The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 26 Give you a plan to destroy the Holy Land!

Jun Mo's evil voice was low, and there was no particularly aggravated tone. But Li Youran only felt that a chill suddenly cooled down to the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't help shivering.

Just saw Jun Moxie's eyes flashing and looking at himself, Li Youran suddenly felt that he was still a little pressighted. Moreover, I'm still a little happy... "Where are these people now?" Jun Mo Xiechen said for a while, "If they are still in the palace, you don't have the courage to say these words."

Li Youran sweated for a moment and said, "The Ming people don't say anything secret. Since that night of the war, the three saints in the dreamy blood sea have been completely destroyed, and there are also several other saints who have been injured because of the sword spirit and thunderous power of Master Mei. They are even more afraid that it will lead to We may not be able to retreat completely, so we left the city overnight! At the right now, his whereabouts are unknown!"

In Li Youran's eyes, there was a faint trace of self-deprecation. Because when they left the city, they didn't inform themselves, let alone want to take them away. That's nonsense. I'm not in their eyes at all, in their hearts, or at all, it's a burden at all!

In their eyes, 'L'' is just an insignificant and irrelevant small role from beginning to end! Once the utilization value is gone, you can throw it aside! There is no need to pay attention to your life or death! I'm afraid it's not even as good as abandoning children!

But I'm also a person, not as good as you! Even, my mind is far beyond you! Why do you treat me like this? Although I can't kill you, someone can! With my help, it will definitely speed up your death! Now I have a small role like this, but I want to make you regret it to the greatest extent!

Even if it is an ant, it has a chance to nib at the elephant! You shouldn't. You don't want to do this to me, Li Youran! This is the fundamental reason for Li Youran's change of mentality!

"So they abandoned you! Poor abandoned year!" Jun Mo Wu smiled. He I understand why Li Youran cooperated so much today. Before he came, he even planned to do something one by one

"They are likely to get together now and gather the strongest forces to adapt to the situation. So if you want revenge, it's never a good time right now! Even if you can defeat the enemy, your own losses will also be considerable!"

Li Youran ignored Jun Moxie's gloating at all, and just continued, "The best way is to divide and annihilate it.

If you appear rashly, it will become their goal. They are bound to actively prepare to deal with you, and they are likely to use some next methods to deal with you, such as the method of dealing with Mr. Mei. I believe that dealing with you will also be effective! It's too defensive! During this period, you'd better make an illusion that they think that you are still not in Tianxiang City... Moreover, let them be afraid and stop targeting your family. It takes you to find a good idea, and then lower their vigilance to facilitate the secret attack in the future!"

"How to?" Jun Moxie frowned, but there were not many applicable methods. Li Youran is right. If they use their families to threaten themselves, it is indeed a big trouble.

At this time, Jun Moxie suddenly had the idea of moving his family to the heavenly punishment forest in advance. Only in that way will there be no worries!

However, his plan is to move immediately after the enmity is broken. Looking at the current situation, we must speed up the pace... Tianxiang Royal Family... Then destroy it first! Jun Moxie's eyes flashed, and the car in his heart was secretly measuring... thinking...

"I thought of one, which should be used together. This plan can destroy the holy land!" Li Youran's eyes flashed fiercely and said, "The purpose of this action in the three holy places is a total of three people, one is you, one is Master Mei, and the other is your master!" Now, Master Mei has disappeared... There is only one by one, one by one"

Unin time as he finished his words, his neck was suddenly tightened, and he was stuck by Jun Moxie. There was almost no room for breathing. When he looked up in panic, he saw Jun Moxie's cold eyes, which penetrated a murderous intention, and a cold word came into his ears like a hysterical: " She didn't die! Remember! If you use the word annihilation on her again, I will kill you!"

After saying that, Jun Mo Wu let go, and Li Youran fell back to the chair dejectedly. He covered his throat and coughed a few times, but a trace of clear flashed in his eyes: Sure enough! Mei Xueyan is indeed the real reverse scale of Jun Moyu! It should be said that his family is his reverse scale!!

"I made a mistake... The goal of the three holy places is only you and your master for the time being." Li Youran was not angry. He took a few breaths and continued to say, because he knew Jun Moxie's bottom line. He was just stuck in the neck, but he thought it was worth it...

"You can make a rumor, saying that in order to give the hatred to Master Mei, you have to find your master and then come back for revenge! And you have to "speak a little farther" from your master's location to Tianxiang... so that both sides

The time to turn around is relatively longer..." "And this period of time is your time!" Li Youran looked at Jun Moxie and said lightly, "This is not only a strategy, but also a means to turn around. With your current strength, although you are already very strong, you have no chance of winning in the face of the remaining six saints at the same time! Even if there is only one, it is enough to make the Jun family doomed! The biggest focus of the three holy places is to focus on your master; and the key to your revenge is also your master! You can't help but take advantage of this kind of God-given condition!"

"Only the better use of this is your greatest hope for revenge." Li Youran said, "In this way, I believe that the saints of the three holy places will definitely try their best to prepare for your master. And they will take it for granted that when you and your master come back, their goals will be all achieved. In this way, he will not deal with the Jun family again. After all, as their saint, it is always unpleasant to deal with secular people again and again!"

"The purpose of the three holy places is just you. If the Jun family didn't have you, they wouldn't even look at it at all. Li Youran said, "Although what I said is unpleasant, it is absolutely true. You might as well think about it!"

Jun Mo Wu frowned and thought deeply about Li Youran's plan. I have to admit that under the words of Li Youran, who has always played conspiracy to his home and has become a habit, Jun Moxie got a lot of inspiration. Li Youran is really worthy of being a conspiracy expert. This stomach is really poisonous and spicy!

And this plan can be said to be comprehensive. All directions have been sealed, and even the original hidden worries have been eliminated... "Well, I will consider this plan carefully. You give me a plan, and I will return you a plan. During the period of time, you can help the second prince.

Let him kill the boss and the third brother, and kill his father. You have lived with him for so long. You are embarrassed to live in vain. You should give something in return. It's not good to eat and live for nothing!"

Jun Moxie suddenly changed the topic and brought out another completely irrefusable thing. He smiled at Li Youran and laughed coldly, and his white teeth showed boundless cruelty!

"So your real revenge is here!" Li Youran understood in an instant. He stared at his eyes and lost his temper for the first time: "Let him see the flesh and blood with his own eyes? And it's also because of people's success! Is this your plan to avenge your father?" Hey hey, Li Youran, you are really smart, and you even know the inside story. How about it? The strategy I gave you is not bad!" Jun Moxie raised his eyebrows.

"It's not only good, it's a perfect bow!" Li Youran smiled and said, "I am willing to help with such a wonderful plan. As long as you have arranged it, you will let me know, "I'm looking forward to this wonderful human tragedy now!" In this way, my heart will be very happy! Even if it can't be completed, it's good to let the royal family die because of me!" You are really a little perverted!" Jun Moxie looked at him and said, "I'm leaving." Thank you." Jun Moxie left a word and turned around and drifted away. From his face, you can't see the joy and anger, but the last two words he left are very important to Li Youran! And these two words have always been what Li Youran wanted! Thank you! It's these two ordinary words to the extreme.

"Thank you! These are also the two words I want to say to you. Li Youran stood alone, but suddenly smiled and muttered, "I, Li Youran... I have been planning behind the scenes for a long time, and I have developed such a problem. Is it the real meaning of my life to always advise others?

Dark night Yuanyu, leisurely passing by.

Jun Mowu appeared in the office again.

The second prince Yang Dan is irrittrumping several concubines out of the house. My illness is not good at all, and I'm really not in the mood to do anything! In addition, the people of the three holy places suddenly withdrew, which made the second prince lose his backbone all of a sudden! Even if Li Youran is still there, what can he do?

At this moment, Jun Moxie appeared in front of him. It was almost a ghostly sudden appearance. When the second prince found out, Jun Moxie had already walked two steps behind his back in his room, leisurely and unrestrained. The doors and windows are all intact. How on earth did he get in? Is he a human or a ghost?

The second prince was shocked to see the arrival of Jun Mobang. He was shocked before he opened his mouth and shouted, but he was covered by Jun Mo Xie. Suddenly, he trembled like a sieve all over his body, and his eyes showed a look of fear!

"Stop screaming! It's useless to call again. I'm bringing you good news this time!" Jun Mo Wu said gently, "Good boy, don't be afraid! I won't hurt you! Besides, since I'm here, it's useless for you to break your throat... It's better to be obedient. H