be old, but he was not an 'old minister'; this has already shown the choice in Jun Zhantian's heart.

"What's the eldest brother talking about? The eldest brother is always strong." The emperor pretended not to hear it, and said his day of drinking this time by drinking: "Brother Jun once proposed the marriage of two dolls to my younger brother half a year ago; hehe, today I brazenly asked again, Lingmeng and Mo Xie, is it okay?"

"Ha ha... Regarding the marriage, Lao Ku can't be Mo Xie's master now. Not to mention Qing Han, he made such a great sacrifice in order to save that bastard before. How can our family let him down? There is also a palm of the Dugu family... Alas, there is a storm all over the city. Mo Xie is promiscuous by nature. How can he be worthy of Princess Lingmeng, such as the proud daughter of heaven and earth? Mr. Jun declined politely. Although his tone was tactful, there was no room to turn around.

"Miss Qinghan sacrificed a lot for Mo Wu. She is indeed a good woman with great wisdom and courage. She is a good match for Mo Xie. As the first choice for suffocation, I naturally won't beat mandarin ducks. I don't mind thinking about Lingmeng. If Mo Wu can He was interrupted by Mr. Jun. Her Royal Highness, how can she be a wife? What's the difference from being a concubine? Where is the face of the royal family!" The old man is righteous and categorical, categorical, and even more, I am full of thoughts for your royal family.

It's ironic to say that feng shui takes turns, only half a year before and after the world. Six months ago, Jun Zhantian pulled down his old face and asked His Majesty the emperor to marry a daughter in order to save the last blood of the royal family; at that time, he was ruthlessly rejected. At that time, even he could imagine how embarrassed and desperate Marshal Jun Da would be.

But only half a year later, it's your turn to taste such embarrassment and despair! The content of the conversation is still Jun Mo Wu and Princess Ling Meng; it is still their marriage; but this time, Jun Zhantian, like himself at the beginning, has no room to refuse!

The two people who spoke did not change, and the content did not change; it was just that the content was lost one by one. The original rejecter becomes the rejected; and the original requester becomes the requestee!

Sure enough, ten years of feng shui takes turns, but how can it be used for ten years?

It's just half a year, and it's been turned upside down!

On that night, His Majesty was desperate! From Jun Zhantian's expression, he already knew the result! But the only thing he doesn't know is what kind of means Jun Mo Wu will use to deal with himself. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter! In the palace, the other direction.

The queen and Princess Lingmeng sat speechless. On New Year's Eve, it was a reunion night, but an emperor and a queen in the palace refused the proposal at the same time. Both palaces were deserted and dead.

During this period, Princess Lingmeng almost lost weight day by day, and her eyes became bigger, but her originally healthy and ruddy face is now dry and bloodless; she is so thin that she almost lost her face. Meng'er, don't torture yourself too much.

There is no reason for the next generation to bear the things of the previous generation. The queen's voice was particularly heavy, and she patiently comforted her daughter: "Relax your heart, everything will be for you.

Princess Lingmeng slowly shook her head, looked blankly at the candlelight shining on the table, and two tears slowly flowed out = "I don't want to carry it one by one by one) I just feel uncomfortable one by one." Unsifficult? How can you feel bad?" Murong Xiuxiu looked at his daughter in a daunt and was extremely surprised.

Princess Lingmeng's face was sad and muttered, "The injustice is the injustice of the previous life. How can things turn into such a situation? How can it be like this? Why is it like this..." The plain beautiful eyes have no sense of flexibility, only endless confusion and confusion!

Murong Xiuxiu is full of worldly feelings, and she is also an experienced person in terms of emotions. When she thought of an unimaginable possibility, she couldn't help shouting: "Daughter, you won't really fall in love with Jun Moxie, will you? E