The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 109 Listen to the thunder in silence!

Today's first update! Second, work harder...

It was just a short moment before and after, and this strange feeling suddenly disappeared...

Jun Moxie lowered his head quietly, but quickly recalled the whole process in his mind.

Pedestrians, under his super memory, replayed them one by one in his mind, compared with the pedestrians on the road now, one by one!

It's not a long time, and the farthest one has passed is just a hundred feet away! Moreover, although there were a large number of people just now, there were less than a thousand people in total! With such a population density, it can be regarded as huge!

But under the divine detection of Jun Moxie, these people are clearly emerging. After a light-like exploration, Jun Moxie targeted seven people! Only these seven people!

These seven people have just entered the range of divine consciousness detection!

After a rule-up, Jun Moxie finally turned around gently and slowly walked back again. In front of him, a young man in black was walking forward slowly. His right foot seemed to be slightly lame, his face was expressionless, his eyes were cloudy, his eyelids were swollen, his eyes drooped, and he looked at his feet. His feet were floating, as if he looked weak...

But Jun Moxie has an instinctive feeling that this person must have a problem!

Because, Jun Mo faintly felt a trace of evil!

This kind of evil feeling is very strange, but there is a trace of inexplicable familiarity.

Moreover, there is another kind of strange emotion that makes Jun Moxie a little afraid...

If this person is a master, then this person has reached the introverted divine consciousness and returned to the deep realm of the truth!

This kind of realm, even in the Holy Emperor, Jun Moxie has never felt it!

Jun Moxie's consciousness told himself that this man went all the way, and the direction he went was the weakest place of the divine network composed of the masters of the three holy places! As his footsteps deviated little by little, this feeling became more and more obvious.

The thoughts of the masters of the three holy places shrouded everyone in the city, but they did not glance at this person. Because every divine detection, this person avoids the past in advance...

Obviously, this person has also released his own divine consciousness for detection, and determines the direction and direction of walking according to his final conclusion. The most bizarre thing is that there are several holy emperors sitting here in the three holy places, but they did not notice him!

This kind of ability can't even be done by Jun Moxie now!

Even, if it hadn't been for the flash of inspiration just now, I'm afraid that even Jun Moxie would not have noticed the fluctuation of this person's mind!

This person seems to be lazy and not surprising in action, but Jun Moxie found that every sweat pore all over his body is in the most relaxed state! His current walking posture is the most effortless and easy way. Whether it's a move, it seems simple and ordinary, but in Jun Moxie's eyes, it actually implicitly combines some kind of mysterious truth...

Looking at the back of the man in black, Jun Moxie's mouth grinned, and suddenly there was a mysterious smile... Could it be... He?

Just when Master Jun had an idea and vaguely understood the identity of the mysterious man, the man in black suddenly stopped his body and slowly turned around. In the face of Jun Moxie, there seemed to be a strange smile in his eyes, and slowly said, "You boy. After following me all the way, didn't you want to buy me a drink?

Jun Moxie was slightly stunned, moved his mind, and said, "Why not? It's fate to meet. I'll treat you to a cup of something worth... It's my treat, but I don't have any silver. You help me first, and I'll give it to you later.

I want to take advantage of your brother, and I think you wrong, but if I treat you to pay, you can still make do with it!

"Sure enough, it's really a coincidence." The man in black shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't bring any money either." Then he looked at Jun Moxie strangely: "I just don't know if I can drink wine without money?"

Jun Moxie shrugged his shoulders as he learned: "Why don't we... let's try it? Maybe I can drink it!"

"Interesting, interesting..." The man in black smiled, looked at Jun Moxie calmly, and said, "Try it... just try it."

"Since everyone doesn't bring money, and you asked me to buy you a drink, I'll be the host of this meal. Please!" Jun Moxie said generously and stretched out his hand to make way.

"It turns out that you can be a host without money... The world has really changed." The man in black shook his head and said with some emotion.

The two of them walked all the way, Shi Shiran went to the front, and in front of them was the Danguan Building.

Young Master Jun revisited his hometown.

Although the two are basically equal to being side by side, going hand in hand, and seem to be calm and harmonious on the surface, every action of the two is doing a strange retreat.

When Jun Moxie took a step forward, the man in black immediately raised his feet and moved in the same direction just after Jun Moxie raised his feet. The man in black is on the right hand side of Jun Moxie, but every step he takes, Jun Moxie's right shoulder will intentionally or unintentionally retreat a little.

Step forward, but the shoulders are twisted back. This posture is undoubtedly very strange! It seemed that some invisible silk thread was pulling him hard behind him, but he had to move forward.

And the man in black's movements are just the opposite. Every time Jun Moxie takes a step, it is before he raises his feet; but the man in black's shoulders have a faint trend forward. Fortunately, he didn't go fast, otherwise, it is directly like rushing forward with his head. Extra awkwardness.

The postures of both of them are very special. It is certain that if two people maintain such a posture and run with all their strength, Jun Moxie will definitely twist himself into a twist by himself. Of course, when Master Jun can't support falling to the ground, the man in black will also fall to the ground, which is hot with the earth. Kiss once!

But both of them maintain such a strange posture, and their faces can still keep talking and laughing, which seems to be very comfortable.

At the moment when each two people's eyes are inclined, the other party will basically move that part forward or retreat half a step before the eyes scan his body. The plan is not to let the corner of the other party's eyes aim at the position that should have been aimed at!

All the way to the front of the bomb crown building, the two people seemed to be leisurely, and crystal sweat appeared on their foreheads!

This total is only a distance of more than ten feet. The two people fight secretly, but it is no less than hundreds of intersections! Almost every lift, every swing, every step, every foot is accompanied by a confrontation! The huge consumption of mental strength can be imagined, which is almost as good as a fierce battle!

Although Jun Moxie has always maintained the leading advantage, his physical center of gravity has never dared to implement it, which may not be regarded as the upper hand, let alone the advantage.

For Jun Moxie, this inexplicable and strange war situation is a terrible change that he has never encountered in his previous life and present life! The young master never thought that there were people in this world who reacted as fast as those who had practiced Kaitian Creation Gong, and they were not at all at all! Even if he raises his eyebrows and moves his eyes, the man in black will immediately take the most satisfactory corresponding countermeasures, and the position he immediately hides is the key part that Jun Moxie can achieve the greatest effect of planning the attack!

Young Master Jun, who knew the identity of that person, couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart that "it is true that there is no illusory person under the fame". Because he knows how much advantage he has taken! - This man in black, who is now on an equal scale with him, is a heavy burden and his strength is almost empty! And the trauma is still a fatal blow to an ordinary person who can die a hundred times!

But under such circumstances, you can still restrain Jun Moxie!

I'm so lucky today!

Although the walking posture of the man in black seems to be passive, in fact, he maintains an absolute initiative. The only slight flaws in the whole process was that he was robbed by Master Jun at the beginning, but it was precisely because of a backhand, he never pulled back.

Although it does not fall behind, it has always been in a seemingly passive defensive state in the situation! Although the two are still equally divided until now, it is a great shame for the man in black who has always been arrogant and above the top!

I was actually ridden on the head by a post-born boy and forcibly led me all the way! Whenever I want to take a step forward, I will always be harassed by the other party. And if you forcibly break through the lead, you will inevitably pay a high price!

Damn it, it hasn't come out for hundreds of years. Is the world's mysterious entry so amazing? Can a young man be so perverted?

Pooh, it's said that he is a hairy young man. The person in front of him is a stinky little hairy child at all, but this little hairy child, whether it is a soul, a divine mind or a reaction, has reached this wonderful realm where the whole body is cast into one at will and moves on all sides!

The blood prison in the sky is not eye-catching,

The sea of Jiuyou hate turns around!

This body turns into heaven and earth,

This heart is exquisite and you can travel!

This is the level that I have only reached after hundreds of years of practice.

If there are more such perverts in the world, you can't fool around. Isn't it too crazy?!

The two of them walked all the way, although it was just a silent confrontation and did not use any great power of Xuangong, but the danger in it was thrilling! If it is a real fight and the skills of the two people are comparable, then no matter which one, I'm afraid they have died hundreds of times!

There is an old saying: Listen to thunder in silence! The secret struggle along the way is exactly the right way to interpret the true meaning of this sentence! And it's better than that! I believe that even if there is a sudden suffocating thunder in the most quiet place, there is no more shocking battle!

Although the battle was fierce, the journey finally came to an end. The moment the two entered the bomb crown building, the confrontation was over. Both of them had their own scruples and did not do much entanglement. They found an empty table on the first floor and sat down face to face. The face of the man in black was still expressionless before, but One piece, although the previous competition lasted for a while, it consumed a lot of mental strength;

Young Master Jun was even more unbearable. He put his hands on his waist and rubbed it twice indecently. He had been twisting his waist all the way, and Master Jun felt that he was almost straining his lumbar muscles... If the road was a little longer, it would be no surprise to have the sequela of a protruding V