The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 107  It's good to have you

#160; Jun Moxie wanted to smile, but he found that the muscles on his face were stiff; he wanted to meet him, but he found that his footsteps could not move. The huge surprise made him completely unable to control himself. The joy and happiness he lost were full of heart in an instant...

#160; Although I knew that this day would come, although just now, I knew that I would see the long-lost beauty when I came in again, although I felt that I was ready to welcome the return of Mei Xueyan...

#160;But! At the end of the event, Jun Moxie still can't bear it!

#160; It turns out that too much happiness is also under great pressure!

#160; "Snow...smoke..." Jun Moxie felt his voice trembling inexplicably. Even the sound of these two words is a little difficult. The throat is dry, and there is a happy sour feeling in the nose...

#160; In the strong aura, the white figure trembled violently, the eyelashes blinked gently, and two tears suddenly slipped gently...

#160; Reiki fog surged, scattered and converged. Mei Xueyan moved gently and took two steps. Looking at Jun Moxie, her delicate body suddenly trembled more and more, with a sad smile on her face. Suddenly, she squatted on the ground and suddenly covered her face with her hands...

#160; Tears are surging out of her white and clean fingers...

#160; Jun Moxie let out a hoarse roar in his throat. The next moment, she had tightly dragged the beautiful woman in front of her in her arms... And Mei Xueyan also threw away all the previous reserve at this moment, silently shed tears of joy and hugged him tightly...

#160; During this period, the two still met every day, but after Mei Xueyan's repair, when they turned into a human form again, they both had a feeling of separation...

#160; It seems that it has been too long since we last met...

#160; The long-lost two hugged each other tightly. They felt each other's most real existence, but they didn't say a word. After a long time, Mei Xueyan gently broke away from Jun Moxie's arms. Her face was full of shame and delicate redness. She gently swept the hair corners of the clouds and whispered, " ?"


#160; "It has changed... It has become more beautiful. In the past, if it was as beautiful as a fairy, now it is directly a fairy, more than in the past.

#160; "Jun Moxie looked at the beautiful face like a flower in front of him greedily and sincerely praised it."


#160; "It's still so oily... During this period... I..." Mei Xueyan, which was lightly quenched, became seriously wet again. She wanted to say something, but she forcibly resisted it and said softly, "Thanks to you!"

#160; Although she didn't understand what she didn't say, both of them knew that during this period, it was the lowest moment in Mei Xueyan's life, and it was also the most inferior time!

#160; I believe that during this period, as long as Jun Moxie reveals any abnormality, there is no need to be disgusted or abandoned. As long as there is a little more care and care, it is enough to make Mei Xueyan, who has reached the extreme, doomed!


#160; However, fortunately, Mei Xueyan was not disappointed!

#160; Everything is the same as in the past! #160;

#160; However, only this plain and warm feeling is the true love! Too much expression of true promises shows that there is uncertainty in the heart... Mei Xueyan understands this truth, and Jun Moxie also understands that everything is in silence, words are useless, and actions have proved everything!

#160; Mei Xueyan devoted herself to practice and strived to recover as soon as possible, but isn't Master Jun fighting with his own state of mind? Keeping the original intention of the past is the most rare original intention!

#160; Mei Xueyan has succeeded in re-cultivation, but after this period of time, Jun Moxie's mood has also reached a higher level! The benefits of this can't be said to be small.

#160; "Fool." How could Jun Moxie not understand Mei Xueyan's meaning? He sucked his nose slightly and smiled and said, "You and I are one. Don't you know that if I collapse first and lose my original intention, you will naturally collapse. But...#160;... What would I do if you broke down first?"

#160; He gently stretched out his hands, took Mei Xueyan into his arms again, and sighed with sincere happiness: "We... are one..." #160;

#160; Mei Xueyan had no intention of struggling. She gently turned her head and snuggled up to the broad and thick chest of her heart. She looked happy and said nothing. At this moment, there was no need to say anything! Meaning; no matter what you say, it's superfluous!

#160; It's no longer necessary!

#160; The original intention is still the same, and the right love lasts for a long time! The purple aura permeated in the Hongjun Tower rolled in an instant, and the light on the strange tree fell on the two people. The two maintained such a posture and hugged each other for a long time.

#160; After a long time, Jun Moxie took the lead in laughing and breaking this rare tranquility. The young master happily breathed the virgin body fragrance on Mei Xueyan's body and said with some satisfaction, "Madam, let's have sex first." You don't know. I'm really suffocated and I'm going to explode. If you still don't believe it, you touch..." #160;

#160; The pervert is always a pervert. As soon as he opens his mouth, he reveals the pervert's true nature... But this pervert can really break any deadlock as soon as he opens his mouth...

#160; Mei Xueyan spat softly and pushed him away. He was angry and funny. He was still moved by the wireless, but this guy came to the extreme, and he still "touched". Can he touch it casually? It's really shameless and annoying!

#160; "Then go to your sister Guan! What are you looking for me for!" Mei Xueyan snorted with a red face and tried her best to break free from his arms. With a playful smile, she suddenly flew up and floated out from afar. Only this floating body has revealed a very smart light skill, which is not inferior to the past.


#160; Mei Xueyan has just incarnated into a human form, and she has a superb light skill that is not inferior to the past. If the strength is really restored to the old view, the speed of the body will reach the realm of the Tao!

#160; "I'm very tired without you these days." Jun Moxie sighed softly, but had no intention of chasing. He just stood still in place. Looking at Mei Xueyan's figure, he sighed, "Now that you're back, it's good to have you!"

#160; Mei Xueyan stopped and sighed in a low voice: "I know."

#160; Mei Xueyan's eyes stared at Qianxun, who was lying quietly on the face of the ground, with a dark look in her eyes. She whispered, "As soon as I saw Qianxun lying here that day, I knew... So I didn't ask... I didn't want to ask, "

#160; She looked at Jun Moxie affectionately and said with confidence, "But I believe... everything will be fine. Qianxun will also wake up! I'm not the best example!"

#160; Jun Moxie nodded heavily: "Yes! She will definitely wake up!"

#160; Mei Xueyan basically knows everything about what Jun Moxie did during this period of time, and there is no need for Master Jun to explain it any more; the two stood quietly like this for a while, and they only felt that their hearts were extremely complicated. Today's reunion, the Yi humanization was successful, and the hearts of both of them seemed to No celebration can vent the excitement and happiness in my heart...

#160;However, the injury of the Snake King and the situation during this period have always left a faint sadness for the joy of this reunion...

#160; All kinds of feelings converge in the heart, and both of them feel that there are thousands of words in their hearts, but they can't say it...

#160; "Snow smoke, what level are you in now? Tell me about it!" Jun Moxie broke the deadlock.

#160; I used to take the elixir for the peak of level eight. After taking three kinds of elixirs, such as Tongyuan Juyuan Tianyuan, he made his own strength and physical accumulation reach a considerable level, directly impact and improvement, and successfully reached the nine-level peak level, that is, directly jumped to the supreme realm, and then Xuanjidan, Tianjidan, which made me go further... Now, although it has not been The old view is slightly less than the strength before the heavenly punishment, and it should be about the middle level of the venerable level.

#160; Mei Xueyan feels a little dissatisfied. Although her current progress is quite fast, and she can't even imagine it before, Jun Moxie is now going to fight against the main force of the three holy places at any time. His current combat strength is still far from enough.

#160; But Jun Moxie opened his mouth in surprise, looked at the beauty in front of him, and almost dropped his chin to the ground.

#160; She remembered very clearly that when she broke through the second floor of the construction work that day, it seemed that she had just reached the realm of Yuxuan. Suddenly, the third floor was just Tianxuan... It was more than a dozen levels away from Mei Xueyan today!

#160; How could this happen?

#160; Compared with anyone... No matter how big the gap is, it can't be so far apart, can it?

#160; After I broke through the second level of Zoological Gong, I should have reached the peak of Dixuan, close to the level of Tianxuan. When Mei Xueyan saw his doubts, she gave him a charming glance and smiled gracefully: "You know, after that breakthrough, I have taken five elixirs in a row, which is equivalent to a natural increase of almost 200 years of pure power!" You ignored these, didn't you?"

#160; "But... that's still faster than me! It's still too much!: Master Jun is still a little unbalanced. He feels that he bowed his head in front of Yiren... This feeling of frustration makes him very depressed. He really wants to grab the beautiful woman's buttocks in front of him and slap her to get the interest...

#160; "Well, don't be insatiable, your magical skills... I can't." Mei Xueyan stared at him.

#160; When Mei Xueyan said this, Jun Moxie also instantly knew the problem of the difference in strength and progress between the two sides. On the one hand, Mei Xueyan has a strong foundation and sufficient experience. On the other hand, when Master Jun practiced, he absorbed the aura of heaven and earth from the outside world and had to support the Hongjun Refining is overwhelming with aura, but there are only a few reasons why you can really use it yourself. U