The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 93 Soldiers will block

Are you all right? This time, your third uncle will bear it for you! It's fun! The old lady gave Jun Moxie a white look, and then smiled with a smile: "You little guy, you are more and more careful. When dealing with you, you really have to be worried. Even if you dare to design your uncle, you are too bold, aren't you?"

Jun Moxie laughed twice and said with a smile, "It's not my uncle... In fact, it's just a moment's just a coincidence, well, it's just a coincidence...

"Is that formula - is it also a coincidence?" The old lady stared at him. Jun Moxie was directly stunned


"Well... Grandma, let's get up with business. As soon as I heard that the family was in danger, I kept coming, wearing stars and moons, and coming sleeplessly. It's really tiring all the way. Hey hey..." Jun Moxie didn't have anything to say anything. The effect of changing the topic is still there.

"Dangerous... There is indeed. However, in a word, you shouldn't come back. The old lady snorted calmly and walked: "We can still cope with this little disturbance with our own strength.

"Oh? In the trouble of the three holy places this time, it seems that grandma has a corresponding response? Jun Moxie asked carefully. He finally saw that the whole family, with the strongest self-esteem and the most protection for shortcomings, was the old lady in front of him.

"The three holy places are undoubtedly very powerful, but our oriental family is not vegetarian. Assassin family, if you don't kill or die, is it worthy to be called a Jianghu family? The old lady sneered and said, "Don't worry so much! Soldiers come to block, that's all. If you stay with grandma for a few days, go back quickly. You don't need to deal with the things here. The Oriental family has its own ability to deal with it.

"Of course, with the power of grandma, sweeping the world, that's... just around the corner! Ha ha, who doesn't know that grandma once traveled through the world with a sword, and her reputation was famous all over the world. That's really a beauty, and women are better than beard eyebrows! The sword looks at the world, which makes all the beard-browed men in the world ashamed. There is a poem: tens of thousands of people are tied up, and no one is a man! A generation of red makeup laughs at the world. This, the power of ancient and modern is incomparable..." Jun Moxie flattered a set of flattery without money, and said it fluently.

"All the way... Your grandfather Jun Zhantian or likes your flattery, but your grandma, I don't like you! Don't be poor!" The old lady's face was more ruddy, her eyes were soft, and she was satisfied.

Walking also brings out a little sonorous sound, which is quite murderous!

"That's right! To be honest, it's also true. In fact, this is what I admire most about grandma. Who in the world doesn't like other people's flattery? A few people don't know what their last name is. All the high-ranking people have this problem! But grandma, you are unique and your eyes are as bright as a torch! Out of the mud without staining, wash the rison but not the demon, calm and wise, as wise as the sea! Never accept flattery from others! It's not even compared with those people! I don't flatter, I'm just telling the truth, it's all the truth!" Jun Moxie continues to detain #039; continue to tell the "big truth"

"That's reasonable! People really can't listen to more compliments. You should be rational and have at least judgment! This is what high-ranking people should do, and only in this way can they make the right decision! You child like to tell the truth, not hypocrisy. I like this very much. To be honest, do honest things, and you won't lose anywhere.

The old lady narrowed her eyes and smiled contentedly. There is a faint glow on his face, which means that "the whole world is turbid and I am alone, and everyone is drunk and I wake up alone".

The Dongfang Wenjian behind him showed an expression that he couldn't bear to see. Looking up at the sky, the thick Adam's apple jumped up and down. What's the old saying? I'm going to have a day! But this is just muttering in his heart. If he really says it, he will feel uncomfortable all over his body...

"Yes, it's like saying that the three holy places have messed with grandma this time, it must be that they have been unlucky for eight lifetimes! When I came, I also met four masters of the Dunshi Fairy Palace. They actually negotiated a set of so-called 'poison tricks'! Hey hey, it's just a trick, laughing and generous!

Jun Moxie's eyes quickly turned and pulled the topic back: "... They actually want to do this... In fact, I also know that it is completely useless at all. Under grandma's old plan, those so-called schemes are simply a joke. Once they really meet, they must be like rolling. Tang splashed snow, blew ashes against the palm, Taishan pressed to the top, picked up the rocket cannon to hit the mosquitoes..."

It's not easy to explain the poisonous tricks of the three holy places, and Jun Moxie is almost exhausted

Cold sweat. When I said the last sentence, I actually spilled my mouth.

But the old lady's expression has become solemn, and she didn't pay attention to what Jun Moxie's last words were.

Jun Moxie kept making herself happy. The old lady could naturally see that his grandson knew that his pressure and hard work during this period of time and deliberately came to make himself happy, which was also a piece of filial piety. The old lady was naturally happy to pretend to be confused. It's really comfortable to let Sun Bai shoot it, but when it comes to substantive things, the old lady can't act with him anymore.

In fact, when Jun Moxie said the layout of the three holy places, the two ancestors and grandchildren tacitly stopped this good words.

Old Lady

As he walked, planned, calculated, and when he arrived at the hall, he suddenly asked! Old


What is the result of the negotiation now?

Dongfang Wenjian was stunned and hurriedly replied, "According to your previous explanation, it is still delaying. I have instructed them not only to calculate according to their strength, but also to calculate the distance, consumption, possible accidents, special explanation, to talk little by little, to bargain bit by bit... So at present, both sides are tired of talking...

Jun Moxie laughed. Such a negotiation is simply far away, because new problems will be added at any time. And talking about assassin killing actually requires a little bit of distance and a bit of bargaining? Then it's strange that it doesn't torture people crazy! It's simply a disguised refusal, but it's more tactful, hoping that the other party will retreat in the face of difficulties!

It's really a loss for this grandma. How did she come up with such a narrow and effective strange way? Such things are rare in ancient and modern times.

Well, if you can't stand it, then we won't talk about it at all. That's

It's not that we don't take the job, but that your employers give up on their own initiative

Anyway, the initiative is in the hands of the Oriental Family... We just don't move, because the conditions are not negotiated

Ah, can your three holy places still pull down your face to attack us?

I have to say that it is really amazing to use this trick to deal with those hypocrites!

"Well, drag the rest first, and take more than a dozen copies first. We always have to go out, and we can't always put it on indefinitely. The old lady waved her hand and said, "Remember our principle of three no killing!" For the rest, you can make the decision!

"This...but... but Mo Xie just said that the three holy places have already arranged personnel around the target characters... If we rush out, will we throw ourselves into the net?" The second master of the East was stunned.

"There are still a lot of people in our family. Although there are not many high-level ones, the intermediary assassins are more sensitive. The old lady stepped on the ladder: "I had to put up with it before, but I had to do it because I didn't have enough strength. Now that I have enough strength, how can I not earn the money I get? What's more, it can further play the prestige of our oriental family, and at the same time, it can weaken the enemy! It's so cheap to get both fame and fortune, even if you take one hundred and eighty cases, it's not too much!

"Is the strength enough? Why is it strong enough-?" Second Master Dongfang is still a little confused.

"Stupid!" The old lady turned around and looked at her second son with hatred: "Mo Xie brought a full of 70 supreme masters this time. Did he take these people far away to watch the play? Can't they go out?"

Dongfang Wenjian was even more dizzy, and he reminded a little euphemistically: "Mother, I'm afraid you're wrong... Those people are not the assassins of our Oriental family. This is not good, Ba...

Don't cover your forehead with your hand, speechless for a while...

"You idiot! Why can't you turn around even so much?! The old lady suddenly became angry: "As long as you don't say anything, no one will say it. Who knows where those people are? Can you know the three holy places? Even if they doubt it, can we admit it ourselves? How can you be as stupid as your father!

Second Master Dongfang was embarrassed for a while, but Dunlin Hubai came over: "Mother is so right!

Jun Moxie couldn't help laughing and laughed with a "ha".

The old lady sighed, took Jun Mo Xie's hand, and said sadly, "Mo Xie, I made you laugh today. Look at your uncles, they are as stupid as something. Grandma's white hair is completely pissed off by the three of their brothers... They are all so old, why are they not open? What do you know? When can I be enlightened?"

Dongfang Wenjian had a black face and dared not speak, but he muttered in his heart: What made us angry? Obviously, I'm worried about my little sister's business... You open your mouth, and your sin has become mine...

Jun Moxie laughed and said, "Daughter, don't worry, in a few days, I will specially refine a furnace of elixir for you to help you return to life. That white hair doesn't matter. You can recover the dark and quiet in an hour. You are the standard black-haired childlike face.

"Let's not say whether you am amused to me. I'm old... Why do you still have black hair? There is no need to let people talk about old monsters. Grandma just said so casually, and now it's good..." The old lady sighed with emotion.

Jun Moxie smiled and didn't say anything. He simply changed the topic and said, "That's right, grandma

Grandma, what do you mean by three no kills?

"This is the family rule of our oriental family! Civilians don't kill, clean officials don't kill, and good people don't kill! "It is to ask us to do something, and we must investigate the details of the goal in advance, including the evidence of the crime! Otherwise, if we find something wrong at that time, we have the right to unilaterally terminate this operation, and may even counterattack the person in charge of the matter!" The old lady smiled.

"So that's it! These three non-kills of the Dongfang family... are also a kind of persistence. Jun Moxie sighed slightly and said, " Grandma, this operation must not miss me. I'm the genuine assassin of our Oriental family!" U