The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 98 Danguan Building!

Seeing Jun Mo's fierce and evil appearance, the man had to sigh his bad luck. As soon as he went out, he met such an ugly ghost, and he seemed to be a villain. He said with a bitter face, "Just in front of you, you will be there for a moment."

Jun Moxie gave a oh and let go of him. The man slipped into the crowd and lost his shadow in the blink of an eye.

Jun Moxie tilted his mouth and followed the crowd in a sway.

Well, what the man said is true. This Danguan Building is really on the way. Knowing that I'm going in this direction, I actually held a music feast here... If I don't go, won't I live up to the good will?

So Jun Moxie went all the way to the Danguan Building in accordance with the principle of helping others...

In the other direction, at the West Gate. There are also people running all the way to the bomb crown building.

The group of people just stepped into the west gate and saw the crowd trend. When they heard the words of the music feast and Mr. Chen, they couldn't help but be stunned.

One of the beautiful black veil masked women rode on the horse and hummed, "It seems that this Mr. Chen is quite famous. He hasn't played the piano yet, and there are so many people running to listen..."

An old man beside her said cautiously, "Well...Miss, shall we go and have a look?"

"It's okay. I didn't expect that I had just entered ** City for a while, and it gave me such a big surprise. Just let Zhan Mengdie also see how my unmarried son-in-law, the broken-hearted son-in-law on the Xuanxuan mainland, broke the heart..." The girl snorted slightly and said. The slender ** clamped the belly of the horse, and the horse moved forward slowly, but carefully avoided the crowd on the street.

The old man showed kindness in his eyes and followed him.

He watched this young lady grow up. He really poured all his feelings over the years, and looked at her like his granddaughter. The marriage was made this year, but he was the eldest son of the Chen family that he had never seen before.

That's why he went to have a look at what Mr. Chen looks like; see if the young lady can be seen? The most important thing is how is this person's conduct? If it's a bad behavior, it's better to make an early plan...

With a shout, dozens of horses accelerated at the same time and followed the girl in the direction of the bomb crown building.

The crowd in all directions was gathering towards the center of the Danguan Building. Jun Moxie came all the way, but found that the closer he was to the Danguan Building, the calmer it was, and there was no noise anywhere else.

When I got close, I saw a dense crowd. Everyone looked up, and no one made a sound.

The huge building in the middle of the crowd is a seven-story building with a plaque in front of the door: Danguan Building! The big words of gold paint are shining, left and right couplets: the world is rich and elegant, and the world is full of glory!

Just as Jun Mo Xie came to the door, suddenly there was a broken kettle on the roof, and there was a silk string. The sound was ethereal, like a deep mountain spring, sweeping the heart, and it came slowly. In an flash, thousands of enemies in front of the crown building were silent!

Jun Moxie couldn't help laughing and swaggered forward. The crowd along the way rolled into waves. Under his force, he gave way. Everyone looked at his back angrily, but he was fended by his strong Xuangong and dared to be angry and dared not say anything. Watching him crooked all the way, he walked into the Danguan Building as if he was drunk!

At the moment when Jun Moxie stepped into the Danguan Building, a pleasant sound suddenly appeared on the roof of the building. It was obvious that the man with a broken intestine had officially begun to play. The music was elegant and natural, and there was no smell of fireworks, and there was a faint sense of joy, which seemed to be a Come on, I can't be happy.

It's just a song 'knowing Yin Jin'!

For musicians in Xuanxuan mainland, it can be said that no one is ignorant, and there are many scholars. However, this song is the most in pursuit of artistic conception. It is easy to learn but difficult to refine. There are few people who are as accomplished as those who play. They have almost reached the highest level of this song, which is rare!

Jun Moxie smiled in his heart. The moment when the piano sounded, it was when he stepped into the Danguan Building with one foot. There was no error in the front and back. As if he had cooperated well, it seemed that the man with a broken intestine was showing his goodwill to himself.

At this time, in the detection of Master Jun's own powerful consciousness, he has noticed that there are more than a dozen divine consciousnesss locked on him in an instant, but the gap between the middle and low is quite large. Among them, the few people with the lowest cultivation are only Tianxuan cultivation, and the other slightly stronger people are just the level of Shenxuan , but there are also a few divine breaths that show great grandeur, which is actually the cultivation above the supreme.

There are also two most obscure breaths, with ups and downs and looming, Jun Moxie can't help but be stunned in his heart: to hide his own cultivation so much, at least it must be the cultivation of the venerable! And at least the cultivation of the second-level venerable person!

It's really hard to imagine that the Chen family, a secular so-called super family, has so many masters! This is too strange! In terms of the current strength alone, the strength is already above the peak of Fengxue Silver City!

A secular family should not be so powerful in any case, right?

So, the only explanation is that the vast majority of these people who release the divine consciousness are from the three holy places!

It seems that this time, the three holy places are determined to win against the Oriental family! But

*** but I vaguely feel a little funny. The three holy places to deal with themselves have always been ***

Soldiers have never really attached importance to themselves, so they have been led by themselves and counterattacked.

Now, I finally realized my strength, and when I decided to go all out to make myself die quickly, the "true" news that I had died came out of Zhan Mubai's mouth.

Mo Wudao's sulk in his chest could not be vented, so he came to deal with his uncle's family to vent his anger, but according to the strength of the Oriental family, he single divination and arranged the plan. To be honest, the lineup of this time is quite enough, and the strength of the master dispatched is enough to destroy the Coincidentally... I'm here again!

With the strength of the Chen family and the help from the three holy places, if you want to deal with the Oriental family, of course, it is quite enough, or even a lot of surplus, but if you fight against yourself with this lineup... there is no doubt that it is to hit the stone with eggs! Judging from the current situation, it seems that this advantage is really not enough!

After several battles between the two sides, he and Mei Xueyan came to the Oriental family all the way. They chased and intercepted all the way, and the battle was just the beginning.

After the battle of Fengxue Silver City, it was supposed to be a decisive battle, but it was buried by himself with a sword peak. After that, in the battle in the south of Tianxiang City, he alone fought against the six saints alone. The opponent's lineup was not large enough, but in the end, it also fell The bleak end of no return - r, 11th

Now, let's put yourself in this ** city and become the third decisive battlefield!

After all, after this war, there is no possibility that I can no longer hide it. It's better to take this opportunity to make a bigger noise and beat, fear, and even kill your enemy, which is always the most correct way to the enemy!

The three holy places plan to use the power of the turbid secular family Zhanjia and the Chen family to deal with the Oriental family, which belongs to the same secular family, but I can also use the Zhanjia Chen family as bait to let those guys come a few more people, so that they can solve more problems at one time...

Jun Moxie quietly entered the bomb crown building. He was keenly aware that no less than a dozen breathtaking breaths around him were paying attention to him at any time, but he looked completely unaware. He pushed the crowd away and escalator up.

All the way to the top floor of the seventh floor, the clear sound of the piano was even more happy. Jun Moxie raised his eyes and saw that near the railing, an elegant young man in white sat upright behind an antique piano rack, with a seven-string guqin in front of him. Ten fingers flexibly plucked on the strings, making The sound, like a spring water, is clear and touching.

The young man's face is like a crown jade and his eyebrows are beautiful. Sitting there, he still looks like a long figure. In his look, there is a sense of loneliness, a kind of tiredness. He is at the top of the roof, and the wind comes from all sides. A snow-white clothes are fluttering in the wind. Xiaoxiao The clothes are fluttering, and the whole person seems to ride the wind fairy. There is really an indescribable detancy.

behind him, two girls in blue stood behind silently, with a furnace of incense curling up in front of him.

Surrounded by tens of thousands of people, the square inch of the roof of the building seems to be full of a sense of tranquility.

Just when Jun Moxie had just come up, the young man scratched his fingers, and the guqin made a coherent sound, which stopped abruptly. Then he raised his head and looked at Jun Moxie with a smile with a pair of black and white eyes.

Just look up so gently, such a simple action is already full of elegance,


Jun Moxie keenly found that in the eyes of the broken-hearted man in front of him, although he was smiling, his bones seemed to be indifferent and ruthless, and there was a kind of sadness full of inexplicable sorrow. In the depths of his eyes, it was faintly accompanied by a faint helplessness...

When he first saw him, Jun Moxie inexplicably remembered another umbrella man: Li You


Li Youran and the young man in front of him, both Shen Yun and temperament, are very similar! It is a kind of detached confidence accumulated over the years of the family, a kind of aristocratic demeanor revealed from the bones!

But a word came out of his heart: Tired!

With good demeanor, temperament, everything is available, but... only without self


Are you tired of living like this every day?

Are you living yourself, or living demeanor, temperament, and living gentleman?

So Jun Moxie felt tired and felt it from the bottom of his heart, so Master Jun casually walked in and sat on a chair casually. His left leg was on his right leg, and his legs were raised. Sitting leisurely, he tilted his neck and stared at his eyes, and hummed, "The distinguished guest has come from afar. How can he not even have a cup of tea...? Is this the hospitality of that family?

The young man's elegant face suddenly smiled and smiled very gently. His smile, like the most beautiful flower girl, faintly had a shy taste, but he listened to his harmony and laughed, "Vulners come from afar, thousands of joys, tea, naturally there is! There is not only tea, but also a heart.

With that, the young man clapped his hands gently and shouted softly, "Tea! Serve good tea!" U