The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 104 Bloody Wind

However, the news that made even worse came one after another!

There is constantly news coming from other directions, and it is full of bad news. The whole continent seems to be in chaos

Since the Sikong family and the Duanmu family were suppressed last time, the business lifeline of the family for survival is facing a bad situation of disintegration. Some of them are monopolized by the unworthy children who betrayed the family, and the other part is controlled by previous competitors or occupied by forces of unknown origin. In short, in the hands of these Even a store, a business is gone, and it is in a difficult situation in an all-round way, and the mountains are exhausted!

Or because the mountains and rivers are exhausted, once the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, it will be more shocking. In just a few days, the whole form will be reversed in an instant!

All the original businesses belonging to the two major families, which are now forcibly occupied, have suffered a devastating blow from mysterious forces! Anyone who dares to occupy the family business in the past two days will roll their heads to the ground, no one will be spared, and there will never be any appeasement!

On the day of the incident, the leaders of the Sikong and Duanmu families were all human evidence and material evidence that they absolutely did not participate in this shocking accident, and the remaining characters did not have the ability even if they wanted to do it. Although it has been the most suspected in the past two days, it has become an unsolved case, and even a discerning person can judge at a glance that with the remaining slight strength of the two families, even if they have this intention, they will never have this strength. The real power is more intriguing.

Among those destroyed forces, especially the children of the betrayed families among the two families, are the most miserable. All the bodies have been hung up and exposed to the public. Although there is no reason, such a bloody scene is silently showing something to the world

There are also partners who were the first to respond to the call to never do business with these two families, and they were all destroyed! In just a dozen days, there are all parts of the mainland, and such headless cases are endless and endless! Every place and every place is overflowing with bloody wind, and every piece is full of blood debt, and I can't bear to block it!

This time, the time is fierce and decisive, unprecedented!

Those people who did it were just killing people, never explaining the reason, let alone the purpose! Massive wealth, mountains of gold, silver and treasures are all abandoned like debris, which seems to only show the idea that if I like to kill people, I will kill people! I will do whatever I want! If there is no reason, don't ask me for the reason. As for the purpose of the reason, give full play to your imagination to the maximum extent, think for yourself, and think as much as you like

But these people who died have a common feature, that is, they have all been against, framed, or participated in some conspiracies against the two families of Sikong and Duanmu! Although the murderer didn't say anything, these dead people automatically explained everything!

So, when the Sikong family and the Duanmu family were still in the dark, they inexplicably found that the world seemed to have changed again

Just a few months ago, the big family became an unattended settlement overnight. It was difficult to live a life without any reason or any reason. Anyway, all customers and partners resolutely cut off contact with themselves, and even further suppressed themselves.

Now only a few months later, things are reversed again! This time, there is no reason or reason, the same inexplicable, even more inconceivable than the last time: all the partners or people who don't know at all came overnight!

First, I apologized for a huge gift, and then made a request for cooperation between the two sides, and they were humble and respectful one by one. Even when they cooperated with each other, they were much more respectful. Those cooperation conditions, where they were still doing business, were simply a lot of money!

Everyone has a clear view: no matter how easy it is to mess with the three holy places, they will not easily kill people and raid their homes, but the guys who are doing it now are falling to the ground if they don't agree! What's more important?

Everyone is watching the faces of the two families talking one by one. Some rich businessmen are now like promiscuous turtle grandchildren, nodding and bowing. Even when they see the gatekeepers of these two families, they have to call "Master"!

I'm afraid that a little disrespect will offend them. Once you offend them, it seems that it will immediately fly to the top of the disaster.

This strange scene made the two families who had been wronged a lot some time ago and even pretended to be their grandchildren. The feeling was simply extremely comfortable!

If you have never really lost, you will never know how to cherish it. If you haven't tasted the taste of poverty, you will never know the difficulty of wealth! I have never been coldly looked at, and I never know how rare it is to be respected!

And all this, if you have it, you will lose it, and then you will have it again. That taste is even more thought-provoking than living a new life! It also requires a huge abnormality in people's mentality!

Today's two families are like this!

If these two families turned out to be just ordinary second-rate, but after this time, they are really like the rebirth of Phoenix Pannie, completely blooming a brand-new posture and advancing to the super!

And because of the previous time, the second ancestors and despicable worms in the family were removed one by one, but they were much purer! Cohesiveness is also more powerful! It seems that in just a few months of adversity, there is an infinite background!

And this background, to put it bluntly, is: poverty after wealth!

And the greatest wealth in life is also officially lowly and poor! Only these two things are the greatest motivation for people to develop themselves! In other words, poverty is the greatest wealth!

The poverty that a person, or a family, thinks is not terrible! Even generations of poverty are not terrible, because they are used to poverty and downfall. But once you have wealth and power, you suddenly fall into poverty and depression at the peak of your glory, that is the most deadly and miserable thing!

In the past two days, it was after experiencing such adversity, but he stood up strongly. From the new wealth and the new power, it is really better to cherish than anyone else. Therefore, since then, the Sikong family and the Duanmu family have become the most rigorous family style in the whole continent, and the development is also the fastest. The two major families, the super family standing at the peak of Xuanxuan Continent!

A few years later, the Duanmu family, the Sikong family and the Oriental family completely rose up, divided into three parties, and each became a giant!

North End Wood, South Sikong, Oriental Sharing does not fall into fame!

It can be said that this incident has only been around for a year, but the contrast changes over and over again have completely achieved the three Big Mac families! Of course, that's a later story.

In this time, there are those who have been achieved, and correspondingly, there are also unlucky people, that is, those who immediately took over the business of the Jun family after the Jun family withdrew. The Jun family was forced by the situation to retreat temporarily, but the foundation did not mean to give up. The business belonging to the Jun family will always be the Jun family. After the Jun family withdraws, those who control the business are still the iron poles of the Jun family.

But some people have recognized that there is no possibility that the Jun family will no longer make a comeback. They will almost seize it overnight and swallow all the business that belongs to the Jun family! In this turmoil, these people have also suffered a ruthless cleaning, and the cleaning is the most thorough!

For example, the people of the Tianxiang Huang family, that is, the third-rate family belonging to the Huang Sun, which belongs to the dreamy blood sea, was the enemy of the Jun family and the lonely family. At the beginning of the Jun family's escape from the world, they occupied the Jun family's business. In this time, they have made Wash it most thoroughly. The family was directly raided and exterminated, and even the family's location was burned to the ground.

And those who took over the Chengbao Hall of Fengxue Silver City were also killed one after another!

A short month! It only takes a month!

The whole Xuanxuan Continent has fallen into an unprecedented bloody storm, and everyone is in danger!

At this time when the Yutang Empire retreated from the Jun family and the change of Tianxiang imperial power, it saw an opportunity to take advantage of it, so it launched a war. The two countries were at war, but after hearing about this time, the Yutang Empire immediately withdrew its troops! He directly gave up all the previously occupied cities, and suddenly returned to the Yutang territory with an urgent march.

I don't even want my own camp.

It is preliminarily estimated that in this month, it does not include the killings of the assassins of the Oriental family, nor other feud killings, let alone the war between the two countries; but there are no less than 20,000 people who died purely in such inexplicable time!

20,000 people! This number doesn't seem to be much, but these victims are all exquisite heroes!

Among these people, the lowest Xuanqi cultivation has also reached the peak of Yinxuan!

The whole world, from south to north, from east to west, came a bloody baptism directly!

And these murderers. No one is idle, and it is also in groups, like locusts crossing the border. Anyone who is linked to the above matter will be killed without discussion!

Another common feature is: come and go like the wind, be ruthless, hit with one blow, and go away immediately! When you investigate the east, several cases occurred in the west, south and north at the same time.

In the face of such a bloody change, the three holy places immediately responded at the same time. I don't know how much the affiliated families have used, but once a certain affiliated family is used, it will quite expose the relationship between the family and the three holy places, so no one is wronged...

This is equivalent to a slap in the face of the three holy places!

And it's not only a slap, but also a slap after another, and the connection is constantly beating! Several affiliated families were destroyed, just a few slaps!

What's really aggrieved is that so many people have died, and there are many mysterious murderers, but no matter how you investigate, you can't find one, let alone catch one!

This incident made the people of the three holy places furious!

And at this time, ** City's request for help coincidentally arrived. U