The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 335 I never take risks!

In this section, the four venerables thought of it in an instant. Everyone is an old world. If you can't think of it, it's too naive! So they were all silent! At this moment, they simply felt that they and others had been fighting for the sky as a reason and belief, which was simply a joke. "It's not a joke at all!

Jun Moxie told them one thing clearly: no matter how noble the goal is, it is not a shameless reason to do evil and be humble! No matter what the starting point is, it can't cover up the sins that have been done!

Behind, a supreme master stepped on the step angrily: "Jun Moxie, you are simply bullying too much! Our three holy places are for the sake of the world and the safety of the mainland. What sins can we say in ten thousand years? Haven't you thought about it? If we are all dead, the battle for the sky comes and the aliens invade, who will resist?! Do you want to let all the people in the world be slaughtered by aliens?

"Is the mainland safe? The world is alive?" Jun Moxie tilted his eyes and tilted his head - looking at him: "What's wrong with me? I have never thought about it! I only know one thing. If I am killed by you, even if the world is completely destroyed, I can't feel it!"

"I'm a selfish person, always!" Jun Moxie's eyes flashed with a sharp cold light, and he said slowly, "I have always believed that if people don't offend me, I'm not unwarranted; I will return the favor and force my teeth with my teeth!" I don't care whether you want to fight for the sky or for the world, but if you only want to invade me, you will die! Either I die, or you die! And I don't want to die yet!" My purpose is very simple, just to survive! I have never taken the initiative to provoke you.

But you are coming to oppress and bully me! As a last resort, you have to rise up and resist! Now that you are at a disadvantage, you will talk to me about the battle for the world? Hahahaha..." Jun Mo Wu laughed and said, "You can be shameless! But you can't be so shameless!" Jun Moxie, you bastard!" Mo Xiaoyao scolded angrily behind him. Needless to say!" Mo Xiaoyao smiled and raised his hand quietly to stop the chaos of everyone. Suddenly, the waist straightened up: "If you die, you will die. Why do you have to say more?"

"Today's event has come to an end. No matter how much I say, it's in vain, but I'm still one of the few people today. Even if I die, I have to be decent! I will never die like a coward! I, Mo Xiaoyao, will not die at the hands of others!" Mo Xiaoyao smiled, grabbed a handful of snow on the ground, carefully wiped his face, and said indifferently, "Your Holiness Xiaoyao is also free until death.

His expression has returned to the lightness of the clouds.

The Venerable Xiaoyao wiped it very carefully, and the blood stain on his face was wiped clean. Even in every move, he did it very unrestrainedly and naturally.

Then he tidied up his messy hair and beard, and turned around. When he faced his subordinates, he had regained the free spirit of the previous Xiaoyao Venerable!

Only when he turned his face, Jia Qingyun and others found the strong sense of humiliation in Mo Xiaoyao's eyes. Shame!

The fourth-level venerable man of the first generation was surrounded by things. In desperation, he begged the enemy for mercy in a low voice, but was categorically rejected by the other party! This is an incredible thing!

In their impression, with Mo Xiaoyao's identity, they can put down their figure so much and go to the two descendants whose strength and identity are far less than their own, which is already inconceivable! It can even be said to be valuable and bear the burden of humiliation!

What's the matter, vote for Li, repay it with Qiong Yao! If the other party can open the net, how can Mo Xiaoyao not be rewarded? Anyway, the other party should give this face, and even be greatly moved for Mo Xiaoyao's consideration of the overall situation and the will of the world. It is reasonable to solemnly release everyone's departure!

I didn't expect Jun Moxie to refuse directly with such red mouth and white teeth and ruthlessness! It's even more incredible!

"Brother Mo, you don't have to care about this! What's wrong with today's matter to your reputation? He will be famous for today's events! Only these juniors with short sunlight and no big picture will overflow your feelings for the world! This temple man, I despise him from the bone!" Jia Qingyun comforted. Then he sighed, "Today's rivers and lakes are no longer the river tide we are familiar with, and there are fewer and fewer hot-blooded people in the sky..." The meaning of the words is sighing; there is a feeling that the world is getting worse and people's hearts are not ancient.

Mo Xiaoyao shook his head slowly, and his expression was weak: "Brother Jia, everyone has come over, why are you deceiving yourself? Today's result is the cause of the past! I didn't really understand until today! Master Mei has always been fighting for the sky, but why have we let her go once? She has repeatedly taken into account the overall situation and made concessions, but how do we do it? We are pressing step by step! She takes a step back, and we will go further! Have you ever taken care of the overall situation? At this time, what face do we have to accuse each other of not having a big picture? May I ask, if the person in charge of the matter replaces Jun Moxie for Brother Jia, there will be countless worries behind you. Can you easily release the nearly 100 top masters in the world who have become sworn enemies in front of you? Do you really have the courage?" Jia Qingyun stagnated, and his face was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak again.

"You are good at your own! I feel that everything in the world is over, so I have to go first!" Mo Xiaoyao looked at the crowd flatly, turned his back to Jun Mo Xie, and did not look back. He said loudly, "After today, no matter the enemy or me, if there is a survivor, when he sees the Lord of the Three Holy Lands, please bring me a word for me."

He showed a trace of sincere regret on his face and said slowly, "Don't use nobleness as an excuse. Don't find a reason for the wrong thing! I hope that the three holy places in the future will not insult the 'Battle of the Sky, #39; This once extremely prominent and glorious name! This is the greatest glory of the three holy places in ten thousand years!"

He paused and said with a wry smile, "Remember that it is glory, not qualification!"

After saying that, a mother's warm smile appeared on Mo Xiaoyao's face and said in a long voice, "Don't be innocent and pathless. When you can be free, you can be free!" This sentence is the origin of the names of him and his own brother, Mo Wudao, the lord of the Dunshi Fairy Palace.

After the two were official eunuchs, the two brothers were born when their fathers were dismissed from office. A friend visited and gave his father a poem: When will fame and fortune come, glory and wealth will be thrown away in one day; don't say that the youth is innocent and unruly, and you can be free! From this poem, my father took the words Wudao and Xiaoyao as the names of his two brothers. There is no way! No matter when, don't be without a road. Mo Xiaoyao! No matter when it comes, don't be too easy and complacent! This is exactly the heart, blessing and warning of the two fathers to their son!

At this time, what Mo Xiaoyao could think of was that in addition to his father's heart, he only had his own brother Mo Wudao, not Mo Wudao, the lord of the immortal palace.

After saying this, Mo Xiaoyao sighed gently, shook his whole body, and suddenly stood still quietly! On the top of his head, a thick white smoke suddenly rose, thick and circling, lasting for a long time, and the cold wind was blowing! For a long time, the thick white smoke gradually turned into a fog, went away in the air, and finally disappeared! Mo Xiaoyao destroyed his cultivation, broke his heart, and died on the top of the snowy mountain! The fourth-level venerable generation has fallen! Jia Qingyun stood in a taunt, and suddenly felt that everything in front of him was like a dream, which was so unreal! The fourth-level venerable man was so unattainable that he was forced to the point of exhaustion and had no choice but to commit suicide in front of everyone! A trace of pity flashed in Jun Mo's evil eyes, but his face was still cold and serious, cruel and motionless!

"Jia Qingyun, I will also give you a chance! You can also choose to commit suicide! Keep a chance of a whole body, a chance to die in a decent way!" Jun Moxie said indifferently, with no emotion in his tone.

"Mo Xie... they... can't die!" Mei Xueyan's face showed anxiety: "This is always a battle!" That's a big event related to the future of the world! You really have to think about it carefully! Once the strength is sharply reduced, the results of the war may be reversed, and the battle for the sky can really be over: i;. R #39; + . .

"Snow smoke, why do you still insist? Can't you see the facts in front of you clearly? Didn't you notice the eyes of these people? I have killed no more than four or five hundred people! Those who have died are all the good friends they have been with for a lifetime, and they have lived together for at least a hundred years! This deep emotion that has spanned a long period of time is even closer than relatives! I believe that compared with those aliens, "these people prefer me to die! As long as they escape this disaster, they will do everything they can to deal with me and my family! I have no reason to keep these people anymore!"

Jun Moxie said indifferently, "If I have to be alone, I naturally don't care, but I have family and friends. Can they not care?! Your persistence is equivalent to risking our family and friends. In my heart, the safety of our family is more important than anything else! I won't take risks, even a little bit!"

"Even if they are really good people, I will still kill them! Because of this, there is no room to transfer to the country! What's more, they are just a group of complete hypocrites!" Jun Moxie said lightly, "Even if it is a sin, I have to bear it alone!" It's better to bear guilt than to bear guilt!"

"You are so ruthless!" Mei Xueyan looked at him sadly: "Why don't you have any pity? Don't you have a little sense of responsibility for the world and the world? Even a little bit?!"

"Snow smoke, do you think I'm ruthless? Don't you have a sense of responsibility? Am I really ruthless? If, because of the weakness of the moment, in exchange for the tragic death of the family and the slaughter of friends, what will you think at that time? If it weren't for the thousands of thoughts in my heart, what if you were wrong? But can we afford to be wrong? As for the battle for the sky... Even if these people are dead, it doesn't mean that the battle for the sky will be lost!"

Jun Mo Xie said indifferently, "Dead butcher Zhang, I, Jun Mo Xie still won't eat hairy pigs! On the contrary, if the safety of the world is handed over to these hypocrites, even if they win, it will be a shame!" They don't deserve it! It doesn't deserve it at all!" Jun Moxie said coldly. Resolute, without hesitation! mF