The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 22 Return! Back to the sky!

"As long as I still have a breath, you will never die! Even if I leave first, you won't die! Forgot you? Let's save this sentence for the next life! No, don't say "Don't say it again in your next life!"

With a bang, in the distance, the Eagle King came paralyzedly and began to be beside the two people in an instant. Suddenly, his whole body was shocked. Seeing Mei Xueyan's miserable appearance, he couldn't help kneeling on the ground softly and said in a hoardant voice, "Sister... You really... How can you be Jun Moxie didn't look back and said calmly, "Tell the brothers that your elder sister is fine. I'll take her to heal!"

The Eagle King was shocked all over, looked at him in surprise, and said in a voice, "Really? Sister, she uses: i;.. R...." But I saw Jun Mo Wu nodded heavily! This time, he has made up his mind! Even if the Hongjun Tower will be destroyed, he will save Mei Xueyan! No! Yes! No! Yes! She!

The Eagle King looked at the two reluctantly and finally spread his wings and flew up. He knows that no matter life or death, it is now a space for brother-in-law and elder sister! It's not appropriate to stay here by yourself! He didn't want to disturb the affectionate two people, so he chose to fly away. Although his heart was dripping blood, he really wanted to stay with Sister Zhaoshuo... "Mo Wu, one by one, one by one" Mei Xueyan smiled gently = "My husband!! Thank you) I also want to be the king in my life..."

Jun Moxie was shocked all over. This is the first time that Mei Xueyan called him: Husband! It's also the first woman in the world to call him that!

"Xue Yan... My beloved wife... We will definitely hold our hands until we die!" Jun Moxie's heart suddenly felt sore, and two lines of hot tears flowed down. He pressed his face tightly against Mei Xueyan's pretty face. Suddenly, he felt that his heart and hair was blocked, and it seemed that he couldn't breathe anyway. It was a strong and extremely suffocating feeling...

"Wait a minute, you left me here... go by yourself." Mei Xueyan pleaded. Her body trembled in waves, feeling that the last power was finally leaving her. "But she still breathed greedily and breathed the man's breath on Jun Moxie's body, and said sadly, "I don't want you to see me... another look...please..." "No matter what you look like later. It's all me!" Jun Mo Wu's domineering way, there is no room for discussion at all!

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Mei Xueyan's eyes, low\}! He said, "I... I'm satisfied... I'm really satisfied... Mo Xie, let me go, please... I don't want you to see me like that... Don't let me hate you! Please!"

Jun Moxie hugged her firmly and roared in his throat: "No! No way! No way! If you want me to let go of you, in this life, in this life, in the next life, in the next life, you have died in this heart!"

A delicate red tide flashed on Mei Xueyan's face. She sighed slightly. She didn't say anything, but used her last strength to rub her head against Jun Mo Wu's chest. Suddenly, tears fell down like beads. She suddenly shook violently all over her body and said in a choked trembling voice, "Mo Xie... I hope you remember Mei Xueyan, don't remember me... Don't let them see me one by one, one by one, please, one by one, one by one, one by one by one, one by one"

The last trace of violence was finally taken away from her body, and finally she was about to take away her last breath of life!

And at this moment, Mei Xueyan's heart flashed with inspiration, but she finally understood a sentence, smiled bitterly, and muttered, "The punishment is not found, the beast king is true; the heaven is punished for ten thousand years, and one person is the winner... It turns out to be so outstanding...

Then, Mei Xueyan had no more voice. She looked at Jun Mobang's eyes affectionately and suddenly became a little embarrassed, and then stopped in an instant...

Her weak body suddenly changed and shrunk sharply. In Jun Mobang's arms, she suddenly turned into a snow-white beast, dying, unconscious, and constantly dissipating the invisible power on her body... Every time she dissipates, her rank falls down... The horror of the Holy King Dan, Finally, it's the last critical moment!

The clouds in the sky have disappeared, but the clouds are getting thicker and thicker, and the sky is getting darker and darker. The violent wind rolls up! With a strong wetness!

Is it going to rain?!

Jun Moxie breathed a sigh of relief, with a trace of relief, with a strong attachment, looked at the body of Mei Xueyan, who was trembling in her arms, and said with pity = "Prepare it one by one, one by one, it turned out to be you one by one, one by one, I should have thought of

At this moment, Jun Mo Wu figured out a lot of things. Why did Mei Xueyanpu target herself all the way as soon as she looked at her face? From the heavenly punishment forest, she began to embarrass herself everywhere, and she played tricks on herself all the way. Jun Mo Wu has never understood where he provoked her, and now it is finally clear!

It turned out that Mei Xueyan... was the little beast he met in the heavenly punishment forest, the snow god scorpion that was molested by himself... No wonder. No wonder Mei Xueyan said: I hope you remember Mei Xueyan, don't remember me... So that's it!

Jun Mo Wu finally understood why Mei Xueyan was so ashamed in her eyes at the last moment when her life dissipated... Because she was afraid that she would look down on her body... Because she... she was always a mysterious beast... She was never human in her bones...

"You silly girl" Jun Moxie lowered his head, kissed her gently on her mouth affectionately, and said gently, "At the beginning, I knew you were not human... Why do you care so much... Don't worry, I won't let anyone see you until you recover. You are you. You will always be my favorite beauty..."

Jun Moxie waited quietly, waiting for the moment when the power of counterattack completely disappeared from Mei Xueyan. Only when the counterattack is over and Mei Xueyan's level falls to the bottom that can fall, can the aura of heaven and earth have the right effect!

Before that, it's impossible to save it!

A little rash action will really lead to the death of Mei Xue's smoke and the ashes...

His eyebrows frowned tightly, and his face flashed murderously. He said in a low voice, "The first young master of Jiuyou! It's not that I don't give you face... But up to now, if I don't let the three holy places completely disappear in this world, how can I be worthy of my beloved wife? How can I be called a man?! Ding,

He said this sentence in a very low and heavy voice. No one heard it except himself! Only heaven and earth can be heard!

This sentence is f6 that no one has heard, and there is no curse, but Jun Mo Wu himself knows that this sentence is the most vicious oath he has made in his two lives!

"Even if it's the first young man in Jiuyou... so what? What about your apprentices and grandchildren? The safety of the The people in the what?!" Jun Mo Wu slowly raised his head and suddenly roared ferociously: "Even if it is the sin of the world, I bear it alone, so what?! This is the roar of his soul! But it also officially shows the ultimate return of a generation of killers! The three holy places, I, don't be evil with you... No! Die! No! Hugh! Finally, the invisible power of the last circle also dissipated...

At the moment when the last power disappeared, the S1 just emanating from Mei Xueyan, Jun Mobang's spiritual power of heaven and earth was like a brook, quickly pouring in...

The time connection is not a little bit, not a little bit... Mei Xueyan's already swaying and dissipated vitality flame, mushrooms, and mushrooms, gradually stabilized; Jun Moxie did not dare to use force at all, but slowly input, while entering the aura, while treating the trauma on her body. At this moment, Mei Xueyan, I'm afraid that it is not as good as the weakest cub, The irreparable consequences...

Mei Xueyan's shoulder was pierced by lightning, chest, pierced by a long sword... Although these injuries are extremely serious, even enough to be fatal, under the spiritual power of Jun Mobang, it is not a big problem.

The real and most serious thing is the meridians in Mei Xueyan's body. Under the previous horrible and powerless crazy impact, they have been completely broken, and there is no more completeness!

Even, it's so disordered that it's clueless! Now, in addition to being forced to save a glimmer of life by Jun Moqiu, she is a group of unconscious **. Even the consciousness has been lost!

In addition, Jun Moxie doesn't know what kind of kung fu Mei Xueyan is practicing... This is a big problem! Jun Mo Wu frowned angrily...

Just then, a blazing lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a bolt that shook the earth for nine days, and the bean-sized raindrops fell down!

This is just the most ordinary rain, not a big deal. For Jun Mo Wu, it is a small matter; but for Mei Xueyan now, even a bean-sized raindrop is enough for her to bear! Don't blame here!

Jun Moxie's black and white eyes looked at the vast rain curtain and said slowly, "In the name of the owner of Hongjun Tower, I want to take people in!" If it is not allowed, it will be destroyed!"

In his heart, he has even made up his mind: in the future, let Mei Xueyan practice in the Hongjun Tower! If you still can't walk in, then what do I want you to do? Let's just take a break!

Do you think I care about you?

If you don't fulfill my wish, I don't want you!

Compared with the woman I love the most, you are nothing!

Jun Mobang's heart is manic and determined!

He gritted his teeth, and even solved how to deal with the problem of this family after being rejected!

But when he moved his mind, he disappeared from reality and appeared in a spiritually Hongjun Tower. Mei Xueyan in his arms is still there!

Jun Mo Wu was a little surprised for a moment, and even almost couldn't recover; how to think it is one thing, how to decide is one thing, but if you really do it, it is another thing. Before that, I had put things in the Hongjun Tower more than once, but I always put things other than human beings, such as flowers, elixirs, mountains, stones, swords, gold and silver... But this time, I actually brought a big living person in without hindrance... Such ease made Jun Moxie uncomfortable...

He didn't know that Hongjun Tower did not reject life, and it never. In fact, flowers and plants are all the elixirs of life. What has it ever rejected? Since the tower beads were found, it has been a complete treasure! Now, don't say that he only takes Mei Xueyan in. Even if he wants to install a million troops, it is completely feasible in theory. It's just that his current cultivation is not enough to bring a lot of people...

However, you don't know this, at least at present. He just thought that his threat had an effect, and he was still a little complacent... Ya is also a bully and afraid of the strong! It seems that I was too gentle to you before!

Entering the Hongjun Tower, Jun Moxie began to heal Mei Xueyan's wounds. He did not know Mei Xueyan's Yungong City Road, nor did he know how the body meridians of Xuanshou were different from human beings. Naturally, he was at a loss. After thinking about it for a long time, he bit his teeth and It is completely broken, and even the inherent track is gone, and the situation has been so bad that it can't be worse!

Then I will simply set a limit for her, defeat and success! Directly reshape the meridians with the purest spiritual power of heaven and earth, and re-create! Just reshape it according to your own body meridians, and then use the operation line of Tianzonghuagong to restore her cultivation!

I don't believe it. Isn't it as good as the heaven's punishment of the forest? This is a big joke!

Jun Mo Wu didn't know that his brilliant decision this time really made Mei Xueyan! It is precisely because of this time that the beast king returned to the truth, and finally completed the true return of the beast king! The power of Kaitian Creation Gong comes from ancient times, and it is the only skill between heaven and earth that can achieve supreme magic power! This time, let Mei Xueyan... return to the truth! This is the really powerful beginning of Ge Xueyan!

What's more, the density of the powerful aura of heaven and earth in the Hongjun Tower is directly more than ten thousand times that of the heavenly punishment forest! If you practice here, how can it be compared with the heavenly punishment forest? What's more, the spiritual power cultivated from here is directly innate qi without purification!

Although Mei Xueyan's original skill is the top skill, it always has its end! Once the longevity is gone and the lamp is exhausted, it means that Daluo Jinxian will come and there is nothing to do!

But now it has been changed to Kaitian Creation... That's different! It's enough to do it... stay with you, this life, to the ages! Put it to death and then live, break and stand, defeat and then success! Exactly!

Of course, the benefits are so huge, and the risks are also extremely huge. Mei Xueyan practices such a skill with the body of a mysterious beast. If she breaks through, she can't bear the natural disaster! This is like the cultivation of demons in the legend of the earth, which is hundreds of times more difficult than ordinary people. It is a truth!

However, there will always be a Jun Mo Wu beside her! However, Junmobang's Hongjun Tower is not afraid of any thunderstorm! So... After Mei Xueyan was repaired, it was a smooth road! Of course, these are all later words.

This time, Jun Moxie stayed in Hongjun Tower for three days and three nights! It's a great achievement! H