The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 42 Life is endless, chasing and killing is endless!

Chi Tianfeng was shocked. What he saw was different from what Chen Chong saw! It's even very different! What he saw was thousands of long swords stabbed at the same time! All in all directions! Suddenly, all the souls of the dead appeared! Almost the soul was scattered and the soul immediately made a choice, which was the same as Chen Chong. He was even more miserable when he rushed down. Before he really chased down, he had already sprayed out a mouthful of blood...

Although Sa Qingliu and Cui Changhe were not attacked, the flashing sword light had also frightened them, so they chose the silk at the same time! Falling from the rising!

Just kidding, the boss and the second-class saint Chen Chong have gone down. How can we resist? If you don't go down, will you wait dryly to be pierced by that long sword? So~~ the person has fallen, almost" when he falls!

Below is the small lake. The four people fell, and all of them were swallowed with Xuanqi and sprayed a mouthful of blood. Then, they sadly watched the huge iceberg hit their heads!

Jun Moxie in mid-air smiled proudly and made a sword in the iceberg. This move is really too creative. Because of the refraction of the ice, the more the body of the sword is exposed, the more it is refracted. So Chen Chong only saw a little tip of the sword, but the three of the Chi Tianfeng brothers saw thousands of swords in all directions... As soon as the four fell, Bingfeng also chased down reluctantly! Mount Tai is worthy of its name! The rapid flow flew directly into the clouds for a long time! The small lake is completely gone, leaving only a small iceberg, standing tall! The four people of Chen Chong were inevitably hit hard at the same time!

Everyone felt a pain on the top of their head, and the pressure as heavy as the mountains followed. The four people had no room to borrow in the water, and they were inevitably pressed to the bottom of the lake at the same time!

Although the small lake is not very deep, it is not too shallow and has some buoyancy. Otherwise, these four saints will really be crushed into persimmons by the "mountain" this time! However, the bottom of this small mountain lake is not silt, but a harder stone! So the four of them still suffered a lot!

Originally, with their skills, even if they faced the ice peak and broke through the ice, it was not a big deal! At most, there are not too many obstacles. So they didn't want to escape, but defeated it head-on!

They have always thought that the ice peak is just a containment attack, and the real fatal attack is on the empty side. Therefore, this seemingly huge iceberg has become the weakest link, which belongs to the link that brings them vitality! So they plan to break it directly and rush out head-on!

This plan was originally good. If they are really fighting with a master who is not inferior or even better than them, it is undoubtedly the right, and it is the first choice!

But the problem is that they just jumped up and were about to touch the iceberg, and then the accumulation of power was on the verge of the outbreak, but the other party suddenly killed out of the ice! This is the middle stream! Attack at the most uncomfortable moment! I can't rush up any more, and the only choice is to retreat! But retreat... You need to bear the inversion of Xuanqi, the inversion of your own Xuanqi! The counterattack is also counterattacked. Just spit out a mouthful of blood and have a good breath!

But the problem is... spit out the saliva, and then you have to face a huge iceberg!

Before the breath in front of me could turn back, I was overwhelmed by a strong iceberg and smashed meat/\su!

After that, he was pressed into the bottom of the lake, and he choked a few mouthfuls of water... choked on the water. The low-level mistake that may happen to ordinary people who are new to swimming now actually happened to the saint, which can also be regarded as a great anecdote! Jun Moxie did not choose to dive directly to the bottom of the water to continue the assassination!

Because he understands that although the four saints have been counterattacked and injured by the iceberg, their combat effectiveness is still there! He still has a much stronger combat effectiveness than himself!

Now, even if they are injured, they can never eat it in one bite! Fighting in a small place such as the bottom of the water, he accidentally lost his wife and lost his soldiers! Anyway, they can't stay at the bottom of the water all the time. Sooner or later, they will come out. Jun Moxie is very patient now! He will wait until the one that these saints can't hold on, and then he will take action head-on! And at that moment, he vaguely felt that it was not far away...

Finally, with a few loud noises, the small iceberg was torn apart, the ice collapsed, and a water arrow rushed straight up from under the water and rushed into the air. Jun Mowu was completely unmoved and still invisible and waited. This water arrow is just a tentative harassment attack, and there is no need to ignore it!

The fact is not as expected by Jun Moxie. Although the four saints successfully broke the ice, they did not appear immediately, and then... After the first water arrow, there were countless water arrows pouring intensively!

In fact, the four saints have no hope for these water arrows. The terrible strength of the other party, as long as these water arrows can play a slight role in harassment, it is also great luck! The biggest purpose is to paralyse the other party, so that the other party can't guess where he and others come from, which is the real purpose! However, the "high man" in the air is really not high enough to completely ignore the strength of these water arrows!

After all, these are all water arrows generated by the real holy strong man with their own mysterious power. Even if they are aimless, their power is also considerable...

Jun Mo Wu is invisible in mid-air at this moment. In the face of this sudden dense water arrow offensive, he has a headache. He hurriedly used his body to dodge, but these water arrows are too dense. It hangs ten thousand. Coincidentally, a water arrow is being shot on the buttocks. Under the strong force of the water arrow Shaoteng's clouds and fog are generally held up, Lao Gao.

Finally, the original purpose of these water arrows is just harassment. The number is very large, and the force is relatively scattered. Although the young master Jun was impacted, he was not injured.

"These saints are fucking powerful!" Jun Moxie touched his buttocks and clenched his teeth: "In such a disadvantage, and after holding it under the water for so long, you can still shoot such a strong water arrow!" I almost blew up Laozi's **. What a mother's bad luck, eh..." He tilted his head and suddenly became wary: Damn it, these guys can't be... Sprinkling it under the water? That's really unlucky!

I hurriedly touched my buttocks, and then sniffed hard to make sure that I didn't find any strange smell, so I was relieved. Doubtful plan! Shit!" "

Finally, with a bang, the four figures picked up with countless water and arrows, panting loudly! It is the four saints such as Chen Chong! These four saints have never been so in your life, and you have never been embarrassed in your life!

Even if he had the strength of Jin Xuanxuan to travel around the world when he was a teenager, he had never been forced to such a bad point!

Now the saint who has achieved the change of color by stinging his feet can cause the wind and clouds to change, or the four of them are actually played with water and fire! This kind of embarrassment is really uncomfortable!

Among these four people, Chen Chong is the only second-class saint, and he is also the highest-cultivation among these four people. He just came out of the water and immediately observed the terrain. Unexpectedly, the mysterious man still did not appear! Spring is still waiting in the dark! He knew that at this moment, Master Jun was avoiding the water arrows all over the sky in mid-air!

"This old guy is such a pervert!" Chen Chong was so angry that he almost scolded: the real strength of the hometown is far higher than that of the four of us, and even if the four of us work together, it may not be his enemy! If he really jumps out of the fight with a clear knife and a clear gun, he will definitely win!

But this guy has to choose to hide in the dark and use such ghost tricks! It's obvious that they are going to play us to death! How can such a shame be tolerated? It's unbearable! But what should I do if I can't bear it? Even if you want to work hard, you have to find the right person, right? I can't stand it anymore, and I have to put up with it again! The four people rushed out at the same time and rushed to get out.

Chen Chong was still in mid-air. He took a deep breath and pointed his finger and said, "Go from there!"

Chi Tianfeng and others have always been very convinced of his judgment. In addition, his strength is the crown of everyone. How can he command nonsense? He rushed in that direction without thinking about it! However, looking up, the three of them were stunned at the same time, and then turned around at the same time, scattered, and scolded angrily in their hearts: Chen Chong, a bastard with no asshole in this life, is so uneasy and kind-hearted! Chen Chong's face full of water beads also became particularly wonderful.

Because in the direction his fingers are pointing, a sword light is shining like the sun, forming a straight line with his fingers, like lightning!

Does Chen Chong want the three of us to die, and then buy time for himself to escape for his life? His strength is the crown of the people. If he sacrifices us, there is indeed an opportunity to escape! The three of them couldn't help but have this idea at the same time: the people who escape from the fairy palace are really shameless!

But the three of us are not fools. Now that we already know, do we still want to make wedding clothes for you?

It's needless to say that the three of them avoided it very well.

The first of the three people, Chi Tianfeng, suddenly dispersed, and the target of the sword naturally became Chen Chong himself a little later!

Chen Chong couldn't imagine how he was so colorful! After a quick observation for four weeks, I found such a relatively safe direction, but I didn't expect it to be the place where the other party was ambushed! This life is too hard, isn't it?

At this moment, Chen Chong also panicked. How could he bear such an "unparalleled" brilliant sword? In a hurry, he instinctively kicked his feet, and his whole body rushed up like a flag rocket! Then he flew out obliquely. The sword light behind him is cold, but it is like a maggot of the bone, chasing after it!

Chen Chong has changed 17 mysterious body methods in an early moment, and has changed more than 30 subtle directions, but he can't take it off! The sword light of Yundao is the portrayal of Jun Da Shao's current psychology: life is endless, and the pursuit and killing are endless! &l;Inadvertently wrote a Cui Changhe, and it suddenly occurred to me that there was another real reason in it

When I was working in the township government, there was a member of the party committee called Cui Changhe. I'm late for every meeting. The party committee was held again, and he was late again. Everyone waited for his boss to come for a while. When the secretary saw him, he said, anyway, it's still early. Let me tell you a story. A sea dragon king gives fish and shrimp $! The story of naming.

On this day, the Sea Dragon King felt that the fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs in the sea had no names, which was very awkward. So he issued an announcement saying that he wanted to name them. Get a good name on a first-come, first-served basis.

The fish is the fastest, and the first one to see the notice comes. The Sea Dragon King said: You are so fast, just call it as fast as the wind.

The second one is the shrimp. The Sea Dragon King said: Seeing that you look like this, your legs are not neat, so let's call it seven long and eight short.

The third one is the crab. The Sea Dragon King said: Look at you walking sideways, and there is no one like you everywhere. Just call it: He Luo only.

The last one came was the turtle. It was late. It was too slow. The Sea Dragon King frowned and said, "You're too late. Since you're late, how can you have a good name?" Well, you can take one word for each of the three of them. Well, your name is Cui Changhe. After telling this story, the guy who has never been late for the meeting in the future...D